Cydrome Leader
Michael A. Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
take for example an epson 1680 scanner, or tons of other devices.
moving it will require a reinstallation of the driver, and you can't
just point windows at the location of the drivers, which are already
there. Printers are notorious for this bullshit too.
Back to the scanner- if you use with with the SCSI interface and change
IDs it doesn't require a reinstall.
something with USB and how things use it is completely retarded.
RS-232 never claimed to be smart, easy or anything.
USB does, which is a big lie.
you don't know what you're talking about is the problem here.Cydrome Leader wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Yawn. What have you designed that can track up to 256 ports, and
make sure the OS keeps track of what is connected to that port so the
proper driver is used for the device?
USB can't even keep track of 1 device moved between two ports, so I don't
know what your 256 port chatter is even about.
So, you're clueless, stupid & bitter. Got it. All the computer is
doing is telling you that the device wasn't used on that port before.
Try swapping an external RS-232 modem & RS-232 mouse on an old PC and
you'll be doing all of the work yourself rather than just see a popup.
take for example an epson 1680 scanner, or tons of other devices.
moving it will require a reinstallation of the driver, and you can't
just point windows at the location of the drivers, which are already
there. Printers are notorious for this bullshit too.
Back to the scanner- if you use with with the SCSI interface and change
IDs it doesn't require a reinstall.
something with USB and how things use it is completely retarded.
RS-232 never claimed to be smart, easy or anything.
USB does, which is a big lie.