Mark Cross
Jamie wrote:
Without a real part AND an imaginary part, no distinct phases could be
constructed or generated.
There is no imaginary part in the decomposition of two 180Âş apart vectors,
and, therefore there is no way to construct other phases (phasors).
Sorry, you need to know phasors to understand this principle.
Mark Cross
If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.
Because the decomposition of two 90Âş phasor contains an imaginary part.Yes, 2 phase of 90 degree's still exist, so why is that ok but 180
degree's isn't?
Without a real part AND an imaginary part, no distinct phases could be
constructed or generated.
There is no imaginary part in the decomposition of two 180Âş apart vectors,
and, therefore there is no way to construct other phases (phasors).
Sorry, you need to know phasors to understand this principle.
Mark Cross
If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.