Trevor Wilson
On 4/20/2013 4:23 PM, G. Morgan wrote:
logical argument, rather than engaging in pointless rhetoric.
How dare you sit there from the comfort of your
that does that all on it's own:
Kinda says it all, really.
The PC you are using was
number of them. At least 4 million, anyway.
aim is. That aim has nothing to do with shooting safety, gun owner's
education and other crap. It's main aim to ensure that more guns are
sold. It is (now) an industry lobby organisation, first and foremost.
And before you ask,
the political meddling perpetrated by the NRA.
and against) on the issue. I even have a copy of John Lott Jnr's (or is
that Mary Rosh's - I get confused) book on one of my shelves. Do you?
What do you read on the issue?
If you don't know something, it's
We'll wait.
Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
**Then I DO know exactly what I am talking about. Feel free to pose aTrevor Wilson wrote:
**The US's problem is that the NRA has subverted their political system.
A miniscule 4 million members of the NRA, effectively dictate gun
control laws (and other, related laws) in the US. The NRA acts first and
formost in the interests of the firearms industry. They have no interest
in public safety. Their sole interests lie in pushing firearms and
ammunition sales accross the US. Any politician who stands up to the NRA
will cop a vicious, expensive and extended campaign of denigration.
Since the NRA is not, officially, a political organisation (although it
operates within the political sphere), it is exempt from many of the
constraints that political organisations must operate within.
That US citizens seem to accept this evil organisation within their
midst, is difficult to understand. Many Americans appear to have been
comprehensively brainwashed. Perhaps it is their education system? I
don't know. Either way, one day the bulk of the US population will 'wake
up and smell the coffee' and the NRA will be brought to it's knees.
If you don't live here, and never been here; you don't know what the fuck
you're talking about.
logical argument, rather than engaging in pointless rhetoric.
How dare you sit there from the comfort of your
**_I_ don't need to insult your education system. Here is an examplechair and insult our educational system.
that does that all on it's own:
Kinda says it all, really.
The PC you are using was
**I never suggested that ALL Americans were stupid. Just a VERY largeinvented by Americans, as well as the means you are using to deliver your
(ill informed) message.
number of them. At least 4 million, anyway.
**Again, the facts are just that:"Their {NRA's} sole interests lie in pushing firearms and ammunition
sales accross [sic] the US" <--- What a crock of shit, mate.
**I know what the NRA _CLAIMS_ to do. I also know what the NRA's mainYou really don't know *what* the NRA does, do you?
aim is. That aim has nothing to do with shooting safety, gun owner's
education and other crap. It's main aim to ensure that more guns are
sold. It is (now) an industry lobby organisation, first and foremost.
And before you ask,
**I have. There are a surprisingly large number who are heartily sick ofno - I'm not a member. If you'd like the truth, ask an American.
the political meddling perpetrated by the NRA.
**I read local AND US media. I also read scholarly documents (both foris no telling what garbage you read/watch in the media down there, they
have been brainwashing you apparently.
and against) on the issue. I even have a copy of John Lott Jnr's (or is
that Mary Rosh's - I get confused) book on one of my shelves. Do you?
What do you read on the issue?
If you don't know something, it's
**Feel free to place a cogent argument.best not to comment and look like the fool you do right now. Geeze...
We'll wait.
Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au