Rod Speed
jmfbahciv <jmfbahciv@aol> wrote:
Lie.Rod Speed wrote:
rlbell.nsuid@gmail.com wrote:
On Aug 12, 1:30 am, BretCah...@peoplepc.com wrote:
Yesterday I posted:
"Some posters here have no education in thermodynamics which is why
must constantly explain that an electric motor is 3X - 4X more
efficient than a diesel."
Bret Cahill
Funny, I posted about how that 3X-4X efficiency was just plain
false, because even farm diesels can feasibly be built to 50%
efficiency and there has to be a conversion loss from whatever it
was that generated the electricity. Unlike Otto cycle ICE's, the
part-load efficiency of a diesel is also rather high. As they are
always run at wide open throttle, even idling is not overly
consumptive of fuel( truckers stopped idling their engines to stop
polluting, not to save money [although they now do that, too]).
The biggest advantage of electrics is not efficiency, but combining
all of the polluting where economies of scale lessen the costs of
pollution control/ CO2 sequestration.
And eliminating CO2 completely by using nukes to generate the
electricity. Not a shred of rocket science whatever required.
Have you noticed that the only politician who has uttered the swear words "build more nuclear powered plants" is
President Bush?
Another lie. Obama has.No Democrat will even say those words with an not before it.