Gary Tait
Sambo <sambo@voidstar.com> wrote in
hot, for the intended design and purpose anyways..
That would appear to be the thermal fuse. It would open if it gets tooI have a dead (Regal) coffee machine which I'd like to reuse as my
desoldering bath.
Besides the heating element and thermostat? the dead part
looks like low profile 4 pin crystal oscillator can but only 2
connections. One terminal is connected to the top and the other to a
metal platelet held by 2 flaps from the top part ( along the long
sides, forming 2 rails. The 2 terminals are separated by green what
looks like paper.
Wondering if I can safely short it out without affecting the
thermostat or the lamp in the switch, at least until I build in some
temperature control.
hot, for the intended design and purpose anyways..