Winfield Hill
Hot times coming up this week in the Antarctic: A collision is imminent
between a 1,200-square-mile iceberg (the size of Long Island) and the
Drygalski Ice Tongue, at one end of the Ross Ice Shelf. As a result,
the huge ice tongue itself may soon break off and float into the ocean.
ETC (estimated time to collision), four days and counting. Film at 11,
"When London is submerged and New York awash, we may look back on 2004
as the year when the water started rising. Observations collected from
both North and South Poles show that the world's ice sheets and glaciers
are disintegrating faster than anyone thought possible."
- Win
between a 1,200-square-mile iceberg (the size of Long Island) and the
Drygalski Ice Tongue, at one end of the Ross Ice Shelf. As a result,
the huge ice tongue itself may soon break off and float into the ocean.
ETC (estimated time to collision), four days and counting. Film at 11,
"When London is submerged and New York awash, we may look back on 2004
as the year when the water started rising. Observations collected from
both North and South Poles show that the world's ice sheets and glaciers
are disintegrating faster than anyone thought possible."
- Win