N. Thornton
"Mark Jones" <> wrote in message news:<M4ydnY9HOc-8pjSiRVn-ig@buckeye-express.com>...
How on earth does that work then? Anyone know the mecanism?
Regards, NT
In news:bob2ra$q7j$1@bob.news.rcn.net (Chuck Harris):
Duct tape has been proven to be more effective than either cryo removal,
or any of the wart remover medicines.
Just clean the wart with soap and water, and cover it completely with
duct tape. Leave it on, replace when it gets yucky. In a week, or so,
the wart will be all gone.
Did that, had a stubborn wart that would not respond to salacylic acid. It
gets painful to keep covered constantly, I recommend 6 out of 7 days. Also
don't be surprised if it takes longer than a week. Mine took about a month.
But at least it's gone!
How on earth does that work then? Anyone know the mecanism?
Regards, NT