Mark Zenier
In article <edb06ee9.0307110432.6f7b7a51@posting.google.com>,
Chris <engelburt@beer.com> wrote:
(Very expensive, though. Most of what you're looking for are asian
clones of these).
Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident
Chris <engelburt@beer.com> wrote:
Another line is the (Du Pont?) Berg "Bergcon MiniPV".Peter Bennett <peterbb@interchange.ubc.ca> wrote in message
On 10 Jul 2003 09:31:16 -0700, engelburt@beer.com (Chris) wrote:
Hi all
I'm trying to find some connectors the same as those used on the leads
from the front panel of a PC (i.e. the reset switch, leds, atx power
on), it's the small 2.54mm pitch (crimp housing?) connectors which fit
on to the motherboard headers. I thought it would be a simple quick
search but so far no luck.
AMP (now part of Tyco) makes them in their AMPModu (and other) series.
Digikey also shows some from Molex.
Thanks for the response, I probably should have mentioned that I am in
the U.K. but at least I know what I'm looking for now.
(Very expensive, though. Most of what you're looking for are asian
clones of these).
Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident