Graham Cooper
On Jul 13, 11:33 am, Sylvia Else <syl...@not.here.invalid> wrote:
You make as-close-to-obviously-false-as-possible, ludicrous-as-
possible statements every post to stir a reaction.
You get 100W per square meter from sunlight, 5hrs a day.
You get compact chemical storage from rainwater + sunlight -> H2+O2
You have clean engines nearly as simple as petrol engines.
You have chemical energy storage on par with petrol or battery without
Make H2 during the day when all the houses are on their own Solar.
Only a maroon would use more coal to fill in the gap in usage during
solar hours.
FFS stop being idiots. don't justify your argument is 'actually this'
any more to me.
That is your argument above.On 13/07/2012 11:16 AM, Graham Cooper wrote:
On Jul 13, 10:30 am, terryc <newsninespam-s...@woa.com.au> wrote:
On 13/07/12 07:16, Graham Cooper wrote:
How do you get Nitrates from H2 and O2?
You don't, unless you are pumping in air to supply the Oxygen, in which
case ~80% of the air is Nitrogen and there is a very good chance that
some highly excited Hyrogen will be so desperately horny that it will
get it off with the Nitrogen instead of the Oxygen.
If you don't want this to happen, you need to supply Oxygen in the
correct or slightly higher proportion, this makes it cost more and is
less Nett Energy efficent.
So your guys' argument is
because the engines are not clean
unless you have O2 tanks
and the Electrolysis to turn 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2
would need even more Coal to run at night
to employ fuel tank fillers night shift
and Solar will increase pollution anyway because of night time varying
load inefficiencies.
*slowly steps backwards - don't make eye contact*
The argument is that we need solutions that actually work, rather than
just making greenie users feel good.
You make as-close-to-obviously-false-as-possible, ludicrous-as-
possible statements every post to stir a reaction.
You get 100W per square meter from sunlight, 5hrs a day.
You get compact chemical storage from rainwater + sunlight -> H2+O2
You have clean engines nearly as simple as petrol engines.
You have chemical energy storage on par with petrol or battery without
Make H2 during the day when all the houses are on their own Solar.
Only a maroon would use more coal to fill in the gap in usage during
solar hours.
FFS stop being idiots. don't justify your argument is 'actually this'
any more to me.