Rod Speed
"Daniel60" <daniel47@eternal-september.org> wrote in message
The only thing extra in your case is from the street cable to your house.
That varys with the state. Only Victoria is that stupid anymore.
Rod Speed wrote on 7/06/2019 9:09 AM:
"Commander Kinsey" <CFKinsey@military.org.jp> wrote in message
Surely you'll make at least roughly what you save by making your own for
what you use?
Nope, the electricity supplier doesn't pay you anything like what you pay
them for the electricity.
But I didn't spend $Millions of Dollars installing a string of poles to
get power from Yallourn to my place when the panels are not producing
power either!!
The only thing extra in your case is from the street cable to your house.
As it is, I'm guessing the Electricity Suppliers are paying me a heck of a
lot more for my excess power than it would cost them to produce .... they
pay me roughly the same (if not the exact same) as they charge my next
door neighbour to consume "their" power!!
That varys with the state. Only Victoria is that stupid anymore.