War on humanity

Richard Henry wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message
Richard Henry wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message

Nope, it's worth that number of hours of one's labor at ANYTHING.

Why? Because no one is fit to deprive someone else if they did
something that you'd have to do the same way if they didn't do it!!

You have trouble understanding english. When reading it is important
to try to figure out what the author meant, and not how you can
distort it to match your delusions.

So all labor is of equal value?
All hours of a human's devotion to purposes not strictly his own
is of equal enslavement, and thus requires equal compensation.

And NO one is fit to decide another's enslavement is less valuable
than his own. Such a decision is theft.

The grandma can pay for her hip replacemnt (which takes 10 man-hours) by an
equal time sweeping streets?
The cost of such things is the sum-total of the human hours amortized
over that one customer. The cost would be significantly more than just
one surgeon's hours, when truly calculated, nurses, other surgeons,
manufacture of required supplies and maintainance of the operating suite
and its requirements, and the hospital and its security, kitchen staff,
and supply department, raw materials at the factories, and
etc., but in any reasonable society would supply these surgeries
as a part of State Health Care.

In MY society, those now rich would have to work for a living, and
the people they have count beans for them now could also do productive
farm, mine, and factory work, reducing such costs significantly for

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sun, 16 May 2004 00:48:48 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40A6BB44.4AD8@armory.com>:

Most of us know Bush is a retarded little cretin.
But nuking him would nuke lots of us too.
Maybe one of those small nuke hand grenades sci.physics
was talking about years ago.

Or a weapon that specifically targets ...
Like impeachment for example.
I think you just reinvented the bullet.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message news:40A81B3F.6BBB@armory.com...
Greg Neill wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message news:40A6BA86.5E85@armory.com...
Richard Henry wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message

So all labor is of equal value?
All hours of a human's devotion to purposes not strictly his own
is of equal enslavement, and thus requires equal compensation.

And NO one is fit to decide another's enslavement is less valuable
than his own. Such a decision is theft.

Nice sentiment. But it won't get you a raise at
your job flipping burgers at Burger King.
Your one-liner is a stupid toss-off. I haven't worked at a burger
joint since I was 16, 38 years ago.
Still won't get you a raise. You're paid what you're
worth. When you're no longer worth it, you won't be

In the real world, brain surgeons are paid more than window
No, in THIS society they are, BUT THAT CAN BE CHANGED!!
Yeah. Right.
"Reg Edwards" <g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote in message
I'm afraid that if he were to get assassinated, the illuminati
would make a martyr out of him. That's kind of the opposite of
what's really needed.


Arn't you apprehensive about being accused of being unpatriotic in
Or worse. ;o)

Actually, I'm one of the few true Patriots who Loves America and Hates the
lying, criminal, murderous, nazi cabal that's co-opted her.

Remember, the only difference between a "partiot" and an "insurgent"
is who's making up the news.

In article <_WWpc.207249$L31.160191@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>,
"Rich Grise" <null@example.net> writes:
"Reg Edwards" <g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote in message
I'm afraid that if he were to get assassinated, the illuminati
would make a martyr out of him. That's kind of the opposite of
what's really needed.


Arn't you apprehensive about being accused of being unpatriotic in
Or worse. ;o)

Actually, I'm one of the few true Patriots who Loves America and Hates the
lying, criminal, murderous, nazi cabal that's co-opted her.

But, we got rid of Clinton/Gore's crew who even tried to subvert the
Constitution and federal law precent -- effectively perpetrating a
coup attempt!!! Remember: it was the US Supreme Court that bounced
the silly coup attempt (change in process/precedent) by the Florida
Supreme Court, and essentially applied the laws of physics to the
current law and precedent. Alot like the 'Nazis', the Gore/Coup
gang tried to play lip-service to the rule of law, and aggressively
tried to re-interpret laws (by using the courts) to give favor to
their side. Geesh, even Nixon didn't do that game in 1960, where
the election had some seriously questionable aspects...

Really -- the whole set-up of the attacks against the US were already
in place before Bush took office. So, the motivation for the attacks
against the US was already solid before Bush was elected.

It is just soo damned good that we didnt' get a president who would
have tried to negotiate with Bin Laden like Al Gore, instead of
'screwing up Bin Ladens' base of operations.

For the next 'intolerant leftist', it is very worrisome that
the Vietnam era prototype of Lynndie E., John Kerry, is probably
going to be the Democrat candidate... Geesh, he even admits
to his own war crimes, but also makes an over stated claim
about other military people (even those who he doesn't know)
were as bad as John Kerry as war criminals... Frankly, it
is probably more true that John Kerry lied during his testimony,
but maybe he really (Kerry) is a war criminal -- but we certainly
would never know based upon his claims.

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

In article <_WWpc.207249$L31.160191@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>,
"Rich Grise" <null@example.net> writes:
Remember, the only difference between a "partiot" and an "insurgent"
is who's making up the news.

Remember: the murders of Berg were definitely Al Queda, and the
murder in chief was in Iraq before the war, essentially a guest of
Saddam. The guy is a high level Al Queda guy, and from your standpoint
he is probably a 'patriot.'

John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <_WWpc.207249$L31.160191@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>,
"Rich Grise" <null@example.net> writes:
"Reg Edwards" <g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote in message
I'm afraid that if he were to get assassinated, the illuminati
would make a martyr out of him. That's kind of the opposite of
what's really needed.


Arn't you apprehensive about being accused of being unpatriotic in
Or worse. ;o)

Actually, I'm one of the few true Patriots who Loves America and Hates the
lying, criminal, murderous, nazi cabal that's co-opted her.

But, we got rid of Clinton/Gore's crew who even tried to subvert the
Constitution and federal law precent -- effectively perpetrating a
coup attempt!!! Remember: it was the US Supreme Court that bounced
the silly coup attempt (change in process/precedent) by the Florida
Supreme Court, and essentially applied the laws of physics to the
current law and precedent.
You should really be ashamed of your ridiculous over-the-top partisan
lies, you know.

Alot like the 'Nazis', the Gore/Coup
gang tried to play lip-service to the rule of law, and aggressively
tried to re-interpret laws (by using the courts) to give favor to
their side. Geesh, even Nixon didn't do that game in 1960, where
the election had some seriously questionable aspects...
Absolute nonsense. Rightist creeps like you are the only Nazi's
around these days, you only lie about it to divert people from
that discovery.

Really -- the whole set-up of the attacks against the US were already
in place before Bush took office. So, the motivation for the attacks
against the US was already solid before Bush was elected.
Ridiculous nonsense.

It is just soo damned good that we didnt' get a president who would
have tried to negotiate with Bin Laden like Al Gore, instead of
'screwing up Bin Ladens' base of operations.
If it hadn't been for 9/11, little GWB would have tried to buy
off Bin Laden with the control of Afghanistan, as his father
did 25 years prior with another religious terrorist goon.

For the next 'intolerant leftist', it is very worrisome that
the Vietnam era prototype of Lynndie E., John Kerry, is probably
going to be the Democrat candidate... Geesh, he even admits
to his own war crimes, but also makes an over stated claim
about other military people (even those who he doesn't know)
were as bad as John Kerry as war criminals... Frankly, it
is probably more true that John Kerry lied during his testimony,
but maybe he really (Kerry) is a war criminal -- but we certainly
would never know based upon his claims.
He didn't lie, he didn't HAVE to.
Only repubs have to lie about anything important.

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Go join the Taliban, you cretin, you're REEEADDDY!!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
On Sun, 16 May 2004 23:55:55 GMT, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
On Sun, 16 May 2004 23:52:04 +0000 (UTC), the renowned "Reg Edwards"
g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote:

What if you are "linked"? That easy, just about everyone is linked
with just about everyone else.
Of all the media innuendo, I think that's the worst.
"Linked to terrorists"..yeah, he sold one of their family
a bar of soap once...

John E. Todd <> jtodd@island.net

Note: Ensure correct polarity prior to connection.
On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 05:15:37 +0000 (UTC)) it happened
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in <c89hpo$pdg$1@news.iquest.net>:

would never know based upon his claims.

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Thoughts in that order:
Is this eeeh, Dyson yes (you started sane, or at least original).
I think I am gone have dinner (its seven).
When did you become Muslim?
Good old rethoric style, should I write same style reply?
So now what to do?
I'm of for dinner, later.
OK, I solved it differently, got 2 of those pre-fabricated pancakes
from the fridge, 2 minutes in the microwave (and maybe this is a good time
to point out the magnetron was invented in the UK, before it was hijacked
by Tony Blare), and some honey on it (from bees).
See, you can buy bee honey and flower honey, I just wondered if you grounded
bees you would get gold yellow stipes mixed, and color metrics... maybe a
darker kind of honey, so it must or likely is flower honey, not bee honey.
Although the bees worked for it to get the honey, we took it from them,
and left these bees just enough (see where I am getting at) to survive.
Like taxes!
I have to start on this before it is cold.
Anyways US seems to think they can treat others as bees, use Cubans as cheap
workers, then have them spend the money they earned in the US.
It is old Mc Donald's <--- (are you listening) farm really.
Iraqis pigs, Cubans bees, and Bushist well what would they be, (mmm nice
So, anyways, Clinton was at least able to get rid of the deficit, and set
some inspiring internet boom going.
So, now I forgot what you wrote, was it important, let me scroll back ...
Oh Jews, well we all know that Sharon killed a few more Palestinians today,
and will keep demolishing their houses, many are homeless now.
Ask your wife how she would like to get along without a roof, kitchen, water,
and of cause you will have to eat beans from a can (I remember I camped just
below the Canadian border, drink from the river, beans from a can..), well,
and US is supporting that same Sharon, not by words ('no we do not agree'),
but by deeds like millions of support and weapons, and blocking any anti-
Israel resolution in the UN, or even letting Israel get away with not
confirming to ANY UN resolution that says leave Palestinian ground, let them
be free.
You did it to me, and I kill as many of you as I can before you got to me.
And this is what is happening there.
Scrolled back.
Yes Kerry, he was in Vietnam, an other war on humanity the US fought.
But it really helped your weapons industry did it not?
Actually, come to think of it, how many places did the US NOT invade?
See, I once killed thousands of ants, these ants started invading my house,
fist one, I killed it, and then I forgot about it, and then month later all
of the sudden there were hundreds...
I went looking and found these ant-eggs, in one such an egg there are
hundreds it seems.
So I used chemical warfare, mechanical destruction, and whatever else I could
think of, destroyed their eggs, and they never came back...
So, I think, having listened to that interview with the guy who dropped it on
Hiroshima, (and he was happy), that killing these large quantities of life
forms makes no difference for my happiness.
If the US REALLY keeps annoying me, and if Israel REALLY keeps annoying me,
these will follow the route of the ant-eggs, and neither will I cry nor waste
time thinking a lot about it if I have to give the order.
On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 07:57:02 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40A87124.3705@armory.com>:

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Go join the Taliban, you cretin, you're REEEADDDY!!
Yea right, same idea I had...
In article <c8at91$qcd$1@news.epidc.co.kr>,
Jan Panteltje <pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> writes:
On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 07:57:02 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40A87124.3705@armory.com>:

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Go join the Taliban, you cretin, you're REEEADDDY!!
Yea right, same idea I had...

Both of you obviously cannot understand the difference between TOLERANCE
for little girls in traditional garb and your own euro-intolerance. This
is similar to US transparent tolerance for Jews and the euro-intolerance
for Jews. See, it is the euro-trash who are intolerant, and truly
anti-semetic. Is it idiotic for you to be so intolerant and narrowminded?
Perhaps you are so stupid as to need to partially undress little Moslem

On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 19:27:34 +0000 (UTC)) it happened
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in <c8b3n5$1850$1@news.iquest.net>:

In article <c8at91$qcd$1@news.epidc.co.kr>,
Jan Panteltje <pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> writes:
On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 07:57:02 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40A87124.3705@armory.com>:

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Go join the Taliban, you cretin, you're REEEADDDY!!
Yea right, same idea I had...

Both of you obviously cannot understand the difference between TOLERANCE
for little girls in traditional garb and your own euro-intolerance. This
is similar to US transparent tolerance for Jews and the euro-intolerance
for Jews. See, it is the euro-trash who are intolerant, and truly
anti-semetic. Is it idiotic for you to be so intolerant and narrowminded?
Perhaps you are so stupid as to need to partially undress little Moslem

FYI we undress girls completely.
How you do it with the pants on beats me.
John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <c8at91$qcd$1@news.epidc.co.kr>,
Jan Panteltje <pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> writes:
On a sunny day (Mon, 17 May 2004 07:57:02 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40A87124.3705@armory.com>:

For 'Nazi' characteristics, that certainly would be more appropriate
for those who tend towards appeasing the old-Europe crowd, who still
even have TOO STRONG characteristics of being anti-Jew and worried
about little girls wearing Hajab (might as well make the little girls
wear just their panties, so that they won't 'scare' the racist French.)

Go join the Taliban, you cretin, you're REEEADDDY!!
Yea right, same idea I had...

Both of you obviously cannot understand the difference between TOLERANCE
for little girls in traditional garb and your own euro-intolerance.
My intolerance is intolerance of religious abuse of children. People
who suppress the sexuality of their children and force them to wear
obtuse clothing should be dragged to the curb and shot through the
head, without trial.

This is similar to US transparent tolerance for Jews and the
euro-intolerance for Jews.
That's nonsense, prejudice against Jews was based on the phony
religious assertion that they "killed Jesus". It was a case of
another primitive vicious antisexual and intolerant religion,
namely, Xtianity, oppressing their own children, and any minority
that might have questioned their illegitimate power in old Europe.

In that case, Xtianity takes the place of shit-Islam in the equation,
and THEY should be dragged to the curb and shot through the head.

See, it is the euro-trash who are intolerant, and truly
All trash are anti-semitic, all ignorant mainstream trailer-trash
resent those who even push them down the ladder of abuse a bit.

Is it idiotic for you to be so intolerant and narrowminded?
Islamics who antisexually abuse their children are who is
narrow-minded. We who would oppress those who abuse their
kids are broad-minded sexually, and defenders of children's
rights to be spared religious abuse by their sick parents.

You only like these antisexual shit because you're a fucking
Fundy antisexual who wants to oppress YOUR OWN children, for
which YOU and ALL YOUR KIND should be dragged to the curb and
shot through the head and left for the garbage.

Perhaps you are so stupid as to need to partially undress
little Moslem girls...
Disingenuous lie, it has nothign whatsoever to do with what
WE might want, but what the children themselves might want.

All antisexual religious oppressors try to claim that we who
oppose them wish merely to impose our own abuse of these same
children, which is nothing but a shitty perverted lie.

All little girls deserve to be able to undress and be as sexual
as THEY THEMSELVES please, like NORMAL children want who are
mainstreamed and immersed in America's secular media culture,
once they are relieved of their parents' sick and abusive anti-
sexual religious brainwashing.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
in article 409703B6.54EA@armory.com, R. Steve Walz at rstevew@armory.com
wrote on 5/3/04 21:41:

KR Williams wrote:

In article <4095C0FA.72F7@armory.com>, rstevew@armory.com says...

------------------------- would be the Majority.
And if they can't keep it to themselves, sure.

Bottom line:

That's why we all laugh at you. You're the lone wolf thrown out
by mommy and can't find a female who wants the bother with a
communist dog.

Haha! If you only REALLY knew!
What a cunning linguist you are!

I've read (scanned - not much of interest there) your juvenile treatise. It
reminds me of an SNL or MadTV parody of some pimple-necked geek's idea of
being a real_woman_satisfying_man. The web is replete with such examples of
posturing pinheads who think they have discovered some new territory in
sexual pleasure. If you only knew how pitiful you sound expounding what
almost all *men* already know.
It's amazing how many unadorned
What do you mean by 'unadorned'? Without decoration?

40-50-something women
You MUST be immature to even type such a statement. Men don't need to
comment on their lover's age (or even pay attention to it).

want just an intelligent
Stopit---Stopit----Yer killin' me.....(ROTFLMAO)

How GENEROUS of you! You must be *SO* proud of your pathetic self!

to move in with them and run their life for them!

But yet you consider yourself qualified to move in on society as a whole and
run thier lives for them? Your lack of ability to see your own arguments
and beliefs for the empty platitudes they are is positively astounding.
If only "life, the universe, and everything" were as simple and
unambiguous as you childishly imagine it!! We would all be skipping through
the daisy fields with nary a care if we could elimanite those *bad men* who
enslave all us helpless, hapless po' folk. After all, it's not OUR fault
that we have nothing of value to offer other than crude, cruel manual labor!
The blame MUST fall upon those whose creativity and industry generates the
onerous LABOR employment we are FORCED to submit to or die.

The chances of you ever understanding the absolute incompatibility of
your professed views on social order and the demonstrable nature-of-man are,
I'm sure, vanishingly small; but still I must TRY to help you find the
wisdom that has been responsible for all true advances in man's journey
toward civilization.

Be well.

Dave Cole
When we start deceiving ourselves into thinking
not that we want something or need something,
not that it is a pragmatic necessity for us to have it,
but that it is a moral imperative that we have it,
then is when we join the fashionable madmen,
and then is when the thin whine of hysteria
is heard in the land, and then is when
we are in bad trouble.
Joan Didion
Dave Cole wrote:
in article 409703B6.54EA@armory.com, R. Steve Walz at rstevew@armory.com

What a cunning linguist you are!

I've read (scanned - not much of interest there) your juvenile treatise. It
reminds me of an SNL or MadTV parody of some pimple-necked geek's idea of
being a real_woman_satisfying_man. The web is replete with such examples of
posturing pinheads who think they have discovered some new territory in
sexual pleasure. If you only knew how pitiful you sound expounding what
almost all *men* already know.
Nope, they don't, and it's quite real. Get used to it.

It's amazing how many unadorned

What do you mean by 'unadorned'? Without decoration?
Those who don't bother with make-up or hairstyle.

40-50-something women

You MUST be immature to even type such a statement. Men don't need to
comment on their lover's age (or even pay attention to it).
Since I happen to be 54 I was merely clarifying that.

want just an intelligent

How GENEROUS of you! You must be *SO* proud of your pathetic self!
You're nothing but posturing filth.

to move in with them and run their life for > > them!
You'd be shocked to find that this is a reason many older women don't
even bother with men.

But yet you consider yourself qualified to move in on society as a
whole and run thier lives for them?
Re; This society, is politics, it NEEDS running.

Re: Iraq, it needs destroying.

Your lack of ability to see your own arguments
and beliefs for the empty platitudes they are is positively > astounding.
Your lack of any ability to see your posturing simpering as the
horseshit it is is remarkable.

If only "life, the universe, and everything" were as simple and
unambiguous as you childishly imagine it!!
I'm not childish, and it *IS*.

We would all be skipping through
the daisy fields with nary a care
No you wouldn't, the reason being you're warped and won't do it.

if we could elimanite those *bad men* who
enslave all us helpless, hapless po' folk.
Kill all criminals and they can't very well steal.
Capitalism is theft, nothing more.

After all, it's not OUR fault
that we have nothing of value to offer other than crude, cruel manual labor!
More horseshit, all labor is the same, whether at a design desk or
a bench or assembly line, and should be paid the same. Just so long
as it isn't playing golf or lunching all day and getting over-paid.

The blame MUST fall upon those whose creativity and industry
generates the
onerous LABOR employment we are FORCED to submit to or die.
You must grow or make things to live, yes, you must be productive
or you are enslaving the rest of us who have to do your share of
the work FOR you!

You don't get to sit on your ass and be rich for one lucky hit.

The chances of you ever understanding the absolute incompatibility
of your professed views on social order and the demonstrable
nature-of-man are, I'm sure, vanishingly small;
In other words, you're too unintelligent to ever possibly begin
to tell me.

but still I must TRY to help you find the
wisdom that has been responsible for all true advances in man's journey
toward civilization.
Dave Cole
Something you don't have the foggiest notion about.
You see, most versions of that told down through history
were merely lies to dissuade slaves from rebelling.

When we start deceiving ourselves into thinking
not that we want something or need something,
not that it is a pragmatic necessity for us to have it,
but that it is a moral imperative that we have it,
then is when we join the fashionable madmen,
and then is when the thin whine of hysteria
is heard in the land, and then is when
we are in bad trouble.
Joan Didion
That's when the rich are in bad trouble, which is why
they hire propagandists like the liar, Didion, to write
such veiled lies for them to tell their slaves.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
On a sunny day (Sun, 23 May 2004 11:36:19 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40B08D89.3897@armory.com>:

Re: Iraq, it needs destroying.
You have no right to even be there.
genoside, the US, Bush, war crimes, all for no reason at all, but the ego
of a madman called GWB, his and his friends purse, and to keep US
united as opposing a common enemy, so it does not start a civil war.
South Carolina against what will it be now (or Texas against say California)?
You are being manipulated, you are the slave of a couple of war criminals
who cannot think globally, have no heart, are currupt, and have managed
to make YOU believe almost anyting they want.
Ge a room, you two.

Dave Cole <davidwcole@earthlink.net> says...
in article 409703B6.54EA@armory.com, R. Steve Walz at rstevew@armory.com
wrote on 5/3/04 21:41:

KR Williams wrote:

In article <4095C0FA.72F7@armory.com>, rstevew@armory.com says...

------------------------- would be the Majority.
And if they can't keep it to themselves, sure.

Bottom line:

That's why we all laugh at you. You're the lone wolf thrown out
by mommy and can't find a female who wants the bother with a
communist dog.

Haha! If you only REALLY knew!

What a cunning linguist you are!

I've read (scanned - not much of interest there) your juvenile treatise. It
reminds me of an SNL or MadTV parody of some pimple-necked geek's idea of
being a real_woman_satisfying_man. The web is replete with such examples of
posturing pinheads who think they have discovered some new territory in
sexual pleasure. If you only knew how pitiful you sound expounding what
almost all *men* already know.

It's amazing how many unadorned

What do you mean by 'unadorned'? Without decoration?

40-50-something women

You MUST be immature to even type such a statement. Men don't need to
comment on their lover's age (or even pay attention to it).

want just an intelligent

Stopit---Stopit----Yer killin' me.....(ROTFLMAO)


How GENEROUS of you! You must be *SO* proud of your pathetic self!

who DOESN'T want [ME] to move in with them and run their life for them!

But yet you consider yourself qualified to move in on society as a whole and
run thier lives for them? Your lack of ability to see your own arguments
and beliefs for the empty platitudes they are is positively astounding.
If only "life, the universe, and everything" were as simple and
unambiguous as you childishly imagine it!! We would all be skipping through
the daisy fields with nary a care if we could elimanite those *bad men* who
enslave all us helpless, hapless po' folk. After all, it's not OUR fault
that we have nothing of value to offer other than crude, cruel manual labor!
The blame MUST fall upon those whose creativity and industry generates the
onerous LABOR employment we are FORCED to submit to or die.

The chances of you ever understanding the absolute incompatibility of
your professed views on social order and the demonstrable nature-of-man are,
I'm sure, vanishingly small; but still I must TRY to help you find the
wisdom that has been responsible for all true advances in man's journey
toward civilization.

Be well.

Dave Cole
When we start deceiving ourselves into thinking
not that we want something or need something,
not that it is a pragmatic necessity for us to have it,
but that it is a moral imperative that we have it,
then is when we join the fashionable madmen,
and then is when the thin whine of hysteria
is heard in the land, and then is when
we are in bad trouble.
Joan Didion
Guy Macon, Electronics Engineer & Project Manager for hire.
Remember Doc Brown from the _Back to the Future_ movies? Do you
have an "impossible" engineering project that only someone like
Doc Brown can solve? My resume is at http://www.guymacon.com/
The sexual tension between yoou must be incredible to cause you to
bicker in public like this. Take a cold shower, youbtwo!

R. Steve Walz <rstevew@armory.com> says...
Dave Cole wrote:

in article 409703B6.54EA@armory.com, R. Steve Walz at rstevew@armory.com

What a cunning linguist you are!

I've read (scanned - not much of interest there) your juvenile treatise. It
reminds me of an SNL or MadTV parody of some pimple-necked geek's idea of
being a real_woman_satisfying_man. The web is replete with such examples of
posturing pinheads who think they have discovered some new territory in
sexual pleasure. If you only knew how pitiful you sound expounding what
almost all *men* already know.
Nope, they don't, and it's quite real. Get used to it.

It's amazing how many unadorned

What do you mean by 'unadorned'? Without decoration?
Those who don't bother with make-up or hairstyle.

40-50-something women

You MUST be immature to even type such a statement. Men don't need to
comment on their lover's age (or even pay attention to it).
Since I happen to be 54 I was merely clarifying that.

want just an intelligent

How GENEROUS of you! You must be *SO* proud of your pathetic self!
You're nothing but posturing filth.

who DOESN'T want [ME] to move in with them and run their life for > > them!
You'd be shocked to find that this is a reason many older women don't
even bother with men.

But yet you consider yourself qualified to move in on society as a
whole and run thier lives for them?
Re; This society, is politics, it NEEDS running.

Re: Iraq, it needs destroying.

Your lack of ability to see your own arguments
and beliefs for the empty platitudes they are is positively > astounding.
Your lack of any ability to see your posturing simpering as the
horseshit it is is remarkable.

If only "life, the universe, and everything" were as simple and
unambiguous as you childishly imagine it!!
I'm not childish, and it *IS*.

We would all be skipping through
the daisy fields with nary a care
No you wouldn't, the reason being you're warped and won't do it.

if we could elimanite those *bad men* who
enslave all us helpless, hapless po' folk.
Kill all criminals and they can't very well steal.
Capitalism is theft, nothing more.

After all, it's not OUR fault
that we have nothing of value to offer other than crude, cruel manual labor!
More horseshit, all labor is the same, whether at a design desk or
a bench or assembly line, and should be paid the same. Just so long
as it isn't playing golf or lunching all day and getting over-paid.

The blame MUST fall upon those whose creativity and industry
generates the
onerous LABOR employment we are FORCED to submit to or die.
You must grow or make things to live, yes, you must be productive
or you are enslaving the rest of us who have to do your share of
the work FOR you!

You don't get to sit on your ass and be rich for one lucky hit.

The chances of you ever understanding the absolute incompatibility
of your professed views on social order and the demonstrable
nature-of-man are, I'm sure, vanishingly small;
In other words, you're too unintelligent to ever possibly begin
to tell me.

but still I must TRY to help you find the
wisdom that has been responsible for all true advances in man's journey
toward civilization.
Dave Cole
Something you don't have the foggiest notion about.
You see, most versions of that told down through history
were merely lies to dissuade slaves from rebelling.

When we start deceiving ourselves into thinking
not that we want something or need something,
not that it is a pragmatic necessity for us to have it,
but that it is a moral imperative that we have it,
then is when we join the fashionable madmen,
and then is when the thin whine of hysteria
is heard in the land, and then is when
we are in bad trouble.
Joan Didion
That's when the rich are in bad trouble, which is why
they hire propagandists like the liar, Didion, to write
such veiled lies for them to tell their slaves.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Guy Macon, Electronics Engineer & Project Manager for hire.
Remember Doc Brown from the _Back to the Future_ movies? Do you
have an "impossible" engineering project that only someone like
Doc Brown can solve? My resume is at http://www.guymacon.com/
Now it's a threesome! how kinky can you get?

Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sun, 23 May 2004 11:36:19 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40B08D89.3897@armory.com>:

Re: Iraq, it needs destroying.
You have no right to even be there.
genoside, the US, Bush, war crimes, all for no reason at all, but the ego
of a madman called GWB, his and his friends purse, and to keep US
united as opposing a common enemy, so it does not start a civil war.
South Carolina against what will it be now (or Texas against say California)?
You are being manipulated, you are the slave of a couple of war criminals
who cannot think globally, have no heart, are currupt, and have managed
to make YOU believe almost anyting they want.
Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sun, 23 May 2004 11:36:19 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40B08D89.3897@armory.com>:

Re: Iraq, it needs destroying.
You have no right to even be there.
Nonsense, Saddam gave ANYONE the right to take him down, and the
Iraqi people failed to do it, so they deserve whatever they get.

genoside, the US, Bush, war crimes, all for no reason at all,
You're an ignorant pompous little shit. Genocide no, war crimes,
individual and will be punished, and for all the best reasons.

but the ego
of a madman called GWB, his and his friends purse, and to keep US
united as opposing a common enemy, so it does not start a civil war.
Nonsense. You don't even seem to grasp the state of the USA.

South Carolina against what will it be now (or Texas against say California)?
Absolute nonsense, ain't any.

You are being manipulated, you are the slave of a couple of war criminals
who cannot think globally, have no heart, are currupt, and have managed
to make YOU believe almost anyting they want.
GWB is just a mean dog we are using for our own ends. If he becomes
destructive to our ends we'll "shoot him", elect someone better.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public

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