brass monkey
"Jamie" <jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote in message
I'll get me coat.
That one tells jokes?Cydrome Leader wrote:
In sci.electronics.repair Arfa Daily <arfa.daily@ntlworld.com> wrote:
"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily" <arfa.daily@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
"Martin Brown" <|||newspam|||@nezumi.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
On 11/07/2012 10:37, D. T. Green wrote:
On just buying a 800 watt 'two' stroke petrol generator from Aldi, we
heard from someone who says that he has got one; and that his is
very roughly, and is really noisy.
Also it says in the instructions that it is *not* suitable for
connecting to
televisions or other sensitive electronic equipment.
Likely it is not just acoustically noisy but electronically noisy too
and the ignition system radio emissions will cause snow on a portable
TV. It might be so rough and ready electrically either voltage or
frequency wise that it could fail or wreck some old sets completely.
I'd expect most modern switched mode PSUs to cope with almost anything
but then you are taking a risk since the maker says it is unsuitable.
I would have said the exact opposite of that. Linear supplies with a
nice big chunk of L in the way, are pretty much unconcerned about such
nasties as spikes, whereas switchers will fail if you just look at them
wrongly on a day with a Y in it ...
Like hell they do.
However, that said, I would agree with everyone else that using this
with modern electronic equipment would not be a good idea.
That's just plain wrong with modern switch mode power supplys.
I repair hundreds of the things, and irrespective of the topology of any
individual design, most work by the skin of their teeth. Left alone, in
general, today's generation are fairly reliable, but in my experience,
subject them to the slightest abuse, and they fail - often
I can't imagine a 2 stroke aldi generator would even last long enough to
destroy any electronics. the thing must last about 2-3 minutes tops
before seizing, assuming it even starts out of the box.
We have a local iced cream truck that rides around through the park at
various parts of the day. It has one of those hanging on the back,
operating the freezer I presume. It seems to work for them just fine,
sounds funny though
I'll get me coat.