Jon Slaughter
"Test" <test@.nil.invalid.com> wrote in message
about 20mA and sink about 5 or 10.
This is why they use the above circuit with the external power.
I don't recall how much power the LPT can source total but probably not
enough for your relay.
Sure you can tie all the output pins together and hope for the best. If on
goes low then you got a direct short. You can use diodes to prevent sinking
any current but that will lower your voltage.
LPT output ---- diode ----
LPT output ---- diode ----
LPT output ---- diode ---- All tied together here
LPT output ---- diode ----
The current will basically add up.
So, suppose each output will give a max of 20mA before protection kicks in
and you have 10 pins tied together, then thats a maximum of 200mA that
you'll get. That's assuming the whole chip can output that much.. if not I
imagine you have a real chance of burining up the port.
It's pretty easy to get a wall-wart power suppose and use that with a
transistor as the circuit shows... it's also a lot safer for your parallel
You can't drive the relay directly because, IRC the LPT port can only sourceI am trying to use LPT port to control a small 5 V relay (Meisei ps-5). The
appears to have 1.75 ohm resistance.
I connected the data pin to the + pin of the relay and ground to the gnd
pin. No
click. Voltage drops to about 2V. Then I tried with DC power supply at
(1.5A). A nice click is audible from the relay.
(Bear with me: I am a newbie) I conclude that LPT is not suppliying enough
current (live and learn!). After googling for some time I am presented
with a new
thing that should: a transistor - as in "transistor radio".
This helpful site has a cirquit that fits the bill:
here is it:
| __|__
Relay /^\ Diode 1N4002
Coil /---\
| |
| /
4.7K B |/ C
parallel port >-\/\/\/\/---| NPN Transistor: BC547A or 2N2222A
data pi |\ E
| V
parallel port >--------------+
ground pin |
Above need an extra power supply (Vcc). Is any way to use power (perhaps
multiple data pins) from the LPT port itself? One pin gives out 0-5V and a
milliamps. The Meisei relay I have seems to need more.
about 20mA and sink about 5 or 10.
This is why they use the above circuit with the external power.
I don't recall how much power the LPT can source total but probably not
enough for your relay.
Sure you can tie all the output pins together and hope for the best. If on
goes low then you got a direct short. You can use diodes to prevent sinking
any current but that will lower your voltage.
LPT output ---- diode ----
LPT output ---- diode ----
LPT output ---- diode ---- All tied together here
LPT output ---- diode ----
The current will basically add up.
So, suppose each output will give a max of 20mA before protection kicks in
and you have 10 pins tied together, then thats a maximum of 200mA that
you'll get. That's assuming the whole chip can output that much.. if not I
imagine you have a real chance of burining up the port.
It's pretty easy to get a wall-wart power suppose and use that with a
transistor as the circuit shows... it's also a lot safer for your parallel