Phil Allison
"James" <j.l@octa4.net.au>
** There are no "people" here - just egos with keyboards.
** I agree - so I react strongly against them.
** No point in me giving good advice when there are countless fuckwits
here undoing it all.
............ Phil
snip snip snip
If so - get outta here.
......... Phil
G'day Mates, Happy new year to everyone first up
Phil - please be nice to people,
** There are no "people" here - just egos with keyboards.
personal insults are unprofessional to say the least ...
** I agree - so I react strongly against them.
and you are un doing some of the good advice you give.
** No point in me giving good advice when there are countless fuckwits
here undoing it all.
............ Phil