The real Edmond H. Wollm
"Josepi" <JRM@inv.alid.com> wrote in message news:XirWm.107088$gg6.86188@newsfe25.iad...
Where is John Fools and John Lackin? You fools like to complain about my English...heehee....Now look at the guy above^ He said: "heat disapation".
...I've Never heard of it! I heard "Heat Dissipation!" You dipshit were born here, how can you let an alien beat you huh?
The heat disapation is not a big feature of the varnish but nevertheless, is
Where is John Fools and John Lackin? You fools like to complain about my English...heehee....Now look at the guy above^ He said: "heat disapation".
...I've Never heard of it! I heard "Heat Dissipation!" You dipshit were born here, how can you let an alien beat you huh?