Ross Herbert
On Fri, 8 May 2009 15:46:37 +1000, "David L. Jones" <altzone@gmail.com> wrote:
:Franc Zabkar wrote:
:> On Fri, 08 May 2009 04:16:30 GMT, Ross Herbert
:> <rherber1@bigpond.net.au> put finger to keyboard and composed:
:>> On Thu, 7 May 2009 20:57:12 +1000, "David L. Jones"
:>> <altzone@gmail.com> wrote:
:>> David, Thanks for the offer and I will take it up in the future.
:>> One thing which has only just started happening with your posts on
:>> this NG is that as soon as I hit the reply button all of the content
:>> in your post just disappears from the screen and I am left with a
:>> blank pane to type in. That is why none of your post I am responding
:>> to now appears in this response.
:>> I don't know why it happens but if I go back to respond to your
:>> earlier posts, say on Tonights New Inventors thread, it doesn't
:>> happen. It has only started happening since I responded to your post
:>> in this thread on May 7. Posts you made before that date in this
:>> thread are ok and I see everything in them when I hit reply.
:>> Can anyone give a reason?
:> The post that you are replying to has a dash-dash-space in the third
:> line. This is the recognised sig delimiter, so anything that comes
:> after it is stripped.
:> Either David's newsreader, OE, is having trouble recognising this
:> convention, or he's adding this line himself.
:> You can use Ctrl-A to select the entire post and then hit R(eply).
:> Then delete the offending line.
:> I suggest that OE users apply "OE Quotefix" to correct other quoting
:> problems, such as missing quote characters when replying to "quoted
:> printable" posts.
:> http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/oe-quotefix/
:> - Franc Zabkar
:Ah, I always wondered what those two dashes were!
:Outlook was putting my new sig up the top of replies, and I wasn't manually
:cut'n'pasting the dash-dash.
:Installed QuoteFix, now automatically puts the quote at the bottom. Thanks.
Thanks to Franc's explanation and your admission that your new sig was the cause
I now know I wasn't doing something wrong at my end.
:Franc Zabkar wrote:
:> On Fri, 08 May 2009 04:16:30 GMT, Ross Herbert
:> <rherber1@bigpond.net.au> put finger to keyboard and composed:
:>> On Thu, 7 May 2009 20:57:12 +1000, "David L. Jones"
:>> <altzone@gmail.com> wrote:
:>> David, Thanks for the offer and I will take it up in the future.
:>> One thing which has only just started happening with your posts on
:>> this NG is that as soon as I hit the reply button all of the content
:>> in your post just disappears from the screen and I am left with a
:>> blank pane to type in. That is why none of your post I am responding
:>> to now appears in this response.
:>> I don't know why it happens but if I go back to respond to your
:>> earlier posts, say on Tonights New Inventors thread, it doesn't
:>> happen. It has only started happening since I responded to your post
:>> in this thread on May 7. Posts you made before that date in this
:>> thread are ok and I see everything in them when I hit reply.
:>> Can anyone give a reason?
:> The post that you are replying to has a dash-dash-space in the third
:> line. This is the recognised sig delimiter, so anything that comes
:> after it is stripped.
:> Either David's newsreader, OE, is having trouble recognising this
:> convention, or he's adding this line himself.
:> You can use Ctrl-A to select the entire post and then hit R(eply).
:> Then delete the offending line.
:> I suggest that OE users apply "OE Quotefix" to correct other quoting
:> problems, such as missing quote characters when replying to "quoted
:> printable" posts.
:> http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/oe-quotefix/
:> - Franc Zabkar
:Ah, I always wondered what those two dashes were!
:Outlook was putting my new sig up the top of replies, and I wasn't manually
:cut'n'pasting the dash-dash.
:Installed QuoteFix, now automatically puts the quote at the bottom. Thanks.
Thanks to Franc's explanation and your admission that your new sig was the cause
I now know I wasn't doing something wrong at my end.