Check Out This Month's "Microwaves & RF" Magazine

on Tuesday 06 July 2004 12:14 pm, John Larkin wrote:

On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 11:57:45 -0700, Greg Pierce <

As they say, gun control isn't about guns, it's about control.

It's about people being dead, instead of merely yelled at or bruised.

Larkin, you idiot. Gun control is about whether or not to let Da Gubmint
turn the US into the Fourth Reich.

"JeffM" <> wrote in message
Using Chuck's and xray's suggestions, I did this
and got this
which says MuPAD and Octave are free.
Well, a quick look at MuPAD's web site will assure you that it is *not*
free, for commercial users; the price is US$500, if I remember correctly.
There is a free 30-day trial version, and they offer free licenses for some
of their products for non-commercial users. I have not been able to find
their definition of "commercial."

Octave appears to be for numerical solutions - I'm hoping for something that
can do symbolic math, that is, that will give me an equation rather than a

But Maxima, suggested in another post, looks like it will work great!

Thanks, all.
[snip way-off-topic discussion]

How about not responding to spam that's way off topic?
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
\ / ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!
X against HTML mail | Copy me into your ~/.signature
/ \ and postings | to help me spread!
tholen@antispam.ham wrote:
chrisv writes:

How ironic, coming from someone who isn't educated enough to
know that OS/2, out of the box, supports security and
multiple processors.

How ironic, coming from tholen.

Where is the alleged irony, chrisv?

t h o l e n

Classic evasion.

How ironic.

Where is the alleged irony, chrisv?


Classic evasion.
No, you stupid fuck. "Tholen!" is the irony. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Mark Fergerson <nunya@biz.ness> wrote:
Greg Pierce wrote:

You know Moore is full of shit when a Lefty like Christopher Hitchens
debunks his film. Check this out:

Bookmarked for use against the stupid. Thank you.
Hitchens isn't a Liberal. He's a Socialist. Only
ignorami equate the two.

"Liberals founded America."
On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 02:19:01 GMT, Blair P. Houghton <b@p.h> wrote:

Jim Thompson <> wrote:
Letter-to-Editor in today's EV Tribune (Phoenix)....

Moore film falsely depicts flight of Saudis

Michael Moore's movie, "Fahrenheit 9/ll" informs us I that,
immediately after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, while U.S.
airspace was closed to all commercial traffic, Bush arranged for a
special flight to secretly spirit Bush's friends, Bin Laden family
members, safely out of the country.

The reality is the bin Laden's didn't leave the U.S. until U.S.
airspace was re-opened and not at the arrangement of Bush but at the
urging of "terror czar" Richard Clark's of 9/11 commission fame, who
informed them that the U.S. couldn't ensure their safety.

I've heard that the film doesn't say it was Bush himself, but
his administration.

I've also heard that some people think the movie claims
that the flight occurred when airspace was closed, but
they think wrong because it clearly shows the flight taking
off after it was reopened.
But that's not what Mikey is saying in the sound-track. (I saw the

I'll get around to actually seeing the movie when someone
makes a charge against it that sticks.

"Mike Moore will sue you if you
lie about his movie."

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 18:33:16 -0700, Chris Carlen
<> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 21:23:42 GMT, James Beck> wrote:

In article <>, says...

That's the theory, I guess. Fact is, the average gun owner is more
likely to kill his own kids than a burgler. Damned kids are just
around the house a lot more than burglers.


And where did you get that "fact"????
What a crock of crap.
If you don't like guns, fine, don't own one, but don't spout the same
old crap.

Actually, I like guns. I had a beautiful Ruger stainless
police-special revolver, but a burgler got it. I came in just as he
was leaving out the back door, figured out what was going on, and did
*not* chase him; it was full of '38 wad cutters, and I bet they hurt.
If I had entered a minute sooner, he probably would have shot me with
my gun, or maybe with his own. But it's just a fact that the US has a
murder rate that's 10x or so that of other civilized countries, and
guns are mostly responsible; it's such an easy, almost antiseptic, way
to kill. Television shows and movies mostly glorify guns and the joy
of killing with them; it's hard to find a newspaper movie section that
doesn't have a couple of guns prominently displayed in the ads. The
very fact that gun lovers admire their weapons so much tells the

I hear shots in the night often, as most people who live in big cities
do. I guess we'll just have to stay used to it.

Are you *serious*? What part of the town do you live in? I'm used to
east coast segregated towns with "nice" sections, "bad" sections and
"ghettos" (the parts that are so bad they'll turn your car over and set
it on fire if you stop at a light in the daytime).
I live in Glen Park, in the southern part of San Francisco, just
across the Alemany Gap from Ocean Avenue and Visitacian Valley, where
the gangs hang out. Bayview/Hunters Point is worse, but fortunately
out of earshot. San Francisco is trying to catch up with Oakland in
the murder sweepstakes, up to about 40 so far this year.

When I lived deeper in the Mission, across from the Holly Park
projects, there were two street killings on my block in the six years
I was there, both over drugs. One was an old guy who told a drug
dealer that the residents didn't want him around, so the dealer got
annoyed and blew him away.

But in SF I find it hard to believe that a fellow of your stature would
be experiencing such "sounds."
Stature? I'm 5'7", and my hearing is still pretty good. Gunshots carry
well line-of-sight, a couple of miles across the Gap.

Mantra wrote:
For instance, the claim of using "Puff component models up to 50 GHz"
is highly dubious if you are plugging them into SPICE or are ignoring
the implicit and inherent component/circuit size restrictions in that
component model. Things like distributed effects (component values
varying with jw or with physical dimensions like skin effect) are
exactly the parts of simulation that component models fail at first
and badly.

Not to be impolite, but Puff is a linear simulator that takes board
parameters, surface effects, and other high frequency effects into
account. It is a linear S-parameter circuit simulator ,it is not a SPICE
based simulator. So yes it uses roughly 20K lines of code to basically
do Maxwells equations and deals with all the explicit transmission line
effects that you talk about.

"Bernd Felsche" <> wrote in message
: [snip way-off-topic discussion]
: How about not responding to spam that's way off topic?
: --
: /"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western
: \ / ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!
: X against HTML mail | Copy me into your ~/.signature
: / \ and postings | to help me spread!


There hasn't been any spanme here. Just OT discussion!
If your not interested, you read the subject first, and use the
delete key!
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 16:51:53 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

See page 13 of the June 2004 issue of "Microwaves & RF" Magazine,
letter to editor, "Pardon My French, But..."

...Jim Thompson

Now scanned for those who don't get the magazine....

Newsgroups: alt.binaries.schematics.electronic
Subject: Re: Check Out This Month's "Microwaves & RF" Magazine -
Message-ID: <

...Jim Thompson
I started to read this piece of frog bashing in the paper version but
when you turn to page thirty eight for the continuation, you get a great
example of American know-how. the article doesn't continue ,in fact it
isn't on any page in the magazine!

On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 18:33:16 -0700, Chris Carlen
<> wrote:

I just don't see anything of similar seriousness here in the Bay Area,
though I have tried to steer clear of the worst parts of Oakland except
for the daytime.

This has nothing to do with the rest of this scary thread but...

You live in the Bay Area? For some reason, with your earlier posts I got
the impression you lived in Los Alamos or somewhere in that general
area. Did I get it wrong or did you move?

Not that it matters, but my curious mind wants to know.

On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 03:15:59 GMT, "Roger Gt" <> wrote:

G-Night all. Off to Disneyland. Better class of people there, ya
Exactly! You are already living in fantasy land.
Apologies to the original poster, but the image of ...

little "witches" flying on "microships"

is too good to pass up. Too bad it isn't the Haloween season.
"Roger Gt" <> wrote in message
"Robert C Monsen" wrote
: "Roger Gt" wrote
: > "John Larkin" wrote
: > : "Roger Gt" wrote
: > : >"John Larkin" wrote
: > : >: Greg Pierce wrote:
: > : >: >As they say, gun control isn't about guns, it's about
: > : >: >control. It's about people being dead, instead of
: > : >: >merely yelled at or bruised. : John
: > :
: > : >"Gun Control" means hitting the intended target everytime!
: > : >Roger Gt
: > :
: > : That's the theory, I guess. Fact is, the average gun owner
: > : more likely to kill his own kids than a burglar. Damned kids
: > : are just around the house a lot more than burglers. John
: > That's total BS! My entire family have handled and used guns
: > as far back and we have records (About 1453) and while there
: > been some mishaps, (During war) no one has been killed. That
: > whole story about the likelihood of killing your own family
: > members came from the Anti-American scum who think they should
: > control everyone's lives. Besides guns are a lot less
: > than the political despots who would try to take them away!
: Talk to a policeman or a fireman. All of their organizations are
: gun control. Why would that be, if gun ownership was 'helping'

Those are public servants, they are NOT in charge! Their opinion
is irrelevant to the constitution! Also, here in California
there are a lot of pissed off police who had their rifles
confiscated by the state. I really don't need to ask! Besides
the local NRA in full of Policemen who support the rights of all
honest citizens to own arms. They are also in the California
Pistol association. At least in the chapter I belong to.
All moot. The point is that guns are NOT helping them in their job.

If Those servants are in favor of violating the law they should be
fired without prejudice and possibly jailed for suborning a crime!

: > BTW, My brother kneecapped a burglar, so the police could pick
: > up a couple blocks away. You do not always have to kill them.
: > The mere presence of the capability to put them down is
: > enough!
: Wow! Cool! Some poor teenager gets kneecapped cause he crawled
: the wrong house looking for a TV set. Probably on disability
: now. I guess your brother feels really proud of that! Who

He does, the 47 year old drifter had been burglarizing various
places in the area for several months and the police had not been
able to catch him.
He can't run any more, but he walks ok with a cane. He and I both
use a cane, the difference is I can also own a gun, he is a
convicted felon. But you want to protect criminals don't you?
Criminals are after all the core of the Democratic party!
What a thing to say. Just because people don't believe what you
believe doesn't make them criminals.

If you are scared of burgulars, buy (or design and build!) a burgular
alarm. That works (if you set it!) 99% of the time. The other 1%, a
gun probably wouldn't have helped with, because smart burgulars (who
can get around an alarm) won't break in if somebody is home. They may
take your gun case, though, cause guns are, pound for pound, one of
the more expensive things you have in your house.

: > My Grandmother hated Guns, but she could bring down a dear at
: > yards with her carbine. And did many times. (a Model 76 pump)
: > Mother had a carry permit, since she was a Private
: > She fired expert with both hands. I had a carry permit when I
: > turned 15, since I worked with my mother on many cases. My
: > Experience and training in the military convinced me that only
: > corrupt government has anything to fear from an armed public!
: > don't support such corruption!
: An army of grandmas armed with hunting rifles is going to hold
: those revennooers? Unlike you, they have a 'well trained
: with m16s and Apache attack helicopters. What do you and the
: have? A few rusty hunting rifles? The whole argument, which is
: again and again, is silly.

Having been in the Military I can tell you that the Armed forces
of this country will not attack civilian targets in this country,
but they will repel invaders.
Ok, that means its not important for us to protect ourselves against
them by owning our (well oiled) guns? Wasn't that your justification
for owning guns? Protecting ourselves from big brother? My point was
that you aren't going to protect yourself from a soldier in a flak
jacket with an M16 by using a saturday night special or an old hunting
rifle. Its silly. Also, you aren't going to protect us from invasion.
Thats even sillier.

Your remark is the silliest thing I have ever heard. If you
really believe it, get help soon. No one allows a rifle to rust.
Ah, my stepfather let his guns rust. I'm sure lots of people do. They
just aren't very useful anymore.

And I didn't suggest she would be fighting the forces of evil by
killing all the democrats in town, did I? Besides she died in
1994 at the age of 93.

: Our best weapon against those revennooers is our vote. Our best
: against crime is more opportunity for the poor, not more guns.
: Bob Monsen

I take it your poor! Since you favor welfare over freedom! I've
been there, but it only requires individual effort to move into a
better economic status, not welfare.
Nobody said anything about welfare. However, you may have been reading
the papers recently, and noticed that wages are going down, jobs are
scarce, and most of this ends up on the heads of minorities. Did you
know that the number of blacks that are unemployed is double that of
whites? Further, did you know that crime statistics correlate quite
nicely with unemployment statistics? That was my point. Caring for the
disadvantaged is in the priviledged class' enlightened self interest.

A vote IS violence against the government! They know it. But the
Constitution guarantees a right to own and bear arms, no
government in America has the right to revoke that!

I didn't want to restart a gun control vs. following the
Constitution discussion. Your the one who wants to violate the
It always comes down to this. Have you ever actually read the second
ammendment, as opposed to what gets printed in those NRA handouts? If
so, which part of "a well-regulated militia" are you and your gun
going to be part of? Or, is the NRA now forming a militia? The
founders were talking about the national guard, for crissakes, state
militias. They don't make you bring your own gun anymore, and wouldn't
let you use it even if you brought it.

The essential point is that NRA members own guns as toys. They are
playthings, to be fondled and savored and collected and taken out and
shown off on weekends on the firing range. There are hunters, but
thats a game too, not required for survival. Guns are also supposedly
for protection, but that's a fantasy, not borne out by statistics or
common sense. You are far more likely to use your handgun in an
argument with your spouse, or in a traffic dispute, or in a suicide,
(or by proxy, in a crime, like John Larken's gun is probably being
used now) than you are protecting your family in any meaningful way.

Gun ownership is a harkening back to the frontier days, when guns were
actually important for survival and protection. That day is long past,
thank God and Reason.

Bob Monsen
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 02:46:06 -0400, "Bill Garber" <willy46pa@comcast DOT
net> wrote:

And as I must apologize to you, but Halloween has
2 L's, not one. :eek:)
Indeed. Sorry.
"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
: On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 03:15:59 GMT, "Roger Gt" <>
: >G-Night all. Off to Disneyland. Better class of people there,
: >Know.

: Exactly! You are already living in fantasy land.

Gee, thank you. That would be nice!
On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 08:34:08 GMT, "Roger Gt" <> wrote:

My Burglar alarm is made by Mossburg! Works fine. also use a
perimeter warning system I designed for the US military to detect
anyone approaching my home at night, or when I am away.
Just a thought about possible efficient use of these weapons and good
test cases.

I have heard of the term "suicide by cop". You all probably have heard
of it. Some person who wants to end his life but doesn't have the
courage to actually do the deed himself (could read some Christian text
in here but I don't fer sure know about their motivation) decides to
confront the local police and provoke them to shoot him.

So, I'm thinking, you guys who keep arms on the premisses to defend
against the dangerous enemys that are surrounding you, could perform a
public service by posting your addresses on the internet. The real
robbers could avoid your place (for safety) just by checking, and the
suicide guys could make an appointment to get shot. This could take a
lot of stress off of our legally appointed law inforcement folks. It
would also give you weapon holders a chance to see if you really are up
to using your rights when it comes right down to it. And if you can
actually shoot straight when you need to.

Whaddaya think? Sounds like a win win to me.
"Andrew Tweddle" <> wrote in message
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 16:51:53 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

See page 13 of the June 2004 issue of "Microwaves & RF" Magazine,
letter to editor, "Pardon My French, But..."

...Jim Thompson

Now scanned for those who don't get the magazine....

Newsgroups: alt.binaries.schematics.electronic
Subject: Re: Check Out This Month's "Microwaves & RF" Magazine -
Message-ID: <

...Jim Thompson
I started to read this piece of frog bashing in the paper version
when you turn to page thirty eight for the continuation, you get a
example of American know-how. the article doesn't continue ,in fact
isn't on any page in the magazine!

Actually, it does continue on page 38, top of second column.

Yeah, I was going to mention Scilab. It's an outstanding clone of
Matlab available for free on both Windoze and Linux. I use it all the

One thing about Scilab: It is really oriented towards numerical math
& signal processing. It can solve equations, but not really
symbolically in the same way in which e.g. Mathematica can. I use it
for stuff like simple & complex numerics, finding complex roots of
rational polynomials, and so on. I don't think you can use it for
symbolic integration like Mathematica, Macsyma, or other symbolic
manipulation packages. Its utility to you will really depend upon
exactly what you want to do.


Chuck Harris <> wrote:
: Look into MuPAD and scilab. Both available for free.
: I know they run under Linux, but I think they are also
: available for 'doze.

: -Chuck Harris

: Walter Harley wrote:
:> I'm looking for a free (preferably open source) algebraic equation solver,
:> for the Windows platform. I don't need vast power; just simple equations of
:> the sort that I could solve myself if I weren't so lazy and error-prone.
:> Presumably, something like MAPLE, but considerably less powerful and
:> infinitely less expensive.
:> Does any such beast exist?
Richard Henry wrote:
"Chuck Harris" <> wrote in message

It is kind of paradoxical, that for the first part of my life as a voter
I fought for legalized abortion, a predominantly women's issue, and for
the second part, I fought against gun control, also a predominantly
women's issue.

Why is gun control a "women's issue"?
It isn't specifically, it just seems that women tend to have less
knowledge of guns, and tend to be very susceptible to the emotional
appeals that the gun controller's use. For instance: "If it saves just
one child, it would be worth it!" Everyone should be for the idea of
saving our country's children, but when you weigh that one child's life
against the lives of the 3 million plus ordinary folks that successfully
defend themselves from criminals by using guns, that one child is,sadly,

Similarly, when the gun controllers tell you that our streets are
awash with machine guns that are cutting down crowds of children, lack
of knowledge of what a machine gun is might allow you to imagine that
a rifle that is similar in appearance to a "machine gun", but semi-
automatic, goes, "rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat!" When in reality, it goes,
"pop......pop.....pop!" Just like the rifle uncle Joe uses to rid his
farm of groundhogs.

So, it is not really a "women's issue", but the seemingly inexhaustible
number of women that are ignorant of guns, gun uses, and current gun laws;
who end up being swayed by the gun controller's emotional appeals, and
gross distortions of the truth make it a "women's issue," in my eyes.

-Chuck Harris

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