Chip with simple program for Toy

Thank you for the calculations, Charles. It's something I've been
meaning to do. Now that work is done... Actually our shed roof is
much smaller than 500 sq ft. It's more like 100 sq ft. However,
there's a little bowl on top of the mountain maybe 1000 sq ft in area,
which fills a very small pond where a couple water buffalo drink and
bathe in late summer. Theoretically we could use the runoff from this,
and increase the head up to 50 feet or so by running a tubing downhill
about 150 feet, and then get some substantial power. By the way, even
7 watts as you found in your calculations, is enough to power one of
the radios.

Charles Jean <> wrote in message news:<>...
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 04:40:03 GMT, "Rich Grise" <

"Captain" <> wrote in message
Presumably, the mountanis in Nepal are as windy as mountains everywhere.
Have you considered a wind powered generator. Since you won't be worried
about the muscle power requirements, and should have a lot of energy to
with, you can use a 12V car alternator without modification. Bicycle
particularly chains and cogs, can be used to increase the rotational speed
of the alternator.

From his description of the climate it sounds more tropical than
I'd think if they're in mountains, and don't already have hydro, then
probably not smart enough to run a viable colony anyway. ;-)

And I haven't heard much one way or the other on water wheels on the rain
gutters during monsoon.


Rough calculation for:
1 inch/hr rain
500 sq.ft. hut roof area
8' distance between roof gutter and downspout exit(entrance to paddle
wheel generator)

(1 inch/hr) X (500 ft^2) X (ft/12 in) X (hr/3600 sec) X (62.4 lb/ft^3)
X (8 ft) = 5.77 ft-lb/sec
5.77/550 = 0.01 HP
.01 X 746 = 7.46 Watts

Assuming water to wire process is 100% efficient.

7.46 Watts/12 V = 0.6 A
(600/1600) X 100 = 37.5 % charge on a 1600 maH NMH battery

~3 hrs worth of in/hr rain would top up one NiMH battery

Looks kind of grim to me. Needs lots of rain, Lots of roofs, lots of
Higher roofs of larger area not a bad idea, either.
If God hadn't intended us to eat animals,
He wouldn't have made them out of MEAT!
- John Cleese
Thank you for the calculations, Charles. It's something I've been
meaning to do. Now that work is done... Actually our shed roof is
much smaller than 500 sq ft. It's more like 100 sq ft. However,
there's a little bowl on top of the mountain maybe 1000 sq ft in area,
which fills a very small pond where a couple water buffalo drink and
bathe in late summer. Theoretically we could use the runoff from this,
and increase the head up to 50 feet or so by running a tubing downhill
about 150 feet, and then get some substantial power. By the way, even
7 watts as you found in your calculations, is enough to power one of
the radios.

Charles Jean <> wrote in message news:<>...
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 04:40:03 GMT, "Rich Grise" <

"Captain" <> wrote in message
Presumably, the mountanis in Nepal are as windy as mountains everywhere.
Have you considered a wind powered generator. Since you won't be worried
about the muscle power requirements, and should have a lot of energy to
with, you can use a 12V car alternator without modification. Bicycle
particularly chains and cogs, can be used to increase the rotational speed
of the alternator.

From his description of the climate it sounds more tropical than
I'd think if they're in mountains, and don't already have hydro, then
probably not smart enough to run a viable colony anyway. ;-)

And I haven't heard much one way or the other on water wheels on the rain
gutters during monsoon.


Rough calculation for:
1 inch/hr rain
500 sq.ft. hut roof area
8' distance between roof gutter and downspout exit(entrance to paddle
wheel generator)

(1 inch/hr) X (500 ft^2) X (ft/12 in) X (hr/3600 sec) X (62.4 lb/ft^3)
X (8 ft) = 5.77 ft-lb/sec
5.77/550 = 0.01 HP
.01 X 746 = 7.46 Watts

Assuming water to wire process is 100% efficient.

7.46 Watts/12 V = 0.6 A
(600/1600) X 100 = 37.5 % charge on a 1600 maH NMH battery

~3 hrs worth of in/hr rain would top up one NiMH battery

Looks kind of grim to me. Needs lots of rain, Lots of roofs, lots of
Higher roofs of larger area not a bad idea, either.
If God hadn't intended us to eat animals,
He wouldn't have made them out of MEAT!
- John Cleese
So why are you giving this horrifying example of "ethnic cleansing" as an
example of how your "system' would work?

And why are you giving it as an example or, in your own words "Just like
that, only different", (Still self contradictory) if it's totally irrelevant
to the discussion.

Of course anything that you can't explain or defend becomes irrelevant,
doesn't it.

From the perspective of the ordinary citizen, your system had better be very
different from the Kmer Rouge, or is it your intention to create some
killing fields in the USA as well.

A different question is just how many followers you have for your
"teachings". I mean here full time dedicated believers in your new improved
communism. I don't expect you to provide names and addresses, but a quick
enumeration would be revealing. And please, no predictable wafling about
the masses or the workers. Just a hard and fast, provable number. I
strongly suspect the number is one.

I still don't understand why you cannot accept the fact that no-body agrees
with you. Why can you not accept that the opinions of others may be as
relevant as your own? Or are you incapable of understanding that others may
be capable of determining their own futures, and those futures do not
include your reworked communism.

Still, it would probably make more sense to ask a fish why it can't breath


Richard Henry wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Captain wrote:

destroyed by Pol and his minions.
You don't understand what REALLY happened in the case of Pol Pot,
and that it's totally irrelevant to this discussion.

OK. I'm curious. What REALLY happened?
It was a tribal hatred between rural poor tribes and ruling city
tribes and the many centuries of hatred between them, the poor
tribes led by Pol Pot wreaked vengeance on the formerly ruling
tribes who had enslaved and abused them by genocide of the ruling
tribe, via role reversal, shipping the ruling tribe all off to the
country to starve without farming skills, while the rural tribes
went to town demolishing their homes in the city and looting them.

It had nothing whatsoever to do with "communism", per se, except
that the hatred was all about their formerly feudal economic status
quo and the tribal hatreds engendered thereby that had festered for

In the scheme of things it was about revenge, in a situation of
terrible inequity that had gone on waaay too long. Now communism
is the solution for such situations, but with that much built-up
tribal hatred it had no chance to work. It had become QUITE
PERSONAL, and bloody revenge had become more important to them
than even political success!!!

Captain wrote:
So why are you giving this horrifying example of "ethnic cleansing" as an
example of how your "system' would work?
I NEVER bring up NON-communist phony rightist examples, YOU do!!

A different question is just how many followers you have for your
"teachings". I mean here full time dedicated believers in your new improved
communism. I don't expect you to provide names and addresses, but a quick
enumeration would be revealing. And please, no predictable wafling about
the masses or the workers. Just a hard and fast, provable number. I
strongly suspect the number is one.
Gee, if I have lots will you join to avoid the PURGE?? You Moron.

I still don't understand why you cannot accept the fact that no-body agrees
with you.
It's not important, they will soon enough.

Why can you not accept that the opinions of others may be as
relevant as your own?
Gee, it's because if they don't grasp the Truth, then they AREN'T!

Or are you incapable of understanding that others may
be capable of determining their own futures, and those futures do not
include your reworked communism.
Don't kid yourself:
Most people in America are barely capable of voting in this gag of an
electoral system. About half know doodley.

Still, it would probably make more sense to ask a fish why it can't breath

It hasn't evolved yet.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

Richard Henry wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Captain wrote:

destroyed by Pol and his minions.
You don't understand what REALLY happened in the case of Pol Pot,
and that it's totally irrelevant to this discussion.

OK. I'm curious. What REALLY happened?
It was a tribal hatred between rural poor tribes and ruling city
tribes and the many centuries of hatred between them, the poor
tribes led by Pol Pot wreaked vengeance on the formerly ruling
tribes who had enslaved and abused them by genocide of the ruling
tribe, via role reversal, shipping the ruling tribe all off to the
country to starve without farming skills, while the rural tribes
went to town demolishing their homes in the city and looting them.

It had nothing whatsoever to do with "communism", per se, except
that the hatred was all about their formerly feudal economic status
quo and the tribal hatreds engendered thereby that had festered for

In the scheme of things it was about revenge, in a situation of
terrible inequity that had gone on waaay too long. Now communism
is the solution for such situations, but with that much built-up
tribal hatred it had no chance to work. It had become QUITE
PERSONAL, and bloody revenge had become more important to them
than even political success!!!

K Williams wrote:
Richard Henry wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Richard Henry wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Captain wrote:

destroyed by Pol and his minions.
You don't understand what REALLY happened in the case of Pol
Pot, and that it's totally irrelevant to this discussion.

OK. I'm curious. What REALLY happened?
It was a tribal hatred between rural poor tribes and ruling city
tribes and the many centuries of hatred between them, the poor
tribes led by Pol Pot wreaked vengeance on the formerly ruling
tribes who had enslaved and abused them by genocide of the ruling
tribe, via role reversal, shipping the ruling tribe all off to
the country to starve without farming skills, while the rural
tribes went to town demolishing their homes in the city and
looting them.

It had nothing whatsoever to do with "communism", per se, except
that the hatred was all about their formerly feudal economic
status quo and the tribal hatreds engendered thereby that had
festered for centures.

In the scheme of things it was about revenge, in a situation of
terrible inequity that had gone on waaay too long. Now communism
is the solution for such situations, but with that much built-up
tribal hatred it had no chance to work. It had become QUITE
PERSONAL, and bloody revenge had become more important to them
than even political success!!!

"Communism is the solution"? Wasn't Pol Pot a communist?

You don't want Walz' solution. His is "final".

But Fun!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 12:53:37 -0400, Activ8 <>

On 4 Jun 2004 02:03:49 -0700, Google Vasiliou wrote:

Dear All

I need your help on the following issue.

I have to construct a Class AB - push pull amplifier with MOSFET
Amplifier should be able to provide 21Watt output power (10.5
Watt RMS) at 8 ohm load (i.e speaker) .
The circuit suppose to be able to amplify input signal from 1 Vrms at
a range of 10 Hz to 40 KHz .

1) Vdc should not exceed 50 Volts
2) Dc Current not to exceed 2 Amperes.
3) Construction of Amplifier should be with MOSFET , even if we can find
easier ways!

Your opinion would be reall help for me .

So what's your question?
"Can you design it for me?"
No harm in asking, I suppose. But the best grades are honestly earned.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
Dave C:
Cheap consumer grade quadrac, triac/diac and scr based light dimmers change
only the "duty cycle" of the power and NOT the voltage. Unless special
things are done they can not easily be used for induction, transformer and
ballast loads such as motors, fluorescent light fixtures and most devices
that use a power transformer which includes linear supplies and switching
Usually a mostly resistive load such as a soldering iron or incandescent
lamps will be the most appropriate application for cheap light dimmer
circuits. Special fan motor speed controls will cost more and must be
used with caution..... a setting that is too slow can stall the motor and
cause motor overheating and failure.
An auto-transformer based variac the one of the more useful pieces of
equipment on an electronics bench. EBAY regularly has fairly good deals.
In addition, a companion to the variac, an isolation transformer is a
"SAFETY must have" when working on "hot" chassis equipment.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
on Monday 05 July 2004 09:15 am, John Popelish wrote:

DaveC wrote:

I want to turn up a switching power supply slowly after repairing it,
as to see if anything else is damaged. I have no Variac, and I could
the series light bulb trick, but I already have a light dimmer I'm
as a variable-temperature control for my soldering iron that could do
double-duty in this application.

I know that the SMPS, when running correctly, will be a load pulse at
kHx. Has anyone tried using a dimmer as an "electronic variac"? Is it

It is very doubtful. A dimmer needs a minimum current load to keep it
conducting the remainder of each half cycle after it is fired.
Resistive loads are ideal, and average the resultant waveform quite
well. SMPS usually rectify the line waveform and apply that directly
to an energy storage capacitor that charges up to the peak waveform
voltage each half cycle (and does that during a small part of the
cycle, near the peak).

When your dimmer fires, the rectifier and cap will look like a near
short circuit to a voltage that is something less than the line
voltage at that instant (whatever voltage remains on the cap from the
previous half cycle). And the moment the line voltage starts to go
down, the rectifier will turn off, isolating the cap from the dimmer,
causing the dimmer current to fall below its holding current, so it
will turn off. In other words, you will probably not get the smooth
control you are needing (any setting that includes the peak of each
half cycle will produce the same result) and and may damage the dimmer
and/or the rectifier and/or the capacitor with the big pulses of
current that occur as the dimmer switches on.

Sometimes you need the right tool.

I tried to use an SSR once to power a SMPS. I think I went through
about 3 SSRs before I figured out that you can't do that. And that
was just on/off!
re: << Also, what does the dashed line between C6 and SW1 in the circuit
I don't have such a connection in my circuit. >>

That is not a connection. It denotes the switch is physically mounted on the
potentiometer, and operates by turning the shaft.

Could be the mike is shot.

John Fields ( writes:
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 05:43:11 GMT, mlf <> wrote:

In article <>, says...
My electret mic has only two wires. I saw a amplifier ciruict for a electret
which has 3 wires. the circuit consists of a LM741 opamp and a 2N2222
transistor. Can I use a two wire electret? what is the difference?

I am going to venture a guess that the body of the mic is ground.
In fact, I would make C1 an electrolytic 4.7uf and hook up this path:
+5 -> red wire -> -o- black/white wire -> +4.7 -> amp input.

I'm going to venture a guess that you're wrong:

+-----+ |
| BIAS|--+--[+10ľF]--->AUDIO OUT
| |
| GND|--------------->GND

I'll venture a guess that you're right.

Of course, it's easy to gamble when you are sure of something.

On 15 Jul 2004 14:52:24 GMT, et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)

John Fields ( writes:

I'm going to venture a guess that you're wrong:

+-----+ |
| BIAS|--+--[+10ľF]--->AUDIO OUT
| |
| GND|--------------->GND

I'll venture a guess that you're right.

Of course, it's easy to gamble when you are sure of something.
True, but then it's not much of a gamble, huh?^)

Here's prob'ly what the whole thing should look like:

| | | |
[R1] [R3] | |
+-----+ | | | |
| BIAS|--+--[+C1]--[R2]------+--|-\ C
| | | | | >--+-----B
| GND|--+ +------| / | E
+-----+ | | | | [C2] |
| | | | | |
| [R4] +--------+----+-+--[+C3]--->OUT
| | | |
| | | [R5]
| | | |

John Fields
Shortcircuit between pin14 (green /PS_ON) and pin 13 (black GROUND)

"" <> wrote in message
Without a motherboard, and the switch plugged into it, how do you activate
an ATX power supply? There is no switch on the back of it like in the
old AT-style power supply days.

There must be a couple wires that need to be set high (or low) or

According to this, it's the green wire. How do I set it "active low"?

Thank you,

Matthew McDevitt
also put a 5watt 100ohm resistor from 5+ to ground
for a dummy load.


"Eduardo" <> wrote in message
Shortcircuit between pin14 (green /PS_ON) and pin 13 (black GROUND)

"" <> wrote in message
Without a motherboard, and the switch plugged into it, how do you
an ATX power supply? There is no switch on the back of it like in the
old AT-style power supply days.

There must be a couple wires that need to be set high (or low) or

According to this, it's the green wire. How do I set it "active low"?

Thank you,

Matthew McDevitt
100 ohms won't do much (and in any case a 1/2 Watt would have been
enough. Maybe you meant 10 ohms?

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:48:40 +1000, "Mr TUBEAMPS"
<youfinedout@thomuusnonsence> wrote:

also put a 5watt 100ohm resistor from 5+ to ground
for a dummy load.


"Eduardo" <> wrote in message
Shortcircuit between pin14 (green /PS_ON) and pin 13 (black GROUND)

"" <> wrote in message
Without a motherboard, and the switch plugged into it, how do you
an ATX power supply? There is no switch on the back of it like in the
old AT-style power supply days.

There must be a couple wires that need to be set high (or low) or

According to this, it's the green wire. How do I set it "active low"?

Thank you,

Matthew McDevitt
Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)
no 100ohm
use pc power supplys in mixers and for my modem, fans
cat5 hub etc, works fine.
i got the info from silicon chip.


"Tony" <> wrote in message
100 ohms won't do much (and in any case a 1/2 Watt would have been
enough. Maybe you meant 10 ohms?

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:48:40 +1000, "Mr TUBEAMPS"
youfinedout@thomuusnonsence> wrote:

also put a 5watt 100ohm resistor from 5+ to ground
for a dummy load.


"Eduardo" <> wrote in message
Shortcircuit between pin14 (green /PS_ON) and pin 13 (black GROUND)

"" <> wrote in message
Without a motherboard, and the switch plugged into it, how do you
an ATX power supply? There is no switch on the back of it like in
old AT-style power supply days.

There must be a couple wires that need to be set high (or low) or

According to this, it's the green wire. How do I set it "active

Thank you,

Matthew McDevitt

Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)
i have done the same thing but I used a 1.5 ohm 25 watt resister to
load the 5+ . I also mounted the resistor to the chassis in front of
the fan , this way the fan helps disapate the heat from the HOT
Reistor . try the web site out for more info

Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:08:00 +1000, Tony <> wrote:

100 ohms won't do much (and in any case a 1/2 Watt would have been
enough. Maybe you meant 10 ohms?

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:48:40 +1000, "Mr TUBEAMPS"
youfinedout@thomuusnonsence> wrote:

also put a 5watt 100ohm resistor from 5+ to ground
for a dummy load.


"Eduardo" <> wrote in message
Shortcircuit between pin14 (green /PS_ON) and pin 13 (black GROUND)

"" <> wrote in message
Without a motherboard, and the switch plugged into it, how do you
an ATX power supply? There is no switch on the back of it like in the
old AT-style power supply days.

There must be a couple wires that need to be set high (or low) or

According to this, it's the green wire. How do I set it "active low"?

Thank you,

Matthew McDevitt

Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)
"John Miller" <> wrote in message
Rheilly Phoull wrote:
Hmmm, at what year did your experience start ?
From mine I have yet to see a mechanical brake on a powered drill, but
then I have not pulled a modern one down (ie after about 1995.
Would it also be a place of origin issue since each country has it's own
standards ??

Consumer-grade drills rarely have mechanical brakes; pro-grade drills
typically do.

What make do you consider pro-grade. I have been involved in repairing
many makes of commercial drills , both corded and cordless , and have
never seen one with a mechanical braking system.

John Miller

Boy, that crayon sure did hurt!
sparky wrote:

What make do you consider pro-grade.
Milwaukee, Porter Cable and DeWalt come to mind.

I have been involved in repairing
many makes of commercial drills , both corded and cordless , and have
never seen one with a mechanical braking system.
I don't think that mechanical brakes have been around all that long, but
even my 9.6v Bosch, which isn't the top of their line, locks up with a
mechanical brake when the juice isn't flowing.

John Miller
Email address: domain,; username, jsm

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.
-Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"
I read in that Rich Grise <>
wrote (in <BX5Lc.19169$>) about 'How do
chargers determine what battery pack is installed?', on Tue, 20 Jul
John Woodgate wrote:

The current I can be achieved (approximately) only if Vo is very much
larger than the battery voltage.

John Woodgate, I'm shocked! Please check your maths here[0]. I'll let
this slide for now, because it's very late. ;-)


For those who don't get it:
On my constant-current charger with sufficient voltage compliance,
V0 adjusts itself to Vbatt + (Ibatt * Rcontact), so unless your
contact resistance is something like a light bulb, Vo doesn't
need to be very much greater than Vbatt at all.
I think you need to read my article again when awake. (;-) Vo is the
*open-circuit* voltage.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
Rene posted:

<< John Woodgate wrote:
I read in that Kevin Aylward> wrote (in <ghOLc.47010$>) about 'Osama Found Hanged', on Thu, 22 Jul 2004:

Are the two journalists that hanged Bin Ladin going to get a reward?

Isn't the original message an invitation to a virus-ridden site?
Very likely. Never heard of images thoght for display being
zipped for the internet.
Downloading the file gets you a .exe file. My bet is it might autoexecute on a
PC and create some damage. My system won't execute such files.

In article <>, Dbowey wrote:
Rene posted:

John Woodgate wrote:
I read in that Kevin Aylward> wrote (in <ghOLc.47010$>) about 'Osama Found Hanged', on Thu, 22 Jul 2004:

Are the two journalists that hanged Bin Ladin going to get a reward?

Isn't the original message an invitation to a virus-ridden site?

Very likely. Never heard of images thoght for display being
zipped for the internet.

Downloading the file gets you a .exe file. My bet is it might
autoexecute on a PC and create some damage. My system won't execute such
Those who might download and execute this please beware!

What many recent viruses (virii?) do is download spam from spammer sites
and use the victims' PCs as broadcast stations!

Please get antivirus software and better still a firewall, and know how
to use them!

For example, one firewall is "Zone Alarm" from
They have a free version along with superior paid versions.
One thing this does is have the various programs on a PC access the
Internet only with the PC user permission - the user has to know what
programs to permit and deny.

- Don Klipstein (

Welcome to

