On Jan 9, 1:39 pm, Jim Yanik <> wrote:
worked in a broadcast station since '85. The CBS affiliate in Madison
WI had the Tektronix VIRS corrector for the incoming network feed. One
of the engineers modified it to compensate for blacks below setup. The
only FCC citation the station got in 30 years was from the black level
on the CBS show 'The Price Is Right' when they spin the wheel.
Thanks for that. In knew I was using the wrong term but I haven't"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" <> wrote
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
As stupid as always. VITS took care of that over 30 years ago.
The real problem was not that the NTSC system did not have the
autocorrection that was in the original design and used in the PAL
system. The real problem was that there was a knob on the TV set that
could make everything change color.
Even with the early 1960's transmission errors, and differences
between the actual colors of various sources, if the color control was
set and left at 'about right", it always would have been a watchable
The problem was that almost no one had any clue of how to adjust it
properly, and most were set and left in a very wrong postion, while
others were being constantly misadjusted.
All of the TV magazines, science mags, etc had articles on how to
properly adjust your TV set, and I'm sure that for everyone who read
and followed them, there were 10 times the people who didn't.
Which really didn't matter,as the program sources varied widely in color
It was really bad in area where there were many TVs, such as a
department store. For some strange reason, the cheap TV's were never
adjusted properly and the expensive ones always were.
*VIRS* was the VITS signal meant for autocorrection,but it wasn't used much
VIRS = vertical interval reference signal
VITS = vertical interval test signals.
Jim Yanik
dot com
worked in a broadcast station since '85. The CBS affiliate in Madison
WI had the Tektronix VIRS corrector for the incoming network feed. One
of the engineers modified it to compensate for blacks below setup. The
only FCC citation the station got in 30 years was from the black level
on the CBS show 'The Price Is Right' when they spin the wheel.