Whoey Louie
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 7:44:07 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
Maybe so, we;ll see how it ultimately turns out for them. I warned
everyone I could about Trump when there were 15 other candidates that
were decent and sane, but the trumpets had to have Trump. I thought
that when he leveled that vile insult at McCain and they followed up
by disparaging all POWs, 'I prefer the ones that were not captured".
that it would be the end of him. That happened early on in the
primary campaign, right after he announced. If anything, it just
propelled him on. That's when I knew something very strange and very
bad was happening.
If that's true, it's rather odd that the Republicans picked both of those
men to be their presidential candidate. George Will recently said that
what Trump has done is worse than Nixon. He said Nixon did his dirty deeds
in secret, he hid them and when they were exposed, it brought him down.
Trump does his lying, insulting, vilifying, dividing, openly and brazenly.
And that will be much harder to get over, he's normalized the despicable.
On 8/28/19 7:31 PM, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 2:09:21 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 8/28/19 1:44 PM, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 1:16:59 PM UTC-4, amdx wrote:
That would be great! We could send all asylum seekers there until they
get their court date,
rather then release them into the states never to be seen again. Great
idea Trump. \
You get your news via Pony Express or similar? Been in a coma?
trumpets think that if they say "great idea Trump" enough they might get
an invitation at kneeling down and kissing his wrinkly orange butt. What
an honor!
It's simply stunning how Trump hijacked the Republican Party and robbed
it of all it's principles, morality and it's policies. He tells
one lie after another, says stupid or horrible things, and they cheer him
Lol but the Republican party has been 85% cowardly do-as-I-say-not-as-I
do hypocritical I'm-against-"handouts"-for-everybody-but-me racist
slimeballs for 50 years, probably.
Trump didn't "hijack" anything Trump was the guy American Republicans
always wanted for long time.
Maybe so, we;ll see how it ultimately turns out for them. I warned
everyone I could about Trump when there were 15 other candidates that
were decent and sane, but the trumpets had to have Trump. I thought
that when he leveled that vile insult at McCain and they followed up
by disparaging all POWs, 'I prefer the ones that were not captured".
that it would be the end of him. That happened early on in the
primary campaign, right after he announced. If anything, it just
propelled him on. That's when I knew something very strange and very
bad was happening.
It's why he succeeded while Mitt Romney fell flat on his face can you
imagine Mitt ever saying he liked to grab some pussy from time to time?
oooh yeah Mitt, grab me by the pussy Mitt...oh you so sexaaay.
It's why John McCain failed, Republicans think he was a moron for going
to Viet Nam and getting his ass shot down and being a huge
embarrassment, he should have stayed home dodged the draft and
If that's true, it's rather odd that the Republicans picked both of those
men to be their presidential candidate. George Will recently said that
what Trump has done is worse than Nixon. He said Nixon did his dirty deeds
in secret, he hid them and when they were exposed, it brought him down.
Trump does his lying, insulting, vilifying, dividing, openly and brazenly.
And that will be much harder to get over, he's normalized the despicable.