** It is not possible to "lubricate" a sealed pot, you need to make a small hole in it first. Sealing a pot does not prevent it becoming noisy.
There are two basic ways to do this, and one semi-exotic way, the last being universally successful, but with lots of caveats. All but the first require removing the pot from the device.
a) A pressure pump - this will drive the lubricant down the shaft. A threaded tube connects to the pot with an internal sealing O-ring. It is then pressurized with the lubricant inside. In 80% of pots - including the likes of Revox - this works fine. I keep just such a device.
b) Removing the pot(s), warming it (warm, not hot) and dropping it in cold lubricant. The cooling action creates a vacuum and draws the lubricant into the pot. Works in about 75% of those pots that do not respond to the first method. Getting to 95%.
c) Using a small vacuum pump, create a moderate low pressure around the pot, while it is immersed in the lubricant. This will draw air out of the inside of the pot, which when the vacuum is release, will force lubricant into the void. For some hobbyists, especially those who do castings, this will be easy. For others, not so much. And caution is required as too much of a vacuum will entirely fill the inside of the pot. At which point, the process is repeated with the pot 'dry'. This will remove most of what is inside the pot.
Few things are "not possible", with care and attention.
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA