War on humanity

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 18:30:08 +0000, Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Thu, 29 Apr 2004 18:07:12 +0100) it happened michael turner
zvxr.gheare1963@ivetva.arg> wrote in

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 15:02:58 +0000, Saint wrote:

For all you suckers supporting the war in iraq. Check and see what a
real war is


I think that is inapropiate.
It's very appropriate. And here's another one...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

You and the criminal Bush.
BTW did you write that blog ?

Michael Turner
Email (ROT13)
Saint wrote:
R. Steve Walz wrote:

That isn't why or how it has proven itself to be biased.
The BBC simply tells people what they want to hear, it's a
JUST A BUSINESS, it's NOT some magical truth-agency!

Same goes for your "unbiased" agencies. Difference is: they tell what
the government wants people to hear.
I have no "agencies", I listen to a bunch of people. What the fuck
is your problem, can't you figure out that it is a mix of Al Qaeda
and Saddam's old death-machine that is resisting so hard in Iraq???
Those people should die, simple as that! We SHOULD be massacring
ANY demonstrators, and blowing the shit out of ANY neighborhood
we are attacked in, and we should go house to house and give them
one chance to turn over ALL weapons of ANY kind or execute them
when found with one later! We should be SHOOTING looters of American
bodies, even kids, teach them a little terror.We should make them
carry our ID cards or shoot every fucking one of them till we find
all the resistors and everynbody who wants to live goes back to
work and shuts the fuck up, like we did with the Japanese back when
we had a SPINE!!!

Take your whining little third world political axe someplace
else, you shit-minded little pussy. The middle east is a
shit-pile of the world's crap that has been swept into that
corner, and we're finally getting around to cleaning it out
as the last phase of spring cleaning after the long dark
winter called the Dark Ages.

If you are up to it. But your hands are not clean enough for the job.
I'll agree, but they fucked up and attacked us. They lose the right
to beg for their lives.

Hiroshima, Vietnam, and all sort of colonization power exercised in the
past century returned the world well back to the dark ages.
Japan is pretty well off, thanks.
Vietnam was a mistake as to which side we backed.
We SHOULD have been shooting the French and later the rich families
in the South.

Islam is a piece of stinking shit that has to be eliminated from
the earth, a little now, a lot more later, along with Fundy
Xtianity of all sorts, but Islam's worse and most violently
vicious, so it has to be first.

That would probably suggest that you are jew. No wonder, the
world for you is jews jews jews and then gentiles.
Why you're nothing but another insane third world anti-Zionist

Nope, I'm not a jew, I'm a hedonist, I'd like to see ALL Abrahamic
religion thrown in a big pit and set on fire because it's looney
and antisexual!! I'll settle for Islam first, then Catholicism and
all the fucking Baptists, THEN I MIGHT worry about the Jews if they
haven't stopped circumcising their kids involuntarily, other than
that the Reform Jews are nearly harmless. Conservative Jews, sure,
burn 'em. Same as fucking Catholics.

The whole middle east is nothing but a hostage situation and
we're just the swat team. If they release their poor impoverished
and brainwashed hostages we will take them away in cuffs, else
we'll be happy to kill them. No negotation with terorists or
hostage takers.

You're not up to the argument. It's not very hard to come up with
something close to your mouthshit and unclaimed trash, and thirst for
blood. But why type more than what can fit into your bumhead.
Eat shit and die, puke, you can't cuss as well as I can, so don't
try, you don't even mean it enough to use excalamation points!!

The world's now to the point where it is time to demand that
nothing be permitted unless it is done through channels under
the rule of law, and the UN ain't the law. They're a debate
club and mostly represent little petty dicatorships.

dictatorship? hahahaha. What you say is a typical definition of
dictatorship. Again you parrot what you don't understand.
The dictatorship of Good is called the Good and the Right.
The dictatorship of Evil is called the Evil and the Wrong!
Both are dictatorships, that's just the Truth!

We are merely in a transition period between them, which is
why it is useful for genuine Good to pretend, for now, that
tolerance of both is a good thing, because it undermines the
sway of abject Evil.

If the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Palestinians or whoever the fuck they
think they are want to bomb people instead of just competing
for votes, then we'll hunt all of them down and kill them ALL
like the rabid dogs they are!!


They won't do any more good than americans competing for votes and
coming up with George Bush, whom under his command and support America
and Israel launched attacks and bombs in which the iraqi and palestinean
civilians casualties greatly outperforms those killed under all sorts of
suicide bombing attacks.
It'll be a long time before we get this stuff right, but we still
all got to vote and then go home peacably and watch it on the news.
That's worth killing most of the people on earth to keep and to
propagate!! Insane religious maniacs who think they'll go to heaven
if they oppose secular law must be hunted down and killed on OUR
timetable, not theirs, to make the world safe for the peaceful.
Nobody has to be an angel to be a shit-fucking hell of a lot better
than the fucking Muslims, just like I don't have to be perfect to
be smarter than you are, you silly little prick!

Your government is successfully misleading you to believe that "anti-US
government" or "anti-US policies" is necessarily "anti-American".
Americans at large don't even believe such crap, where do YOU get it??
Don't believe commercials during election year or anytime, they are
aimed ONLY at the tiny minority of weak-minded to tie-break our
49%-49% elections.

in turn turns you to be one of their most favourite pro-government
parrots. Americans have built very good human values that would rather
be spread to the world, if only the governments believed in anything
else other than brutal force, and divide and conquer approaches.
you are led into believing that the anti-US attitude in the middle east
is due to jealousy and hate of freedom, rather than an unclean past in
the region by America and its allies for the past century.
I'm not a fucking "'Merkin".
I'd like finally to destroy the USA and build a Communist *WORLD*!!!!
I just know who I want to kill and who's available to do it.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 04:51:25 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40932D8E.7273@armory.com>:

I'd like finally to destroy the USA and build a Communist *WORLD*!!!!

I just know who I want to kill and who's available to do it.

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:55:33 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com>

Saint wrote:

For all you suckers supporting the war in iraq. Check and see what a
real war is

More lies from Al Jazeera. Ho-hum.


If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS
On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC), OtherPeoplesShoes
<NoSpam@DontEmailHere.com> wrote:

[snipped all reference to RSW :-]
If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS
They *should* be happy because Israel is pulling out of Gaza. In
reality they're in a panic... the populace will now see that their
sorrowful life is due to the Palestinian Authority.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
OtherPeoplesShoes wrote:
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:55:33 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com

More lies from Al Jazeera. Ho-hum.

If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react
to the current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear
your opinion

Regards OPS
How WOULD they act?
We know how they WOULD act by how they DO act.

But how SHOULD they act?
I will presume THAT is what you're asking!:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist. However, I have
forever given up any notion of opposing the Democratic Majority
with suicide bombings or petty terrorism to impose my ideal
Communist system.

So I believe in the Final Future Triumph of a Majority Democratic
People's Communism. In other words, I don't think I can car-bomb
this democracy into My Communism. I know that we will simply have
to convince them, one at a time, to vote for My Communism.

If I was a Palestinian, I hope that I'd recognize, finally, that
there never would be such a thing as Palestine, and I'd never have
a nice life trying to get one by criminal assaults, so I'd better
decide to do/be something else.

I'd hope that I was bright enough to either sue to become a happy
satisfied Israeli citizen, as ALL of them HAVE BEEN offered peaceful
Israeli citizenship, and to work for a healthy Israeli economy and
industry so we can all have an excellent standard of living, or
failing to grasp that as the best hope of a good life for me and
my people, I hope that I'd have enough sense to shoot myself
through the head.

When confronted with a democratic power that you will never ever
beat or destroy, the only sensible thing to do is to JOIN them

Then if you want to promote civil causes to better the lives of
FORMER Palestinians, you'd campaign to be their representative
in the Kenneset and speak to Israeli's where they are vulnerable,
when they're NOT being suicide-bombed, namely, in their consciences.

The Palestinians could have had all the concessions they wanted if
they laid down in the streets and let the tanks crush a few of
them, or even if they simply begged on their knees daily before the
Kenneset and promoted world-wide hunger-strikes.

Israelis, being educated people, have guilty consciences as big as
all outdoors!! All the foreign aid to Israel would soon become
entirely contingent upon their proper treatment of Palestinians.
Ghandi's tactics work a treat on Jews!

But Palestinians, being mostly Islamic religious fanatics bent on
absolute destruction of infidels and the subjugation of everyone to
Islam, can't grasp that, it offends their stupid sense of martyrdom
as Muslim nutcakes. That is why Islam will now be evaporated from
the earth.

The next time Islmaics suicide or cowardly bomb and kill enough
people in some harmless peaceful democratic population and scandalize
the civilized world enough, we'll be getting out the napalm, fuel-air
bombs, fragmentation anti-personel bomblets, and the poison gas to
eliminate them like the VERMIN they ARE!! We will probably wind up
finding out that the best way to stop manic insane Islamic protests
in the streets is to ban protests in the streets as breaches of the
peace and just shoot them down like dogs or use shot-gun pellets
coated with Ricin that kill anyone who catches one in a day or two!!

No Truly Democratic People actually need to protest in the streets,
they can meet online and hand each other pamphlets and articles and
books to read and call or write their representatives.

The fucking Muslims and some few manically irrational and insane
groups are giving formerly respectable street demonstrations a
violent and unnecessarily bad name!!

It's not actually AT ALL either necessary or important to block
traffic or piss people off and generally erode the public peace
and safety to have a politically free government. Those who do
so to confuse real issues and frighten the People should be shot
down like dogs.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
"Jim Thompson" <thegreatone@example.com> schreef in bericht
On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC), OtherPeoplesShoes
NoSpam@DontEmailHere.com> wrote:

[snipped all reference to RSW :-]

If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS

They *should* be happy because Israel is pulling out of Gaza. In
reality they're in a panic... the populace will now see that their
sorrowful life is due to the Palestinian Authority.
It's also a lot easier for Isreal to bomb the shit out of Gaza, once
they left.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.
But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.

But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Do you actually imagine this sort of comment makes you look bright?

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.

Mao wasn't, and Lenin didn't get to.

Neither Soviet Russia or Red China were communist.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
On a sunny day (Sun, 02 May 2004 00:24:03 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40944063.1BD3@armory.com>:

Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.

But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Do you actually imagine this sort of comment makes you look bright?

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.

Mao wasn't, and Lenin didn't get to.

Neither Soviet Russia or Red China were communist.

How would you then define your version of communism?
Now I am curious?
Because I can see no way to fit it in other remarks you made?
In article <p768909hlgbtgq50kvfdpdaa91fk3ntt60@4ax.com>,
thegreatone@example.com says...
On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC), OtherPeoplesShoes
NoSpam@DontEmailHere.com> wrote:

[snipped all reference to RSW :-]

If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS

They *should* be happy because Israel is pulling out of Gaza. In
reality they're in a panic... the populace will now see that their
sorrowful life is due to the Palestinian Authority.
Absolutely! They had every chance at peace, now they're going to
have to deal with the putrid remains of Arafat's thugs. The
fence is a grand thing indeed!

In article <40942395$0$25632$c3e8da3@news.astraweb.com>,
f.bemelmanx@planet.invalid.nl says...
"Jim Thompson" <thegreatone@example.com> schreef in bericht
On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC), OtherPeoplesShoes
NoSpam@DontEmailHere.com> wrote:

[snipped all reference to RSW :-]

If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS

They *should* be happy because Israel is pulling out of Gaza. In
reality they're in a panic... the populace will now see that their
sorrowful life is due to the Palestinian Authority.

It's also a lot easier for Isreal to bomb the shit out of Gaza, once
they left.
Another good idea! What a wonderful plan! Defence and offence
all in one fence! The Palestinian pissed away their best offer
years ago. It's just taken a while for reality to set in, both
in Israel and the US. Reality will never again set in in Europe,
I fear. ...not that they have anything of interest. ;-)

In article <40944063.1BD3@armory.com>, rstevew@armory.com says...
Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.

But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Do you actually imagine this sort of comment makes you look bright?

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.
I think we all understand that you're a communist (note the small
Mao wasn't, and Lenin didn't get to.

Neither Soviet Russia or Red China were communist.
....but they're fantastic examples of why communism cannot work.
There is no such thing as altruism on a grand scale. A commune
*may* work with a hundred (thought even here there are more
failures than successes), but not with a hundred million.

On Sun, 02 May 2004 00:24:03 GMT, R. Steve Walz <rstevew@armory.com> wrote:
Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.
Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, Fascist, or Nazi.

Nobody gives much of a damn what particular flavor of tyranny you espouse.

It's that you espouse tyranny that matters.

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted
so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should
have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty, for liberty
is an acknowledgement of faith in God and His works.
- Frederic Bastiat
On Sat, 1 May 2004 22:14:39 -0400, KR Williams <krw@att.biz> wrote:
...but they're fantastic examples of why communism cannot work.
There is no such thing as altruism on a grand scale. A commune
*may* work with a hundred (thought even here there are more
failures than successes), but not with a hundred million.
In a free society, any group of individuals is free to pool their
resources and form a commune. If they maintain respect for individual
liberty (particularly the freedom of every member to pack up and leave
when and if they choose), it's nobody else's business.

And if they can make it work, more power to them. They could, by their
own example, convince others to emulate them, and they could build a
communist society in the only way that such a society can be morally

You or I might doubt their chances, but such people have every right
to try.

Alternatively, those who espouse using the power of government to force
communal relationships on others, absent their consent, and in a way
that infringes upon their right of departure, are the enemies of all
that is good and decent, and should be shot down like dogs.

Our correspondent, here, claims to be a communist.

Does he live in a commune? Is he working to build one? To make one work?
Is he trying to demonstrate, by his own example, the advantages of such
an economic arrangement?

I didn't think so.

The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred
as the laws of God, and there is not a force of law and public justice to
protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.
- John Adams
Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sun, 02 May 2004 00:24:03 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40944063.1BD3@armory.com>:

Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.

But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Do you actually imagine this sort of comment makes you look bright?

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.

Mao wasn't, and Lenin didn't get to.

Neither Soviet Russia or Red China were communist.


How would you then define your version of communism?
Equal right to own a home one inherits from our whole species,
making charging anyone rent or mortgage for their home an
executable offense.

Equal pay per hour for all workers, all pay for productive labor
ONLY. Banking, insurance, speculation, and profiteering off the
labor of others is an executable offense. Paper wealth is ended.

Anyone who doesn't work is barred from access to food till he
reports to be assigned work.

Goods are ordered by workers, the order produces authorization
for labor, and the labor hours to manufacture them, plus labor
hours which are the cost of the support of the disabled and
elderly, per item in the lot, is the price for the consumer item.

Retirement, Education and Medical care and all Utilities such as
power, water, heat, telecom, television, and other such public
entitlements are guaranteed by the People to everyone who works.

All other property other than residential is owned by the People,
who control it by direct Local Democracy.

Now I am curious?
Because I can see no way to fit it in other remarks you made?
Just GoogleNews Me and read for hours.
I don't need to type it all in again.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
KR Williams wrote:
In article <p768909hlgbtgq50kvfdpdaa91fk3ntt60@4ax.com>,
thegreatone@example.com says...
On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC), OtherPeoplesShoes
NoSpam@DontEmailHere.com> wrote:

[snipped all reference to RSW :-]

If you were a Palestinian, living in Gaza, how would you react to the
current situation?

No I'm not winding you up - serious question - I'd like to hear your

Regards OPS

They *should* be happy because Israel is pulling out of Gaza. In
reality they're in a panic... the populace will now see that their
sorrowful life is due to the Palestinian Authority.

Absolutely! They had every chance at peace, now they're going to
have to deal with the putrid remains of Arafat's thugs. The
fence is a grand thing indeed!


-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
KR Williams wrote:
In article <40944063.1BD3@armory.com>, rstevew@armory.com says...
Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Sat, 01 May 2004 21:55:07 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40941D7A.3AE0@armory.com>:

To even understand my response, you need to know my situation:

I'm a confirmed, died-in-the wool Communist.

But do you have a picture of Lenin on the wall?
Or is it Mao?
Do you actually imagine this sort of comment makes you look bright?

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.

I think we all understand that you're a communist (note the small

Mao wasn't, and Lenin didn't get to.

Neither Soviet Russia or Red China were communist.

...but they're fantastic examples of why communism cannot work.
Since those didn't implement any "communism", that's nothing but
a shitty little lie the Rich told the US people in the 1930's
when they were getting too Wobbly and scared them.

There is no such thing as altruism on a grand scale.
Nor is any such required, only obedience to the Law is required.

All law, now, and ever, is about fairness. The laws even now
are about fairness, just not nearly enough of it, because the
rich have distorted them.

We don't need to make anyone generous, we simply need to
severely punish anyone who has stolen from the rest of us!!!

A commune
*may* work with a hundred (thought even here there are more
failures than successes), but not with a hundred million.
No one needs a commune of any sort as a form of government. Communes
are families, not governments. The government is All the People.
When the People decide that wealth is crime, they will ban it!!

And there is absolutely zero reason to require altruism from anyone.
That is what majority power and guns and torture are for, both in
My Communism, and in every government that has ever existed.

Mine is merely the best possible one, and the one that will finally
succeed all others. And it will succeed not by persuading more than
a majority, the dissenting minority will simply be terrified to
disobey, as usual!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Jeffrey C. Dege wrote:
On Sat, 1 May 2004 22:14:39 -0400, KR Williams <krw@att.biz> wrote:

...but they're fantastic examples of why communism cannot work.
There is no such thing as altruism on a grand scale. A commune
*may* work with a hundred (thought even here there are more
failures than successes), but not with a hundred million.

In a free society, any group of individuals is free to pool their
resources and form a commune. If they maintain respect for individual
liberty (particularly the freedom of every member to pack up and leave
when and if they choose), it's nobody else's business.
And they will be just as disenfranchised by the criminal rich as
the rest of us. Just as a group!! Lovely!

And if they can make it work, more power to them. They could, by their
own example, convince others to emulate them, and they could build a
communist society in the only way that such a society can be morally
Nope, a Majority always has the right to make wealth stolen by
connivance ILLEGAL and to confiscate it and ban all banking,
speculation, insurance, and profiteering, and to ban anyone
benefitting from anything except productive LABOR!

Democracy has been headed that way for 500 years!

Alternatively, those who espouse using the power of government to force
communal relationships on others, absent their consent, and in a way
that infringes upon their right of departure, are the enemies of all
that is good and decent, and should be shot down like dogs.
They won't be, they'll be the Majority, and THEY'LL do the only
shooting, thanks! You see, your version of "good and decent"
translates as CRIMINAL THIEVERY to the rest of us!!

Our correspondent, here, claims to be a communist.

Does he live in a commune? Is he working to build one? To make one work?
Is he trying to demonstrate, by his own example, the advantages of such
an economic arrangement?

I didn't think so.
Irrelevant, a commune is a group-marriage, not a form of government.

You see, whereas real families are strictly voluntary affiliations,
government must exert power over that minority which is bent upon
being criminal to the rest of us!!

The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred
as the laws of God, and there is not a force of law and public justice to
protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.
- John Adams
John Adams was rich.
He didn't understand that what then commences, is actually Justice.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Jeffrey C. Dege wrote:
On Sun, 02 May 2004 00:24:03 GMT, R. Steve Walz <rstevew@armory.com> wrote:

Neither, I'm not a Marxist or Maoist.

I'm a Communist.

Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, Fascist, or Nazi.

Nobody gives much of a damn what particular flavor of tyranny you > espouse.
And THAT'S because you're an ignorant illiterate without any

It's that you espouse tyranny that matters.
ALL governments are tyrannies to those who don't happen to like
them. The better thing about Democracy is that those criminals
will be in the minority, and the best thing about Democratic
Communism will be that a larger Majority than ever before will
like it a HELL of a lot!!

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted
so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should
have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty, for liberty
is an acknowledgement of faith in God and His works.
- Frederic Bastiat
Your sort of vicious little criminal shit never sounds quite so
simperingly disingenuous as when you pretend to know the Mind
of God, which is something No REASONABLE person would NEVER do,
unless he was making fun of you!!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
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http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public

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