Chip with simple program for Toy

*Maassamme ydinalalla on tuskin mitään niin tarkoin TABU:na pirettyä
systeemiä, kuin mahdollisuus neutraloida edes osin maailman vaarallisimpia
ihmiskunnan ydinjätemoskiaan ydinvoimalasaasteista. Päivän selvää on, että
tämä olisi mahdollista, koska sotilassektorilla systeemiä on pyöritetty
vuosikymmenet. Mutta siviilisektorilla ydinmoskiinsa hukkuva ydintehtailumme
ei suin surmin halua tutustua realiteetteihin, koska periaate "likaaja
maksakoon pahuutensa" panisi ydinteollisuuden vastaamaan ihan OIKEASTI
ydinrikoksistaan ihmiskuntaamme vastaan! Siksi ydinhallintomme ei edes
maksata TVO/Posiva,Fortumeiltamme rahaa asiallisempaan
ydinjätevarastointitekniikan kehittelyyn. Vaikka syytä enemmän kuin olisi!
Kyse on siis siitä, että täysin toimimaton "suolapintasuolammikkoviskonta on
olevinaan halvempaa!" ja todellisuudessa kaikki ydinjäte muutaman sentin
näennäissäästämiseksi pannaan suolavesiallikkoihinsa höyrystymään surutta
lastenlapsiemme tuhoamiseksi!

* Mitään edes alkeismoraalia ei tässä ydinröyhkeydessä voi sivistyskansa
nähdä toki. Yhtä kaikki asiasta on toki pidetty myös tutkimuksia. Mutta
koska transmutaatio ON realistinen maailmanlaajuinen mahdollisuus jo nyt
saati tulevaisuudessa, mutta pikkasen maksaa. Ennenkaikkea, koska
ydinhallinnostamme miljoonien hengenvaaraan asettaminen on..niin "hauskaa"?
Mitä ilmeisemmin vallankäytön, valtiydinterrorin työväline painetaan KAIKKI
myös tämän aiheen esittelykanavat hiljaiseksi. Siksi päätin, että nimenoman
minun tehtävänäni on ydinalanalan huippuosaajana maamme ensimmäisenä raottaa
tämän realiteetin muotoja vuosikymmenten 100% valtiotiedotuspimennostaan.
Tulevaisuuden ydirikoksen Nyyrbergin oikeudenkäynnissä nämä artikkelien
esilläolot tulevat toki lisäämään rajusti syyllistämisnäytöllään
vastuulliset ydinökymme ydinvaltiorikostemme tekijöiden paineita! Pidemmittä
puheitta valtion huippusalattua aiheeseen liittyvää materiaalia siis vihdoin
ja viimein myös TIETOISUUTEEN ja PALJON!:
Transmutaatiolaitteisto on eräs tärkeimmistä tulevaisuuden käytetyn
ydinpolttoaineen jälleenkäsittelyosasista! Laitteella saadaan tuntien
säteilyttämiskäsittelyllä pudotettua hengenvaarallisten käytettyjen
polttoainetankojen säteilytasoa 1000 osaan. Aiheesta löytyy loistava
artikkeli. Jokin aika sitten esim. Tieteen Kuvalehti käsitteli tätä pitkälle
kehitettyä innovaatiota ansiokkaasti.

Idean alkutaipaleet sijoittuvat Cernin hiukkaskiihdytinkokeiluissa
saatuihin tuloksiin. Tarkoitukseen tarvitaan järeä hiukkaskiihdytinyksikkö.
Perusajatuksena on hiukkaspommittaa, (ydinvoimapiireissä niin pidetty teema
tuo viimeinen), mutta asiaan. Testeissä on voitu havaita, että
kiihdyttimestä tulevat partikkelihiukkaset poistivat fissioprosesseissa
virittyneiden atomiytimien viritystiloja tramaattisesti. Ehkä yksi hyvä
vertaus tilanteelle olisi seuraava: Ydinreaktorissa oleva polttoaine on
"ikään kuin" kaupunki joka joutuu sotapommituksissa rauniotilaan. Tällöin
osittain sortunut talokanta sisältää runsaasti potentiaalista satunnaisesti
purkautuvaa "gravitaatioenergiaa" joka romahtaessaan ohikulkijoiden päälle
säteilee satunnaista gravitaatioenergiaansa vaarallisen paljon
ympäristöönsä. Nyt siis hiukkaskiihdyttimellä "murskataan" lisäpommittamalla
muodostuneet romahtamisvaaralliset rauniot. Tällöin siis rauniot jyrätään
"turvalliseksi ihmisille" alueella liikkumiseen.

No, miksi sitten ei voitaisi kuljettaa polttoainetankoja jo
olemassaoloevien hiukkaskiihdyttimien luo saamaan käsittelyä? Kimurantiksi
tilanteen tekee, kun muistetaan Euroopan laajuinen massiivinen vastustus
tämän käytetyn uraanin edustamaa supermyrkyn kuljettamisesta
surullisenkuuluisaan eurooppalaiseen hyötöreaktoriin. Tämän opettamana se
vaihtoehto onkin koettu riskialttiiksi. Ehkei näillä turvattomilla aineilla
kannata vaarantaa kokonaisten valtioiden olemassaoloa. Muuten, kuin
ydinvoimaloita tehtailemalla tietenkin.

Jos jo aineen kuljetus koetaan ongelmalliseksi, on nostettu esille ajatus
että halvempi vaihtoehto olisi kehittää liikuteltava laitteisto. On
laskettu, että jopa yksi eurooppalainen yksikkö voisi käsitellä koko
maanosassa muodostuneen ydinpolttoainekertymän. Näin laitehankinta tulisi
maakohtaisesti täysin realistiselle tasolle, jotenka hintakaan ei ole
ydinvoimapiireille ylittämätön. Jonkinverran ongelmia on tuottanut tämän
pienehkön laitteen tehon saaminen riittäväksi. Mutta suuremmissa kiinteissä
hiukkaskiihdyttimissä on jo nyt saatu riittäviä tehoja. Tämä ei ole ongelman

Miksi sitten suomalaisessa ydinvoimakeskustelussa järjestelmällisesti tämä
toimiva tulevaisuuden tekniikka halutaan jääräpäisesti torjua? Miksi TVO/
Posiva konsortio, piittaamatta kiistattomista laitteen tuomista eduista,
haluaakin pikaisesti haudata jätteensä tulevan laitteiston
saavuttamattomiin. Toisihan ydinjätelakiin aiheesta lisätty
transmutaatiokäsittely kiistatta lisähintaa konsortion ennestäänkin kalliin
omakustanteisen ydinsähkön hinnan päälle. Julkisuuteen tulisi ihmisille
selvemmin esille, että kuinka vaarallista ja epävakaata peliä yhtiö pelaa
torjuessaan tämänkin loistavan idean.

Sitten vielä, TVO/Posiva konsortion tarkoituksena oli jo
loppusijoitusluolaston paikkaa kartoittaessaan seuraava. Aikoinaan geologit
ilmoittivat Olkiluodon kallioperän niin huonoksi luolaston sijoituspaikaksi,
ettei sitä rankattu edes 100 parhaimman suomalaisen loppusijoituspaikan
joukkoon. Koskapa se sijaitsee oseaanisen laattatektoniikan
törmäyspisteessä. Jossa Atlantin selänne luo kasvavaa puristusta yhä. Koska
tämä valtamerellinen sedimenttimurskevyöhyke luo loppusijoituspaikalle
kenties suomen huonoimmat ja epävakaimmat säilytysolosuhteet.

Miksi sitten TVO/Posiva konsortion kovassa painostuksessa Olkiluoto otettiin
väkisin 101 vaihtoehtona mukaan? Koska alueella oleva luonnonmerisatama luo
loistavat mahdollisuudet tuoda maailmalta huomaamatta ainokaiseen
ydinjätevarastoon vaivatta kovalla valuutalla käytettyä ydinmateriaalia.
(Asiaa muuten TVO on varkain , tarkoin piilossa julkisuudesta aktiivisesti
kysellyt jo 5 vuoden ajan mm. Ruotsin kautta maailmalta Suomeen
kuljetettavista ydinjätteistä mm. Olkiluodon satamaa hyödyntäen! Sain
ennakkotietooni vahvistuksen "sisäpiireistä" mm. 2008!) Tämän
transmutaatiolaitteen mukanaan tuoman helpotuksen takia saattaisikin tämän
loistavan ydinmonopolibisneksen perusteet murtua. Koska vähemmin säteilevää
polttoainetta voisi jokin "kilpaileva" taho myös varastoida muualle ja vielä
Posivalaista vaihtoehtoa turvallisemminkin. Silloinhan selviäisi myös, että
kuinka kehnosti Posivalainen loppusijoitusluolahahmotelma on suunniteltu,
verrattuna "oikeampaan" vaihtoehtoon. Silloin loppusijoitusbisneksen
hintataso luonnollisesti laskisi ja TVO/Posiva konsortio ei saisi kaikkia
haikailemiaan rahoja.
No one will deny that if you were walking down the street and saw a
disfunctional like Rod approaching on the same side, you'ld move to
the other side of the street at least 100 yards before he could get
near you.

Someone that screwed up can be spotted a mile away.

But there's no reason to kill file someone just because he's a lunatic
- idiot.

Rod provides comic relief here.

Bret Cahill
TE Chea wrote:

I tried to use a 3 amp output capacity buck convertor ( with auto
voltage i.e. self adjusts PWM timing ratios if input voltage
fluctuates e.g. when starter motor cranks engine & battery voltage
drops to 9�v ) & 2 700mAh lithium batteries ( to feed 4v to *
when b-c could not, during engine cranking ) to replace my honda
F20a 's *' resistors. I fitted 2 1�" � inductor rings & 15000�F to
damp b-c's +ve 12-14v input.
This engine could start & run, but the usual open loop ( when
ECU activates * til O2 sensor produces a voltage of 0.65v ) did
not appear [ii] when I step on throttle to accelerate car, ECU
could not activate injectors long enough to inject enough fuel (
this inadequacy was visible on my digital voltmeter which receives
& reports O2 sensor's output ), so acceleration was less than usual.
This ECU ( made by NEC in 1990 ) activates * by connecting *'
-ve ground, [ii] seems cannot function as usual if I draw +ve 12-14
v from cigarette lighter socket, I'll try to draw +ve 12-14v from
ECU & see if ECU can work as usual.

Have you tried the websites of Motorola, On-Semi, ST Microelectronics,
National Semiconductor, and other companies that produce chips for
automotive use? Their applications notes have a great deal of
practical information about driving solenoid valves.
Finally, a brat-post that makes sense.

"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
No one will deny that if you were walking down the street and saw a
disfunctional like Brat approaching on the same side, you'ld move to
the other side of the street at least 100 yards before he could get
near you.

Someone that screwed up can be spotted a mile away.
I tried to use a 3 amp
Correction : 3˝ amp, 42w maximum..

| Have you tried the websites of Motorola, On-Semi, ST Microelectronics,
| National Semiconductor, and other companies that produce chips for
| automotive use?

| Their applications notes have a great deal of
| practical information about driving solenoid valves
I'll try to draw 12v from ECU 1st ; my present ISP has server
congestion outside 1-7am.
Alan arvostuksesta kertoo varsin suoraan se miten alan ammattityöväestö
suhtautuu tekemiseensä. Siitä voidaan ottaa esimerkkejä laajasti.
Ammattilaiset haluavat usein myös jälkikasvustaan työnsä jatkajia.
Yritysmaailma on pullollaan työstä ylpeitä isältä pojalle siirrettyä
sukuosaamista. Mutta yksi ala loistaa poissaolollaan. Yksikään ydinalan
ammattilainen ei kehu firmaansa julkisesti netissä, lehdissä, ei edes asiaa
kyselevälle lapselleen. Jos katsomme ketkä julkisuudessa ydinlobbailevat,
niin yhtään alan ammattilaista ei taatusti näy lehtiotsikoissa, netissä
saati mualla. Vain rahalla ostettavia politikkoja ja vastaavia, jotka eivät
erota uraania hiilimustasta taatusti.

Rupesin todella ihmettelemään miksi. Ja ennenkaikkea KETKÄ ovat maassamme
nykyään ydinalan ammattilaisia? Heitä on maassamme tietysti tuhansittain,
mutta keitä? Heille on yhteinen piirre se, ettei näillä ole esim.
perustuslakiemme mukaista lakko-oikeutta, kellään! Toinen keskeinen piirre
on niinikää lainvastaiset ylipitkät jopa 12h työvuorot ja loputtomat
ylityöjaksot vailla omaa päätäntäoikeutta. Kolmas ominaisuus on tekemänsä
työn arkaluontoisuus, mikä tarkoittaa orjallista vaitiololupauspakotetta
uhkailu-ukaaseineen ydinjohdolta. Esim. OL-1,OL-2 ja OL-3 työmailla ei
KETÄÄN saa mennä vapaasti jututtamaan tekemisistään ja määräys on ehdoton,
vaikka maamme pitäisi olla demokratia. Mikä kertoo myös alan valonarkuudesta
ja hämäryydestä enemmän kuin paljon.

Niinikää ydintyöläisten palkkataso on enmemmän kuin romahtanut loistonsa
päivistä. Jos lasketaan Suomen ydintyöläisten ansiotasot saadaan tyytyä jopa
7 euron tuntipalkkoihin! Reippaasti alle jopa siivoojaminimistä puhutaan
ydinalan ammattilaisistamme keskimäärin kautta maamme! Kun vielä 70-luvulla
ydinosaaja oli huippupalkkalainen ja arvostettu, on hän tänään lähinnä
kansan hyljeksimä reppupuolalainen, liettualaisorja, turkkilainen, yms.
joita katsotaan pitkin nenänvartta, jopa kaupan kassalla, koska heitä
arvotetaan toki myös olemattoman orjapalkkaostovopimansa mukaan
olemattomuuksiin. Ja tieto siitä, että suurin osa ei maksa edes veroja,
saati sotuja ja vastaavia alentaa tasoa mutasarjaan kansan silmin.

Vaarallisesta työstä johtuvat moninkymmenkertaiset sairastumisriskit
työtapaturmista, kielitaidottomuutensa takia tulee valtavasti
onnettomuuslisäriskejä, samoin kouluttautumattomuuksistaan, säteilystä ja
vastaavista lisäriskeistä kiistatta puhutaan ydintyöläisissä. Hyvällä ei
näihin pitkälti "slummiparakeissaan "huuhaileviin" ydinorjin suhtauduta enää
edes harmistuneitten kauppiaitten piirissä. Säteilyvaaransa takia heillä on
normaalityöläisiä ankarammat
lääkärintarkastusvaateet jne. Ydintyöläiselle on kauhistus , jos lapsensa
tulisivat samaan työhön jatkajiksi.Voi vaan hämmästellä kuinka nopeasti
ydinalan mega-arvostus on romahtanut nykyiseen mitäänsanomattomuuteensa.
heijastellen sitä pettymystä mitä ydinvoiman loisteliaitten lupausten
romahdettua tshernobyliin on tuottanut. Voi vaan arvailla, että kuinkan näin
totaalisen pettymyksen ala saa enää jatkossa KETÄÄN kiinostumaan sen
On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:34:54 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:

Ours dont look like either of those, it`s just a flat disk.
Ah it`s like the last example at
That page wouldn`t open for me at first

Ah yes, the thin one.

I just checked my wheelie bins. They've just introduced them here (St
Albans) a black one and a green one. No RFIDS in the circular cut-out in

I did hear somewhere that one council has given up on using them because
they were unreliable and the crews had to keep manually entering nul
values, slowing down the collections !
Surely the system could just enter no result if it can't read it?


Earth is 98% full, please delete anyone you can.
Peter Hucker wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

Ours dont look like either of those, it`s just a flat disk.
Ah it`s like the last example at
That page wouldn`t open for me at first

Ah yes, the thin one.

I just checked my wheelie bins. They've just introduced them here (St
Albans) a black one and a green one. No RFIDS in the circular cut-out in

I did hear somewhere that one council has given up on using them because
they were unreliable and the crews had to keep manually entering nul
values, slowing down the collections !

Surely the system could just enter no result if it can't read it?
Apparently no-one was clever enough to think of that. Maybe the idea was for the binmen to
estimate the weight ? They don't have the time so they enter zero instead.

Eeyore wrote:

Eeyore wrote:

*) The AC Voltage on Coil is limited by the on chip voltage
limitation circuitry. This is according to the parameter Icoil
in the absolute maximum ratings.

Absolute Maximum Ratings
Maximum DC Current forced on COIL1 & COIL2 ICOIL ą30mA
Power Supply VDD -0.3 to 7.5V

AC Voltage on Coil Min 3 Typ 14. Vpk-pk

L: typical 20.8mH for fo = 125kHz
Hmmmm.......... 125kHz is below the frequency where mandatory EMC specs apply

I suspect you could build and sell a legal 'zapper'.

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 19:21:31 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

Ours dont look like either of those, it`s just a flat disk.
Ah it`s like the last example at
That page wouldn`t open for me at first

Ah yes, the thin one.

I just checked my wheelie bins. They've just introduced them here (St
Albans) a black one and a green one. No RFIDS in the circular cut-out in

I did hear somewhere that one council has given up on using them because
they were unreliable and the crews had to keep manually entering nul
values, slowing down the collections !

Surely the system could just enter no result if it can't read it?

Apparently no-one was clever enough to think of that. Maybe the idea was for the binmen to
estimate the weight ? They don't have the time so they enter zero instead.
Surely the weight is measured by the lifting arm and would always work. The RFID chip is for determining the owner of the bin.


What's red and sits in the corner?
A baby chewing on razor blades.

What's blue and sits in the corner?
A baby in a plastic bag.

What's green and sits in the corner?
The same baby a month later.
Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnlll> wrote in message
Does anybody know of a way to de-active(blowup) RFID chips?
Can their receiver coils be overloaded?
Those things get added to all sorts of non-obvious things,
and start to interfere with our privacy .

The simplest zapper is a kitchen piezo gas lighter slightly adapted

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
On Thu, 04 Dec 2008 12:11:14 -0000, Periproct <> wrote:

"Peter Hucker" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 19:21:31 -0000, Eeyore> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

Ours dont look like either of those, it`s just a flat disk.
Ah it`s like the last example at
That page wouldn`t open for me at first

Ah yes, the thin one.

I just checked my wheelie bins. They've just introduced them here (St
Albans) a black one and a green one. No RFIDS in the circular cut-out

I did hear somewhere that one council has given up on using them
they were unreliable and the crews had to keep manually entering nul
values, slowing down the collections !

Surely the system could just enter no result if it can't read it?

Apparently no-one was clever enough to think of that. Maybe the idea was
for the binmen to
estimate the weight ? They don't have the time so they enter zero

Surely the weight is measured by the lifting arm and would always work.
The RFID chip is for determining the owner of the bin.

Which would only work if the binmen always returned the bin to the same
house. Mine do seem to manage to do that though. How about a comunity scheme
where everybody swaps bins a few houses to the right every week?
Ours are always returned to the correct owner. Most people paint their house number on it! I don't bother as a bin is a bin and we don't have a weighing system.

My neighbour gets annoyed if I put them the wrong way round though (our driveways are next to each other so we wheel each others up and down), as he keeps his clean and I don't!


What is the first thing a blonde learns when she takes driving lessons?
You can also sit upright in a car.
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 08:03:50 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On 4 Dec, 15:40, oopere <> wrote: wrote:

I want to encode a mono audio signal into a digital squarewave where
the repitition frequency is the same as the instantaneous incoming

This could be FM, if you mean that the repetition frequency is
proportional to the instantaneous value of the audio signal...

and the pulse width is proportional to the amplitude.

This could be PWM...

So, you want _simultaneous_ FM and PWM? Why?

Good question. The resultant FM & PWM pulse train will be used to gate
a high frequency pulse train, probably in the order of 400kHz. I want
a recognisable form of the original audio, very much NOT hi-fi but
recognisable none-the-less, to be recoverable from the final, gated,
high-frequency pulse train.

It seems your question needs some further clarification.

My bad - I should have been more explicit - part of the issue is that
I wasn't too sure of the final requirement myself.

many thanks for all your comments so far - very helpful.

Assuming now that I'm after FM & PWM, and I'm not worried too much
about nyquist or hi-fidelity, can anyone recommend a simple approach
using say a PWM controller like the TL494 or whatever?

If you are interested in a single frequency, then just develop a
little serial protocol to send the data over and over again. I'd
suggest async characters, but you can do whatever you want.

If you are interested in encoding a band, like the audio band from 0
to 3kHz, then you can use FM to encode both the frequencies and the
amplitudes of the input. You basically need a voltage to frequency
converter, and on the other side, a frequency to voltage converter.
This is how radio works.

However, one simple scheme is to digitize the input, and send the 8
bit data on the 400kHz line using some serial protocol. For audio at
3kHz or less, you can sample at 6kHz, generating 60k bits of data per
second (using a 10bit A2D). So, for async, you'll need a link rate
faster than 75kbps.

One advantage of doing the serial scheme is that you can test it with
a PC, and generate data with a PC as well using a simple program...

Bob Monsen
Kirjastaan:" Mutta kriitikot korostavat, että se 4,5 tonnin plutoniummäärä
jolla hyötöreakitori Super-Phoenix tullaan lataamaan vastaa yli sata kertaa
Nagasakin pommissa ollutta Plutoniumlatausta. He muistuttavat myös, että
hyötöreaktori saattaa räjähtää kuin ydinpommi ja että sen jäähdyttimenä
käytettävä nestemäinen natrium syttyy tuleen joutuessaan kosketuksiin veden
tai ilman kanssa."

*Nykyään täysin epäonnistunut Ranskalais/Belgialainern ydintoivon
vääjäämättömänä kohtalona on olla katto palasina erään EU:n
ydinosaamattomuuden kaikkein kallein vuosimiljoonien ydinjätteen
muistomerkki täynnä hallitsematonta ydinkauhun tekniikkaa. Mukanaan tämä
ydinalalle tyypillinen megaepäonnistuminen vei toivon mm. ehtymättömän
ydinpolttoaineen illuusioista. Taloudellisia ja terveydellisiä määriä ei
edes uskalleta julkisuuteen laskea.

Ranskan jälleenkäsittelykuningas La Haguen uhkapeli:
Tarkoituksena akujaan käsitellä miltei yksinäänRanskan omien vanhojen
grafiittikaasureaktorien käytettyjä polttoaineita. Joiden radioaktiivisuus
on vain viidennes verrattuna kevytvesaireaktorin jätteen säteilyyn!! HAO
jälleenkäsitteli viimeksi mainittua vain 2-kuukautta 1976. 1977 lopulla
laajennettiin, mutta todettiin heti riittämättömäksi ydintyyliin. Läheinen
Cherbourgin kaupungin valtuusto on ilmoittanut kaikin keinoin vastustavansa

*Länsisaksalaisen ydinkriitikon Robert Jungin mukaan La Haguen ympäristö on
sekä maalla, että merellä radioaktiivisesti saastunut. Hän kertoo, että
kriittisten tiedemiesten ryhmä on todennut läheisellä maa-alueella 10-20
kertaa virallisesti sallittuja säteilyarvoja suurempia arvoja. Ranskan
virannomaiset ovat jyrkästi kiistäneet tällaiset faktat, joita myös La
Haugessa käyneet ruotsalaiset lehtimiehet ovat tuoneet julki.

*Toki Saksassa ja Ruotsissa tiedettiin ranskalaisen ydinfarssin olevan
joutsenlaulusaan jo silloin. Nykyään Euroopan kaikki uraani lähetetään
kiltisti jo vuosikausia vähin äänin ja noloina Venäjän Majakin, joka sekin
laitos lopetetaan tänä vuona 2008 Putinin mukaan. Maailmassa ei Englannin
Sellafieldin ydinonnettomuuden jälkeen ole käytännössä toimivaa
jälleenkäsittelylaitosta pian kuin Japanissa. Lisäksi kun viime vuona
jälleenkäsittelevä laserisotoopikoe meni persiilleen aiotun 90% saannon
romahdettua 11% murskalukuun on aiheen käsittely ollut tabu. Kas ydinalalla
ei ole sen enempää energiapositiivista uraanikiloa enää ikinä
käytettäĺvänään. Ei kierrätysuraania, eikä siis enää edes
kierrätysplutoniumiakaan mistään! Mutta kuten alan ideologia on aina ollut
kaikki totuus kielletään vaikka sydän märkänisi.- Ja toden totta kaltaiseni
ydinalan yyberosaajat on niitä aniharvoja jotka faktoja kasvavasti
maailmaamme jalosti jakaa. Joten ollaas hei kuulkaas sielä vaan kuulolla. Ja
kuunnellaan mitä viisauksia myös Antti Vahteralla on meille esittää!!
Serial number T11717
This model 707 B&K tube tester is just about 95% in mint condition. There
are no tears in the vinyl and all printing is clear and un-faded. Includes
a test chart, instruction manual, addendums and plate/grid cap adaptor.
There are slight rust pits on the clasps The tubes are good and all
electrolytics and out of tolerance resistors have been changed. The unit
was calibrated on 12/14.08 Shown testing a 6l6 tube.

Serial number T20303
This model 707 B&K tube tester is just about 80% in mint condition. The
power transformer has been changed to B&K 065-088-9-001 as there is no 5V
filament voltage for the 83 tube it does not use one. There are two small
tears in the vinyl on the bottom and the printing is not faded. Includes a
test chart, instruction manual copy, of addendums and plate/grid cap
adaptor. There are slight rust pits on the clasps The other tube is good and
all electrolytics and out of tolerance resistors have been changed. The
unit was calibrated on 12/14.08 Shown testing a 6l6 tube.

Will ship to USA address only.

send me an e-mail (((( richklestinez(at) ))))))) change the
(at) to @
I will send you the pictures of them testing a 6L6 tube.

Most of them I have seen on e-bay and this one seem to be in the $300 to $400
range if they are working and in good shape.

I have a TV-7/U also that I will be selling as soon as I get rid of all the
tubes that I have. It is my pride an joy and is pretty darn good shape
although I havent calibrated it in about 3 years. Also I have a dual trace
B&K model 1479B 30Mhz oscilloscope which works great. some other stuff too.

Let me know

Rich Klestinez
The Amp Man
Fort Worth TX.
On Dec 22, 1:55 pm, IanM <Inva...@totally.invalid> wrote:
OP crossposted excessively, I have taken the liberty of setting
followups to sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*

panfilero wrote:

ok, I'm looking at the datasheet for a 12V voltage regulator...
LM340-12.... here's the datasheet:

On the first page under Typical Applications theres a schematic
titled: adjustable output regulator... and I can't figure it out,
there's an equation there for Vout, but to me it looks like Vout would
be 12V because it's from the output pin to ground... there's a voltage
divider with a pot, but I don't see how the pot does anythign since
Vout is taken from Vout pin with respect to ground... Woooo but the
ground pin of the voltage regulator is in the middle of the votlage
divider.... so there is 12V across R1.... I'm confused.

Basically I want to use this voltage regulator as an adjustable
voltage out... I was originally just planning to put in a voltage
divider to ground at the Vout pin and have one of the resistors be a
pot and take my voltage out from the middle of the divider...

would my way be ok?

or is there a beinifit to folowing the example on> the datasheet?

much thanks!

You looked up the data sheet so are probably smart enough to learn basic
electronics without too much difficulty.  You need a much better grasp
of circuit theory and instruction on asking intelligent questions before
you can expect the professional users of groups other than
sci.electronics.basics to be friendly.

You can start learning by answering the questions (in the group
sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*):

What is your load and what is its minimum and maximum current requirements?

What is your supply voltage and what is it from?

N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want to
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V.

That's my good deed for the day done,  Merry Christmas all.
Did I cross post wrong? I thought it's ok to add commas and put in
more than one group name when you post.
On Dec 22, 1:55 pm, IanM <Inva...@totally.invalid> wrote:
OP crossposted excessively, I have taken the liberty of setting
followups to sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*

panfilero wrote:

ok, I'm looking at the datasheet for a 12V voltage regulator...
LM340-12.... here's the datasheet:

On the first page under Typical Applications theres a schematic
titled: adjustable output regulator... and I can't figure it out,
there's an equation there for Vout, but to me it looks like Vout would
be 12V because it's from the output pin to ground... there's a voltage
divider with a pot, but I don't see how the pot does anythign since
Vout is taken from Vout pin with respect to ground... Woooo but the
ground pin of the voltage regulator is in the middle of the votlage
divider.... so there is 12V across R1.... I'm confused.

Basically I want to use this voltage regulator as an adjustable
voltage out... I was originally just planning to put in a voltage
divider to ground at the Vout pin and have one of the resistors be a
pot and take my voltage out from the middle of the divider...

would my way be ok?

or is there a beinifit to folowing the example on> the datasheet?

much thanks!

You looked up the data sheet so are probably smart enough to learn basic
electronics without too much difficulty.  You need a much better grasp
of circuit theory and instruction on asking intelligent questions before
you can expect the professional users of groups other than
sci.electronics.basics to be friendly.

You can start learning by answering the questions (in the group
sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*):

What is your load and what is its minimum and maximum current requirements?

What is your supply voltage and what is it from?

N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want to
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V.

That's my good deed for the day done,  Merry Christmas all.
My supply voltage is around 24V, and I want a 10V output... so I was
thinking about putting a voltage divider at the output of the
regulator and using a pot to dial in 10V out... the load will have a
draw of around 300mA.

Could you elaborate a little more on please on what they are trying to
do on that datasheet, and on what would be wrong with my approach?

PS - I thought a 12V regulator outputs 12V... but you said you can use
it to adjust between 12-15V... is this true?

"> N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V."

Much thanks!
panfilero wrote:
On Dec 22, 1:55 pm, IanM <Inva...@totally.invalid> wrote:
OP crossposted excessively, I have taken the liberty of setting
followups to sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*

panfilero wrote:
ok, I'm looking at the datasheet for a 12V voltage regulator...
You can start learning by answering the questions (in the group
sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*)
Did I cross post wrong? I thought it's ok to add commas and put in
more than one group name when you post.
You should *ONLY* post to groups where your question is ON TOPIC and
relevant. If you aren't sure if its an appropriate group, you may ask
*briefly* if it is. E.g. Subject "LM340-12: Can I a beginner's
question?", Body "I need an adjustable voltage output of around 10V. I
have read the LM340-12 data sheet. I need help with designing a circuit.
Can I ask here or is there a better group?" would have got you *polite*
directions to sci.electronics.basics or maybe even the comment "Well
this isn't really the right group but have you looked at ......... site
where there is a circuit that will help you?". Before posting to a
group *always* read about a week's worth of recent messages to get a
feel for the group. This reading without posting is called 'lurking'
and is a *GOOD* thing.

Some of the regulars on S.E.D (common abbreviation to first letters
*within* a group) have designed chips that sold millions. As an
ordinary tech with many years in the repair trade who's been into
electronics all my life, I know enough to follow their arguments and can
understand their circuits if I study them hard, but there is an elegance
in the designs they knock out in an hour that I couldn't duplicate
without years of work. There are also some, mostly of lesser
accomplishment who delight in misleading newcomers.

I don't read, but there is precious little
connection between most of electrical engineering and low power
electronics. If you want to design a custom mains transformer, try there.

S.E.misc is low traffic, for stuff that really doesn't fit elsewhere.

This group is the 'tutorial' group.

*MANY* users killfile (automatically throw away unread) *all* messages
to more than 3 different groups. These are usually the users that have
been using the groups the longest and have the most experience. They
are exactly the users you should want to interest in your question.

Due to inappropriate posts and spam from Google Groups users, there in
an increasing move towards killfiling all of you on the technical
groups. There is not a lot you can do about that except to get proper
newsreader software (which works like an email program that runs on
*YOUR* computer, not on a webpage inside your browser window) and sign
up with a News (or NNTP) Server. Some of us still read posts coming
from Google. Few of us use Google to post from.

As I *dont* use google, and I quoted the whole of your message, You
*MAY* get some answers from those who don't normally see posts from Google.

Thats enough education about USENET, I'll try to give technical help in
the other fork of your thread.
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:23:03 -0800 (PST), panfilero
<> wrote:

On Dec 22, 1:55 pm, IanM <Inva...@totally.invalid> wrote:
OP crossposted excessively, I have taken the liberty of setting
followups to sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*

panfilero wrote:

ok, I'm looking at the datasheet for a 12V voltage regulator...
LM340-12.... here's the datasheet:

On the first page under Typical Applications theres a schematic
titled: adjustable output regulator... and I can't figure it out,
there's an equation there for Vout, but to me it looks like Vout would
be 12V because it's from the output pin to ground... there's a voltage
divider with a pot, but I don't see how the pot does anythign since
Vout is taken from Vout pin with respect to ground... Woooo but the
ground pin of the voltage regulator is in the middle of the votlage
divider.... so there is 12V across R1.... I'm confused.
The ground pin isn't connected to ground, so it'll no longer have 0V on
it, it'll have on it whatever the voltage is at the junction of R1 and

The regulator will use that voltage as a reference and will output a
voltage 12V higher than that.

Basically I want to use this voltage regulator as an adjustable
voltage out... I was originally just planning to put in a voltage
divider to ground at the Vout pin and have one of the resistors be a
pot and take my voltage out from the middle of the divider...

would my way be ok?

or is there a beinifit to folowing the example on> the datasheet?

much thanks!

You looked up the data sheet so are probably smart enough to learn basic
electronics without too much difficulty.  You need a much better grasp
of circuit theory and instruction on asking intelligent questions before
you can expect the professional users of groups other than
sci.electronics.basics to be friendly.

You can start learning by answering the questions (in the group
sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*):

What is your load and what is its minimum and maximum current requirements?

What is your supply voltage and what is it from?

N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want to
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V.

That's my good deed for the day done,  Merry Christmas all.

My supply voltage is around 24V, and I want a 10V output... so I was
thinking about putting a voltage divider at the output of the
regulator and using a pot to dial in 10V out... the load will have a
draw of around 300mA.
The problem with that is that if your load current varies then the
output voltage of the divider will too.

Plus, you'll be wasting power in the divider that you don't have to.

If you have a constant current load, all you have to do is put a
resistor in series between it and the output of the regulator: View in
| |
| [RS]
| |
| +--10V
| |
| [LOAD]
| |

If your load drops 10V with 300mA through it, then the series resistor
needs to be:

Vs - Vl 12V - 10V
RS = --------- = ----------- = 666 ohms
Il 0.3A

and the power it'll dissipate will be:

PD = (Vs - Vl) Il = (12V - 10V) * 0.3A = 0.6 watts

680 ohms is a standard value and if you can live with the smaller
voltage into the load, a 1 watt resistor would work OK.

620 ohms is also a standard voltage ind it would work if your load could
stand a little more than 10V into it.

That's not really a good way to do it, though; an LM317 would be much

Could you elaborate a little more on please on what they are trying to
do on that datasheet, and on what would be wrong with my approach?

PS - I thought a 12V regulator outputs 12V... but you said you can use
it to adjust between 12-15V... is this true?

What you do is use a voltage divider to raise the ground leg of the
regulator above ground and the output will regulate at its normal output
_plus_ that voltage.

"panfilero" <> wrote in message
On Dec 22, 1:55 pm, IanM <Inva...@totally.invalid> wrote:
OP crossposted excessively, I have taken the liberty of setting
followups to sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*

panfilero wrote:

ok, I'm looking at the datasheet for a 12V voltage regulator...
LM340-12.... here's the datasheet:

On the first page under Typical Applications theres a schematic
titled: adjustable output regulator... and I can't figure it out,
there's an equation there for Vout, but to me it looks like Vout would
be 12V because it's from the output pin to ground... there's a voltage
divider with a pot, but I don't see how the pot does anythign since
Vout is taken from Vout pin with respect to ground... Woooo but the
ground pin of the voltage regulator is in the middle of the votlage
divider.... so there is 12V across R1.... I'm confused.

Basically I want to use this voltage regulator as an adjustable
voltage out... I was originally just planning to put in a voltage
divider to ground at the Vout pin and have one of the resistors be a
pot and take my voltage out from the middle of the divider...

would my way be ok?

or is there a beinifit to folowing the example on> the datasheet?

much thanks!

You looked up the data sheet so are probably smart enough to learn basic
electronics without too much difficulty. You need a much better grasp
of circuit theory and instruction on asking intelligent questions before
you can expect the professional users of groups other than
sci.electronics.basics to be friendly.

You can start learning by answering the questions (in the group
sci.electronics.basics *ONLY*):

What is your load and what is its minimum and maximum current

What is your supply voltage and what is it from?

N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want to
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V.

That's my good deed for the day done, Merry Christmas all.
My supply voltage is around 24V, and I want a 10V output... so I was
thinking about putting a voltage divider at the output of the
regulator and using a pot to dial in 10V out... the load will have a
draw of around 300mA.

Could you elaborate a little more on please on what they are trying to
do on that datasheet, and on what would be wrong with my approach?

PS - I thought a 12V regulator outputs 12V... but you said you can use
it to adjust between 12-15V... is this true?

"> N.B LM340-12 is absolutely the *wrong* choice unless you only want
adjust from 12V to lets say 15V."
A LM317 might be a better choice but at 0.3A you'll be dissipating at least
3.6W and more as you adjust for lower voltage (higher volt drop in the
regulator), so look into how big a heat sink you'll need.

You can reduce the dissipation by finding a lower voltage source.

Welcome to

