On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 11:28:03 -0700,
Darn, I thought I had made an original observation.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard
On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 18:05:51 -0000 (UTC), Cursitor Doom> wrote:
On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:01:30 -0700, jlarkin wrote:
What is the exit strategy for the economic lockdown?
Varies from country to country. The important thing is to NOT do anything
the WHO is demanding. Whatever they may or may not know about health,
their standpoint is indefensible economically.
A common, and probably silly, prediction is that there will be
oscillatory cycles of lockdown relief and re-infection, multiple peaks.
But however we relax lockdown, it will free some people to go out and
get infected.
It will keep frontline healthcare workers almost constantly at the point
of exhaustion (and beyond) for an indefinite period.
My big question: did/does lockdown net save lives? Or just prolong the
chaos? Or even cost lives?
They should have let the damn thing rip IMO. Yes, many of us would die
(and I'm at in an elevated risk group myself) but the dragged-out way
this is being handled is going to have damaging and even ruinous economic
consequences for a huge proportion of people all around the world.
Yes, especially the poorest places where people were already
struggling to keep themselves and their kids alive.
Assuming that this is not just another seasonal cold, voluntary
distancing and sanitation would be effective; enough people are
terrified for that to mostly work. Shutting down the world economy for
some indefinite time is doing a great deal of harm that will outlast
this epidemic. This is not about "profit", it's about survival.
Again, I have seen no coherent plan for an exit strategy. Some places
will extend the lockdown, some will go back to work soon, some have
never locked down. Maybe some will lock down until there is a vaccine,
in a year or two or never. We'll have data one day.
Prediction: this will increase migration from the big urban centers,
especially US northeast, to lower density states. This will increase
economic inequality.
Darn, I thought I had made an original observation.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard