Chip with simple program for Toy

On Jun 26, 11:23 am, John Larkin
<> wrote:
On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:07:16 -0700 (PDT), rickman <

In fact, I don't feel the need for a 4 input scope anymore.

This week I'm finishing up the firmware for a 4-channel arbitrary
waveform generator, so a 4-channel scope is perfect.

Next week, I start on the 8-channel version...

What can you do with a 4 channel scope that you can't do with a 2
channel one by moving the probe, when testing a 4 channel AWG? This
looks to me like the perfect example of why you don't need 4

In article <tYCdnXlXl47nkMPVnZ2dnUVZ_sudnZ2d@posted.localnet>, says...
mpm wrote:

On Jun 21, 10:53ďż=3Fam, Hauke D <> wrote:


I've had good experiences with Advanced Circuits (http://www. Make sure to use their free FDM service (, even if you don't end up going with them for

ExpressPCB is only good for quick-and-dirty stuff. Their advantage is
that they're cheap and their design software is pretty simple to use,
but the big disadvantage is that it locks you in to their software.
Also I've never done 4-layer stuff with them; I believe they're also
kind of limited in that department. They're great for quick-and-dirty
stuff though.

-- Hauke D

On Jun 21, 4:19 pm, "Talal Itani" <> wrote:


I need to have a 4-layer board made, a prototype, 2 boards, nothing fancy.
I did some research in this newsgroup and I narrowed it down to Sierra Pro
Express, ExpressPCB, and AC Advanced Circuits. ďż=3FDo you think I made the
right choice? ďż=3FDo you have any recommendations? ďż=3FI would like to receive the
board 3-5 days.

T.I.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I've used ExpressPCB for small projects before, but always 2-layer
I've never had a problem with them, or their boards.

As for being "locked-in" to their software, for an extra $60 (last
time I checked), they will send you the Gerber files. From there, you
can import to many of the other programs avail.

Also, I recall hearing a while ago that a lot of these PCB prototype
houses are all built at the same place anyway. So, while you might
see 10 different company names (i.e., resellers), the boards
themselves all come from the same place. Sorry, I don't remember the
names of the companies involved, and don't know whether ExpressPCB is
one of them.

ExpressPCB stuff comes from Mulino OR and at one time i knew the name
of the "parent" company that will do much "fancier" boards.

Don't mix up ExpressPCB and PCB Express. The latter is a division of
Sunstone, which builds boards in Mulino, Oregon. Sunstone gives me good
boards and I live close enough that the free UPS ground shipping gets me
boards the day after shipment. Sunstone also has their own free PCB
suite, PCB123.

I now order all my PCBs from Sunstone, so I'm a biased reporter. I've
been a fan of theirs since their customer service techs helped me
through some problems with an older, low-cost layout suite. They're
still helping me through some problems with bigger 4-layers boards
since I've converted to PADS.

Mark Borgerson
Mark Borgerson wrote:
Don't mix up ExpressPCB and PCB Express.
The latter is a division of Sunstone[...]
Sunstone also has their own free PCB suite, PCB123.
Pad2Pad, ExpressPCB, & PCB123 are all essentially the same thing.
They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.
On Jun 29, 5:34�pm, JeffM <> wrote:
Mark Borgerson wrote:
Don't mix up ExpressPCB and PCB Express.
The latter is a division of Sunstone[...]
Sunstone also has their own free PCB suite, �PCB123.

Pad2Pad, ExpressPCB, & PCB123 are all essentially the same thing.
They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.
Jeff - your information is incorrect.
For $60, ExpressPCB will definitely send you a Gerber file.
I know this from first hand experience. (The others mentioned also
might, but I can't say)

I also concur that it is not the best approach if you do enough boards
to justify "better" schematic capture / PCB layout software (i.e., in-
house). But if you want to port the boards to production fabrication
(offshore), you certainly can obtain Gerbers from ExpressPCB.

"JeffM" <> wrote in message
mpm wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Pad2Pad, ExpressPCB, & PCB123 are all essentially the same thing.
They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.

Jeff - your information is incorrect.

Thank you for interpolating my post.
I assure you that was not necessary.

I repeat: This "free" software does not *PRODUCE* Gerbers.
If you use it, you are LOCKED IN to a single fab house.

What I am saying is that to call itself an ECAD Package,
software should be able to generate Gerbers ON ITS OWN.

What you are describing
meets the classic definition of CRIPPLEWARE.

For $60, ExpressPCB will definitely send you a Gerber file.

I did NOT say there was no way to PURCHASE Gerbers.

If that's what YOU want, fine.
Full disclosure for the other folks is another thing.
Most people want to know what the cards up the sleeve are.
If the ExpressPCB package was really top-notch, and offered for free, I
could understand them locking you in without Gerbers. But I seem to
remember it was mostly a drafting package that had very limited
capabilities compared to (of course) PADS, but there were other free or
very inexpensive packages that had better capabilities and actually created

I tried to check pricing from PCBexpress, and I got this:

"Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in
/home/ on line 25
We're sorry...please try this process again later."

I'd like to compare them to pcbfabexpress. I guess I'll "try again later".

mpm wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Pad2Pad, ExpressPCB, & PCB123 are all essentially the same thing.
They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.

Jeff - your information is incorrect.

Thank you for interpolating my post.
I assure you that was not necessary.

I repeat: This "free" software does not *PRODUCE* Gerbers.
If you use it, you are LOCKED IN to a single fab house.

What I am saying is that to call itself an ECAD Package,
software should be able to generate Gerbers ON ITS OWN.

What you are describing
meets the classic definition of CRIPPLEWARE.

For $60, ExpressPCB will definitely send you a Gerber file.

I did NOT say there was no way to PURCHASE Gerbers.

If that's what YOU want, fine.
Full disclosure for the other folks is another thing.
Most people want to know what the cards up the sleeve are.
....and it appears you STILL haven't read this:*-link+*-Reply-at-the-bottom-*-*-*+DO-NOT+More.Options+blockquoting+other.people's.sigs+weird-looking.posts
John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote

Well do you call it 'tracing' as in traces ?

No, we call it wiring as in 'wiring'.

But it's not a wire.
It most certainly is!
It's piece of copper foil typically 35um thick.

That is NOT 'wire'.

It's called ENGLISH not Americanlish.

I was talking about American English.
Oh you mean the bastardised version ! Has no validity.

John Fields wrote:

Not necessarily.

As John Popelish noted, using negative feedback and providing a little
bias when the input is at zero volts will force the output to be at zero
volts during those times.

To cool ! Thanks John.

Some points:
- I am stupid as I focus on extracting DC from output .. instead of
comparing output with input !
- I have never played before yesterday with LTSpice. It is incredible.
You give me a circuit in ascii, and I can run it, modify it ! Wow !
- I do not know how Mosfet works. In fact they afraid me a little. Your
amplifier as a gain of 5. Is it R6/R4 ?
- does it "sound" good ?

John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote:

Did you play in ZZ Top btw ?

Nope. Beard fooled ya?
That was just a friendly joke btw. Wondered how you'd take it.

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 14:46:40 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote:
John Fields wrote:

Then you agree that wiring


has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from

Do you consciously persist in your buffoonery, or is it involuntary?

My statement, to Kevin, was:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts.",

not: "PCB wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded

Can you understand the difference between the two?

Probably not, so I'll explain it to you:

The former case is general enough that it includes improperly shielded
conductors, conductors running too close to each other, and all manner
of problems caused by wiring, including PCB wiring.

The latter applies specifically to PBC's and is too restrictive to apply
to every situation, thereby being the reason I chose the more general

In that case you've changed your point of view and have made yourself look
even more of a BUFFOON.
Hmmm... you _do_ seem to have reading comprehension problems.

Here's what I responded to from Kevin:

"I mean, why should I build it? What possible purpose could that serve,
that would not be known already?"

Notice that no mention was made of PCBs, (nor was there mention earlier
in the thread) so my statement that:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts."

would apply to the viewpoint I held earlier, which is the same viewpoint
I hold now.

JF wrote:
Are you in the USA, by any chance?

He is an AOL user with a US IP address.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 15:24:23 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:
When the output of the AND goes high it resets the RS latch made from
the two NORs, and the ALARM output will go low, causing an audible alarm
to sound, which will alert the RADAR operator (or whoever's on watch) to
the fact that an object has just been detected at the range set by MS1.

Funnily enough, they were working on a new collision avoidance radar system when I was
at Kelvin Hughes. That wasn't my project though. I was working on new spec Rhine River
Radar intended for barges and the like using the Rhine (and doubtless other

If you're interested I could explain what their problem was and how I told them the
answer from my bed in 30 seconds.
Sure; what the hell...

On Oct 23, 7:57�am, wrote:
On Oct 23, 7:46 am, wrote:

There was an article in a camera magazine about a guy who had a
serious problem with his eyes (drying out, hurting, could barely
see). Turns out, a standard treatment for this outside the US is to
simply draw some blood, centrifuge it, collect plasma, and use the
plasma as eye drops.

Drug companies can't make money from this, of course, but synthetic
drugs didn't help the guy any.

Anyone have any idea what the disease is? I thought I had the link
bookmarked, but can't find it :(


It's called capitalism, it's a terminall illness of the brain.


I think this is closer...
Google: autologous serum eye drops
I disagree about capitalism. Despite the latest problems caused by
greedy corporate leaders, what other system allows a poor person to
work his way to the top?

The poor in America can get rich but by a very limited number of ways,
by consolidating the power of the rich if they have some education, or
by killing consumers with grease if they have little education.

Pretty much you have to open your own business. �Harder than it sounds
in other countries. �You have to have connections to get the

Are you in the USA, by any chance?

That's hardly inspirational.

Communism won't

"In capitalism man exploits man. �In communism it's the other way

-- Soviet era joke.

(and won't care if you die,

Only a moron would believe any system cares.

How many millions died under Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Jong Il?

How many millions of aborted babies in the US since Rowe vs. Wade?

Maybe you're right.

Maybe a lone individual cares. �Maybe not.

A few do. �I used to, then got tired, then started to care again.

In any event we have _democracy_ not capitalism. �The Constitution
never mentions capitalism. �Art. I Sec 8 could not be more clear. �The
people control all national economic policy through their
representatives in Congress.
The Constitution never mentions "private sector" or Jesus or
Christianity or rugged individualism or individualist ownership of
guns either.

The media try to "merely omit" this fact but the truth is getting out.

Bret Cahill

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." ďż˝- Benjamin
It takes about 20 - 50 seconds to google that quote to determine if
it's bogus. You have time to type it but not to verify it.

Now take a minute to go verify that quote and report back to us with
your findings.

The _NY Times_ has a slightly more sophisticated historical
revisionism scam going on.

The Times would have everyone to believe Pat Robertson came over on
the Mayflower.

But all I have to do is point out that no less than seven (7) state
Revolutionary era constitutions banned ministers and priests from
holding public office and cite deTocqueville that "public opinion made
it unthinkable everywhere else." See _Democracy In America_ (1833).

The _NY Times_ would also have everyone believe every "populist" is
just like Hitler Stalin Ross Perot and David Duke if you cite the
plain language of Art. I Sec 8.

But every biographer will agree that Jefferson was a populist.

Like I said, the truth is getting out.

Bret Cahill

"Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its
association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate
pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers
which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for
their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral
pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our
as we do persons infected with disease."

--Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816. ME 15:28
<> wrote in message
How many millions of aborted babies in the US since Rowe vs. Wade?
None: a foetus is not a baby. Or did you mean aborted sperm, robbed of
any chance of life by contraception by wicked mummies who are too lazy
to fertilized them and wicked daddies who jerk off?
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 17:49:03 +0200, Olivier Scalbert
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

Not necessarily.

As John Popelish noted, using negative feedback and providing a little
bias when the input is at zero volts will force the output to be at zero
volts during those times.

To cool ! Thanks John.

Some points:
- I am stupid as I focus on extracting DC from output .. instead of
comparing output with input !
- I have never played before yesterday with LTSpice. It is incredible.
You give me a circuit in ascii, and I can run it, modify it ! Wow !
- I do not know how Mosfet works. In fact they afraid me a little.
They are, in effect, voltage-controlled resistors with the
drain-to-source resistance being lowered more and more as the gate
voltage more and more closely approaches the drain voltage.

Try this:

Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE -32 0 -368 0
WIRE -32 32 -32 0
WIRE -32 128 -32 112
WIRE -80 208 -272 208
WIRE -368 240 -368 0
WIRE -272 240 -272 208
WIRE -368 368 -368 320
WIRE -272 368 -272 320
WIRE -272 368 -368 368
WIRE -32 368 -32 224
WIRE -32 368 -272 368
WIRE -368 400 -368 368
FLAG -368 400 0
SYMBOL nmos -80 128 R0
SYMBOL voltage -368 224 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL voltage -272 224 R0
WINDOW 3 8 104 Left 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 12 0 1)
SYMBOL res -48 16 R0
TEXT -346 392 Left 0 !.tran 1.1 uic

Plot the current through R1 and the voltage on the gate as a function of
time and you'll see what I mean.

Just for fun, you might also want to move R1 to between the drain and
ground and do the same plot as earlier.

amplifier as a gain of 5. Is it R6/R4 ?
No, R3/R2

- does it "sound" good ?
Dunno, but it should. Do an AC analysis on it and you'll see it's flat
to within about 0.5dB out to around 200kHz or so.

I haven't found out how to do an FFT in LTspice yet, so there may be an
itermodulation problem lurking in there somewhere.

Also, Linear touts the LT1007 as being the lowest-noise opamp available.
I'll have to build one and find out what it sounds like!

BTW, I just picked those MOSFETS kind of at random from the list of
available ones from LTspice, so they may not be able to dissipate the
kind of power needed for and audio amp.

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:28:14 -0500, John Fields
<> wrote:

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 17:49:03 +0200, Olivier Scalbert> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

Not necessarily.

As John Popelish noted, using negative feedback and providing a little
bias when the input is at zero volts will force the output to be at zero
volts during those times.

To cool ! Thanks John.

Some points:
- I am stupid as I focus on extracting DC from output .. instead of
comparing output with input !
- I have never played before yesterday with LTSpice. It is incredible.
You give me a circuit in ascii, and I can run it, modify it ! Wow !
- I do not know how Mosfet works. In fact they afraid me a little.

They are, in effect, voltage-controlled resistors with the
drain-to-source resistance being lowered more and more as the gate
voltage more and more closely approaches the drain voltage.

Try this:

Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE -32 0 -368 0
WIRE -32 32 -32 0
WIRE -32 128 -32 112
WIRE -80 208 -272 208
WIRE -368 240 -368 0
WIRE -272 240 -272 208
WIRE -368 368 -368 320
WIRE -272 368 -272 320
WIRE -272 368 -368 368
WIRE -32 368 -32 224
WIRE -32 368 -272 368
WIRE -368 400 -368 368
FLAG -368 400 0
SYMBOL nmos -80 128 R0
SYMBOL voltage -368 224 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL voltage -272 224 R0
WINDOW 3 8 104 Left 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 12 0 1)
SYMBOL res -48 16 R0
TEXT -346 392 Left 0 !.tran 1.1 uic

Plot the current through R1 and the voltage on the gate as a function of
time and you'll see what I mean.

Just for fun, you might also want to move R1 to between the drain and
--- ^^^^^
Oops... source

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 08:38:54 -0700, BretCahill wrote:

The Constitution never mentions ... or individualist ownership of guns
Maybe not in the body, but Article II of the Bill of Rights is very
Amendment II

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
[emphasis mine]

And, just to clarify what "militia" means:
the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military
service; "their troops were untrained militia"; "Congress shall have power
to provide for calling forth the militia"--United States Constitution

In other words, in the USA, the militia is YOU, and you have a Creator-
given inherent right to own and carry a gun; the Constitution merely
endeavors to protect that right from tyranny.

Hope This Helps!
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:55:32 -0700, Benj wrote:
On Oct 23, 1:21 pm, gabydewilde <> wrote:

Only a moron would believe any system cares.

How many millions died under Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Jong Il?

Hint: "Gun control" reduces private crime but not "official" crimes.
The actual facts are, ordinary crimes against individuals, like robbery,
rape, murder, etc. ALWAYS go up wherever they gov't imposes gun control.

The criminals don't care about the laws, you see.

But why are we doing politics in the .basics group?

John Fields wrote:

Eeyore wrote
John Fields wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
John Fields wrote:

Then you agree that wiring


has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly
loaded applecarts and that your pointers will help to keep that from

Do you consciously persist in your buffoonery, or is it involuntary?

My statement, to Kevin, was:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts.",

not: "PCB wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded

Can you understand the difference between the two?

Probably not, so I'll explain it to you:

The former case is general enough that it includes improperly shielded
conductors, conductors running too close to each other, and all manner
of problems caused by wiring, including PCB wiring.

The latter applies specifically to PBC's and is too restrictive to apply
to every situation, thereby being the reason I chose the more general

In that case you've changed your point of view and have made yourself look
even more of a BUFFOON.

Hmmm... you _do_ seem to have reading comprehension problems.

Here's what I responded to from Kevin:

"I mean, why should I build it? What possible purpose could that serve,
that would not be known already?"

Notice that no mention was made of PCBs, (nor was there mention earlier
in the thread) so my statement that:

"Wiring has a nasty habit of upsetting perfectly loaded applecarts."

would apply to the viewpoint I held earlier, which is the same viewpoint
I hold now.
Since you can't apparently distiunguish traces on PCB boards from wiring - your
comments are totally null and void.

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 02:48:12 -0700, jaiprakash.788 wrote:

How can we make a Radio transmitter and receiver. Pl. give me some easiest
possible ways to do so.
Easiest way I know of:

(or you could go to the other side of google and search for "radio


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