Chip with simple program for Toy

Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Bret Cahill <> wrote:

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if
only because sooner or later trains will electrify and
a lot or most long haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude
because that was the situation in N. Europe decades ago.

Wrong, as always. Not much freight moves using rail in northern europe.

True. Even the Royal Mail (British Post Office) moved to trucks only a year or so ago.

But that may change if the cost of transport fuel gets a lot higher.

It won't here because so much of it is already tax,
Wrong again. If the price of crude is 10 times higher, the tax is irrelevant.

that the impact of the raw material price is much lower than in the US.

You may HAVE to go that way too to avoid 7 litre gas guzzlers.
Wrong again, you can just ban them if you want to.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore wrote
Bret Cahill wrote

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail
if only because sooner or later trains will electrify
and a lot or most long haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude
because that was the situation in N. Europe decades ago.

Land and (relatively) labour was cheap then too. That's how France
laid the majority of the TGV system without it costing a fortune.

The cost of the sort of land that that uses mostly hasnt increased all that much.

It has in France.
No it hasnt.

As has the labour.
Wrong again. They can use cheap foreign labor if they choose to.

SNCF did it at just the right time.
Wrong, as always.
"Don Klipstein"
Phil Allison wrote:
If you want brighter starting and faster warmups, then avoid the ones
with outer bulbs.

** You are SOOOOO full of shit !!

Some of the slowest lighting CFLs are made by Philips and use an exposed
spiral - eg

The "warm up" time is stated to be 2 minutes.

The initial light level is about 10%, it depends on room temp.

Exceptionally extreme dim-starting (according to figures I
consider unverified) and slow-warming (what percentage after 2
minutes? 90%? 99%) spiral that I have yet to see anywhere except
your citation.

** Do your own search on " Philips Tornado CFL " .

Maybe they are not sold in the USA ( ie no 120 volt version exists)

Maybe there ARE sold in the USA under another name.

Does not matter a damn to the ORIGINAL QUESTION !!!

SLOW LIGHTING CFLs are sold all over.

I have Philips spirals that are mostly warmed up in less than a minute
and at 1 second after power is applied they are a #@(# of a lot brighter
than 10% of full even at 18 degree C ambient!

** So fucking what ?????

What YOU have NOT seen is not EVIDENCE - asshole.

Room ambients can be way less than 18C too - dickhead.

..... Phil
"Don Klipstein"

** This complete loon must be one of the biggest JERKOFFs on usenet !!

Rooms are often colder than 18C and 1 minute to reach half brightness is
annoying wait or even dangerous in many situations.

What I "have seen" being *notably absent* in *usual situations* with
*common products* is atually information.

** Yaaawnnn - more meaningless drivel.

Also, I have found and posted as such that taking half a minute to a
minute to get to more than halfway to full brightness is often not
so bad - I usually find that outright welcome in bathrooms!
** While most others find it damn annoying.

Also, colder than 18 C is exception more than rule for rooms.

** It is very common in bathrooms, in winter, in many places for the temp
to fall to near 0C overnight.

What a utterly stupid ass you are.

Furthermore, how the bleep often is light output of 20-25% of
full "dangerous and also lacking escape from danger by waiting for half a
minute to 45 seconds?

** What YOU are too damn stupid to realise is YOUR problem.

...... Phil
"Don Klipstein the IMBECILE "

Phil Allison wrote:

You also dredged up something from 2004 - but then again,

** Huh ????????

Philips " Tornado " CFLs are on sale right now - asshole.

** The UK, Australia and all over Asia for sure.

Whether that same name in on USA product is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT

IMBECILE !!!!!!!!!!

Also, in ambient 18 C or warmer, my experience is that bare spirals
start a lot brighter than "one candle"!

** And which CFL was my remark about - asshole ??

One that appears to me

** Go read the damn thread & see what I was referring to.

You pathetic ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have never seen a problem -


....... Phil
I have had ZERO problems with any CFL except dropping one

** The YOU are clearly NOT in any position to discuss the many
problems with CFLs.

I've been using them for 20 years.

** Another red herring.

Ignorance is NOT knowledge.

Red herrings are NOT valid points.

You pathetic bloody fool.

....... Phil
"Don Klipstein MORON "
Phil Allison wrote:

If you want brighter starting and faster warmups, then avoid the ones
with outer bulbs.

** You are SOOOOO full of shit !!

Some of the slowest lighting CFLs are made by Philips and use an exposed
spiral - eg

The "warm up" time is stated to be 2 minutes.

The initial light level is about 10%, it depends on room temp.

Exceptionally extreme dim-starting (according to figures I
consider unverified) and slow-warming (what percentage after 2
minutes? 90%? 99%) spiral that I have yet to see anywhere except
your citation.

** Do your own search on " Philips Tornado CFL " .

Why should I...

** Then you will know that they really exist.

Do you expect me to buy one and send it to you ?????

Shame it would be a 240 volt one if I did.

Maybe they are not sold in the USA ( ie no 120 volt version exists)

Maybe there ARE sold in the USA under another name.

Does not matter a damn to the ORIGINAL QUESTION !!!

SLOW LIGHTING CFLs are sold all over.

And you have yet to show much data that the slowpokes include much of
CFLs with bare tubing.
** There is no published data available from makers.

The start up performance ( especially at low room temp ) is a huge
embarrassment to CFL makers so they suppress it.

It is WAAYYYY inferior to normal fluorescent tube lighting.

It is PATHETIC compared to any incandescent lamp of course.

What YOU have NOT seen is not EVIDENCE - asshole.

What I have not seen where I look for it or not seen as
to-your-claimed-extent exception from a rule I have found followed by
about 50 models and about a dozen "brands" with lack of exception in my
experience other than what I call "dollar store stool specimens",
is notably significant data that can't be dismissed so quickly out of

** I am not denying your experience.

But what YOU have NOT seen is not my problem.

Room ambients can be way less than 18C too - dickhead.

Distinct minority!

** You are indeed some kind of absolute fucking IDIOT !!

Must be as autistic as all HELL !!

....... Phil
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:
"Don Klipstein"
Phil Allison wrote:

If you want brighter starting and faster warmups, then avoid the ones
with outer bulbs.

** You are SOOOOO full of shit !!

Some of the slowest lighting CFLs are made by Philips and use an exposed
spiral - eg

The "warm up" time is stated to be 2 minutes.

The initial light level is about 10%, it depends on room temp.

Exceptionally extreme dim-starting (according to figures I
consider unverified) and slow-warming (what percentage after 2
minutes? 90%? 99%) spiral that I have yet to see anywhere except
your citation.

** Do your own search on " Philips Tornado CFL " .
Why should I since you have already presented a citation to those?
And I found the 2 minute warmup data to be useless (due to lack of
qualifying to 50% or 99% of "full"), along with lack of data as to how dim
they start.

Maybe they are not sold in the USA ( ie no 120 volt version exists)

Maybe there ARE sold in the USA under another name.

Does not matter a damn to the ORIGINAL QUESTION !!!

SLOW LIGHTING CFLs are sold all over.
And you have yet to show much data that the slowpokes include much of
CFLs with bare tubing.

I have Philips spirals that are mostly warmed up in less than a minute
and at 1 second after power is applied they are a #@(# of a lot brighter
than 10% of full even at 18 degree C ambient!

** So fucking what ?????
I test a lot of CFLs and that is what I have seen.

What YOU have NOT seen is not EVIDENCE - asshole.
What I have not seen where I look for it or not seen as
to-your-claimed-extent exception from a rule I have found followed by
about 50 models and about a dozen "brands" with lack of exception in my
experience other than what I call "dollar store stool specimens",
is notably significant data that can't be dismissed so quickly out of

Room ambients can be way less than 18C too - dickhead.
Distinct minority! I relish the mere hours per year that I can get my
apartment down to 17 C! And my CFLs work just fine then!

I have a couple relatives having some use of lighting while heating
"only" to 17 or 18 C and having no complaints of CFLs specific to 17 C as
opposed to 25 C!

- Don Klipstein (
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:
"Don Klipstein"

** Philips "Tornado" spiral CFLs are also VERY SLOW to light up fully.

Even with a room temp of 20C they take about 3 minutes.

Here in USA, I have yet to see a spiral CFL having any reference other

** Could be sold under a different name in the USA.

and I have yet to have a CFL with bare tubing
fail to be a majority of the way warmed up in 1 minute from 18 C or above.

** What you have NOT seen is NOT any kind of information.

Rooms are often colder than 18C and 1 minute to reach half brightness is an
annoying wait or even dangerous in many situations.
What I "have seen" being *notably absent* in *usual situations* with
*common products* is atually information.

Also, I have found and posted as such that taking half a minute to a
minute to get to more than halfway to full brightness is often not
so bad - I usually find that outright welcome in bathrooms!

Also, colder than 18 C is exception more than rule for rooms.

Furthermore, how the bleep often is light output of 20-25% of
full "dangerous and also lacking escape from danger by waiting for half a
minute to 45 seconds?

- Don Klipstein (
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:
"Don Klipstein"

** This complete loon must be one of the biggest JERKOFFs on usenet !!

Rooms are often colder than 18C and 1 minute to reach half brightness is
annoying wait or even dangerous in many situations.

What I "have seen" being *notably absent* in *usual situations* with
*common products* is atually information.

** Yaaawnnn - more meaningless drivel.

Also, I have found and posted as such that taking half a minute to a
minute to get to more than halfway to full brightness is often not
so bad - I usually find that outright welcome in bathrooms!

** While most others find it damn annoying.

Also, colder than 18 C is exception more than rule for rooms.

** It is very common in bathrooms, in winter, in many places for the temp
to fall to near 0C overnight.

What a utterly stupid ass you are.
Oh please, cite when and where? Besides outhouses and single family
dwellings befallen by severe winter storms that interrupt power for days?

I know one person who so much as had his bathroom cool to about +7
degrees C during an almost-weeklong power outage in January 1994 after the
"Great Ice Storm" of January 1994. That was Philadelphia's first day on
record for weather-related official lack of mail delivery service - for
only one day!

Furthermore, how the bleep often is light output of 20-25% of
full "dangerous and also lacking escape from danger by waiting for half a
minute to 45 seconds?

** What YOU are too damn stupid to realise is YOUR problem.
Non-problem to me - I do that often and have done that a lot and been
there a lot!

You claim that's a problem where I find that a non-problem?

- Don Klipstein (
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:
"Don Klipstein"
Phil Allison wrote:

You also dredged up something from 2004 - but then again,

** Huh ????????

Philips " Tornado " CFLs are on sale right now - asshole.
Where? Please tell me where I can get one at a retail establishment
without burning gasoline costing more than purchase price of *one unit*!
I reside in Delaware County PA near Philadelphia.

Also, in ambient 18 C or warmer, my experience is that bare spirals
start a lot brighter than "one candle"!

** And which CFL was my remark about - asshole ??
One that appears to me based on my huge experience to have an
exceptionally slow warmup time for its general type/style, that I have yet
to experience personally despite testing about 150 models of about 30
"brands" of CFLs including all 3 of the "Big 3" due to lack of
availability in USA.
Unless the USA version is Philips spirals available in USA that I have
tested, and found to have lesser warmup requirement that I have found
typical of bare-tubing CFLs in general!

You need to learn what a RED HERRING is too - wanker.
But I have had actual good experience with Philips spirals in USA!

- Don Klipstein (
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:
"Don Klipstein"

If you want brighter starting and faster warmups, then avoid the ones
with outer bulbs.

** You are SOOOOO full of shit !!

Some of the slowest lighting CFLs are made by Philips and use an exposed
spiral - eg

The "warm up" time is stated to be 2 minutes.

The initial light level is about 10%, it depends on room temp.
Exceptionally extreme dim-starting (according to figures I
consider unverified) and slow-warming (what percentage after 2
minutes? 90%? 99%) spiral that I have yet to see anywhere except
your citation.

I have Philips spirals that are mostly warmed up in less than a minute
and at 1 second after power is applied they are a #@(# of a lot brighter
than 10% of full even at 18 degree C ambient!

- Don Klipstein (
"Don Klipstein the LYING IMBECILE "

** And which CFL was my remark about - asshole ??

One that appears to me

** Go read the damn thread & see what I was referring to.

I know bleeping well what you were referring to.


You will not even look back in the thread to see.

Autistic mental defectives never will.

...... Phil
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Trying something over and over that doesn't work is the definition of insanity.


Now here you have some credibility.
I bow to your expertise on insanity, I have no personal experience.


Could that be lack of interest?

Its more that usenet has always had a real tendency to collect groups of individuals
in particular newsgroups where the newsgroup name only quite losely describes
their general interests and a lot more than that does get discussed.

And there are always a few obsessively anal that hate that too.
There have always been trolls. In fact one could argue they used to be
better. They seem to be generally much more immature nowadays.

Usenet was born with the idea of newsgroups that were not unlike private
living rooms where people could spend time in conversation about topics
they considered interesting. Unfortunately there are those who insist on
barging in where they aren't wanted and are certainly not considered
interesting. It's the equivalent of finding the door unlocked and walking
into a living room and throwing up on the carpet.

If there is no other group for their "issue" then why don't they start one?
Because hardly anyone will even notice that they have done that.
And hordes of very narrowly focussed groups works very badly indeed.
I read several groups you aren't disturbing and they work quite well.

Irrelevant to what was being discussed there.
You have clearly demonstrated that you haven't a clue about what was or
is being discussed in sci.electronics.basics. Trolling does not a
discussion make.

I guess you can't see any groups you don't disturb so you will never see how well they can work.

Guess again. They do tend to get crossposted ocassionally.
I clearly refered to groups you don't disturb, and by your demonstrated
behavior you are clearly not capable of acting civilized. On your level,
any group you participate in is distrubed by your inappropriate and
rude behavior. Any post you see was posted to a group you are

Your idea that other trolls might crosspost into groups you are
disturbing isn't really interesting. That a troll is disturbed by
someone who might dare to deflect attention isn't news, it's expected

That's truly sad.

Thats truly pathetic, as always with you.
Speaking of expected behavior, I think I detect another personal attack.
You are clearly not the most clever person to attempt to insult me.
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote

This is the first indication I've seen that you have
any awareness of appropriate behavior on usenet.

You dont get to rule on what is appropriate usenet behaviour. Ever.
I must admit surprise here; maybe we're making progress. You seem to be
fanning a flame here. Are you acknowledging that there is appropriate
and inappropriate behavior standards? Who do you think gets to determine
the standaards?

Are you saying that you are aware and understand that
different newsgroups exist to discuss different topic and
that crossposting is rude and unwanted?

That last is just your silly little drug crazed pig ignorant fantasy.
This is at best infantile nonsense. If you insist on ad hominem attacks
you might want to work on them a little. You have to do much better than
this when dealing with adults, if you want to be taken seriously.

Google could easily provide baseball style stats for each poster,

1. The number of OPs.
2. The number of OPs/response postings.
3. The number of responses/OP.
4. The average number of different posters/OP.
5. The above stats over time, a graph to show improvement.
Someone suggest the above to Google.

We could call it the troll index.

You wouldnt know what a real troll was if it bit you on your lard arse.
You might want to goggle for better insults, it really doesn't seem to
be your strong point.
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote:
Sort of seems like a real lack of imagination and intelligence to be
unable to come up with other possibilities for not wanting to waste
time on off topic posts. To be that limited it must be difficult.

Life is short, consequently time is precious.

Mindlessly superficial.
Sorry I went over your head, I'd try to dumb it down but it's better if
you simply learn this on your own as a part of life. Don't take my lack
of interest in you personal, I just think some things have to come
through personal experience.

The immature and boorish behavior of trolls is an
unacceptable time sink that should be mostly avoided.

How odd that you waste your time so obviously.
You one of those hypocrites ?
I see you think about me and your curious. I'm afraid I don't have the
time to explain things, it seems communication it's your strong point
and usenet is limited in that it really does require a minimum of
communications skills.

I'll offer an observation. Those with the least to say are often
the loudest, most prolific, and most persistent. I can only
guess but I think they must be driven by a need for attention.

What are you driven by ?
Again your interest is appreciated but I cn't help you.

I'm truly glad most people grow out of that childhood phase.

What about yours ?
No vulgar, rude, juvenile atttacks? Not feeling well today?
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Trying something over and over that doesn't work is the definition of insanity.


Now here you have some credibility.

Unlike you.

What is the correct definition?

There is no nice tidy definition thats anything like as simple as that.

I bow to your expertise on insanity, I have no personal experience.
Obvious lie.

Even more, anyone who is posting to a tech group but
isn't really interested in technology is irrational *per se.*

Wrong again. Some arent interested in the tech but are interested in discussing other things

Then why aren't they discussing those "other things" on other groups?

Because the other groups have fuck all participating in them.

Could that be lack of interest?

Its more that usenet has always had a real tendency to collect groups of individuals
in particular newsgroups where the newsgroup name only quite losely describes
their general interests and a lot more than that does get discussed.

And there are always a few obsessively anal that hate that too.

There have always been trolls.
Not in usenet.

In fact one could argue they used to be better.
You wouldnt know what a real troll was if one bit you on your lard arse.

They seem to be generally much more immature nowadays.
The ancient greeks used to sit around in their togas or
whatever they wore and mindless rabbit on the same way.

Its just senility rearing its head.

Usenet was born with the idea of newsgroups that were not
unlike private living rooms where people could spend time in
conversation about topics they considered interesting.
Thats nothing like how it was actually born.

Unfortunately there are those who insist on barging in where
they aren't wanted and are certainly not considered interesting.
And plenty of fools like you that dont have a fucking clue about anything at all too.

It's the equivalent of finding the door unlocked and
walking into a living room and throwing up on the carpet.
Nothing like it. Much closer to wandering down the pub/bar and getting involved in discussions there.

If there is no other group for their "issue" then why don't they start one?

Because hardly anyone will even notice that they have done that.

And hordes of very narrowly focussed groups works very badly indeed.

I read several groups you aren't disturbing and they work quite well.

Irrelevant to what was being discussed there.

You have clearly demonstrated that you haven't a clue about
what was or is being discussed in sci.electronics.basics.
Wrong, as always.

Trolling does not a discussion make.
You wouldnt know what a real troll was if one bit you on your lard arse.

I guess you can't see any groups you don't disturb
so you will never see how well they can work.

Guess again. They do tend to get crossposted ocassionally.

I clearly refered to groups you don't disturb,
No such animal in that sense.

and by your demonstrated behavior you are clearly not capable of acting civilized.
Whereas your behaviour is absolutely impeccible, eh ?

Yeah, right.

On your level, any group you participate in is distrubed by your inappropriate and rude behavior.
Corse you never ever do anything like that yourself, eh ?

Any post you see was posted to a group you are disturbing.
Corse you never ever do anything like that yourself, eh ?

Your idea that other trolls might crosspost into groups you are disturbing isn't really interesting.
No one ever said it was, fool.

That a troll is disturbed by someone who might dare to deflect attention isn't news, it's expected behavior.
You wouldnt know what a real troll was if one bit you on your lard arse.

That's truly sad.

Thats truly pathetic, as always with you.

Speaking of expected behavior, I think I detect another personal attack.
Not a shred of evidence that you are actually capable of thought.

You are clearly not the most clever person to attempt to insult me.
Your mindless silly shit in spades.
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote

I think the easiest way to identify someone posing as
qualified is to check the number of crossposted groups.

More fool you.
How would you know?

The more groups the more confusion; the metric simply never fails.

Mindlessly silly.
I couldn't have proved the point any better.

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