Chip with simple program for Toy

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 23:39:44 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

Rod Speed wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Bret Cahill wrote:

When looking at battery tech for (PH)EVs, I came across an
interesting experiment converting a school bus into an electric vehicle.

And if it was so great whey aren't they in volume manufacture right now ?

Coz the oil companys use terrorists to blow up the factorys, silly.


Do they use C4 ?
If it's the oil companies behind it I'm sure it's ANFO.

Rod Speed wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

Ever heard of OPEC ?

OPEC doesnt determine the price of oil.

Well no, ultimately 'the market' and speculators do that so we could say Wall St etc is to blame.

Yep, hence my original comment.

I dare say we could debate factors of this at length and it would be
quite interesting but I think there are other more important fish to fry.

Fried fish is bad for you.

Have you ever had British 'fish and chips' ?

Yep, and that has been proven to be bad for you.
Has it ? I rather thought the opposite as long as veg oil is used.

Tastes good anyway. Ever tried it ?

It's a fine meal.

That has been proven to be bad for you.
Please cite.

Admittedlyt I prefer poached salmon.

I prefer trout myself.
A tricky one. I'll stick with salmon though. Don't even get me started on raw salmon.

I have no argument with you.

Have you no sense of common decency what so ever ?
I certainly hope I do.

We see things from slightly different perspectives
maybe, but I think we are are in broad agreement.

That cant be allowed to continue.
Explain ? I AM aware of your reknowned TROLL status. I'm not falling for that one. I'd rather share
ideas. Please address my suggestion.

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:36:18 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Bret Cahill wrote

When looking at battery tech for (PH)EVs, I came across an
interesting experiment converting a school bus into an electric vehicle.

And if it was so great whey aren't they in volume manufacture right now ?

Coz the oil companys use terrorists to blow up the factorys, silly.

Actually, they tried to get some terrorists to blow up the
school bus, but they burned their lips on the exhaust pipe.

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.
Well, that was supposed to be a joke, but if you want to get serious
about it they blew up, among other things, embassies, ships, and the
world trade towers, so they weren't exactly stupid, were they?

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:46:42 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

I dare say we could debate factors of this at length and it would be
quite interesting but I think there are other more important fish to fry.

Fried fish is bad for you.

Depends on what you fry it in.

Nope, frying is bad for you.
Got some data?

Rod Speed wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

Ever heard of OPEC ?

OPEC doesnt determine the price of oil.

Well no, ultimately 'the market' and speculators do that so we could say Wall St etc is to blame.

Yep, hence my original comment.

I dare say we could debate factors of this at length and it would be
quite interesting but I think there are other more important fish to fry.

Fried fish is bad for you.

Have you ever had British 'fish and chips' ?

Yep, and that has been proven to be bad for you.

Has it ?

Yep. Fried food is the main reason why the english are
much worse health wise than the mediteranean diet.
I don't think it's quite as simple as that. Nor exclusive to the English/British. Foof fried in lard as was
once typical in the North (pig fat) yes ! Fied in olive or other vegetable oil (as in the mediterannean)
no. In any event I eat little fried food. And when I do I like to use olive oil.

I rather thought the opposite as long as veg oil is used.


Tastes good anyway. Ever tried it ?

Yep. It used to be my main fast food before hordes of immigrants showed up with much better fast food.
Any suggestions ?

It's a fine meal.

That has been proven to be bad for you.

Please cite.

Too lazy.

Admittedlyt I prefer poached salmon.

I prefer trout myself.

A tricky one.

Not for me.

I'll stick with salmon though.

Too polluted.
Depends where it comes from.

Don't even get me started on raw salmon.

Wot abart raw prawns ?
No, they need ideally to be freshly cooked on the boat coming in. Those are as fresh as they get. Have
tasted such in Norway.

I have no argument with you.

Have you no sense of common decency what so ever ?

I certainly hope I do.

No evidence of it.

We see things from slightly different perspectives
maybe, but I think we are are in broad agreement.

That cant be allowed to continue.

Explain ?

You're sposed to say Please Explain.
Fine. Please explain.

I AM aware of your reknowned TROLL status.
I'm not falling for that one. I'd rather share ideas.

Clearly no sense of common decency whatever.

Please address my suggestion.

What suggestion ?
Oh I'm puzzled now. Why disgreee over nits ?

Rod Speed wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

I dare say we could debate factors of this at length and it would be quite
interesting but I think there are other more important fish to fry.

Fried fish is bad for you.

Depends on what you fry it in.

Nope, frying is bad for you.

Got some data?

Sounds a bit contentious to me honestly. I doubt that gentle (low temperature)
frying does much harm to any food.

John Fields wrote:

"Rod Speed" wrote:
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Bret Cahill wrote

When looking at battery tech for (PH)EVs, I came across an
interesting experiment converting a school bus into an electric vehicle.

And if it was so great whey aren't they in volume manufacture right now ?

Coz the oil companys use terrorists to blow up the factorys, silly.

Actually, they tried to get some terrorists to blow up the
school bus, but they burned their lips on the exhaust pipe.

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.

Well, that was supposed to be a joke, but if you want to get serious
about it they blew up, among other things, embassies, ships, and the
world trade towers, so they weren't exactly stupid, were they?
They exploited vulnerabilities (a.k.a. sloppiness) rather than materials technology.

Rod Speed wrote:

John Fields <> wrote

they blew up, among other things, embassies, ships,


and the world trade towers,

Nope. And they didnt expect them to implode like they did either.
They didn't implode. They suffered cascade failure, a well known engineering phenomenon. Those towers
had only ever been designed to accept the impact of a Boeing 707, the largest aircraft of its day.
Furthermore, building codes had reduced the effectiveness of fire protection in the higher levels due
to concerns about asbestos.

I dare say we'll learn from all that.

Rob Dekker wrote:

"Eeyore" wrote
Bret Cahill wrote:

When looking at battery tech for (PH)EVs, I came across an
interesting experiment converting a school bus into an electric

And if it was so great whey aren't they in volume manufacture right now ?

They are manufactured,

Rod Speed wrote:

There's a reason for the dramatic difference in the health consequences of the english and mediteranean diet.
You have the floor. Please elaborate on it.

Please elaborate on that quantitatively and show your work.

Totally huge.


No way.



I see no calculations or worked sums there.
That too. I included that one in some other threads.

Bret Cahill
Mechanical energy from diesel electric locomotives costs 35 cents/kW-

The grid is only 10 cents/kW-hr.

UP's main line through the desert requires 1 GW.

Over a year the grid costs less than a 1 billion to power UP's main
line's 25,000 trains.

Right now UP is paying 3.5 billion / year in diesel just for their
main line.

Now how much wire can you string out in the desert on 2.5 billion
dollars a year?

Bret Cahill
The Rod Speed Virus has become quite ubiquitous and its purpose is to
destroy any rational, legitimate, or honest debate among consenting
adults. �The virus attacks serious discussions simply inserting offhand
disagreement at paragraph breaks. �Every now and then a "real" person
hiding behind the nym of Rob Speed enters the fray and puts some extended
verbiage in place to make the virus seem to be a real person. �The proper
actions to deal with the virus are to NEVER respond to it and to closely
edit that to which you do respond (responses of others) so as to trim the
propagation of the virus. It may be necessary to move the discussion to a
new, as yet, un-invaded thread.
Think of it this way: Do you _really_ want the mental cases out on
the street?

What damage can they do here?

Bret Cahill
On Jul 28, 6:59�pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
Some fuckwit claiming to be
Rob Dekker <> desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its
way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always..
Don't take no guff from 'em Rod.

You tell 'em what you think.

Bret Cahill
On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 18:07:48 -0700, "Rob Dekker" <>

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:36:18 +1000, "Rod Speed"> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Bret Cahill wrote

When looking at battery tech for (PH)EVs, I came across an
interesting experiment converting a school bus into an electric vehicle.

And if it was so great whey aren't they in volume manufacture right now ?

Coz the oil companys use terrorists to blow up the factorys, silly.

Actually, they tried to get some terrorists to blow up the
school bus, but they burned their lips on the exhaust pipe.

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.

Well, that was supposed to be a joke, but if you want to get serious
about it they blew up, among other things, embassies, ships, and the
world trade towers, so they weren't exactly stupid, were they?



Careful : Don't fall in the Rod Speed trap. Here is how it works :
Thanks! :)

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:11:15 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

I dare say we could debate factors of this at length and it would be quite
interesting but I think there are other more important fish to fry.

Fried fish is bad for you.

Depends on what you fry it in.

Nope, frying is bad for you.

Got some data?

From the same source:

"According to a spokesperson from the European Union, acrylamide
content is much higher in foods that have been discolored or burned by

"General advice, resulting from this project, is to avoid overcooking
when baking, frying or toasting carbohydrate-rich foods," the
spokesperson said. "French fries and roast potatoes should be cooked
to a golden yellow rather than golden brown color.""

So, then, as long as you fry them that way and use vegetable oil you
should be OK

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 14:14:46 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

I doubt that gentle (low temperature) frying does much harm to any food.

The problem aint what it does to the food, the problem is what it does to the humans who eat it.
Well, yeah, but it's the acrylamides that are developed in the food
when it's fried (or roasted or grilled) for too long that's the
problem, so it _is_ what it does to the food that's the problem.

And then, it's only a problem if the fried food is high in

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 22:12:06 -0700, "Rob Dekker" <>

"Rob Dekker" <> wrote in message

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
If they cycle thousands of times then they are already competitive
with liquid hydrocarbon fuel in a lot of applications.

Please elaborate on that quantitatively and show your work.

Let me try something :

The battery (100kWh) costs $20,000 in volume (price in 2003).
Heavily used ZEBRAs can cycle about 1000x before they need to be replaced.
That is a capital write-off of about $0.0002 per kWh.
That's negligent.

So, kind of emberrasing for an engineer : I made a factor 1000 mistake here
Battery cost of $20,000 for 100kWh is $200/kWh.
With 1000 charges lifetime, that's $0.20/kWh.
That's NOT negligent.
True, but the error was. ;)


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