Bill Garber
"Chuck Harris" <cfharris@erols.com> wrote in message
to breath, otherwise the air couldn't get to the blister to help
dry it.
Bill @ GarberStreet Enterprizez };-)
Web Site - http://garberstreet.netfirms.com
Email - willy4SPAM6pa@comXcast.net
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Yeah, thanks. I hadn't thought about that. Of course, it hasBill Garber wrote:
How would "NU-Skin" work for covering a wart to
hold in the skin's moisture? I know it works wonders
for blisters, and also keeps you from picking off the
loose skin after you bleed out the fluids from the blister.
I don't think it would work at all. The NU-skin stuff seems
to breath. If it didn't, the moisture would get under the
stuff and make it release.
Use the duct tape, or 3M adhesive tape. It has been tested,
it works, and is "doctor approved".
to breath, otherwise the air couldn't get to the blister to help
dry it.
Bill @ GarberStreet Enterprizez };-)
Web Site - http://garberstreet.netfirms.com
Email - willy4SPAM6pa@comXcast.net
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