audio recording on IC -help wanted

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Who believes wistfully, when Marilyn walks the shallow floor
against the house?
On Jan 5, 3:35 am, Lostgallifreyan <> wrote:
Eeyore <> wrote

How metal conducts is only relevant when a heatsink is fitted. Since
shiny metal radiates heat less effectively than matt black plastic
it's not hard to see how plastic can outperform metal can here. There
is also the lead frame to consider. A plastic device has the die
mounted directly onto a lead frame which then conducts heat away from
the die into the pcb. Metal can devices do not have an equivalent
direct conduction path.

When I pointed out the radiation aspect, John Popelish pointed out that it
is a small part, not significant, and when the Popelfish has translated
things electronical, I tend to listen. You're right about the second part
though, compared to the copper tab formed as a single part with one of the
leads, the thermal conductivity between can and wires is lower. I doubt
it's that much lower though.

It is fairly likely that the leadframe makes more difference than the
metal vs plastic housing. The transistor substrate isn't all them
well connected in either thermally. The plastic part ends up having a
lower junction to case thermal resistance than the metal one. I
suspect that this is due to the heat flowing down the lead frame.
I'm looking for a replacement of this microcontroller (SAMSUNG S3C7544X).
It does not seem to be available on the market anymore, and the programming
tools are not widely available.

The intended purpose is to take the absolute code of an encoder (6 pins go
to the chip, 0 or 1). From this, I want to emit a pulse from the chip, on a
time basis. The duration between two pulse is a function of the encoder
binary code (6 bits code). (think, for instance, of a metronome).
There is a quartz giving a clock base to the chip.
Why did you pick that particular chip?

It may be simpler to write new software for a chip that is
easy to program. Both PIC (Microchip) and AVR (Atmel) are
popular and hobbiest friendly. Various 8051 chips are also
popular but I haven't used them. All come in many packages
with all sorts of ram/rom and I/O configurations.

Assuming you want to build a metronome that runs at audio
frequencies, the code is simple:
read input pins
lookup X in table
wait X cycles
make a click

You need 2 pins for pwr/ground, 2 for an xtal, 1 output,
and 6 inputs. That's 11 pins.
You will probably end up with a 14 pin package.

Digikey has the PICKit-1 for $36. I think that has everything you
need. (But check for yourself.)

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
ChairmanOfTheBored wrote:

Eeyore wrote:
ChairmanOfTheBored wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
ChairmanOfTheBored wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
ChairmanOfTheBored wrote:
Eeyore wrote:

Not to free air it doesn't.

2N2222 Pd = 500 mW

PN2222 Pd = 625 mW

That's 20% better, idiot!

The metal can part (2N2222) has a LOWER Pd.

You claimed it was higher.

You're WRONG as ever.

You're an idiot.

And you're still WRONG as ever.


No. YOU are wrong. The metal can package dissipates MORE than the
fucking plastic package.


500mW (2N2222 - metal can) is LESS than 600mW (PN2222 - plastic).

You couldn't be more WRONG if you tried. Are you pursuing this line just
to look stupid ? Did basic arithmetic prove too hard for you as a child ?

There are different data sheets for every maker of the 2N2222, and they
ALL differ in one respect or another from the original.

The 2N2222 is a JEDEC registered device. ALL manufacturers must supply 2N2222s
to the JEDEC spec.

THAT is why the Zetex part IS a 2222 as well.
But not a *** 2N *** 2222. The *** 2N *** is a critical part of the device
spec. It indicates a JEDEC registered device with a guaranteed
non-manufacturer dependent spec.

They (manufacturers) are ALL different,
NOT for JEDEC (1N, 2N etc) parts. They must all comply with the JEDEC spec.

except for the early original makers of the OEM parts.
'OEM' parts are a totally different matter.

After all the other silicon fab houses started making their versions of
it, they all differed on one or more ways. If you can't understand the
concept of how metal conducts heat better than plastic, you need to die
and be reborn in your next life and actually try to learn something in
that one.
How metal conducts is only relevant when a heatsink is fitted. Since shiny
metal radiates heat less effectively than matt black plastic it's not hard to
see how plastic can outperform metal can here. There is also the lead frame to
consider. A plastic device has the die mounted directly onto a lead frame
which then conducts heat away from the die into the pcb. Metal can devices do
not have an equivalent direct conduction path.

You're uneducable in this one.
NO, you're the bloody idiot. You spout shit like this without even the TINIEST
understanding of the underlying science.

Fucking read what I just told you and learn something for a change.

"mark krawczuk" <> wrote in message
hi, i have a blown npn darlington 2sd1525 from a cars fan speed
controller , and its rated at 30 amp , doesnt this seem excessive ? i
doubt it if the fan would draw more than 5 amp ....
No, it doesn't 'seem excessive'. The _instantaneous_ peak current as you
turn on, will typically be several times the 'normal' operating current.
Transistors, blow very quickly, and if the unit is fused at perhaps 7A,
you would need to be using a transistor this sort of size, to have much
hope of the fuse blowing before the transistor...
Since the unit is a 'speed controller', it is almost certainly a PWM

anyways , i have had a pretty good look on the net , and the only
direct replacements are only available over seas ,
is there a commonly available equivalent npn darlington ? that i could
Just get a 2SD1525. Several US suppliers show them in stock, who will post
to Australia. 'aeri' in Australia, will supply directly, if you don't want
to fiddle around dealing with an overseas company.

Best Wishes wrote:

It came out of a GPS / Bluetooth reciever, I think it's a motion/
vibration sensor of some sort, to save battery, ie when it hasn't
moved for a certain amount of time the unit will shut off. It probably
generates a closed circuit when the ball(or whatever) inside moves and
touches off 2 different terminals.

Can't seem to find any examples of them on the web though.
A lot of this stuff is custom made in Asia. In that case it would be
next to impossible to find a datasheet.

Regards, Joerg
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"clifto" <> wrote in message
Leon Rowell wrote:

Hello all. First time poster to the newsgroup.

I have a question about a ballast resistor. Would the ballast resistor
pictured here,

(an automotive ignition resistor) reduce voltage in an open circuit, a
closed circuit, or both? If it had 12v input and I connected a voltmeter
to the output side, with nothing else connected to it, would it read 12
volts or a reduced voltage.

Here is a statement I read:

Basic electrical thing: You always read full voltage on an open circuit.

Is this still true if there is a ballast resistor in the circuit? It
doesn't seem like it would be to me but I'm no electrical guru.

The bit that's nagging at you might be explained thus: the meter itself
has resistance as well. Putting the meter in series with the ballast
resistor would form a voltage divider, which one would think would put
some voltage across the meter and some across the ballast. It does in
But the ballast, if okay, is only a few ohms, while a typical digital
is ten million ohms; so the meter will get 99.99+% of the voltage, which
close enough for the measurement you want to make.

God help us all.
Because we're down to PIAPS, B. Hussein or McStain,
the next President of the United States can only be a liberal

The resistance in a meter is 0.01 ohm, not to worry about. You can always
subtract it off your reading.

People don't put a volt meter in series with a circuit, only in Amp reading

I would like to set up a low power transmitter/receiver pair to
wirelessly send low rate data through a car dashboard, about 1byte
sent once a second. The receiver above the dashboard will be powered
by two AA batteries with about 3500mAh total capacity and should last
for at least 1 yr => <400uA average drain total, however I would like
to achieve <100uA average drain if possible (power is also required
for the Rx uC circuit).

If the Tx/Rx pair operate for less than 10ms every second then the
average current drain during operation can be as high as 10mA (for
100uA total average) etc. The Tx and Rx devices require relatively
fast power up/down times, ideally less than 2ms each. The receiver
will operate continuously until it locks on to the Tx cycle and will
then only operate to cover the Tx time segments (a low power clock/uC
circuit will control the Tx & Rx).

The range is obviously very low, about 1m maximum.

Can anyone suggest a low cost low power solution ?

Thank you,

Fred Abse <> wrote in

On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 18:42:42 +0000, Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Is there a definitive guide to standards for parts of size 0603, 0805,
1206, 1210

The numbers are dimensions in 10-mil (thou) units:

0603 is .06" x .03" (60 mil by 30 mil)
0805 is likewise .080" x .050"
etc. etc.

Power dissipation depends to a large extent on how they are mounted,
size of pad/trace, proximity, the type of resistor construction and

Consult the manufacturers' data for recommended dissipation limits, it's
freely available (Vishay, Yageo, etc).
Thankyou. Vishay I discovered in the last half hour. :) Looked like a good
reference capable of being extended to other firms parts, in many cases I

I noticed that the dissipation specs are conservative, so I guess it's
possible to increase it in the case of one or two with a good anchorage on
broad pads. I might just try a test to see what it takes to overheat them
in an actual-size test mounting. Can't do that till I get them though,
hence the questions...

Is there any SMT resistor that is ideal to substitute for an 0.6W metal
film type? Something standardised enough that it won't matter exactly who I
buy it from?
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Welcome to
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 17:59:39 +0000, Eeyore
<> wrote:

That's not a 2N2222 though, it'll be a Zetex enhanced part.

You're a goddamned retard.
On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 13:02:35 -0500, John Hudak <>

Spehro Pefhany wrote:
On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:01:27 -0500, John Hudak <

I am looking for a micro with a 12-bit a/d subsystem on it. I've
searched quite a few mfg, but seems 10-bits is the maximum. Anybody
have any suggestions for microcontrollers that have a 12-bit a/d?

You didn't look very hard. AD, BB/TI, TI. Silabs, Microchip and

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Actually I did. I have used a few as well..MicroChip, Renseas, Atmel.
Both performance and accuracy is pitiful....
Funnily enough, the 'old' PIC14000, performed very well, on slow
changing signals, and could easily give 14bit accuracy. The current
units can be 'OK', provided you put the processor to sleep for the
conversion, but the way most people use them, you are lucky to get
8bit accuracy.... :-(
It really does depend mssively though on the nature of the signal
involved, and what else is going on round the system. Getting a
genuine 12bits, requires a reference that is better than many, and
significant care in layout. I suspect that most micro designers, are
thinking in terms that with the noise round the processor itself, you
are better off using a small I2C interfaced ADC, that is placed away
from this enviroment, into a 'cleaner' enviroment, and so their
designs are targetted at simplicity, rather than quality. It shows...

Best Wishes
In article <>, Eeyore <> wrote:
GregS wrote:

Eeyore wrote:
GregS wrote:

I don't know why, but I was assuming audio applications.

That's what the TL07x series was designed for after all.

I have seen the TLO7x series in many applications.

Oh yes, they're very versatile and not especially expensive, so well adaptable
to mnay circuits,
however that WAS their intended primary market.

For a long time I was bent on getting a TLO75 replacement. I guess
I got over it.

BTW, it's TL zero seven (five), not Oh (the letter) seven (five). Just being
pedantic ! ;~)

I have been saying TL O for 30 years. Now I stand corrected.

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In article <>,
Ross Herbert <> wrote:

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 16:18:52 -0500, "Wecan do it" <> wrote:

:What do you suppose happens to the bandwidth of a signal as it
:is passed through successive audio devices that are band
:limited to 300-3400 Hz?
:Would you expect to get 300-3400Hz +- ndB response in an end
:to end loopback test when you use white noise as the test
:signal? (n =ITU spec)
:Going from a handset to a PBX to MUX to a CO into the network
:and back if each device has a 300-3400Hz response the looped
:back signal should be more band limited than the first device
:in the signal chain with 300-3400Hz response originating test
:signal by quite some bit.

I suggest you do some research on the various ITU documents, eg.

or pick any relevant section from the main page
If you know anything about circuit theory, you understand that a
filter's frequency behavior is determined by poles in the complex s
plane where s - -a + jw and a is positive to keep stability. Whatever
the poles are for a single filter section, lining them up in tandem will
have multiple poles. The effect for your basic two-pole bandpass filter
is to sharpen the skirts and reduce your 3 dB bandwidth,


Private Profit; Public Poop! Avoid collateral windfall!
I'm looking for a very low-profile trimmer pot (since it has limits)
that will be used for a knob that will be used a lot.

An encoder would've been nice but they keep turning and they're also
hard to find in this size:

It needs to be 6mm or less body width, height not including shaft a
half inch or less, shaft diameter close to 1/8" or less.
resistance figures doesn't matter. just long life. all i can find is
200 cycle rotational life and that is ridiculously low.

Unless there's an encoder out there with limits on it in that size.
On Fri, 04 Jan 2008 09:41:37 GMT, Ross Herbert <> wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 13:15:19 +0000, Peter A Forbes> wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:16:48 GMT, Ross Herbert> wrote:

To those usenet people using Forte Agent as their news reader, or
email, I wonder if you are aware of a really BAD feature....

Interesting up to a point, but why do anything relating deleting of
files in the
newsreader? surely it would have been better to do the mod's or
outside of the programme anyway?

Well since you asked... there was an option in the menu which allowed
deleting attachments on the email which had been terminated due to
size restrictions. To save typing the message again I kept that part
and deleted the attachments so that I could re-arrange the attachment
package. My thought logic was that I was simply deleting the path to
the source files, not the files themselves.

And why would any sane person imagine that such an option meant that
any attachments would be completely purged from the computer? All
"GOOD" programs would simply delete the path to the attachments for
that email, not the source files themselves, or at least shift them to
the Windows Recycle bin. As I said, Eudora doesn't do what Agent does,
and I'm sure that most other email clients don't either.

I use Agent, have done since the very early V1.1 or so, but have
never had that problem.

I use Agent ONLY for newsgroups since I discovered the "feature".

Thanks for pointing it out.

Yes, I can see what you did, and understand that you may have been 'misled' by
the general feel of the programme, but, as in most things computer, I try not to
drop myself in the claggy stuff by thinking what the messages mean first.

I've been caught as well, but not by that one.

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Rushden, UK
On Jan 3, 9:35 pm, Eeyore <>
I've not found one ONCE even in any mass produced kit.

You WILL OTOH find the like of 2N3904s and BC548s ( not to mention their SMT
equivalents like the MMBT3904 and BC848 ) regularly along with their Japanese
2SA/B cousins.
I used the Zetex 2222 in the SOT223 package in a product, so there is
one product out there with them in them. I needed the breakdown
voltage and high frequency operation at the same time.

OTOH, I've used a huge number of 3904 and 4401 parts and more TIP35s
than 2222s.

Welcome to

