XP is garbage

Mark Jones wrote:

learning@learning.com wrote:

If you don't care, why did you let me get under your skin, and get
you to drop down to my level? That was the plan, and you did good.

For all intents and purposes, you just admitted to Trolling.

An open letter to the internet from Trolls United Against Defamation:

First an introduction - what I'd like to talk about are "Trolls" - we've
been much maligned over the years but we've decided to come out from under
our 'bridges' and once again take our rightful place in society.

Many of you older readers may remember the friendly little man who lived
under the courthouse steps in your home town, he was a well-liked and
respected member of the community, your parents approved of his occupation
and understood that "it was a tough job, but someone had to do it". In
small town America in the '50s no one questioned the valuable place your
local trolls played in society.

Readers who grew up in the '60s may remember being distraught by Oppie's
special friend Max's sudden disappearance from Mayberry after the actor
who played him was blacklisted following the McCarthy hearings.

Let me try and explain the whole sordid story as briefly as possible.
It all started with what we trolls commonly refer to as "that goat incident".
Back in the spring of 1964 there were wild press reports from Eastern Europe
about a poor hungry troll eating some goats who woke him up while sleeping
under a bridge - naturally the press blew it way out of proportion, someone
noticed that not only were there trolls behind the iron curtain, but here
in the US too - Joe McCarthy (a lawyer!) came out of retirement and started
up 'HURT' the 'House Unamerican Reaction to Trolls' - Trolls were subpoenaed,
question, publicly vilified and driven from their occupations all across
the country, in the south trolls were driven from town by the KKK on horseback.
Those trolls whom survived moved to the wilder parts of the country to hide
out, some even moved north to Canada.

At the time our knowledge of ecology and ecosystems was not great enough
for anybody to predict the horrible results this would cause. As the
Soviets were finding out by the '60s if you take away it's usual prey a
predator will turn elsewhere. They banned lawyers in most communist
countries, which of course explains the plight of that poor hungry troll
under that bridge that started this whole mess.

After banning Trolls the US is now suffering from a most horrible scourge.
Just like removing the wolves from Yellowstone resulted in Elk herds that
multiplied out of control and devastated the grazing for all other species,
taking your local troll out from his usual place below the courthouse steps
has resulted in lawyers multiplying completely out of control with dire
consequences to all parts of society.

We intend to once again become the respected useful members of society
our parents and grandparents were. And after much soul-searching we
realized that we would need good legal council. As you might imagine
this was hard to come by, so we decided that we needed to train some of
our own people in the law. I, and my colleagues, worked our way through
law school, it was hard, we suffered under much discrimination from
the faculty, we spent long nights suffering working through the law
books, and days resisting temptation in class. In the end we graduated
top of our class - in fact in that year we were the only ones who

We moved into private practice as "Troll, Troll, Troll and Bandicoot"
mostly doing civil rights law for other trolls. Recently you may have
heard of the very substantial out of court settlement we received from
the Tolkien estate in our libel case. We intend to use this money to
fund future legal work for our clients.

Which brings me to the main purpose of this letter .... it has come to
our attention that some people on the internet have been using the name
'troll' in a negative, derogatory manner. This must stop immediately.
Along with our co-litigants the Spam Industry Council we are today
serving a class action suit, on behalf of all trolls everywhere, on
all people who have participated in the practice of 'trolling'.

We were lucky that the law firm of Canter&Siegel after some initial
reluctance were yum^H^H^H able to help us in searching the Usenet
archives to discover the perpetrators and to electronically serve all
those who were found responsible.

I hope that this will be the end of this matter.

Thank you for your attention

Timothy T. Troll
Attorney at Law
Troll, Troll, Troll, and Bandicoot

Trolls United will never be defeated - take a lawyer to lunch
John Larkin wrote:

Power corrupts; PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.
"classd101" <c_bielek@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"Frithiof Andreas Jensen" <frithiof.jensen@die_spammer_die.ericsson.com
wrote in message news:<d3io8l$2tc$1@newstree.wise.edt.ericsson.se>...
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote in

I think the problem is Outside of the Box, about 40 cm from the screen!

You work for Microshit, don't you.
Errr. No!

"Where the user should not really go" Fuck yeh you work for Microshit,
head programmer I bet. The only way to learn what can/will happen is
by doing it, yes?
But the experience point becomes void when you try something, break it and
then whine about how broken it is? In simpler times, taking the gearbox
apart on motorbikes would be the thing to do, maybe "improve" engine
performance a bit;.

Well, sometimes some people would have to push the bike and the disasembled
gear box in a plastic bag to the bike shop and have them put it back
together again.

But that did not mean that the Bike was Crap, did it?

scanner you mentioned. It's my opinion they aren't bulletproof enough
to warrant the resources they constantly hog. It's just another false
sense of security, use common sense instead.
You expect common sense from Wife & Three Teenagers - you are soo dead.

If I wasn't sure before you worked for MicroShit, I am now. The
"Tinkerer" or "hacker" if you will, is the one person for whom XP
_will_ work good, because its default configuration is pure shit,
meant only for the average email user/web surfer who likes all the
pretty colors, animation thingies, beeps, bubbles, smilies, paperclips
and dogs, you know, four year olds.
The hacker knows what he does and is responsible for it, the tinkerer just
mess around, gets his knickers in a twist and then blame someone else.

Besides, contrary to what you might think, I do not care enough for windows
to do anything to it's "internals"; it runs Python, It runs Games and it
Runs the Applications I use. Fine, that is what I wanted it for.

It's infrastructure, I do not have any share in it so why should I expend
energy on it?

I can earn the money for a faster box in less time than it would take me to
find out why this particular instance of XP+Fixpack+Tons-o-Shite is "too

This is often a stage newbies go through who are trying to learn,
trying to figure out why their computer is working like shit, what
makes it tick, and how they might possibly fix it. It's not to be
frowned upon by anyone other than MicroShit, it should be encouraged.
Some will progress beyond this point, some not, but there's no shame
in trying.
What they tend to learn is: dont fuck with it, it is working.

After re-format and re-install three times. Oh - What Backup? And Where did
we rip the apps from?

Linux solves this - but Sims 2 does not run on Linux, so Teens do not use

Those sorts of mundane customizations shouldn't break anything. If
they do it's a flaw in the O$ not the user.
Sure - but who's fault it is does not help you get the work done, does it?

Have you even installed XP BTW, or only programmed it. There's very
few options one has as to what goes where, you even have to go back in
after to remove shit it installed because it no longer gives you the
option prior to intalling them.
Many times, enough to stay well away from Microsoft API's which are subject
to change about the same time as your application is ready; Like Java BTW.

Be obvlious? What does Bill pay you you're doing a fucking excellent
job. That's the abused house wife syndrom, brilliant, really. Just
ignore it, things will get better.
If you want to use windows with a minimum of fuss, you have to use it the
way it is intended to be used.

If you want to debug windows for no benefit at all - except maybe that
Microsoft might save a few testers - then you can do that too.

I think I would rather do something productive and uplifting rather than
adding fat to my arteries over a product I do not even Own despite paying
for it. Sailing perhaps.

XP is an OK product - the First out of Microsoft.

No, it's pretty much shit too, but compared to their previous shit, XP
amounts to a smaller pile.

C'mon, we're talking about the richest man in the world, and this is
the best he can do? WTF. Even the Xbox was recalled because it was/is
He sold enough to get there; meaning the the products does not have to be
better, they fulfill the inteded purpose which is tranferring money from
users to his account.

If you think business is aaallll about solving customers problems then you
are missing some really important concepts: Business is - first and always -
about solving *your problems*, customers are one of the *means* to that, and
the *customers problem* is tangential to that - hell, if everything fails,
Marketing is Invoked to invent problems people did not have in the first
place (but we happen to have a solution for).

Ok so ..... let's cut the bullshit shall we?
Agree with the snipped bit - *if* one really likes the work. I don't.

And I would get a Hardware Firewall too, before putting windows on the
internet - especially if you do not patch it. Which, BTW, means that you
cannot run WLAN with encryption on XP - which is fixed by one of the
patches, the third I think!
"Joel Kolstad" <JKolstad71HatesSpam@Yahoo.Com> wrote in message

This is far more likely to be Adobe's problem than Microsoft's...
If you *know* there might be a problem, *why* go there?

"Who's problem it is" does not complete the work you intended to do with
Adobe; it's a distraction, empty work, noise, chaff ....

Frithiof is living in some la-la land where apparently the "default
configuration" of the machine works well enough for him; the idea that it
"should" work well enough for everyone else is of course naive.
You assume entirely too much ...

software fixes are bug-driven, and bug reports are thresholded and filtered
through many layers of "support", so if you want any hope of your particular
bug being fixed, you have to be aligned with the crowd.

Else you will be ignored. Nobody cares about one fault in a consumer

Heck, even
the default configuration has plenty of bugs and security problems, as
witnessed by the many service packs and security patches Microsoft


My Point Is:

Do you *really want* to volunteer as the latest unpaid tester of new and
interesting configurations or do you want to spend as little time as you
possibly can working on something you do not even own, concentrating on what
you *do* own?

Fixing Microsoft Apps is a bit like putting a new bathroom and kitchen in
your rented appartment - yeah it's nice but do you think the Landlord will
reward you for that?

Nah, he will yank those nice things straight out and put the standard
fittings in place for the next tenant.

Although I still think XP is a decent OS...
What I said - it *can* get the job done, that's what it is for.

It's not a Tamagochi - but some people apparently use it for that.
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote in message

You mean, like installing applications, maybe? Or actually using Word
to produce a document? Silly of me, I guess... I should just admire XP
exactly the way it came.
Just admit it :)

You installed Office away from drive 'C:'. On a second disk/partition maybe,
the Heresy of thinking that keeping the OS away from the users and the apps
would be Good for Stability?

You See, It does not break instantly but a few Office Updates down, oh, it

Sure this is Bad, of Course it is Unreasonable - the point I am trying to
make is:

Would you not just rather be down at the Pub than dealing with some
OS/Application issues that nobody within the layers of Microsoft "support"
will care about because you, alone, will not log enough error reports to go
above the filter threshold? "They" do not care about you, so why do *you*
care about "them"?

I have learned, the hard way, that MS products have embedded within them a
certain oppinion of how the world works and the easy road is the one that
agrees with that; "There is only One Disk, it's name is 'C:', there can be
only one partition, all your eggs shall be in that one basket" .. ..

It's either "Gates Way or No Way"!

Is this insultingly stupid, sure, but so are many things: Why not spend the
mental energy on other things, things that really matter to you?

If it matters enough, throw away XP and use Linux - but beware: Linux has
*also* opinions on how the world should be (but mostly the confuguration is
so complex that users leave it well be, hence fewer conflicts; use Linux on
an IPv6 only network f.ex., Guess What: The Same Thing Happens!).
I read in sci.electronics.design that Guy Macon
<_see.web.page_@_www.guymacon.com_> wrote (in
<115sd08oi428rb6@corp.supernews.com>) about 'XP is great', on Thu, 14
Apr 2005:

I hope that this will be the end of this matter.
This is obviously a troll. How could any real troll write at length on
troll history and civil rights without mentioning Terry Pratchett, who
has done so much for interspecies understanding and tolerance,
especially between trolls, humans and dwarves.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
There are two sides to every question, except
'What is a Moebius strip?'
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
"classd101" <c_bielek@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"Frithiof Andreas Jensen" <frithiof.jensen@die_spammer_die.ericsson.com
wrote in message news:<d3j108$80e$1@newstree.wise.edt.ericsson.se>...

Siiigh, does the term .... power_toys_... ring a bell?
Slightly - as one of those "improvements" that can be safely Ignored?

Well, if you ever tried optimizing your system, it would run alot
faster and could possibly be done by red giant time.
Yes. But It's almost easier to get a new box - if one auctions the old one
off on the Saturday Auctions frequented by consumers, the price fetched can
often pay for the new box.

You seem to prescribe to the theory of BG that any fault found in it
is the fault of the users. I suppose that is true, if no one used it,
there'd be no faults found. In reality however, it is the standard
every day OS, gets used, bugs are found, and it's actually the fault
of those who refuse to admit to and fix them, not those who use it.
<shrug - analogy:>

I just like to jump over where someone already removed the fence to get to
the Farm Shop to buy the vegetables, I set out to buy. Some people obviously
like to seek out the more impressive tall bit of the fence, where that pile
of junked farm machinery, broken bottles and rusty barbed wire was dumped by
the farmer ... a matter of taste and style, i guess ;-)

You get the point I hope. One size doesn't fit all. What's the sense
in buying a hot rod of a computer and expecting it to run like that
hot rod, when by default, XP equals the a logging truck with a half
secured load.
To abuse the analogy: Is that the problem of the driver or the copper trying
to overtake?

You know it's people like you who keep the majority of people from
ever moving beyond the point and click barrier.
Yup -

"People like Me" are also responsible for Global Warming and The Palćstinian
Problem; Oh and I did not worry much about World Peace, must be the reason
for Iraq .... gawd, I feel soooo guilty. Shit, The Pobe died too. Must be
that Burrito, I ate.


"People" tend to keep themselves in whatever trouble they like to be in.

I think it's a load of shit to even think they're unable to fix things
because it's so big it's beyond them??

The fixing has No Value to "Them" - The Value was in exchanging the license
with your money, getting you into that first commitment, what value now
remains is your potential purchase of more software and support, which you
would not do UNLESS unhappy with what you have got already (but not so
unhappy that you give up altogether - i.e. you must be fed Hope in the form
of updates ...).

Windows has always been designed to keep people obliviously point and
click stupid.
So? It's a Consumer OS, a Means to an End, something to be discarded at some
point in favour of something else, not something to get involved with or
philosophize about.

If one expends mental energy on it, one ends up married to it and deeply
concerned over it's state of health at all times - as I can see many people
are. Works in the Stock market and Nigerian Scams too.
John Woodgate wrote:

This is obviously a troll. How could any real troll write at length on
troll history and civil rights without mentioning Terry Pratchett, who
has done so much for interspecies understanding and tolerance,
especially between trolls, humans and dwarves.
I think that Pratchettism is pretty much assumed when talking of
Trolls. Sort of like the way we post in sci.electronics.design
without mentioning the goat... :)
I read in sci.electronics.design that Guy Macon
<_see.web.page_@_www.guymacon.com_> wrote (in
<115sqh3hr80q096@corp.supernews.com>) about 'XP is great', on Thu, 14
Apr 2005:
John Woodgate wrote:

This is obviously a troll. How could any real troll write at length on
troll history and civil rights without mentioning Terry Pratchett, who
has done so much for interspecies understanding and tolerance,
especially between trolls, humans and dwarves.

I think that Pratchettism is pretty much assumed when talking of
Trolls. Sort of like the way we post in sci.electronics.design
without mentioning the goat... :)

You mustn't even THINK about the goat.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
There are two sides to every question, except
'What is a Moebius strip?'
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
In <115sd08oi428rb6@corp.supernews.com>, on 04/14/05
at 09:11 AM, Guy Macon <_see.web.page_@_www.guymacon.com_> said:

An open letter to the internet from Trolls United Against Defamation:
<whole bunch of unbelievable BS snipped>

I hope that this will be the end of this matter.

Thank you for your attention

Timothy T. Troll
Attorney at Law
Troll, Troll, Troll, and Bandicoot

Trolls United will never be defeated - take a lawyer to lunch
Sad little man, sad little man..... He goes to all that trouble to filter
me, declares his intention to all who will hear him, cries out for
everyone to join him, then propagates the matter with a cute little story
that I can't imagine anyone would even read......

Usenet, you gotta love it!

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:15:26 +0200, "Frithiof Andreas Jensen"
<frithiof.jensen@die_spammer_die.ericsson.com> wrote:

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote in message

You mean, like installing applications, maybe? Or actually using Word
to produce a document? Silly of me, I guess... I should just admire XP
exactly the way it came.

Just admit it :)

You installed Office away from drive 'C:'. On a second disk/partition maybe,
the Heresy of thinking that keeping the OS away from the users and the apps
would be Good for Stability?
I bought two identical workstations from Dell, with the OS and Office
and all the Adobe stuff already installed. Of course, even though Dell
installed Office, I had to register it. And the first doc I tried to
edit using my spiffy new Office 2003, I found that the tiff image that
I wanted to include locked up Word whenever it was imported. One of my
programming rules is that data should not be able to crash code.

So why does it perform a loud musical score every time I turn the
monitor on of off? Why does it sometimes make a loud click on the
speakers whenever I click the mouse? Why does it create a new icon to
my usb Zip drive, or move the existing one, or start the drive
spinning, whenever I plug in my flash memory stick? The list goes

I'd be embarassed to sell a product like this. But then, I'm not

Is this insultingly stupid, sure, but so are many things: Why not spend the
mental energy on other things, things that really matter to you?
I just want to get work done, and certainly I don't want to tinker
with somebody else's software for weeks at a time.

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote in message

So why does it perform a loud musical score every time I turn the
monitor on of off? Why does it sometimes make a loud click on the
speakers whenever I click the mouse? Why does it create a new icon to
my usb Zip drive, or move the existing one, or start the drive
spinning, whenever I plug in my flash memory stick?
Because Dell just *had* to install some extension to it to manage their
little buttons on the keyboard ;-)
- but did not have the brains to do it properly (or Gates changed the API
later). Same like Compaq BTW.

Wipe the machine it and install a clean XP+Office yourself. If you haven't
got the disks, send it back for a refund.
I read in sci.electronics.design that learning@learning.com wrote (in
<425e7538$1$woehfu$mr2ice@news.aros.net>) about 'XP is great, Guy Macon
is a moron', on Thu, 14 Apr 2005:

Sad little man, sad little man..... He goes to all that trouble to
filter me, declares his intention to all who will hear him, cries out
for everyone to join him, then propagates the matter with a cute
little story that I can't imagine anyone would even read......
Yeah, and his law firm isn't even headed up by a vampire. Pathetic.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
There are two sides to every question, except
'What is a Moebius strip?'
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 23:07:45 -0700, Bob Monsen <rcsurname@comast.net>

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:13:10 -0400, Mark Jones wrote:

What the hell are you guys doing to corrupt your WinXP installs? I've
heard bad
reports about the SP2, but other than that XP is more stable and robust
than 2K.

Agree completely. XP is the first microsoft OS I've actually trusted.
Versions with the old kernel, and the FAT32 file system, are simply too
likely to fail and take your file system with it. XP allows FAT32, but if
any of you are still running it, CONVERT NOW! You can easily convert to
NTFS, which is head and shoulders above FAT32, in terms of reliability.


FAT32 still exists? Sheeeesh!

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 21:25:03 -0700, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote:

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 23:00:32 -0400, Mark Jones <abuse@

Look, I have no idea what planet you came from, but I know A LOT about
XP/2k/98/95/3.11, and I'm NOT holding up M$'s products. I said I do not like the
fact that there is only one mainstream OS, but since there is no viable
alternative, I am forced to use it. You can say that you hate Windows, but if
your boss hands you a .PPT document and asks you to tweak the last frame, are
you going to politely explain to him how you can't, because you don't believe in

Power corrupts; PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.


I've found I can do better presentations with Acrobat and the Link and
Form tools.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
learning@learning.com wrote:
I am one of you, but I can't get PADs and Protel, or the PIC programmer to
work in OS/2 :) so I had to bail for now. Its still on here, and I will
be using it way before I ever bother with Linux.
I assume you've tried Odin but have you tried it recently? They keep
improving it. There's also Svista but I haven't tried it yet.

Keith Williams wrote:
Power corrupts; PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.

spit!> Damn, my laptop's screen has all sorts of sparkley dots on it
now. Consider that one stolen! The PHB's are going to hear this one.
Have you tried OO? I believe it's supposed to do PP.

In <l6y7e.25928$VF5.16418@edtnps89>, on 04/14/05
at 05:53 PM, Ted Edwards <Ted_Espamless@telus.net> said:

learning@learning.com wrote:
I am one of you, but I can't get PADs and Protel, or the PIC programmer to
work in OS/2 :) so I had to bail for now. Its still on here, and I will
be using it way before I ever bother with Linux.

I assume you've tried Odin but have you tried it recently? They keep
improving it. There's also Svista but I haven't tried it yet.
Yea. I have been on board with Odin for a long time. I just wish that new
versions wouldn't break the older ones, but its still a heck of an effort
by some hard working people. Its a kick to see those particular apps come
up to the splash screen, and .... almost... work :) I think some apps are
just too dependent on Windows internals to ever have a chance. That's life
I guess.

Svista might be an option if I had the cash, and the PC horsepower, and I
am keeping an eye on the groups to see how its going.

Odin would benefit from an influx of cash reserves to get more people on
board full time, but we know that story, so I won't wait up. :)

Thanks Ted,

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:20:57 +0200, "Frithiof Andreas Jensen"
<frithiof.jensen@die_spammer_die.ericsson.com> wrote:

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote in message

So why does it perform a loud musical score every time I turn the
monitor on of off? Why does it sometimes make a loud click on the
speakers whenever I click the mouse? Why does it create a new icon to
my usb Zip drive, or move the existing one, or start the drive
spinning, whenever I plug in my flash memory stick?

Because Dell just *had* to install some extension to it to manage their
little buttons on the keyboard ;-)
It's a plain keyboard; no special buttons. For Pete's sake, Microsoft
hasn't fixed the c-drive.lnk bug, after 8 years! They managed to
transport a bug from '98 to XP!

- but did not have the brains to do it properly (or Gates changed the API
later). Same like Compaq BTW.

Wipe the machine it and install a clean XP+Office yourself.
That's the universal answer to Windows problems: reinstall the OS.

If you haven't
got the disks, send it back for a refund.
To whom? Microsoft will send me to Dell, and Dell will send me to

You seem to blame everybody else - app programmers, OEMs, users - for
the miserable design and coding of Windows.

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 08:33:22 -0700, Jim Thompson
<thegreatone@example.com> wrote:

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 23:07:45 -0700, Bob Monsen <rcsurname@comast.net

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:13:10 -0400, Mark Jones wrote:

What the hell are you guys doing to corrupt your WinXP installs? I've
heard bad
reports about the SP2, but other than that XP is more stable and robust
than 2K.

Agree completely. XP is the first microsoft OS I've actually trusted.
Versions with the old kernel, and the FAT32 file system, are simply too
likely to fail and take your file system with it. XP allows FAT32, but if
any of you are still running it, CONVERT NOW! You can easily convert to
NTFS, which is head and shoulders above FAT32, in terms of reliability.


FAT32 still exists? Sheeeesh!

...Jim Thompson
My brand-new Dell/Xp systems came with two partitions on c: One is
FAT32, one is NTFS. Anybody know why?


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