Chip with simple program for Toy wrote
Bret Cahill <> wrote

Free markets are good for the economy!

But not people.
Wrong, as always. Its fine for those who are buying those goods.

It can be a problem for those involved in manufacturing those goods, but
thats only a tiny part of the workforce in any modern first world country now.

So in the real world, free trade is good for FAR more than its bad for.
Fred Weiss <> wrote:
On Aug 24, 7:21 pm, wrote:

So, for the poor to organize so as to stand up to superior economic
power is to engaging in looting?

There's nothing wrong with organizing per se - so long as its
peaceful. But in a free market economy it's completely unnecessary.
The (economic) power of producers rests entirely on the choices of its
customers. To exercise their power all the customers have to do is
stop buying. That's how companies fail. That's why companies -
regardless of their economic power - are continually subject to the
demands of the market, e.g. are required to innovate and to improve
their products in the face of competition. That's why prices are
continually lowered making products increasingly affordable to more
and more people, even those with relatively low incomes (see for
example Henry Ford and the automobile).

Thus the greatest beneficiaries of capitalism are the poor. So, it's
hardly organization that they need. The simply need to bask in the
abundance and opportunities which surround them - and take advantage
of them to improve their lives. That's in fact why 10's of millions of
them first came to the USA - and why millions still do. They didn't
need "to organize" to accomplish it. They simply needed to get on
boats and get here. Then they needed to spread out across the country
and find where the greatest opportunities were. (That would still be
true if they didn't need to fear immigration thugs bolstered by the
unfortunate xenophobia of many Americans).

I dont even thing free speach is sufficient for free trade. I think
near equality of circumstances is required. Any time people
with unequal power engage in trade the person with the greater
power has the advantage.

Of course economic power is unequal. Some people are smarter than
others and/or more productive. The question is how they achieve that
power and what they are required to do to keep it. In a free market,
where their survival rests on the free choices of their customers,
they must continually innovate, improve their products, and lower
their prices.

If you think that puts anyone at a disadvantage - rather than
presenting them with a great boon to their lives, including tremendous
opportunity for improvement - then you need a better grasp of economic

Nearly all laborers need their jobs to
survive but most businesses don't need any particular non-owner
employee to survive.

Businesses need their customers. If you want to see how much "freedom"
business owners really have, try going into business for yourself. If
you understood the economics of it, you would understand why business
owners typically work far more hours then their employees and
experience far greater stress. True, a worker may lose his job. But
then he simply finds another one. A business owner typically risks
everything and can easily face total ruin should he fail. That's also
of course why the rewards are far greater should he succeed. But no
one would take it on otherwise.

Anyway, going back to Brat's ridiculous "Question", it is not "free
speech" which people need in advanced industrial countries. They
already have that (for the most part). What they need is free markets
- and, in effect, *more* rich people.

It is the rich after all who provide the ideas
Nope, almost never.

and capital for economic growth which is then enjoyed by the rest of population.
They dont provide the capital either in a modern first world economy.

That comes from the savings of everyone, via banks etc.

Think about it. What did you do to create the vast abundance
of products on the shelves of a typical supermarket, such that
you can fill your cart to overflowing at a relatively small
percentage of your income (in comparison to the subsistence
existence of most people throughout much of history and
even in much of the world still today)?
It wasnt the rich.
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote

And only a few years ago admitted that Geocentrism was wrong.

No they didnt. They actually admitted that they treated Galileo badly at that time.

At the heart of the bad treatment was Galileo's recalcitrance
in recanting his support of Copernicus' heliocentric system.
Yes, but even those fools had managed to work out that the
earth did indeed revolve around the sun LONG before that
most recent admission of how badly Galileo had been treated.

In the end, though, the church broke him and he did recant, so
their recent admission of guilt in treating him badly was tantamount
to their accepting Copernicus's geocentric system as true.
Yes, but even those fools had managed to work out that the
earth did indeed revolve around the sun LONG before that
most recent admission of how badly Galileo had been treated.

And didnt have the balls to even mention Bruno.

Not true.
Fraid so.


"Four hundred years after his execution, official expression of
"profound sorrow" and acknowledgement of error at Bruno's
condemnation to death was made, during the papacy of John Paul II."
That wasnt when they fessed up to the fools they had made of themselves over Galileo.
I work for a software company and recently we have had to start doing
some electronics testing in relation to our software.

The problem we are running into is that we have these mid-grade (~
$500) multimeters run out of batteries before the hardware we are
testing does, and the test we are running is to benchmark current draw
over the life of the battery. The multimeters run on 6 AA batteries
in series which should be about 9V if each one is 1.5V. When we
connect our Constant power supply to it's battery terminals and try to
run it with 9V, the meter does not turn on.

** Suspect that there are more than 2 internal connections to that 6 cell

...... Phil
Michael Price <> wrote wrote
Bret Cahill <> wrote

Anyway, going back to Brat's ridiculous "Question", it is not "free speech"
which people need in advanced industrial countries. They already have that

In that case your outspoken "market" economists should
be falling over themselves to answer The Question.

They should be just like Ayn Rand ripping Dr. Coase or anyone else who
suggests free markets are not possible without the precondition of free speech.

Outspoken market economists should be outspoken in their support of free speech.

Instead they _all_ go into full dodgin' 'n dodgin' mode when ever
any pops 'em on their fraudulent fannies with The Question:

Does F/S precede each and every F/T?

(for the most part).

It's the part that ain't free speech on naked nazi flag burner parades that's missing.

And that missing "part" -- the core intent by Madison's own
words -- is worth trillions to the economy, leveling wealth at
the same time so median wages will soon be over $50/hr.

The part that is missing is free speech on economic information.

I'm guessing that "free speech on economic
information" involves tossing molotovs or
something, since we have free speech on
economic information in this country (as
any sane person would define it.) QED.
Case closed.

Well no, try making a claim the government disagrees with
You're welcome to say that the government is a complete pack of incompetant fools any time you like.

or advertising in a way the government doesn't like.
You're welcome to advertise that any time you like too.
This is muralidhar.i am planing to create an electrical bike for that
i am planing to use a dc motor
(12V) but i don't no how to control the speed of that motor since it
is a DC supply i cant use transformers. I have little knowledge about
DC supply because i am electrical engineer EEE
now i am in IT field so i don't have clear idea.

** Give this man a prize for his honesty.

In the words of America's most famous living philosopher:

" A man's gotta know his limitations ... "

..... Phil
On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:25:24 -0700 (PDT), wrote:


This is muralidhar.i am planing to create an electrical bike for that
i am planing to use a dc motor
(12V) but i don't no how to control the speed of that motor since it
is a DC supply i cant use transformers. I have little knowledge about
DC supply because i am electrical engineer EEE
now i am in IT field so i don't have clear idea.

can any one help me what are the simple way to vary DC voltage with
some digram which can be made in home .(the thing is i should handle 4
to 6A current)
any other solution to control the speed of that motor
Google for "pulse width modulation" (PWM). The idea is that the DC from the
battery is sent to the motor in pulses, but at a very high rate so the motion
seems smooth. You control the speed by controlling the "duty cycle", which is
the percent of time the pulse is actually on.

Since you are new to this, I strongly suggest you invest in a prototype board
that allows you to plug in components and test your circuit before you actually
hard-wire it. Start by getting the PWM circuit to work, maybe watching the
waveform on a scope. Then use it to control something like the brightness of a
small light bulb or LED, then try a small motor, before you finally get up to
the actual bike motor. Each stage of this process requires bigger
current-handling ability... bigger output devices, bigger heat sinks, bigger
$$$, and more smoke if/when you screw up. Go slow!

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote

SJF wrote:

You are a fraud with nothing to display. Why do you even have a website
there is nothing there?

Everything Bret knows is on that website.
Yes, of course!

I invite everyone to visit to see for themselves the
vacuous content of his site reflecting the vacuous content of his mind. (Be
quick because he will soon shut down the site to prevent everyone seeing it
and laughing.)

Stu Forrest
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote >>
I invite everyone to visit to see for themselves the
vacuous content of his site reflecting the vacuous content of his mind.
quick because he will soon shut down the site to prevent everyone seeing
and laughing.)

He isn't smart enough to do that.
So what will he do?

1) Leave the site as it is and display nothing - for everyone to see and
joke about,

2) Take down his site to try to show he is smart enough to do that but
thereby implicitly admitting the site is rubbish,

3) Add extra content. Obviously not the original silly cartoon because he
has already taken that off. Perhaps he will impress us with some hardware
that he has designed, built and tested. After all, as he himself has said,
it just needs a camera, though if he really wants to impress he could give
their specifications. Then they can be examined and analysed and perhaps
picked to pieces.

What will he do?

Stu Forrest
<> wrote in message

This is muralidhar.i am planing to create an electrical bike for that
i am planing to use a dc motor
(12V) but i don't no how to control the speed of that motor since it
is a DC supply i cant use transformers. I have little knowledge about
DC supply because i am electrical engineer EEE
now i am in IT field so i don't have clear idea.

can any one help me what are the simple way to vary DC voltage with
some digram which can be made in home .(the thing is i should handle 4
to 6A current)
any other solution to control the speed of that motor

please send me mail on below address
What Phil is saying to you is that this is not a beginner project.
You will be controlling some heavy current and the cost will not be cheap.
One suggestion would be to bank your batteries and tap different voltages.
You will lose torque at reduced voltage but it can work.
May I suggest a different approach?
Get a geared motor and turn your pedal sprocket at your normal pedal pace
and use the bikes gears.
Good Luck,
DB <> wrote:
DB wrote: wrote:

It wouldn't take long before the poor had none.
That's the problem with the observation. There
is no way to loot the poor unless they are
constantly creating new wealth.

They do, they just don't get to keep it....

There you go. A 'rod speed' sock puppet....
Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed fantasys.
"ilmvmastm" <> wrote in message
Hello every one!
I have a microcontroler PIC16F88. I want to make some simple
applications with it, but for some applications I need to swap the
value of one bit in one of two ports (PORTA or PORTB).
For example:
If PORTB bit 3 is set I want to reset it. And if PORTB bit 3 is reset
I want to set it.
In main idea i want to make logical NOT for bit 3 or antoher bit in
In programing language C this thing is :
but I can't inplement this in my assembler program.

If someone understand my idea can you help me for this?
Thank you for your attention!
The way to toggle a bit is by using the XOR instruction. In your case, use:

MOVLW b'00001000' ;Set bit 3 high
XORWF PORTB, F ;Toggle bit 3 of PORTB

You might need to be careful of the read/modify/write problem that can
cause unexpected results under some conditions. You need to make sure the
port output is actually what you expect it to be, so if there is a heavy
capacitive load, or if the port is open drain, you might be safer using a
shadow file register for operations and writing the results to the port, as

BDATA RES 1 ;Reserve 1 byte for PORTB data

CLRF BDATA ;Initialize
MOVWF PORTB ;Write the intended data to the port

MOVF BDATA, W ;Move BDATA to W register
XORLW b'00001000' ;Toggle bit 3 of BDATA
MOVWF PORTB ;Write the intended data to the port

If you have some pins of PORTB as inputs, you will need to read them and
then adjust the BDATA register accordingly. This can be done by masking
appropriate bits and using logical AND/OR operations to set or clear them.

"ilmvmastm" <> wrote in message
Hello every one!
I have a microcontroler PIC16F88. I want to make some simple
applications with it, but for some applications I need to swap the
value of one bit in one of two ports (PORTA or PORTB).
For example:
If PORTB bit 3 is set I want to reset it. And if PORTB bit 3 is reset
I want to set it.
In main idea i want to make logical NOT for bit 3 or antoher bit in
In programing language C this thing is :
but I can't inplement this in my assembler program.

If someone understand my idea can you help me for this?
Thank you for your attention!
Paul's XOR method is probably the best but here is another way using bit
manipulation. It does take five steps though.

BTFSC PORTB,3 ;if port b 3 is "1"
GOTO $+3 ;jump forward 3 steps
BSF PORTB,3 ;else if "0", set it
GOTO $+2 ;and jump out
BCF PORTB,3 ;if 3rd step, clear it
This is muralidhar.i am planing to create an electrical bike for that
i am planing to use a dc motor
(12V) but i don't no how to control the speed of that motor since it
is a DC supply i cant use transformers. I have little knowledge about
DC supply because i am electrical engineer EEE
now i am in IT field so i don't have clear idea.

** Give this man a prize for his honesty.

In the words of America's most famous living philosopher:

" A man's gotta know his limitations ... "

Please do tell me - who is America's most famous living philosopher
who can be credited with saying that first? Tim Allen?

** Hardly.

The comment is from a famous movie released in 1973.

Allen was still in school or jail back then.

...... Phil

as I read above, the power column displays how well the MOsfter can
dissipate heat. if I am wrong tell me.

You are wrong, the power column tells you what to expect the
transistor to generate in wasted power as heat.
** Absolute nonsense.

The Pd figure tells you the LIMIT on how much heat can be dissipated by
the device under ideal heatsinking conditions and at a stated case temp.

A lower number here
is desirable unless other aspects are more important to the overall
** The reverse is true.

A higher Pd figure indicates that in a given application and with other
parameters the same, the chip will remain cooler.

In the OP's example, the "R" device has a much lower thermal resistance
from chip to case then the "VZ" device - ie 1.0 degrees C per watt as
against 1.6.

Turns a 90 watt rating into 150.

....... Phil wrote:

Without getting into all this blather abou how the brain works, i'm just
going to say i do not see how anyone could have a truly random idea.
And even if they did, its very bloody unlikely to be anything useful.

Wether its an idea on the physical or theoretical plane the idea
coming from a human will always fill a physical or emotional need.
Not necessarily. I have sometimes had an idea about something that
has nothing to do with me at all, when watching a doco or something.

filling one of those to needs takes away the idea that an idea
could be random since the idea is in fact serving a purpose.
And even with those ones I refer to, they clearly arent anything like random either.
<> wrote in message
If you get a lot of responses under different handles, all with
nothing to say, is it any better than having zero readership of people
with something to say?

Bret Cahill

Almost everyone has something to say,
but not everyone is understood when they say it.

"The best read illiterate in the country" wrote:

If you get a lot of responses under different handles, all with nothing to say,
is it any better than having zero readership of people with somethig to say?
You'll end up completely blind if you dont watch out, child.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

This is muralidhar.i am planing to create an electrical bike for that
i am planing to use a dc motor
(12V) but i don't no how to control the speed of that motor since it
is a DC supply i cant use transformers. I have little knowledge about
DC supply because i am electrical engineer EEE
now i am in IT field so i don't have clear idea.

** Give this man a prize for his honesty.

In the words of America's most famous living philosopher:

" A man's gotta know his limitations ... "

Please do tell me - who is America's most famous living philosopher
who can be credited with saying that first? Tim Allen?

** Hardly.

The comment is from a famous movie released in 1973.

Allen was still in school or jail back then.

..... Phil

One of my favorites Phil. The cable company is running his movies all this
week. G,B& U yesterday, Fistfull of Dollars today.

"mowhoong" <> wrote in message
When you turn the CFL on, It will take about 40 sec brighten fully ,
which make it very inconvenient to use.
Can any members help me to explain this phenomenon ? Thank You.


Most likely it's due to the time it takes for the mercury in the tube to
become fully vaporized. Mercury vapor in the tube emits UV light that excite
the visible light phosphors coated on the glass. The vapor has to come to a
certain level for the tube to operate at maximum output. When the tubes have
been off and cold, some of the vapor condenses to liquid mercury which takes
time to fully vaporize when warmed up.

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