Rod Speed
Rob Dekker <rob@verific.com> wrote
That last isnt going to happen.jmfbahciv <jmfbahciv@aol> wrote
There are just an amazing amount of new battery possibilities when vehicles finally move away from the inefficient,
polluting, and heavy ICEs, and towards an era of clean electric drive.
I keep hearing that phrase, "clean electric drive". Electricity is not clean.
But A LOT cleaner than gasoline and diesel burned in ICEs ?
And it we ramp up electric power from renewables, and phase out coal,
Nope, because we arent going to phase out coal.then it gets even a lot better.
That you dont have a clue.Go work in a wire manufacturing factory for a while.
I actually did. Worked in a high-voltage cable manufacturing plant in the Netherlands for a while. It was pretty clean
What are you trying to say ?