Peter Hill
On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:47:02 -0700 (PDT), Robert Macy
<macy@california.com> wrote:
MCZ-1/05, MCZ-1/20?
Peter Hill
Spamtrap reply domain as per NNTP-Posting-Host in header
Can of worms - what every fisherman wants.
Can of worms - what every PC owner gets!
<macy@california.com> wrote:
What?? Tell me more, I've not found it.On Mar 18, 1:38 am, Daniel James <dan...@me.invalid> wrote:
In article <T2lon.2774$P_5....@newsfe15.ams2>, Chris Whelan wrote:
What's to recycle?
Quite a lot of glass, for one thing.
A former colleague told me of an interesting experience he'd had in a
former life (job) getting rid of a decommissioned mainframe. He had all
sorts of quotes from people wanting to charge him for disposing of the
kit, and a local scrap dealer offering to /pay/ him for it. It turned
out that mainframes of that age had enough gold in their contacts for
it to be worth recovering it (by dissolving it in cyanide, I gather --
don't stand downwind!). The cabinets would have been good for scrap
metal, the rest was probably landfill.
the Zilog Development system has over $320 of gold in it.
MCZ-1/05, MCZ-1/20?
Peter Hill
Spamtrap reply domain as per NNTP-Posting-Host in header
Can of worms - what every fisherman wants.
Can of worms - what every PC owner gets!