Where can I buy a large analogue meter?...

On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 14:22:42 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 12:24, alan_m wrote:
On 14/04/2022 11:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Where can I buy a large analogue meter? Big enough to show to a room
of people, about a foot long pointer.

Big screen TV with an analogue representation of a digital reading
performed in software.

Stepper motor and a counterbalanced pointer, and some drive electronics
and some software.

But they used to make them as just a normal meter, just a bigger pointer and coil.
On 14/04/2022 12:13, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:52:32 +0100, Jan Panteltje
pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> wrote:

On a sunny day (Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:45:06 +0100) it happened \"Commander
Kinsey\" <CK1@nospam.com> wrote in <op.1kl2tgobmvhs6z@ryzen.lan>:

Where can I buy a large analogue meter?  Big enough to show to a room
of people, about a foot long pointer.

Use a small one, camera and monitor?
Or just draw it digitally on a monitor?

Could do, but I remember a long long time ago when I was at school, the
teacher had a voltmeter with a foot long needle.  They must exist

On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:45:06 +0100, Birdbrain Macaw (aka \"Commander Kinsey\",
\"James Wilkinson\", \"Steven Wanker\",\"Bruce Farquar\", \"Fred Johnson, etc.),
the pathological resident idiot and attention whore of all the uk ngs,
blathered again:

<FLUSH the subnormal sociopathic trolling attention whore\'s latest
attention-baiting sick bullshit unread again>

damduck-egg@yahoo.co.uk about Birdbrain Macaw\'s (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL)
\"He is a well known attention seeking troll and every reply you
make feeds him.
Starts many threads most of which die quick as on the UK groups anyone
with sense Kill filed him ages ago which is why he now cross posts to
the US groups for a new audience.
This thread was unusual in that it derived and continued without him
to a large extent and his silly questioning is an attempt to get
noticed again.\"
MID: <be195d5jh0hktj054mvfu7ef9ap854mjdb@4ax.com>

ItsJoanNotJoann addressing Birdbrain Macaw\'s (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"You\'re an annoying troll and I\'m done with you and your
MID: <e39a6a7f-9677-4e78-a866-0590fe5bbc38@googlegroups.com>

AndyW addressing Birdbrain:
\"Troll or idiot?...
You have been presented with a viewpoint with information, reasoning,
historical cases, citations and references to back it up and wilfully
ignore all going back to your idea which has no supporting information.\"
MID: <KaToA.263621$g93.262397@fx10.am4>

Phil Lee adressing Birdbrain Macaw:
\"You are too stupid to be wasting oxygen.\"
MID: <uv2u4clurscpat3g29l7aksbohsassufe2@4ax.com>

Phil Lee describing Birdbrain Macaw:
\"I\'ve never seen such misplaced pride in being a fucking moronic motorist.\"
MID: <j7fb6ct83igfd1g99rmu4gh9vf610ra3jk@4ax.com>

Tony944 addressing Birdbrain Macaw:
\"I seen and heard many people but you are on top of list being first class
ass hole jerk. ...You fit under unconditional Idiot and should be put in
mental institution.
MID: <VLCdnYC5HK1Z4S3FnZ2dnUU7-dPNnZ2d@giganews.com>

Pelican to Birdbrain Macaw:
\"Ok. I\'m persuaded . You are an idiot.\"
MID: <obru31$nao$3@dont-email.me>

DerbyDad03 addressing Birdbrain Macaw (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"Frigging Idiot. Get the hell out of my thread.\"
MID: <4d907253-b3b9-40d4-be4d-b32d453937e0@googlegroups.com>

Kerr Mudd-John about Birdbrain Macaw (now \"Commander Kinsey LOL):
\"It\'s like arguing with a demented frog.\"
MID: <op.yy3c02cqmsr2db@dell3100.workgroup>

Mr Pounder Esquire about Birdbrain Macaw (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"the piss poor delivery boy with no hot running water, 11 cats and
several parrots living in his hovel.\"
MID: <odqtgc$iug$1@dont-email.me>

Rob Morley about Birdbrain:
\"He\'s a perennial idiot\"
MID: <20170519215057.56a1f1d4@Mars>

JoeyDee to Birdbrain
\"I apologize for thinking you were a jerk. You\'re just someone with an IQ
lower than your age, and I accept that as a reason for your comments.\"
MID: <0001HW.1EE2D20300E7BECC700004A512CF@news.eternal-september.org>

Sam Plusnet about Birdbrain (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"He\'s just desperate to be noticed. Any attention will do, no matter how
negative it may be.\"
MID: <rOmdndd_O7u8iK7EnZ2dnUU78TGdnZ2d@brightview.co.uk>

thekmanrocks@gmail.com asking Birdbrain:
\"What, were you dropped on your head as a child?\"
MID: <58ddfad5-d9a5-4031-b91f-1850245a6ed9@googlegroups.com>

Christie addressing endlessly driveling Birdbrain Macaw (now \"Commander
Kinsey\" LOL):
\"What are you resurrecting that old post of mine for? It\'s from last
month some time. You\'re like a dog who\'s just dug up an old bone they
hid in the garden until they were ready to have another go at it.\"
MID: <59d8b0db.4113512@news.eternal-september.org>

Mr Pounder\'s fitting description of Birdbrain Macaw:
\"You are a well known fool, a tosser, a pillock, a stupid unemployable
sponging failure who will always live alone and will die alone. You will not
be missed.\"
MID: <orree6$on2$1@dont-email.me>

Richard to pathetic wanker Hucker:
\"You haven\'t bred?
Only useful thing you\'ve done in your pathetic existence.\"
MID: <orvctf$l5m$1@gioia.aioe.org>

clare@snyder.on.ca about Birdbrain (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"\"not the sharpest knife in the drawer\"\'s parents sure made a serious
mistake having him born alive -- A total waste of oxygen, food, space,
and bandwidth.\"
MID: <s5e9uclqpnabtehehg3d792tmll73se0g8@4ax.com>

Mr Pounder exposing sociopathic Birdbrain:
\"You will always be a lonely sociopath living in a shithole with no hot
running water with loads of stinking cats and a few parrots.\"
MID: <os5m1i$8m1$1@dont-email.me>

francis about Birdbrain (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"He seems to have a reputation as someone of limited intelligence\"
MID: <cf06cdd9-8bb8-469c-800a-0dfa4c2f9ffa@googlegroups.com>

Peter Moylan about Birdbrain (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL):
\"If people like JWS didn\'t exist, we would have to find some other way to
explain the concept of \"invincible ignorance\".\"
MID: <otofc8$tbg$2@dont-email.me>

Lewis about nym-shifting Birdbrain:
\"Typical narcissist troll, thinks his shit is so grand he has the right to
try to force it on everyone
MID: <slrnq16c27.1h4g.g.kreme@jaka.local>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 10:52:32 GMT, Jan Panteltje, another mentally
challenged, troll-feeding, senile ASSHOLE, blathered:

Use a small one, camera and monitor?
Or just draw it digitally on a monitor?

Use your brain and don\'t feed the troll, troll-feeding senile asshole? <BG>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 22:45:24 +1000, Sylvia Else, yet another mentally
deficient troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

They may well have existed then, but given the modern alternatives
suggested by Jan that exist, I doubt there\'s a market for large meters now.


He needs it for nothing but his well-known idiotic TROLLING here, you
troll-feeding senile idiot! <tsk>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:01:48 +0100, Martin Brown, yet another mentally
deficient, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

A small one and a smartphone/tablet video fed to a decent sized screen.

You wouldn\'t be able to afford an analogue meter that large.
Though you could build one from scratch in the true DIY fashion.

Model 8 Avo is about as big as they ever realistically get now.

ISTR Gallencamp (sp?) did larger ones for school labs back in the 70\'s.
There is a Unilab 8\" one +/- 50 uA on eBay right now.


Another brain dead senile moron who doesn\'t get what\'s going on in this
\"thread\"! LMAO
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:59:48 +0100, Martin Brown, yet another mentally
deficient, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

> Make one yourself then. This is uk.d-i-y the clue is in the name!

LOL!!! The clue for you is that he\'s a filthy trolling wanker who will jerk
off to another successful \"thread\" of his!
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:16:28 +0100, Clive Arthur, yet another mentally
deficient troll-feeding senile ASSHOLE, blathered:

> R/C servo with pointer, PIC with ADC, code.

What he needs is a nurse with another huge syringe, you brain dead senile
troll-feeding senile ASSHOLES! <tsk>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:22:41 +0100, charles, another mentally
deficient, troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered:

> get a smaller one and a video camera.

He doesn\'t need one, senile idiot! He ONLY needs all you senile assholes to
keep taking every single idiotic bait of his! <BG>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:24:10 +0100, anal_m, the notorious troll-feeding
senile retard, blathered again:

Big screen TV with an analogue representation of a digital reading
performed in software.

Where have you been so long, anal_m? You, the clinically insane Scottish
wanker\'s most \"loyal\" troll-feeding senile idiot? <BG>
In sci.electronics.design Commander Kinsey <CK1@nospam.com> wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 14:22:42 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 12:24, alan_m wrote:
On 14/04/2022 11:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Where can I buy a large analogue meter? Big enough to show to a
room of people, about a foot long pointer.

Big screen TV with an analogue representation of a digital reading
performed in software.

Stepper motor and a counterbalanced pointer, and some drive
electronics and some software.

But they used to make them as just a normal meter, just a bigger
pointer and coil.

When the world went to meters with number readouts (digital meters)
\"they\" saw their demand for analog needle movements crater. Over time
\"they\" quit making analog needle movements all together.

With the exception of a few niche markets (i.e., Simpson 260) you
simply are *not* going to find a manufacturer making new product that
meets your desires.

Your choices are going to be: make it yourself or buy an antique (if
you can find one, and if you are willing to pay what the current owner
demands to part with the antique).
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:34:36 +0100, David, another mentally challenged,
troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered:

> www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175237367160?hash=item28ccf60578

You senile morons just don\'t get what that clinically insane troll and
attention whore is doing with all of you! <BG>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:08:05 -0000 (UTC), Bertrand Sindri, yet another brain
dead, troll-feeding, senile idiot, blathered:

When the world went to meters with number readouts (digital meters)
\"they\" saw their demand for analog needle movements crater. Over time
\"they\" quit making analog needle movements all together.

With the exception of a few niche markets (i.e., Simpson 260) you
simply are *not* going to find a manufacturer making new product that
meets your desires.

Your choices are going to be: make it yourself or buy an antique (if
you can find one, and if you are willing to pay what the current owner
demands to part with the antique).

Another senile idiot who doesn\'t get (or refuses to get) what\'s going on
here! LOL
On 14/04/2022 12:31, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:16:28 +0100, Clive Arthur
clive@nowaytoday.co.uk> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 11:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Where can I buy a large analogue meter?  Big enough to show to a room of
people, about a foot long pointer.

R/C servo with pointer, PIC with ADC, code.

This shouldn\'t be necessary, in the 80s in school we had enormous
voltmeters and ammeters for demonstrations.  Just a simple coil meter
with a long lightweight pointer.

If it\'s that simple make one. This is a DIY group.
In article <op.1kl8yqoymvhs6z@ryzen.lan>, Commander Kinsey <CK1@nospam.com>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 13:45:24 +0100, Sylvia Else <sylvia@email.invalid

On 14-Apr-22 9:13 pm, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:52:32 +0100, Jan Panteltje
pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> wrote:

On a sunny day (Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:45:06 +0100) it happened
\"Commander Kinsey\" <CK1@nospam.com> wrote in

Where can I buy a large analogue meter? Big enough to show to a
room of people, about a foot long pointer.

Use a small one, camera and monitor? Or just draw it digitally on a

Could do, but I remember a long long time ago when I was at school,
the teacher had a voltmeter with a foot long needle. They must exist

They may well have existed then, but given the modern alternatives
suggested by Jan that exist, I doubt there\'s a market for large meters

It just isn\'t the same. Would you buy a 6.2 litre electric car?

6.2 litres of what?

from KT24 in Surrey, England
\"I\'d rather die of exhaustion than die of boredom\" Thomas Carlyle
On 14/04/2022 13:03, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:59:48 +0100, Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 12:27, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:01:48 +0100, Martin Brown
\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 11:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Where can I buy a large analogue meter?  Big enough to show to a
room of
people, about a foot long pointer.

A small one and a smartphone/tablet video fed to a decent sized screen.

Doesn\'t look so good.

You wouldn\'t be able to afford an analogue meter that large.
Though you could build one from scratch in the true DIY fashion.

Model 8 Avo is about as big as they ever realistically get now.

ISTR Gallencamp (sp?) did larger ones for school labs back in the 70\'s.
There is a Unilab 8\" one +/- 50 uA on eBay right now.


I was in school in the 80s, and we had massive ones, looked like some
kind of old fashioned weighscale from a fair.  Very useful for the whole
class to see the volts and amps in a circuit under demonstration.

Make one yourself then. This is uk.d-i-y the clue is in the name!

Easier to press a button on Ebay, I can\'t believe nobody makes them.

I can. Why would they?. As Martin says, just keep searching eBay.

You will still be able to find large analogue pressure gauges, these are
still used in industry.
On 04/14/2022 05:31 AM, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:16:28 +0100, Clive Arthur
clive@nowaytoday.co.uk> wrote:

On 14/04/2022 11:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
Where can I buy a large analogue meter? Big enough to show to a room of
people, about a foot long pointer.

R/C servo with pointer, PIC with ADC, code.

This shouldn\'t be necessary, in the 80s in school we had enormous
voltmeters and ammeters for demonstrations. Just a simple coil meter
with a long lightweight pointer.

On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 16:55:26 +0100, charles, another mentally
deficient, troll-feeding, senile asshole, blathered:

> 6.2 litres of what?

Of trollshit, troll-feeding senile asshole! <tsk>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 17:40:11 +0100, newshound, yet another troll-feeding
senile idiot, blabbered again:

> I can. Why would they?. As Martin says, just keep searching eBay.

What??? And STOP trolling you senile assholes on these groups? Try again,
senile idiot! <tsk>
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 10:57:11 -0600, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aanenajtc1U

You just can\'t get enough of your unwashed Scottish wanker, eh, senile
Trumptard? <BG>

More typical idiotic senile gossip by lowbrowwoman:
\"It\'s been years since I\'ve been in a fast food burger joint but I used
to like Wendy\'s because they had a salad bar and baked potatoes.\"
MID: <ivdi4gF8btlU1@mid.individual.net>

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