On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 15:40:35 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> Gave
Don't shit yerself. Governments are notorious for squirming out of
being made to pay restitution for acts which were the cause of regular
folks' pain and suffering.
Jim Thompson wrote:
I have a "T" intersection near my house.
The "cross" of the "T" has right-of-way with a speed limit of 55, but
usual speeds are 70:
E<--------------->W (Pecos Road)
|<>-(stop sign)
| (Desert Foothills)
View to the west is blind due to a slightly rising hill.
Traffic density on Pecos has recently increased dramatically due to a
new freeway section opening several miles to the east.
I have been harping at the city to do something about this unsafe
intersection but was told basically "tough, you're not getting a
traffic light anytime soon and they don't put stop signs on feeders",
but he'd grace my complaint by repainting the white front-edge stripe
(done last Tuesday or Wednesday) and would trim the trees to the west.
Friday night a woman died in an accident there when she was T-boned
trying to get onto Pecos eastbound from Desert Foothills.
My question: What does it cost (purchase and install) for a traffic
I'm going to suggest that the family sue the city for 100X the cost of
a traffic light.
...Jim Thompson
The usual approach is to do a "REDUCED SPEED LIMIT" to say 35-45MPH on
Pecos in the vicinity of that intersection with possible flashing
CAUTION sign on both sides. If you have a record of making the city
aware of the problem then I would say they're doubly in for it.
Don't shit yerself. Governments are notorious for squirming out of
being made to pay restitution for acts which were the cause of regular
folks' pain and suffering.