Chip with simple program for Toy

"Richard The Dreaded Libertarian" <> wrote in message

[American political crap snipped].

But why are we doing politics in the .basics group?

Why are you doing politics in the,sci.physics,sci.electronics.basics,sci.materials groups?
On Oct 23, 3:42 pm, wrote:
On Oct 22, 10:59 pm, gabydewilde <> wrote:


I agree them Big Pharma types are pretty corrupt. Moreover I heard
that it's hard to get Concerta without a prescription in Mexico.

You won't have any problem with antibiotics but who ever got a battery
from Binotal 500?

Bret Cahill

There was an article in a camera magazine about a guy who had a
serious problem with his eyes (drying out, hurting, could barely
see). Turns out, a standard treatment for this outside the US is to
simply draw some blood, centrifuge it, collect plasma, and use the
plasma as eye drops.

Drug companies can't make money from this, of course, but synthetic
drugs didn't help the guy any.

Anyone have any idea what the disease is? I thought I had the link
bookmarked, but can't find it :(


It's called capitalism, it's a terminall illness of the brain.


I think this is closer...
Google: autologous serum eye drops

I disagree about capitalism. Despite the latest problems caused by
greedy corporate leaders, what other system allows a poor person to
work his way to the top? Communism won't (and won't care if you die,

The atmosphere has been burined up, no more capitalism for you.

Dead zones just dont support life.

There are hundreds of them, fertaliser does help make them but the
desaster is much bigger that the nihilists from NASA want to admit.
Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster | Environmental
Working Group
Ocean dead zones spread, fish more at risk: study | Environment |
Human culture creating water's dead zones
Agriculture and "Dead Zones" | World Resources Institute
Coastal "Dead Zones": Area Affected Doubles Every 10 Years Ť
Commentary on environmental news
Ocean ‘Dead Zones’ Becoming Global Problem - Dead Zone Estuaries
Oceans -
Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" Ť Minds of Treeluv
Ocean Dead Zones Growing; May Be Linked to Warming
VIDEO: Australian Wetlands Threatened
Dead Zone - Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
NASA - Summer Storms Could Mean More Dead Zones
Louisiana and the EPA need to admit that the Dead Zone is polluted Ť
Dead Zones: Patches of Lifeless Ocean Ť Greenmoz - The Green Project
‘Dead Zone’ in The Gulf of Mexico Near Record Size Ť Chrisy58’s Weblog
What is the Gulf "Dead Zone"? Ť Commentary on environmental news
New Jersey-size "dead zone" in Gulf of Mexico Ť Assignment Global
Eutrophication, algal boom, hypoxia, and a honking big dead zone in
the Gulf of Mexico Ť Kentucky Environmental Matters

This are just some links, you can find more and or better informaition
yourself, woudn't hurt to inform some people either.

It doesn't take a genious to grasp the dead zones on land will be soon
to follow.

Capitalism destroyed the planet in less than 100 years.

They didn't want hemp because it makes superiour plastics, but we are
in need of it. It sucks up carbon like nothing else and it makes
oxygen like nothing else, it grows everywhere because it's not a crop
but a weed. If there woudn't be humans on the world it would grow all
over the place. Forrests can do the job to, that is if we didn't cut
them down.

The free market is focused on disinformation and the big business of
oxygen instalations.

Imagine how much you are willing to pay for those eh? Every last cent
you would pay for it.

booming business.

On Oct 23, 4:57 pm, wrote:
On Oct 23, 7:46 am, wrote:

There was an article in a camera magazine about a guy who had a
serious problem with his eyes (drying out, hurting, could barely
see). Turns out, a standard treatment for this outside the US is to
simply draw some blood, centrifuge it, collect plasma, and use the
plasma as eye drops.

Drug companies can't make money from this, of course, but synthetic
drugs didn't help the guy any.

Anyone have any idea what the disease is? I thought I had the link
bookmarked, but can't find it :(


It's called capitalism, it's a terminall illness of the brain.


I think this is closer...
Google: autologous serum eye drops
I disagree about capitalism. Despite the latest problems caused by
greedy corporate leaders, what other system allows a poor person to
work his way to the top?

The poor in America can get rich but by a very limited number of ways,
by consolidating the power of the rich if they have some education, or
by killing consumers with grease if they have little education.

Pretty much you have to open your own business. Harder than it sounds
in other countries. You have to have connections to get the

Are you in the USA, by any chance?

That's hardly inspirational.

Communism won't

"In capitalism man exploits man. In communism it's the other way

-- Soviet era joke.

(and won't care if you die,

Only a moron would believe any system cares.

How many millions died under Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Jong Il?
The corporate US dictators are puluting the planet like there is no

Vietnam was: Areal bombardment of skinny nekked people living in

Then they made over 500 films portraying it as a heroic war. But it
was gang rape and mass executions.

Iraq was the same.

But it was nothing compared to the things Europeans did to this
planet. Over the years we deported 500 000 000 Africans to serve as
slaves. Most of them died on the ship.

But still!

If you think that is bad you have seen nothing jet.

Just wait till polution catches up with us.

Then you will see the true wrath of capitalist slaughter.


Do you seriously think we cant build subterainian cities?

Where do you think the ubber rich are going to stay while everyone

They have millions of people down there.

They build a base on the moon, they build a base on Mars.

And all we get to see is Hollywood footage send down to the gullible
NASA workers from a satelite.

Turn on your Tee Vee and zap, do you find any science program that
isn't full of shit?

Mythbusters is the number one science show on the whole planet.

But almost any professor could make a program that is more interesting
than that.

Dont you see the words "intentionally dumbed down" written all over
the canvas?

Do you know Canvas actually means hemp?

Do you know a rope use to be a chunk of hemp?

Cloths all use to be made of hemp!

Oil use to be made from hemp!

And now we are running out of oxygen.

What chance to I have of convincing you we need to grow hemp to absorb
the carbon and make new oxygen?

10% of the black community is in prison because they knew some guy who
owned a joint.

Is it worth the money you think? The hundreds of millions per state?

Don't you think healthcare would be a better product to buy?

Do you think you will survive without oxygen?

I'm not that optimistic to be honest. It sounds naive to me.

Here, learn in 38 seconds what is so scary about hemp.

nuf said? Or are you still scared?

Hundreds uppon hundreds of millions all to stop that?

Free market? hahaha?

If you have time, see this:

How many millions of aborted babies in the US since Rowe vs. Wade?

Maybe you're right.

Maybe a lone individual cares. Maybe not.

A few do. I used to, then got tired, then started to care again.

In any event we have _democracy_ not capitalism. The Constitution
never mentions capitalism. Art. I Sec 8 could not be more clear. The
people control all national economic policy through their
representatives in Congress.

The media try to "merely omit" this fact but the truth is getting out.

Bret Cahill

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjamin

John Larkin wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:46:08 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 17:33:20 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"> wrote:

John Fields wrote:
On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 19:32:49 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"> wrote:

I mean, why should I build it? What possible purpose could that
serve, that would not be known already?

Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts.

And it what way do the properties of "wiring" transcend the laws of
physics such that such "wiring" is unable to be inclued in

I'm guessing that the output fets will RF oscillate big time.
Especially with those nice gate-gate caps downstream of the gate

Yes...and er... as now doubt well known in this NG, by now, the
mosfet1000 was designed in 1982. Just where do you guess, was the
placement of the mosfet gate resistors, such that the amp actually
worked? Unfortunately, no pack of Guinness for the correct answer.

It's the gate-gate caps that mystify me, downstream of the gate
resistors. Looks like party time for RF oscillations.
Oh are referring I believe, to my circuit never built. This is so
that when you run 1Mhz square waves, there is not a gigantic shoot through
current. I would have thought my ideal voltage sources would be more of an
issue to complain about.

This actually brings up a subtle point. In my opinion, if one uses the other
way round connection, i.e. the final output being a drain output, you can
never eliminate shoot through currents for very fast signals, even when
otherwise, topological aspects dictate that there is no fundamental
advantage of disadvantage.

And I'll have a Harp, or a St Bernardus, if you don't mind.

Wiring certainly matters here.

Indeed, and what part of "And it what way do the properties of
"wiring" transcend the laws of physics such that such "wiring" is
unable to be inclued is simulations?" did you miss?

Did you include the wiring - pcb layout, wire bonds, capacitance to
heat sink, output leads, filter cap ESL - in your simulation?

Or did you miss that?

Ahmmmm....This was a design exercise. Why do you imagine that I would be so
daft as to not account for all these rather obvious considerations if it
were going to be a real design? Did you not get the bit that I have recently
turned 50? you know that when having 100ks of digital logic on a chip,
switching in 100ps, its quite impossible to use an off chip cap. 1nh will
kill you. Those that do SOC ASICS usually consider such matters, if not
drinking too much Guinness.

Kevin Aylward - SuperSpice
John Fields wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:46:34 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"> wrote:

Indeed, and paying attention to details is relevant when doing any
kind of design work.

Even audio, and a few pF of stray capacitance or some unintended
inductive coupling, unaccounted for, can easily result in unwanted
oscillations and result in the perfectly loaded applecart's being
This is obvious, see comment below.

I think most people who design PCBs don't go to those lengths but,
rather, follow rules which will assure them a pretty good chance of
getting a good board the first time out.

How do you design PCBs?

I don't. I leave that to techs. Just give them a few pointers here
and there.

Then you agree that wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from

Wiring is important, but my point here was that this just part and parcel of
doing the simulations *correctly*. I took it that there was an insinuation
made in this thread that if one used simulation than for some unfathomable
reason, that the one doing the simulation would automatically be so daft and
not include other physical aspects.

Kevin Aylward - SuperSpice
Phil Allison wrote:
"Kevin Aylward"

For starters, the pot can be set to infinite gain, making the amp
output go to the rail and take out the speaker due to amp offsets.
There is no current limiting,

** Err - not true.

Ok... the gain aint infinite...whatever....

Kevin Aylward - SuperSpice
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:39:43 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote
John Fields wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
John Fields wrote:

Then you agree that wiring


has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from

Do you consciously persist in your buffoonery, or is it involuntary?

My statement, to Kevin, was:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts.",

not: "PCB wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded

Can you understand the difference between the two?

Probably not, so I'll explain it to you:

The former case is general enough that it includes improperly shielded
conductors, conductors running too close to each other, and all manner
of problems caused by wiring, including PCB wiring.

The latter applies specifically to PBC's and is too restrictive to apply
to every situation, thereby being the reason I chose the more general

In that case you've changed your point of view and have made yourself look
even more of a BUFFOON.

Hmmm... you _do_ seem to have reading comprehension problems.

Here's what I responded to from Kevin:

"I mean, why should I build it? What possible purpose could that serve,
that would not be known already?"

Notice that no mention was made of PCBs, (nor was there mention earlier
in the thread) so my statement that:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts."

would apply to the viewpoint I held earlier, which is the same viewpoint
I hold now.

Since you can't apparently distiunguish traces on PCB boards from wiring - your
comments are totally null and void.
PCB traces _are_ wiring.

"It is also referred to as printed wiring board (PWB) or etched wiring


Olivier Scalbert wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:
Olivier Scalbert wrote:
Hello, it is me again ...

After "jouling" some transistors, I decide to move to LTSpice. Which
is funny as I am doing electronics as hobby to change from being in
front of computers all day long !

I have some questions on this schema:
Simulation is here:

You *really* need to add resistors across the base/emitter of the
output transistors, otherwise speed will be an issue, especially
once you put this thing in an overall feedback loop.

I would tend to make them on the real low side, considering driving
3055's to thier max needs 1A. Losing say, 100ma in these resister
would be, 0.8/.1 = 8 ohms. Say, 10 ohms. However, this gives a tad
of power in the drivers, so you may want to consider anything from
20 to 100ohms. I wouldn't go over 100 ohms.

Kevin Aylward

Thanks Kevin.
Yes you are right !

Is it because there are too many charges into the base ?
And with the resistors, it is easier for the charges to go out of the
transistor ?

Basically yes. Essentially, there is a big cap. The driver transistor can
charge it up, but without a turn off it, can't discharge much.

Personally, I prefer full class Ab drive all the way, that way you can
source and sink large currents to turn the thing off!.

Kevin Aylward - SuperSpice
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:25:08 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:46:34 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"> wrote:

Indeed, and paying attention to details is relevant when doing any
kind of design work.

Even audio, and a few pF of stray capacitance or some unintended
inductive coupling, unaccounted for, can easily result in unwanted
oscillations and result in the perfectly loaded applecart's being

This is obvious, see comment below.

I think most people who design PCBs don't go to those lengths but,
rather, follow rules which will assure them a pretty good chance of
getting a good board the first time out.

How do you design PCBs?

I don't. I leave that to techs. Just give them a few pointers here
and there.

Then you agree that wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from


Wiring is important, but my point here was that this just part and parcel of
doing the simulations *correctly*. I took it that there was an insinuation
made in this thread that if one used simulation than for some unfathomable
reason, that the one doing the simulation would automatically be so daft and
not include other physical aspects.

On Oct 23, 1:21 pm, gabydewilde <> wrote:

Only a moron would believe any system cares.

How many millions died under Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Jong Il?
Hint: "Gun control" reduces private crime but not "official" crimes.

The corporate US dictators are puluting the planet like there is no
Clearly they don't live on the same planet we do.

Vietnam was: Areal bombardment of skinny nekked people living in

Then they made over 500 films portraying it as a heroic war. But it
was gang rape and mass executions.

Iraq was the same.
Just the natural workings of Evolution! If someone has something of
value [like say drugs in 'Nam or Oil in Iraq] you simply take it. If
anyone resists you kill them. It's simply "natural selection" in

But it was nothing compared to the things Europeans did to this
planet. Over the years we deported 500 000 000 Africans to serve as
slaves. Most of them died on the ship.
Well, yeah, but slavery is a time honored tradition with mankind and
anyway, the slaves should be glad they weren't killed since most were
prisoners of war. Slavery was doing them a favor!

But still!

If you think that is bad you have seen nothing jet.

Just wait till polution catches up with us.
Getting close!

Then you will see the true wrath of capitalist slaughter.


Do you seriously think we cant build subterainian cities?
The ubber rich think so. No wait, they've ready done it. Think by
serving them you'll get a ticket to enter too? Think again buster!

Where do you think the ubber rich are going to stay while everyone

They have millions of people down there.

They build a base on the moon, they build a base on Mars.

And all we get to see is Hollywood footage send down to the gullible
NASA workers from a satelite.
Note you have to GO to the moon to build a base there! Ringing any
bells yet? I thought not.

Turn on your Tee Vee and zap, do you find any science program that
isn't full of shit?
Dumb people are much easier to rule.

Mythbusters is the number one science show on the whole planet.

But almost any professor could make a program that is more interesting
than that.
And that isn't saying much!

Dont you see the words "intentionally dumbed down" written all over
the canvas?
Nope. Can't tell they are words if you haven't learned how to read!

Do you know Canvas actually means hemp?

Do you know a rope use to be a chunk of hemp?

Cloths all use to be made of hemp!

Oil use to be made from hemp!
Your solution is? Smoke a rope and drift off and forget about the
problems? Hey man, ya got any munchies?

And now we are running out of oxygen.

What chance to I have of convincing you we need to grow hemp to absorb
the carbon and make new oxygen?

10% of the black community is in prison because they knew some guy who
owned a joint.
Or sold heroin or crack or meth or shot someone or robbed and killed
someone to get the money to buy heroin or crack or meth or, or, or,

Is it worth the money you think? The hundreds of millions per state?
Depends on how many babies they shot.

Don't you think healthcare would be a better product to buy?
Not at today's prices!

Do you think you will survive without oxygen?
You didn't notice the oceans are full of oxygen, I take it.

I'm not that optimistic to be honest. It sounds naive to me.
<snip "hemp" lecture>
personally I prefer sticking my head up my ass as opposed to sitting
around stoned. And as near as I can tell so does most everyone else!
"pom" <> wrote in message
bw a écrit :
The AA bat is about 10 kilojoules total. Thats 10 kJ
Besides, most AA cells are under 2 Ah.

These are trivial calculations, you should check them yourself.

And every time I read your post I get 1000 times more!
check your units please.

energy = volts x amps x time

Given a AA cell rated at 2 amphours then

watthours = 1.2 volts x 2 amps x 1 hour (actually should be 0.2 amps for 10

1.2 x 2 x 1 = 2.4 watthours

One watthour = 3600 joules so

2.4 times 3600 = 8640 joules
On Oct 23, 7:55 pm, Benj <> wrote:
I'm not talking about drugs Benj, I'm talking about industrial hemp.

Don't be a dougma pooper.

Learn in 38 seconds what is so scary about hemp.

Are you scared of that?

You snip this:

But you personally reminded me of Wilhelm Reich mister Benj. To be
honest, I didn't know anything about him other than the
disinformation. Just like you with the hemp.

Hemp is used to replenish the soil. We can grow that in stead of
leaving the field empty to recover. It sucks massive amounts of carbon
out of the air and it generates lots and lots of oxygen.

Tokyo is at 6% oxygen today. The US lurks around 17% while 20% is
considered safe to work in by 1999 standards.

Not one crop can match hemp, it's a weed it grows on any soil and
after some time the soil becomes fertile enough to grow other things.

Popular mechanics called it the billion dollar crop with 25 000

Look benj!

A Ford auto made out of hemp and running on hemp.

This has a carbon foot print in the negative.

And it doesn't corrode like iron cars do.

And no this is not the right weed to get stoned. You would have more
luck sniffing petroleum. You still don't have a reason to act like a
Nazi about pot smoking tho but that is entirely besides the point.
On Oct 23, 8:33 pm, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian <>
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 08:38:54 -0700, BretCahill wrote:
The Constitution never mentions ... or individualist ownership of guns

Maybe not in the body, but Article II of the Bill of Rights is very
Amendment II

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
[emphasis mine]

And, just to clarify what "militia" means:
the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military
service; "their troops were untrained militia"; "Congress shall have power
to provide for calling forth the militia"--United States Constitution

In other words, in the USA, the militia is YOU, and you have a Creator-
given inherent right to own and carry a gun; the Constitution merely
endeavors to protect that right from tyranny.

Hope This Helps!
Are you in the USA, by any chance?

   He is an AOL user with a US IP address.
Search any on line version of U. S. Reports or the Supreme Court
Reporter for some of the places that were once inhabitated by the
Lance Armstrong of El Tour de Federal Judicial Circuits.

Bret Cahill
Only a moron would believe any system cares.

How many millions died under Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Jong Il?

Hint: "Gun control" reduces private crime but not "official" crimes.
The Bill of Rights was inserted to check federal power, not DC thugs
as decided in the _Heller_.

Any libertard will correctly tell you, it's the gummint that kills en
masse, at least six orders of magnitude more dangerous than any DC

Bret Cahill
John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote:
John Fields wrote:
Eeyore wrote
John Fields wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
John Fields wrote:

Then you agree that wiring


has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from

Do you consciously persist in your buffoonery, or is it involuntary?

My statement, to Kevin, was:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts.",

not: "PCB wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded

Can you understand the difference between the two?

Probably not, so I'll explain it to you:

The former case is general enough that it includes improperly shielded
conductors, conductors running too close to each other, and all manner
of problems caused by wiring, including PCB wiring.

The latter applies specifically to PBC's and is too restrictive to apply
to every situation, thereby being the reason I chose the more general

In that case you've changed your point of view and have made yourself look
even more of a BUFFOON.

Hmmm... you _do_ seem to have reading comprehension problems.

Here's what I responded to from Kevin:

"I mean, why should I build it? What possible purpose could that serve,
that would not be known already?"

Notice that no mention was made of PCBs, (nor was there mention earlier
in the thread) so my statement that:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts."

would apply to the viewpoint I held earlier, which is the same viewpoint
I hold now.

Since you can't apparently distiunguish traces on PCB boards from wiring - your
comments are totally null and void.

PCB traces _are_ wiring.

"It is also referred to as printed wiring board (PWB) or etched wiring
Not here it isn't.

35 um copper foil hardly counts as wire in my book, it's a damn resistor. And you'd
be far better off thinking of it as such.

John Fields wrote:

I haven't found out how to do an FFT in LTspice yet, so there may be an
itermodulation problem lurking in there somewhere.

Hi John,

For the FFT, just right click in the simulation screen and select FFT in
the popup menu.

Olivier Scalbert wrote:
John Fields wrote:

I haven't found out how to do an FFT in LTspice yet, so there may be an
itermodulation problem lurking in there somewhere.


Hi John,

For the FFT, just right click in the simulation screen and select FFT in
the popup menu.

Also increase stop time in the simulation box to have more points.
BTW how to convert harmonic levels in FFT to distorsion in percentage ?

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 07:26:42 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

Since you can't apparently distiunguish traces on PCB boards from wiring - your
comments are totally null and void.

PCB traces _are_ wiring.

"It is also referred to as printed wiring board (PWB) or etched wiring
A quote from Wikipedia, the reference to which you clipped.

Not here it isn't.
Then who's out of touch?

Certainly not the whole of the UK, so it must be just the sad, dreary
little donkey boy.

35 um copper foil hardly counts as wire in my book, it's a damn resistor. And you'd
be far better off thinking of it as such.
While it exhibits resistance, since it's ohmic, that's usually of little
importance when it's being used as a wire. If it is of importance, then
one simply widens (or thickens) the trace until the increasing
cross-sectional area of the trace results in lowering the resistance of
the run to the resistance desired.

I'm surprised that your book doesn't mention that PCB traces also
exhibit inductive and capacitive characteristics which are often far
more import and to consider when laying out PCB wiring.

Or maybe I'm not...

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:05:11 +0200, Olivier Scalbert
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

I haven't found out how to do an FFT in LTspice yet, so there may be an
itermodulation problem lurking in there somewhere.


Hi John,

For the FFT, just right click in the simulation screen and select FFT in
the popup menu.
Thanks! :)


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