In article <pan.2010.>, Meat Plow
<mhywatt@yahoo.com> wrote:
this thread, I betcha it would be almost enough to duck tape them thar
wires to the battery.
<mhywatt@yahoo.com> wrote:
If one took all the time, energy, expertise, and brain power expended onOn Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:18:37 -0700, William Sommerwerck wrote:
It's not for a NASA mission! Great dangling donkey dorks man! It's for
experimentation and playing around! It's not for the next great
military jet interceptor! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S FOR A TOY! GAWWD!
This thread is one of the worst examples I've seen of a simple question
turning into a hyper-elaborated megillah.
Looks like a lot of people have too much time on their hands.
this thread, I betcha it would be almost enough to duck tape them thar
wires to the battery.