Rod Speed
stan <smoore@exis.net> wrote
Dont forget what the did to the cat.BretCahill@peoplepc.com wrote
Of course, your idea of "intelligent participation" and
"flaming" might be quite different from mine, or someone
else. ?I don't think there's any real formula here.
There may be an issue as to what is on topic for a group but
the OP and end of branch posting profile are purely objective.
I'm curious.
You dont get to rule on what is appropriate usenet behaviour. Ever.This is the first indication I've seen that you have
any awareness of appropriate behavior on usenet.
That last is just your silly little drug crazed pig ignorant fantasy.Are you saying that you are aware and understand that
different newsgroups exist to discuss different topic and
that crossposting is rude and unwanted?
You wouldnt know what a real troll was if it bit you on your lard arse.Google could easily provide baseball style stats for each poster,
1. The number of OPs.
2. The number of OPs/response postings.
3. The number of responses/OP.
4. The average number of different posters/OP.
5. The above stats over time, a graph to show improvement.
Someone suggest the above to Google.
We could call it the troll index.