Chip with simple program for Toy

stan <> wrote wrote

Of course, your idea of "intelligent participation" and
"flaming" might be quite different from mine, or someone
else. ?I don't think there's any real formula here.

There may be an issue as to what is on topic for a group but
the OP and end of branch posting profile are purely objective.

I'm curious.
Dont forget what the did to the cat.

This is the first indication I've seen that you have
any awareness of appropriate behavior on usenet.
You dont get to rule on what is appropriate usenet behaviour. Ever.

Are you saying that you are aware and understand that
different newsgroups exist to discuss different topic and
that crossposting is rude and unwanted?
That last is just your silly little drug crazed pig ignorant fantasy.

Google could easily provide baseball style stats for each poster,

1. The number of OPs.

2. The number of OPs/response postings.

3. The number of responses/OP.

4. The average number of different posters/OP.

5. The above stats over time, a graph to show improvement.

Someone suggest the above to Google.

We could call it the troll index.
You wouldnt know what a real troll was if it bit you on your lard arse.
stan <> wrote:
Bret Cahill wrote:
Of course, your idea of "intelligent participation" and
"flaming" might be quite different from mine, or someone else. ?I
don't think there's any real formula here.

There may be an issue as to what is on topic for a group but the OP
and end of branch posting profile are purely objective.

I'm curious.

That's only because you don't know me. If you had the stats on me
you would either go to other threads ("this Cahill loser does
nothing but flame out at the ends of branches and everyone knows
it") or if you _did_ post to my threads you'ld spend less time
flaming and more time making a contribution to the debate.

Under what definition do you consider this a debate?

This is the first indication I've seen that you have any
awareness of appropriate behavior on usenet.

Who decides what is appropriate behaviour?

Clearly you don't care, so why do you ask?

Who decides if and what crossposting is bad?

Again, why do you ask?

Instead of debating all these subjective issues it is much better to
just give out the stats and profiles of posters, maybe a cross
posting index as well. Mine might be high but my philosophy is
multidisciplinarity solves problems.

Do you understand the concepts of interest and efficiency ? What
problems have you solved? Hasn't your trolling created problems?

I'd be happy for everyone to know I often cross post.

I still wonder if you ever DON'T crosspost. How about it, have you
ever not crossposted?

Google could easily provide baseball style stats for each poster,

1. ?The number of OPs.
2. ?The number of OPs/response postings.
3. ?The number of responses/OP.
4. ?The average number of different posters/OP.
5. ?The above stats over time, a graph to show improvement.

Someone suggest the above to Google.
We could call it the troll index.

Maybe have some hands off automatic kill file for those with the
"wrong" stats.

Now we agree. I sent google a suggestion that they kill trolls at the
source. Simply not allow crossposting through their often abused

Right now a lot of thin skinned types are kill filing posters merely
because they couldn't take the truth.

Sort of seems like a real lack of imagination and intelligence to be
unable to come up with other possibilities for not wanting to waste
time on off topic posts. To be that limited it must be difficult.

Life is short, consequently time is precious.
Mindlessly superficial.

The immature and boorish behavior of trolls is an
unacceptable time sink that should be mostly avoided.
How odd that you waste your time so obviously.

You one of those hypocrites ?

I'll offer an observation. Those with the least to say are often
the loudest, most prolific, and most persistent. I can only
guess but I think they must be driven by a need for attention.
What are you driven by ?

I'm truly glad most people grow out of that childhood phase.
What about yours ?
stan <> wrote wrote

Just google the name.

Is the name always found in the OP of many controversial / popular threads?

This indicates an active mind.

Or a confused and simple mind, limited by obstinance.

Or is the name always flaming out at the ends of branchs?

If the poster isn't really interested in technology, or fancies it as
something other than what it really is, then he'll always wind up
saying something stupid and, after it's pointed out how stupid it
was, he'll flame out at the end of a branch.

Even more, anyone who is posting to a tech group but
isn't really interested in technology is irrational *per se.*

I think the easiest way to identify someone posing as
qualified is to check the number of crossposted groups.
More fool you.

The more groups the more confusion; the metric simply never fails.
Mindlessly silly.
"Jon Slaughter" <> wrote in news:nQluk.11277$L_.5513

"Kris Krieger" <> wrote in message
"Jon Slaughter" <> wrote in

"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:07:25 -0700 (PDT), Bill Bowden> wrote:

Looks like a close VP match of Senator Biden of Deleware (844,000)
and Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska (roughly same population). A
liberal pro-choice white male tax and spender against a moderate pro-
life, minority female conservative.

Should be an interesting debate.


No. The real match is between two young, inexperienced, unpredictable
political minorities: Palin and Obama.

One running for VP and the other? I guess we will equate the two offices
now just so osama will not get his feelings hurt?

Why should Osama bin Laden's feelings be hurt...?

Because your comparing him to a VP? I thought he was running for the noble
office of president? Why be inexperienced and a VP when you can do it as
Huh? bin Laden isn't president of anything.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I have a recuring problem when connecting my circuit to the phone
basically the circuit I use is :
with the exception that I connect B3 to an 8th order low pass filter
and the output of that goes to the positive of the transformer. Also I
use picbasic to create my DTMF. I connected a small audio speaker to
the terminal of the phone line along with the the line itself.
The problem is as follows, when the relay is energize, I hear a dial
tone ( well thats good) , then I also hear the controller dialing..
both at the same time, so the number is never really dialed, anybody
know why?

What are your audio levels at the line?
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I have a recuring problem when connecting my circuit to the phone
basically the circuit I use is :
with the exception that I connect B3 to an 8th order low pass filter
and the output of that goes to the positive of the transformer. Also I
use picbasic to create my DTMF. I connected a small audio speaker to
the terminal of the phone line along with the the line itself.
The problem is as follows, when the relay is energize, I hear a dial
tone ( well thats good) , then I also hear the controller dialing..
both at the same time, so the number is never really dialed, anybody
know why?

"then I also hear the controller dialing..". From the write up, I thought
it -was- designed to pulse dial using the relay. No?
Bret Cahill <> wrote:

Google already gives out posting activity of posters on news
groups, the total number of posts over a certain period of time.

This could be supplemented with other difficult to
compile but public stats and search information.

The number of OP posts as well as the number of OP/total posts ratio, for example.

The average number of responses and number of different names
received by a poster's OP posts.

The number of BE (branch endings) as well ast the BE/total posts.

A search box could be included to pull up all of a poster's OP posts,
and all the posts in a selected group to show the OP posts are on topic.

A search box could be included to pull up all a poster's BE posts to see
if the the branch ended because the poster won a debate or flamed out.

If a poster is flaming out in 95% of his posts then everyone will be
able to quickly see he has nothing to contribute to a tech discussion.

Harder to quantify

It's as easy to quantify OPs and BEs as total activity which Google does now.
Yes, but that alone is no use. You have to analyse what gets posted in
an OP because some clearly just quote shit from elsewhere and thats
nothing like as useful as actually having something useful to say etc.

In spades with BEs which are often just mindless shit everyone just ignores like with 'gp's currently.

the silly little children who do nothing like puerile coat trailings

A search box will quickly identify all your BEs and, at a glance,
anyone can quickly determine that you have nothing to say.
You dont need google to do that. And fuck all use google to read usenet anyway.
Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Just google the name.

Is the name always found in the OP of many controversial / popular

This indicates an active mind.

Or a confused and simple mind, limited by obstinance.

Or is the name always flaming out at the ends of branchs?

If the poster isn't really interested in technology, or fancies it
as something other than what it really is, then he'll always wind up
saying something stupid and, after it's pointed out how stupid it
was, he'll flame out at the end of a branch.

Even more, anyone who is posting to a tech group but isn't really
interested in technology is irrational *per se.*

I think the easiest way to identify someone posing as qualified is to
check the number of crossposted groups. The more groups the more
confusion; the metric simply never fails.

On the other hand the less crossposting the more stagnant the group.
There are a half dozen (including sock puppets) on
sci.electronics.basics who are in pretend land.

The media have deliberately dumbed down Americans on freedom of speech
by hyping naked nazi flagburner parade pseudo speech issues. Read
"The Freedom of the Press" in _Democracy In America_ and you'll
understand censorship is not the solution.

Providing the right stats on posters is the solution.
Nope, not when the content is ignored.

In any event everyone can agree that there is no argument
against Google compiling and publishing the stats.
Mindlessly silly. There isnt any point in compiling useless stats.
Eeyore <> wrote: wrote:

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the
open highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for
a 1000 mile day and even without the green write offs the savings
would more than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on
the highway.

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which
would only work on flat land anyway.

Precisely my thinking.

Incidentally look at Detroit Diesel's site for their latest efficiency
improvements on a standard diesel engine.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive and only makes sense
on heavily used commuter routes.

Funnilly enough for 'long haul' rail - hydrogen fuel might actually
make sense. It's an area where it's disadvantages won't really matter
to a multi-header freight train. You just need to be able to make the
hydrogen efficiently.
And nukes do that fine.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail yard.

It used to be a lot like that in the UK. But it was SLOW.
No use for preishable goods for one thing.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment blocks.
I doubt thats true of all of them.
Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Google already gives out posting activity of posters on news
groups, the total number of posts over a certain period of time.

This could be supplemented with other difficult to
compile but public stats and search information.

The number of OP posts as well as the number of OP/total posts ratio, for example.

The average number of responses and number of different names
received by a poster's OP posts.

The number of BE (branch endings) as well ast the BE/total posts.

A search box could be included to pull up all of a poster's OP posts,
and all the posts in a selected group to show the OP posts are on topic.

A search box could be included to pull up all a poster's BE posts to see
if the the branch ended because the poster won a debate or flamed out.

If a poster is flaming out in 95% of his posts then everyone will be
able to quickly see he has nothing to contribute to a tech discussion.

Harder to quantify

It's as easy to quantify OPs and BEs as total activity which Google does now.

Yes, but that alone is no use.

That's why a serch tool needs to be added:

I'd type in "Rod Speed" in the BE box and get all your posts that ended branchs.
Thats nothing like your original silly shit about stats.

And google wont be bothering to implement that sort of search anyway.

You have to analyse what gets posted in an OP

Another search tool would list all your OPs.
Thats nothing like your original silly shit about stats.

And google wont be bothering to implement that sort of search anyway.

A search box will quickly identify all your BEs and, at a glance,
anyone can quickly determine that you have nothing to say.

You dont need google to do that.

It would speed things up.
And hardly anyone would bother to do that except silly little trollchildren that have nothing better to do with their
Bret Cahill <> wrote:

Providing the right stats on posters is the solution.

Nope, not when the content is ignored.

But the content, or lack thereof, isn't ignored if the proper search tools are included.
Thats nothing like your original silly shit about stats.

And google wont be bothering to implement that sort of search anyway.

<reams of your puerile attempt at a troll flushed where it belongs>
Bret Cahill <> wrote:

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if
only because sooner or later trains will electrify and
a lot or most long haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude
because that was the situation in N. Europe decades ago.
Wrong, as always. Not much freight moves using rail in northern europe.

Those are electrified for passengers, stupid.

and only makes sense on heavily used commuter routes.

The main line between LA and Long Beach back east
-- the bulk of the trade with China -- runs 70 trains/day.
Hardly any of them move what comes from china.

One gigawatt or billions in diesel / year.
Doesnt have to be diesel if that line isnt electrified.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail yard.

It used to be a lot like that in the UK.

And it'll be like that again.
Bet it wont.

But it was SLOW. No use for preishable goods for one thing.

You'll always need a few OTR trucks.
And when you have those, you wont be bothering to move the non perishable stuff separately from the perishable stuff.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment blocks.

Plow them under.
Taint gunna happen.

They had a "Rails to Trails" movement that would make bike
trails out of abandoned right of ways. That can be reversed.
That aint the yards, stupid.

"Trails to Rails."
Taint gunna happen, you watch.
Bret Cahill <> wrote:
A few trucks I've seen have a single wheel instead of duals on the
trailers. I guess the fuel saving is something like 2%.

You mean single axle or single tire?

Single axle might be cost effective for low weight loads as DOT
limits the weight/axle.

Single tire might not be an efficiency issue. ?It's just that it can
be hauled between furrows.

? ? ? ? ? The normal duals are replaced with single tires.
These are on the tractor. ? The ones I've actually seen were on the
An old article here:

'Super singles don't offer the "limp home" capabilities of duals,
according to Cohn. "If you get a flat, you have to pull over; you're

Sounds like a lot of trouble for 4% more cargo.

? ? A furrow is the shallow ditch between the ridges. ?The ridges are
where the actual crop is planted. This dates back to when farmers had
to cultivate corn to kill the weeds. ?Cultivation also loosens the
soil and is still used to kill weeds although modern sprays do an
awful good job of weed control ?Farmers also deliberately use a
ridger to cut the ditches a little deeper and get the debris out of
the way for furrow irrigation. ?It's sometimes called "hilling".
?Another benefit is during corn combining. ?The snoots on the corn
head can pick up downed corn a little better if there is a shallow
ditch between the rows.
? ? Furrows have nothing to do with the use of single tires for OTR
trucks. ?The normal procedure is to disc the field ends to make
turning easier. ?The truck is parked at the end of the field or on
the road. Auger wagons/carts are used to get the grain from the
combine to the truck. ?The combine loads the auger cart on the go.

Maybe I saw the wagons or carts on the roads instead of the trailers
in the fields.

? ? Soil compaction is a big deal. ?Running a loaded truck down the
field would cause a lot more of it. ?Not a good thing. ?It also
would be unnecessarily tough on the truck.

Ragged out sugar beet semis drive right out in the field to be loaded.
Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never
ever had a fucking clue about anything to do with agriculture.

? ? ?Combines, auger carts and tractors are set up so the tires run
down the furrow not on the row/ridge. ?There is a conservation
farming practice called ridge till where this is important. ?The
ridge needs to be there for the next spring's planting.

Some local ex farmer was telling me that in the midwest the wheat
actually grows up under the snow. (I listened politely.) He also
said that the soil there is only 4" deep so they alternate rows with
weeds for a wind break to keep the soil from blowing away.

He claimed the local farmers only get one ton/acre of the expensive
wheat or 3 tons/acre of the cheap wheat so either way they never
made much money. He said the lettuce farmers got upset over
some insect attracted by cotton and banned cotton farming.
They dont get to ban a damned thing.

He said he quit farming because of the 90 hour work weeks.

I've been cycling a lot at night and farm tractors are often out working the fields.
They light up a cloud of dust around the tractor with a half dozen lights.
Thats as close as you ever get to agriculture, child.
"Mike S."
I am trying to help my grandmother with a phone problem. I'm not
entirely sure what's going on (she's very confusing) but some
(possibly all) of the Caller ID displays on her home telephones are
garbled to the point where they're unreadable.

** You need to go to her house and get the real facts.

I think it happened
after a thunderstorm where the electric went out. The phones work fine
except for the displays. It's on both the cordless and corded phones.

Is it at all possible that the storm would damage only the displays on
the phones but yet the phones still work fine otherwise? I can't be
sure, but I think even the cordless extension sets that aren't even
connected to the phone line have the garbled display. That seems
really strange to me.

I think the displays on at least five phones are damaged.

** More likely storm water has got into the wiring ( anywhere from the
exchange to the house) and is causing signal loss & noise on the line -
that will screw up caller ID.

...... Phil
Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Google already gives out posting activity of posters on news
groups, the total number of posts over a certain period of time.

This could be supplemented with other difficult to
compile but public stats and search information.

The number of OP posts as well as the number of OP/total posts ratio, for example.

The average number of responses and number of
different names received by a poster's OP posts.

The number of BE (branch endings) as well ast the BE/total posts.

A search box could be included to pull up all of a poster's OP posts,
and all the posts in a selected group to show the OP posts are on topic.

A search box could be included to pull up all a poster's BE posts to see
if the the branch ended because the poster won a debate or flamed out.

If a poster is flaming out in 95% of his posts then everyone will be
able to quickly see he has nothing to contribute to a tech discussion.

Harder to quantify

It's as easy to quantify OPs and BEs as total activity which Google does now.

Yes, but that alone is no use.

That's why a serch tool needs to be added:

I'd type in "Rod Speed" in the BE box and get all your posts that ended branchs.

Thats nothing like your original

From the OP of this thread:

"A search box could be included to pull up all a poster's BE posts to see
if the the branch ended because the poster won a debate or flamed out.
Just seeing the BE doesnt allow you to see if its a flame out, you need the context to do that.

And real discussion aint about 'won a debate' either. What matters
is the points made, and thats the entire thread, not just the BE.

"If a poster is flaming out in 95% of his posts then everyone will be
able to quickly see he has nothing to contribute to a tech discussion."
Like I said, thats just plain wrong too, particularly with threads where silly
little coat trailing children are just using them as a silly little childish sandpit.

And google wont be bothering to implement that sort of search anyway.

They might come up with something even better.
Not a chance, you watch.

If you want that sort of thing, you'll have to do it yourself, using as the source for the data.

You have to analyse what gets posted in an OP

Another search tool would list all your OPs.

Thats nothing like your original

From the OP:

"A search box could be included to pull up all of a poster's OP posts,
and all the posts in a selected group to show the OP posts are on topic."
Not even possible with crossposted OPs.

A search box will quickly identify all your BEs and, at a glance,
anyone can quickly determine that you have nothing to say.

You dont need google to do that.

It would speed things up.

And hardly anyone would bother to do that

Let each decide.
Wont happen, because goggle wont bother to implement it, you watch.
Bret Cahill <> wrote:

Google too takes up the corporate spirit that all are almost infinitessimately small (and don't count)

Google provodes a free speech forum to the poorest of the poor.

Not to the day laborer in Beijing.

The Chinese economy will surpass the U. S. economy in 6 years.
Depends on how you measure the economy. It wont do anything like that when measured properly.

The Chinese have already gone high tech.
And have used some of that tech to curtain free speech very dramatically.

Soon all Chinese will have free speech.
Just another of your silly little childish fantasys.

In sharp contrast America will remain in GOP tax cut stagflation for decades according to Soros.
Soros has never got it right yet. He claimed that Malaysia would go straight down
the tubes when they had enough of a clue to stop floating their currency when he
behaved like a complete arsehole and attempted to manipulate their currency.

He ended up with egg all over his silly little face very comprehensively indeed.

The "free lunch on liberty" mentality has allowed all 4 clauses of the great charter of American
freedom to come under fierce assult from the corp. media, politicians and other shills.
And the net has made the corp media completely irrelevant for those who want real free speech.

The NY Times has everyone believing Pat Robertson came over on the Mayflower.
No one with a clue gives a flying red fuck what the NYT attempts
along those lines and fuck all even bother to read that rag anyway.

The ACLU has everyone believing free speech is only for naked nazi flagburner parades.
And no one with a clue gives flying red fuck what they claim either.

Hollywood has nutters believing that if they "git pushed too far" thay can "pocket veto" a black candidate.
Who cares ? No one who matters.

And all of that leaves what you can do in china for dead anyway.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote wrote

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the
open highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for
a 1000 mile day and even without the green write offs the savings
would more than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the highway.

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which would only work on flat land anyway.

Precisely my thinking.

Incidentally look at Detroit Diesel's site for their latest
efficiency improvements on a standard diesel engine.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most
long haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive and only makes sense
on heavily used commuter routes.

Funnilly enough for 'long haul' rail - hydrogen fuel might actually
make sense. It's an area where it's disadvantages won't really
matter to a multi-header freight train. You just need to be able to make
the hydrogen efficiently.

And nukes do that fine.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail yard.

It used to be a lot like that in the UK. But it was SLOW.
No use for preishable goods for one thing.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment blocks.

I doubt thats true of all of them.

I assure you it pretty much damn well is.
You're just plain wrong. As you admit in your next sentence.

Or they're now the car parks for the commuters who use the trains.
Thats easily reversed if that is desirable.

AFAIK you can no longer send an ordinary parcel by train in the UK.
It's contract only for heavy loads.
It would be easy to move containers by rail and then by local truck to
say supermarkets etc if the transport fuel costs make that worth doing tho.

And do that with parcels to the post office/courier office too.
<> wrote in message
They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the open
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would more
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the

? ? ? The link qwerty provided talked about short run delivery trucks
and bucket trucks like the utility companies use. ?Nothing about the OTR
trucks unless I missed it.
Hybridization is a minor advantage on the highway. An old diesel
Rabbit gets slightly less mpg as a new Prius on the highway.

Nevertheless, if it becomes politically correct to go up a 6% grade at
< 8 mph, a full series hybid truck may appear. On the down hill the
energy could be regenerated to recharge the battery instead of
overheating the brakes. But right now a series hybrid truck would
require a multi ton battery to get 80,000 lbs over a mountain at what
is currently considered an acceptable speed ~ 35 mph.

Maybe series hybridization would make some sense on OTR routes
restricted to the midwest or below the Southern Crescent, N.O. - DC.
Instead of a 400 hp diesel running well below its "sweet spot" a
tweaked 100 hp engine might use 10 -15% less fuel in a full series

In any event trains will pick up a lot of long haul which should
increase demand for hybrid truck tractors on short haul to the rail
yard. Peterbilt made a smart move.

One of the web pages claimed that the Peterbilt drive train could run
on batteries only for limited periods of time.

The battery farm tractor drive train is already in production. We
just need a way to recharge it, either by partial trolly or battery

? ? It seems like there are a growing number of trucks running about 63
The big trucking companies changed all the governors on their fleets
to save fuel. If you see a company semi going over 62, it's because
it is going downhill without brakes.

even on I-80 here in Nebraska. ?The speed limit is 75.
In CA the speed is 55 for trucks but supposedly CHP won't ticket below

That's why all the governors are set at 62.

? ? ?A few trucks I've seen have a single wheel instead of duals on the
trailers. ?I guess the fuel saving is something like 2%.
You mean single axle or single tire?

Single axle might be cost effective for low weight loads as DOT limits
the weight/axle.

Single tire might not be an efficiency issue. It's just that it can
be hauled between furrows.

Bret Cahill
<> wrote in message
They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the open
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would more
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the

? ? ? The link qwerty provided talked about short run delivery trucks
and bucket trucks like the utility companies use. ?Nothing about the OTR
trucks unless I missed it.

Hybridization is a minor advantage on the highway. An old diesel
Rabbit gets slightly less mpg as a new Prius on the highway.

Nevertheless, if it becomes politically correct to go up a 6% grade at
8 mph, a full series hybid truck may appear. On the down hill the
energy could be regenerated to recharge the battery instead of
overheating the brakes. But right now a series hybrid truck would
require a multi ton battery to get 80,000 lbs over a mountain at what
is currently considered an acceptable speed ~ 35 mph.
Only about 1 ton of battery actually (to get 80,000 lbs to the top of a 6000
ft mountain pass.
In actuallity, a smaller battery would suffice since the power generator can
help on the way up.
Either way it's good use of the battery, since on the way down it gets
charged back up to the brim, ready for the next mountain range !

Please understand that a series hybrid rig with battery can go up the
mountains much FASTER than it's crawling diesel-equivalents, since the
electric motors can be more powerfull than it's diesel engine.

"Eeyore" <> wrote in message wrote:

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which would
only work on flat land anyway.

Precisely my thinking.
How did you guys conclude that ?

Welcome to

