Ross Herbert
Yesterday, my Sharp/Fronius 1kW system was installed and today I saw the benefit
on the meter. At the end of the day the meter reading was about 2 kWh less than
at the start of the day. The peak power production was around 840W due to the
sun being at rather a low angle at this time of year.
For some reason the installer forgot he hadn't informed the supply authority
that they had to change the meter so until it is changed the old meter simply
runs backwards while the PV is producing power during the day.
on the meter. At the end of the day the meter reading was about 2 kWh less than
at the start of the day. The peak power production was around 840W due to the
sun being at rather a low angle at this time of year.
For some reason the installer forgot he hadn't informed the supply authority
that they had to change the meter so until it is changed the old meter simply
runs backwards while the PV is producing power during the day.