Phil Allison
"Sjouke Burry"
The top unit is a simple DC volt and DC mA meter.
** Mains frequency, of course.
** Huh ?????
How many fairies have you been chasing lately ??
** They BOTH read incoming DC voltages and mA.
The VOM one will additionally read AC volts and mA plus resistor values -
with low accuracy compared with even a very cheap DMM.
** Utter nonsense.
The max AC is 40 volts and the max DC is 20 volts.
It is designed to be safe for novice, teenage students to use.
....... Phil
** You nuts ??http://i360.photobucket.com/albums/oo48/ron08840/000_0003.jpg
The top part is a very nice signal generator,
The top unit is a simple DC volt and DC mA meter.
the lower part is an ac/dc voltage supply, unclear what frequency
the AC setting supplies.
** Mains frequency, of course.
It can apparently also act as a variable resistor,
** Huh ?????
How many fairies have you been chasing lately ??
The two analog meters give a nice display of the selected output range.
** They BOTH read incoming DC voltages and mA.
The VOM one will additionally read AC volts and mA plus resistor values -
with low accuracy compared with even a very cheap DMM.
If it works correctly, you have a very nice piece of equipment, with
extremely high output ranges in voltage and current.
** Utter nonsense.
The max AC is 40 volts and the max DC is 20 volts.
It is designed to be safe for novice, teenage students to use.
....... Phil