Chip with simple program for Toy

Phil Allison wrote:


Well you won't find them in Morrisons.

** Monstrous ego = blatant LIAR.

Well you won't find them in Morrisons.

** Completely ridiculous RED HERRING !!

What a desperate & PATHETIC LIAR !!!

What a desperate & PATHETIC SNIPPER !!!

....... Phil
Phil Allison

Don't care.

** Monstrous ego = zero honesty.

Snipping FUCKHOLE !

** What insane crap !!!!

I snipped

Yes you did. The words that placed my comment in context.

** The comment was 100% ASININE and the following words were completely
irrelevant to the ORIGINAL context.

All were just another desperate attempt to CHANGE the CONTEXT and avoid
facing the fact you had been proved 100% WRONG - yet AGAIN !!

So they totally deserved to be snipped.

What a desperate & PATHETIC LIAR you are Stevenson.

....... Phil
<> wrote in message
On Aug 27, 1:13 pm, Rich Grise <> wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:15:19 -0700, mrdarrett wrote:
A friend gave me a little yellow toroid (ferrite?) with a winding
around it, that he had butchered from some non-working computer part.

I unwound the (thick!) wire, re-wound it with 10 turns of primary, and
50 turns of secondary.

I then built an astable multivibrator switching at 70 kHz, running off
3VDC, switching a TIP31, hoping to get a x5 multiplication of the

I got exactly 0 volts out of the secondary.

Why is this?

Is there a minimum voltage requirement for flyback transformers?

Similar effect with 6VDC on the primary side.

At first I thought the yellow ring may be made of plastic, but a
neodymium magnet happily picks up the toroid...

I'm using an NTE587 fast switching diode on the secondary side.

Are you running this single-ended? What provision have you made for
the half-cycle when the transistor is off - where does the flux go?
IOW, how are you resetting the core to prevent it walking away into
saturation-land? ;-)

Good Luck!

Would use of an ultrafast bridge rectifier avoid the free, all-
expenses paid admission to Saturation-Land?
It does not seem worthwhile to spend time and energy to do experiments on
unknown circuit components, especially without the necessary equipment,
like a scope or an LCR meter. Either of these can be obtained very
inexpensively, especially if you are willing to get an older model and
perhaps do a little repair work (which can be educational as well).

You can purchase toroidal cores with full specifications from DigiKey for a
few dollars, and then you can wind transformers that will perform
predictably. You can also probably get samples on-line.

For the test equipment and the cores, eBay can be your friend, and also
check out any local Hamfests that have electronic flea markets.

I would also suggest drawing up your circuit in LTspice, although
transformer modeling can be tricky. You could start with a sample circuit
for a flyback converter (5v 12v 20mA 1316.asc). It has a transformer model
that will work for what you are trying to do. It has a 40 uH primary and a
640 uH secondary, which is a ratio of 4:1.

Phil Allison wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

Well you won't find them in Morrisons.

** Monstrous ego = blatant LIAR.

Well you won't find them in Morrisons.

** Completely ridiculous RED HERRING !!

The fact you can't find them in a major retailer ?

** Totally irrelevant.

They are readily available from many retailers, world wide.

What a desperate & PATHETIC LIAR !!!

What a desperate & PATHETIC OVER SNIPPER !!!

....... Phil
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 19:44:59 -0700 (PDT), scott93727g <> wrote:

SndScopePro 1.5
Dual Trace Sound Card Scope
Professional Dual Trace Oscilloscope
AC DC Triggered Input
Single / Dual channel
Volts / DB Digital Readout
Time / Frequency Digital Readout
Auto Gain Function
Plus Much More
By using the sound card line inputs (left/right channels) a low cost
Dual Trace Scope is possible, scope has many adjustments and can be
used as is without additional hardware, with a small box with
Calibrated 10 turn pots and freq dividers, you can use the scope for
any amptitude or frequency.
How does DC Triggered Input work? Every sound card I've seen has only
AC-coupled inputs (and outputs). Just curious... <g>

Also, what are we supposed to make of the fancy receiver image at the top of
your page? I think you'd be better off without that.

Maybe I'm not typical, but I suspect that before most folks plunked down $40 for
this, they'd like to read a bit more about it. Why not put your manual or Help
pages on-line?

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
<> wrote in message
I've found this circuit:
gnd------voltage source-----current source------resistor----gnd
all sources are ideal
I shoud calculate the voltage across can i do?
A)If i use Kirchhoff voltage law:
voltage source:voltage across current source+voltage across resistor
what is the voltage across current source?
B)If i use Kirchhoff current law:
current source=current across voltage source= Vout/R
is it right?
How can i have the same result with KVL?
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
If it is a series circuit, the current source wins because it establishes
the current in the circuit and the voltage is simply "absorbed" in the
compliance of the current source. It's the current in the resistor that

If it is a parallel circuit, the voltage source wins and establishes the
voltage across the resistor. The current form the current source is
immaterial because it does not change the voltage on the resistor.

These comments assume that the voltage source is zero ohms internal
resistance and he current source is infinite internal resistance.

What you state above sounds like a series circuit, therefore, the current
source wins and establishes the current in the resistor. wrote:
? Russia may cut off oil flow to the West

Pulling foreign investment might get complicated.

I'ld like to see how they set up the cost benefit risk analysis spread sheet.
They dont care about stuff like that.

They didnt bother with anything like that when they invaded Georgia.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 9:26pm BST 28/08/2008

Fears are mounting that Russia may restrict oil deliveries to Western
Europe over coming days, in response to the threat of EU sanctions
and Nato naval actions in the Black Sea.

Russia has repeatedly restricted oil and gas deliveries over recent
years as a means of diplomatic pressure, though Moscow usually
explains away the reduction by referring to technical upsets or
pipeline maintenance.

BP used that same excuse with the transAlaska pipeline.

Russia has combined the worst of the west with the worst of the east.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 04:38:17 -0700 (PDT),

Phucking phony, why don't you get away from the technical newsgroups,
where you clearly don't belong, and start frequenting some place like
alt.ignorant.assholes, where you'd be surrounded by peers?

Now now now. It's not my fault you made yourself look like an idiot.

Every time you try to cut snip something you have difficulty
accepting, I'll just reinsert it:

I don't snip stuff because I have difficulty accepting it, I snip
because the material is irrelevant.

Go ahead and insert it as often as you like, it'll still be

"You are vexed therefore I am right about you."

-- Nietzsche

"I am right about you, therefore you are vexed."

John Fields
John, Bret,

You both posted many of this sort of threads between the two of you here on
I hope you understand that you are feeding each other with personal attacks and both of you show no sign of letting go of previous
accusations, ad nauseam.
Overall, these threads are not so interesting for the rest of the NG readers.

So can one of the two of you be the wisest and stop replying to the 'group' when the other posts something, ragardless of how much
you think the other is wrong ?

Post directly to the sender, or even better, don't post anything unless you are making a scientific/technical comment about the
Not sure if it either one of you is wise enough to do so, but it should reduce the amount of senseless postings here in


<> wrote in message
I thought this would be easy, but I'm struggling with the details.

I have some lights (12VDC 200W) I want to turn on when the water level
in a fountain reaches a certain point (i.e., the fountain is on).

If I use a level switch and trigger a relay, I have the problem of
figuring out where to put the relay around the fountain (just rocks
and dirt). Do I bury a standard solid state relay in a water-tight
box? I can't really have an above ground box sitting there.

Is there such a thing as "water resistant" relays?

I'm a little curious about your parenthetical "i.e., the fountain is on".
Do you really want a water level switch or just lights when the fountain is

Tom wrote:
Without getting into all this blather abou how the brain works, i'm
just going to say i do not see how anyone could have a truly random
idea. Wether its an idea on the physical or theoretical plane the idea
coming from a human will always fill a physical or emotional need.
filling one of those to needs takes away the idea that an idea could
be random since the idea is in fact serving a purpose.
The brain is an electro-chemical machine. Period. It obeys the laws of
classical and quantum mechanics. Any "idea" is simple a state of the brain.
Brain states are formed by a process of replication, selection and random
variation of parent states, either genes (nature) or meme (nurture).

Ideas do not have to fill any need. Evolution is completely purposeless. It
is a Darwinian process that just happens.

Kevin Aylward
Kevin Aylward <> wrote: wrote:

Without getting into all this blather abou how the brain works, i'm
just going to say i do not see how anyone could have a truly random
idea. Wether its an idea on the physical or theoretical plane the
idea coming from a human will always fill a physical or emotional
need. filling one of those to needs takes away the idea that an idea
could be random since the idea is in fact serving a purpose.

The brain is an electro-chemical machine. Period. It obeys the laws of
classical and quantum mechanics. Any "idea" is simple a state of the
brain. Brain states are formed by a process of replication, selection and random variation of parent states, either
genes (nature) or meme (nurture).

Ideas do not have to fill any need.

Evolution is completely purposeless. It is a Darwinian process that just happens.
Irrelevant to what ideas are. wrote:

Just google the name.
Doesnt help with those who use lots of nyms.

Is the name always found in the OP of many controversial / popular threads?

This indicates an active mind.
Nope, just a pathetic excuse for a troll/complete raving loony most of the time.

Or is the name always flaming out at the ends of branchs?
The most that can indicate is a short fuse/doesnt tolerate fools/trolls.

If the poster isn't really interested in technology, or fancies
it as something other than what it really is, then he'll always
wind up saying something stupid and, after it's pointed out
how stupid it was, he'll flame out at the end of a branch.
FAR more often its just whats inevitable with any discussion, no one changes their original position
and the style of the ending has a lot more to do with the nature of usenet than anything else.

Even more, anyone who is posting to a tech group but
isn't really interested in technology is irrational *per se.*
Wrong again. Some arent interested in the tech but are interested in discussing other things
and there are hardly any tech groups that dont have some of that. Nothing irrational about that.

Do not be surprised if they try to refute the public record as well.
Do not be surprised if they spend most of their time in puerile coat trailing exercises like you do in spades.
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:07:25 -0700 (PDT), Bill Bowden> wrote:

Looks like a close VP match of Senator Biden of Deleware (844,000)
and Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska (roughly same population). A
liberal pro-choice white male tax and spender against a moderate pro-
life, minority female conservative.

Should be an interesting debate.


No. The real match is between two young, inexperienced, unpredictable
political minorities: Palin and Obama.
One running for VP and the other? I guess we will equate the two offices now
just so osama will not get his feelings hurt?
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
It depends. Sometimes it can be quite sporty to pretend "What if I am on
a lonely island and only my laptop and these few parts?" You can get a
similar circuit going (not with the TIP31 though, and with a forward
concept) using just the sound card and a $2.99 Harborfreight multimeter.

Of course, on that island your laptop battery would croak after two hours
so you've got to be done by then ;-)

But seriously, I was in such situations more than once. Client had a
circuit issue that turned out to be a really nasty noise intrusion from
somewhere. But from where, and what's the path? Next to nothing in
suitable equipment, just my trusty laptop with its 18bit sound card.
However, we needed an iso xfmr that went down to 5Hz and mine quits at
15Hz or so. So we took a mains iso transformer and roached phono jacks
onto it. Of course this just had to be the day the regular OSHA
inspection happened. One engineer turned pale when he saw that. "Put that
away!" ... "Why? We need it right now." ... "Cause the OSHA guy is next
door" ... "Dee-deedle-dum, don't turn around, the commissar's in town,
dee-deedle-dum" ... "Stop that!" (I know the guys quite well, else I
would have pulled that Falco song)
It is useful to pull a MacGuiver once in a while. A few years ago I was on
a troubleshooting job at NSA and I found that a glitch in a logic circuit
was causing it to malfunction, and it was preventing the use of a $50,000
piece of equipment used for critical circuit breaker calibration. I figured
that a small capacitor would fix it, but we didn't bring an assortment of
parts, and their cal lab didn't have that sort of thing either. It would
have been very difficult to go back out through security and go somewhere
to get some parts and then come back in, and we really needed to get this
test set up and running. Luckily, someone had a broken multimeter that we
were able to cannibalize and get a capacitor that fixed the problem. So
they were able to get their testing done, and national security (or at
least my job security) was once again assured.

There should be a techie version of "Survivor" that require the
participants to use electronic junk to cobble together some sort of circuit
that allows them to get out of situations.

"Tim Wescott" <> wrote in message wrote:
On Aug 29, 10:07 pm, Bill Bowden <> wrote:
Looks like a close VP match of Senator Biden of Deleware (844,000)
and Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska (roughly same population). A
liberal pro-choice white male tax and spender against a moderate pro-
life, minority female conservative.

Should be an interesting debate.

Do either of them know Ohm's Law? Can they do loops and nodes while
applying Kirkhoff's Laws? Do either of them know the relative merits
of NAND versus NOR flash?

More importantly, do either of them understand the law of Total
Conservation of Money, i.e. money in == money out, i.e. spending == taxes,
no matter the cleanliness of the linen you wrap it in?
No but Obama and democrats sure do!!! They are the most intelligent people
on this planet! Much more so than republicans can ever hope to be!
<> schreef in bericht
Thank you everyone for your input to my earlier thread for my need of
a one chip solution that directed my application to using a PIC.

As a new PIC learner can you give me a PIC choice & part # (kit) that
has the flexibility I need for my application? Also a good webpage for
PIC projects would also be helpful. I have several years of old
experience, covered in cob webs, in the use of 8080 Assembly & Basic
programming languages which hopefully will allow me to grasp the PIC
language quickly.

Webpage link to my application need:

My need in the ideal PIC (AFC) application:

A PIC samples its Input every 10 minutes from a manually activated &
conditioned Update Pulse. The Input is sampled for a 200 Hz frequency
in a 1/2 sec timing window and compared to 100. It has a possible
count value above or below a 100.

PIC INPUT = 1 Volt p-p AC @ 50 Hz - 300 Hz

PIC OUPUT = 5v to 6v DC @ 1 ma with a resolution of 100 increments.

PIC features:
OP Amp

* * *
Below is a first attempt not knowing any PIC language using some past
terms for crude logic in my Automatic Frequency Control. I will refine
the logic when I get a specific PIC for my application.

Dim vInput_count %, vOutput_V%

vOutput_V = 5.5v
PIC_Output = vOutput_V ' set PIC Output to 5.5 volts


If Terminate_ Pressed then End

vInput_count = PIC_Input '1/2 second PIC frequency Input sample"

If vInput_count > 100 then
vOutput_V = vOutput_V - .01 'minus .01 volts from PIC Output
'lowers the frequency at the PIC Input.
PIC_Output = vOutput_V

Goto label1


If vInput_count < 100 then
vOutput_v = vOutput_V + .01 'adding .01 volts to Output raises
'the frequency at the PIC Input.

PIC_Output = vOutput_V

Goto label1

End if 'Program proceeds when Input_count = 100

Do until Update pressed 'Wait for 10 minute signal to Update
'sample at the PIC Input.

Goto Label1


* * * *


Temecula CA.USA

Look at:
for an intro using PICs.

You find that even some small PICs have A/D on board. Some with eight, some
with ten bits. Using them at frequencies as low as 200Hz will be no problem
at all.

But.... This is about measuring and keeping a voltage. If you want to
measure frequency, you will need no A/D-conversion at all. Every PIC I know
about has one or more counters to help measuring frequencies. An - 8 pins -
PIC12F629 for instance, also has build in comparators to make nice digital
pulses from your AC input. If you need more output pins a PIC16F684 (14
pins) will do.

The D/A is not that easy.
The most simple solution will be PWM. You'll need a very good low pass
filter to get rid of the sample frequency which in turn will make output
changes slow.
A good and rock-stable way is an R/2R network. You'll need 14 resistors and
7 output pins to achive 100 (128 to be excact) step resolution. Both are
described in:
A more attractive way is using a D/A-convertor. A TC1320 for instance is a
good choice. But the 8-pins chip uses an I2C interface which will be hard to
inplement for a beginner. You can however find example code at Microchips.
For the PIC a PIC12f629 will do.
In all solutions described above you will need an amplifier if you need an
output voltage >5.5V.

petrus bitbyter
<> wrote in message
Thank you everyone for your input to my earlier thread for my need of
a one chip solution that directed my application to using a PIC.

As a new PIC learner can you give me a PIC choice & part # (kit) that
has the flexibility I need for my application? Also a good webpage for
PIC projects would also be helpful. I have several years of old
experience, covered in cob webs, in the use of 8080 Assembly & Basic
programming languages which hopefully will allow me to grasp the PIC
language quickly.

Webpage link to my application need:

My need in the ideal PIC (AFC) application:

A PIC samples its Input every 10 minutes from a manually activated &
conditioned Update Pulse. The Input is sampled for a 200 Hz frequency
in a 1/2 sec timing window and compared to 100. It has a possible
count value above or below a 100.

PIC INPUT = 1 Volt p-p AC @ 50 Hz - 300 Hz

PIC OUPUT = 5v to 6v DC @ 1 ma with a resolution of 100 increments.

PIC features:
OP Amp
I would suggest a PIC16F684. These is a simple 14 pin part that can be
programmed with the Microchip PICkit1 or PICkit2, and it has several ADCs
and a PWM module that can be used for a DAC. The F-V can be accomplished by
using a circuit as suggested by RD, where you can count the number of
pulses in a 500 mSec window and convert that to frequency (150 pulses = 300
Hz). If you use his circuit, add a reverse diode and resistor from base to

I found interesting web pages on theremin projects:

I found a web site with a lot of circuits:

They have a theremin controller:

None of these really addresses exactly what you are trying to do, but might
be helpful for ideas.

Good luck.

Paul wrote in

Thank you everyone for your input to my earlier thread for my need of
a one chip solution that directed my application to using a PIC.

As a new PIC learner can you give me a PIC choice & part # (kit) that
has the flexibility I need for my application? Also a good webpage for
PIC projects would also be helpful. I have several years of old
experience, covered in cob webs, in the use of 8080 Assembly & Basic
programming languages which hopefully will allow me to grasp the PIC
language quickly.

Webpage link to my application need:
I can't help you (I'm, an utter beginner) but I wanted to say that the page -
especially the sound file! - is IMO very intersting :)

- Kris

"Jon Slaughter" <> wrote in

"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:07:25 -0700 (PDT), Bill Bowden> wrote:

Looks like a close VP match of Senator Biden of Deleware (844,000)
and Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska (roughly same population). A
liberal pro-choice white male tax and spender against a moderate pro-
life, minority female conservative.

Should be an interesting debate.


No. The real match is between two young, inexperienced, unpredictable
political minorities: Palin and Obama.

One running for VP and the other? I guess we will equate the two offices
now just so osama will not get his feelings hurt?
Why should Osama bin Laden's feelings be hurt...?
"Kris Krieger" <> wrote in message
"Jon Slaughter" <> wrote in

"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:07:25 -0700 (PDT), Bill Bowden> wrote:

Looks like a close VP match of Senator Biden of Deleware (844,000)
and Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska (roughly same population). A
liberal pro-choice white male tax and spender against a moderate pro-
life, minority female conservative.

Should be an interesting debate.


No. The real match is between two young, inexperienced, unpredictable
political minorities: Palin and Obama.

One running for VP and the other? I guess we will equate the two offices
now just so osama will not get his feelings hurt?

Why should Osama bin Laden's feelings be hurt...?
Because your comparing him to a VP? I thought he was running for the noble
office of president? Why be inexperienced and a VP when you can do it as

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