Ted Edwards
Roger Johansson wrote:
none of my data or code on the boot drive. Usually when something
crashes the worst that happens is a need to reboot to get rid of the
hung app. Only once in those eight years did the OS get clobbered badly
enough that a reboot wasn't good enough. I formatted the partition and
un-ZIP'd my backup to it and was back up.
platform and, if you register, can create a bootable floppy and a
bootable CD.
I have been running OS/2, now eCS, for the last eight years. I keepRich Grise wrote:
Somebody needs to teach your friend about drive partitions. I try to
repartition such that there's one of the minimum possible size for the
OS, and NEVER store anything but the OS itself on that partition - put
ALL of your data on a second or third partition. That way, when the
OS crashes and you have to reformat/reinstall, you only lose the OS,
and not all of your data.
none of my data or code on the boot drive. Usually when something
crashes the worst that happens is a need to reboot to get rid of the
hung app. Only once in those eight years did the OS get clobbered badly
enough that a reboot wasn't good enough. I formatted the partition and
un-ZIP'd my backup to it and was back up.
DFSee will do this as well as saving the partition tables. It is crossWell said. I use a 4GB partition for the OS, and it should have a size
of maximum 8GB.
Install windows there, and the programs which have to be installed to
work, that is the programs which will stop working when windows breaks.
Use a partition saving program, like norton ghost, to save an image of
platform and, if you register, can create a bootable floppy and a
bootable CD.