Mark Zenier
In article <2f8acf53-1cda-424c-9073-6706a1eb55ac@k37g2000hsf.googlegroups.com>,
jalbers@bsu.edu <jalbers@bsu.edu> wrote:
equivalent to an NE-2) the resistance range for oscillators runs
from .5 meg up to 15 meg. To get 100 Hz, you need to run with
a .01 uF capacitor and 1 to 5 megohm, depending on voltage
(100-150 volts). The maximum frequency, with a capacitor in the
10-30 pf range, is 3 to 30 kilohertz.
Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)
jalbers@bsu.edu <jalbers@bsu.edu> wrote:
Digging out my GE Glow Lamp Manual, for a 5AB (the tight spec.I am experimenting with a relaxation oscillator circuit consisting of
a NE-2 bulb wired parallel to a capacitor and this pair is wired in
series with a resistor and connected across a 150 V DC power source (a
bunch of DC wallwarts connected in series). The resistor is variable
0-1 Meg Ohm, the capacitor is a 1uF electrolytic rated at 160V. I
don't have any capacitors on hand with a higher working voltage.
The circuit seems to work. I can get the bulb to blink around 3 times
a second but I am wanting a higher flash rate and I am not getting
it. Lowering the resistance makes the bulb turn on continuously. I
don't think that the bulb is flashing faster than the eye can
distinguish. I conneded the circuit to an oscilliscope and when the
bulfb is visually flashing I see the RC discharge curve but lowering R
until the bulf truns on continuously pretty much produces a flat line
on the scope.
I was expecting to maybe be able to get around 2-100 hz with a NE-2
relaxation oscillator. Is this possible or am I expecting too much
from this type of circuit? And if so, why?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
equivalent to an NE-2) the resistance range for oscillators runs
from .5 meg up to 15 meg. To get 100 Hz, you need to run with
a .01 uF capacitor and 1 to 5 megohm, depending on voltage
(100-150 volts). The maximum frequency, with a capacitor in the
10-30 pf range, is 3 to 30 kilohertz.
Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)