Your comments requested...

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
Or, of course, the usual suspects, Janet Reno, CongoLeeza Rice,
Hilary Clinton, that judge broad - or that other judge broad -
but Mz. Zeta doesn't look all that angry. I'd let her do me.
leer, snort ;-}

You're not wealthy enough. You have to have at least $250
million or she's not interested.

Of course, the intelligent women you insulted won't "do"
you either.

On 30 Jun 2005 09:50:54 -0700, "redleg" <> wrote:

Angrie.Woman wrote:
Rich The Newsgroup Wacko wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 10:05:29 -0700, Don Lancaster wrote:

redleg wrote:

Whats a modern lair?

A tinja severely infested with nude females, of course.

Nude female what?

Forgot angry...


Sorry, she's not avaialable. You'll have to settle for Diamanda Galas
instead. Hope you're not disappointed. At. least, not as dissapointed
as she is...

redleg wrote:
Don Lancaster wrote:

Please see for June 18th.

What did I miss?
What would you add?

Many thanks,

Don. why are the Howdy Soda caps so special?
They are simply budget minded collectible Americana.

And have pretty much the same price spread as any other older unused
soda bottle cap. Howdy was numnber two behind Orange Crush.

The Howdy guy then invented Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda
Which you know and love today.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email:

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at
JeffM wrote:
WTF is a 'tinja'? Or, for that matter, a 'tinaja'?
Rich The Newsgroup Wacko

How TF is it pronounced?

teen ah-hah
A little lighter. As ten ah-hah.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email:

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at
Don Lancaster wrote:

The Howdy guy then invented Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda
Which you know and love today.
From the web:
"Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."
Inventor C.L.Grigg's original recipe included the antidepressant
until the 1940s as a "picker-upper" (
That's also probably why the original Coca-Cola formula included the
stimulant cocaine."

It is interesting what they put in beverages, and why.

In every food store in the world you can buy tonic water, beverages
containing quinine, which works like very strong coffee, and is used to
strengthen the will power, exciting the mind, forcing the person to
concentrate harder.

Its main use is to avoid puking when drinking alcohol. If your mind
works as it should you would throw up the alcohol when it reaches toxic
levels, but quinine, coffe, lithium stimulate the central nervous
system and makes it possible to drink more alcohol.

A modern variant is diclofenak, which doctors happily give anybody that
they think needs more anger in his mind.
Creationist doctors often think that. But they are lying bastards,
which all creationists are, so they do not tell you the truth about
your diagnose and your treatment.

When taking these substances as a medicine you should start with very
low concentrations, to avoid strong negative side effects. After a
while you learn how to control the anger and you can take more.

It is officially an anti-inflammatory medicine, but there are much
better anti-inflammatory medicines, diclofenak is only given to people
who are seen as having too weak minds.

Creationism sometimes camoflages itself as medicine.

These substances also help people getting along in social life, because
women admire strong silent guys, who are very excited but can control
the anger. With chemicals you don't have to do it manually, getting
angry and excited.

Children who have problems adjusting to the grownup world around them,
because they cannot handle all the adrenaline, fear and violence in our
culture, are given Ritalin or Amphetamine.

This excites their brains, relieving them from the need to
get very angry to compete mentally and socially with the grownups
who have gotten used to a speeded mind step by step over many years,
and who have had the possibility to learn to get excited in more
pleasant ways than getting angry.

A mothers strong convictions are often enough for both her child and
her husband, but there are many variations and sometimes the child or
the man must cope with the extreme excitement, fear and anger without a
suitable concussion to handle it with.

Young girls are usually scared up and forced to become tough by their
own parents, but sometimes they cannot make her angry enough so they
send the young girl to a home for young girls, a treatment commune,
where they are subjected to physical and psychological torture, until
they get angry enough, or become nervous wrecks.

We have heard a lot about such treatment communes, or camps as
they are called in USA.
14 year old girls are sent to a place far from all towns and cities, so
they cannot escape. Then a "psychologist" talks to them for hours every
day, trying all he can to make the girl very excited, scared and angry.

The psychologist often tells the girl that she must have been raped by
her father and that is why she is a whore now. The girl is usually a
shy 14 year old teen who has never even said such words before. Now
suddenly she is accused of being a whore and her father is molesting
his own children.

A few months ago two men were released from prison, after serving
several years of a long sentence for satanic practices, rapes and
murders of many young girls, etc..

They were mysteriously put in jail for these very unlikely crimes,
especially since there were no children missing in the country, and
there was no evidence whatsoever beside the girl's stories. The
prosecutor knew that most of the stories the girl told during her time
in the treatment home came straight out of a book about satanism on the
night table beside the girl's bed, but she classified that evidence as
secret and threw it in the wastebasket, so the defence never saw it.

This book was read by many girls at that treatment home and the book
was supplied by the strange "psychologist" and the other people who
worked at the treatment home.

It is very disturbing to consider the thousands of girls who are made
into nervous wrecks for life in such camps or treatment homes.

But it is even more disturbing to think about all the girls (typically
50% ) who come out from such a treatment home feeling that they have
gained something valuable, something which makes them into grownups,
something which makes them strong in social life.

What kind of social life do you need that kind of training for?
What does this tell us about the cultural pattern which forms our
lives, no matter if we want it or not.

Roger J.
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:48:44 -0700, Don Lancaster wrote:
JeffM wrote:
WTF is a 'tinja'? Or, for that matter, a 'tinaja'?
Rich The Newsgroup Wacko

How TF is it pronounced?

teen ah-hah

A little lighter. As ten ah-hah.
A big thank you to both of you! :) :) :)

Turns out it's a rather cool thing for us lovers of Mother
Earth to know about! :)

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 20:36:00 +0000, Kris Baker wrote:
"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message

Or, of course, the usual suspects, Janet Reno, CongoLeeza Rice,
Hilary Clinton, that judge broad - or that other judge broad -
but Mz. Zeta doesn't look all that angry. I'd let her do me.
leer, snort ;-}


You're not wealthy enough. You have to have at least $250
million or she's not interested.

Of course, the intelligent women you insulted won't "do"
you either.
I generally don't insult _intelligent_ women.

On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 04:35:32 +0000, Roger Johansson wrote:
Don Lancaster wrote:

The Howdy guy then invented Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda
Which you know and love today.

From the web:
"Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."
Inventor C.L.Grigg's original recipe included the antidepressant
until the 1940s as a "picker-upper" (
That's also probably why the original Coca-Cola formula included the
stimulant cocaine."

It is interesting what they put in beverages, and why.

In every food store in the world you can buy tonic water, beverages
containing quinine, which works like very strong coffee, and is used to
strengthen the will power, exciting the mind, forcing the person to
concentrate harder.

Its main use is to avoid puking when drinking alcohol. If your mind
works as it should you would throw up the alcohol when it reaches toxic
levels, but quinine, coffe, lithium stimulate the central nervous
system and makes it possible to drink more alcohol.

A modern variant is diclofenak, which doctors happily give anybody that
they think needs more anger in his mind.
Creationist doctors often think that. But they are lying bastards,
which all creationists are, so they do not tell you the truth about
your diagnose and your treatment.
I was actually rather enjoying this little treatise, up until about
this point.
The Pig Bladder from Uranus, still waiting for that
hot babe to ask what my favorite planet is. ;-j
Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:48:44 -0700, Don Lancaster wrote:

JeffM wrote:

WTF is a 'tinja'? Or, for that matter, a 'tinaja'?
Rich The Newsgroup Wacko

How TF is it pronounced?

teen ah-hah

A little lighter. As ten ah-hah.

A big thank you to both of you! :) :) :)

Turns out it's a rather cool thing for us lovers of Mother
Earth to know about! :)

We have a spectacular collection of tinajas on Mt. Graham, the hill in
my front yard.

The easiest to reach are Frey Mesa. The finest anywhere are hidden in
the part of Marijilda Canyon that you can't get to.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email:

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

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