Keith R. Williams
In article <1g4tpvsk6a1rnnjb5mdblfhljoqh3biubg@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com says...
populated. LA simply sucks bilge-water. The mid-state (San
Lois) absolutely beautiful with friendly people to match.
SillyValley is cute, but I wouldn't want to live there. SF, you
*must* be kidding! I'd rather live in NYC (and there is a zero
chance of that!).
NO, I don't believe your monotonic rule from south to north.
....though what do I know. I live on the far corner of the US.
jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com says...
Dunno. I've found the SD area quite nice, though grossly over-On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 10:02:04 -0500, Keith R. Williams
krw@attglobal.net> wrote:
In article <pan.2003.>,
excretatauris@cerebrumconfus.it says...
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 09:50:15 +0000, Ross Mac wrote:
I did a mistype....Silicon Valley in Northern California...
Funny how many people think there's no CA north of Sacramento :-(
Silicon Valley ain't Northern California, it's about two thirds of the way
2/3 > 1/2, so S.F. is indeed in Northern California.
Some of the best bits of the state are further north.
Like Oregon? ;-)
Redding is Northern California,
Not to mention Yreka
One thing I've noticed about the coast is that personalities seem to
change fairly linearly from south to north. In the south, people tend
to be materialistic, superficial, and glamorous; as you go north,
people get earthier, plainer, and nicer. The trend holds up pretty
well from San Diego to Juneau. I picked San Francisco as a nice
compromise between glitz and boredom.
populated. LA simply sucks bilge-water. The mid-state (San
Lois) absolutely beautiful with friendly people to match.
SillyValley is cute, but I wouldn't want to live there. SF, you
*must* be kidding! I'd rather live in NYC (and there is a zero
chance of that!).
NO, I don't believe your monotonic rule from south to north.
....though what do I know. I live on the far corner of the US.