The Natural Philosopher
GoldIntermetallicEmbrittlement wrote:
Why not educte yourself befre opening your mouth?On Sat, 20 Sep 2008 09:15:26 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c
GoldIntermetallicEmbrittlement wrote:
On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:51:40 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c
The other problem is that such "layers" between a true metal to metal
contact makes for a very noisy electron stream, as well as the losses
presented by the higher resistance.
That's less releavant at RF..unless its wobbling in the breeze.
It is the same thing as "shot noise". electrons banging into things
along their path.
Shot noise is merely the noise inherent in a current because its made up
of discrete units of charge.
Got nothing to do with connectors.
Shot noise is that which is generated by a very simple thing, known as
friction, and it is inherent in ANY medium which electrons pass through,
including conductors.
It has nothing to do with any of that.It just happens to be far more prevalent in bulk mediums, like the old
carbon comp resistance mediums. It has more to do with imperfect crystal
lattices than anything else.