On 10/16/19 11:21 AM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
And often other reasons like not viewing women as property and the gays
as the spawn of Satan.
The Right is great at getting into power on a wave of popular resentment
and general "Things should be different don't know what exactly but I
don't like it, whatever it is"-type sentiment but rather terrible at
hanging onto it; populist bloviating and outrage-trolling is fun but
they tend to be rather poor at the actual day-to-day drudgery of y'know,
running a government. Boooooo-ring!
They're the guy who has little experience at an interview who expects to
be selected over other more qualified candidate because he's "really
driven to succeed." Yea you and everyone else, pal. The boulevard of
broken dreams is paved with the "driven" and "fighters"
He'd be an excellent guide if you were
lost in the forest. Democrats are similar, except they'll only claim
you're wrong rather than give directions, which is of no use at all.
Most people feel a lot more than they think.
Definitely true of the left. No thought. All emotional "sky is
falling" melt-down.
They elect people that they like the looks of, instead of people who
can manage an economy and a country. Lefties are lefties because of
their fundamental misunderstandings and willing refusal to learn.
And often other reasons like not viewing women as property and the gays
as the spawn of Satan.
FDR was a lefty but he at least didn't select Patton on looks or
likability. He picked him because he knew how to fight.
The Right is great at getting into power on a wave of popular resentment
and general "Things should be different don't know what exactly but I
don't like it, whatever it is"-type sentiment but rather terrible at
hanging onto it; populist bloviating and outrage-trolling is fun but
they tend to be rather poor at the actual day-to-day drudgery of y'know,
running a government. Boooooo-ring!
They're the guy who has little experience at an interview who expects to
be selected over other more qualified candidate because he's "really
driven to succeed." Yea you and everyone else, pal. The boulevard of
broken dreams is paved with the "driven" and "fighters"