Transformer parts

TT wrote:

"Patrick Turner" <> wrote in message
: TT, I am wondering what you are doing apart from
nit-picking on a news
: group?
: Patrick Turner.
Thankyou for asking. I have been helping to establish a
vibrant and healthy forum at to
eliminate all the bad stuff that happens here. I am
actually trying to do something about promoting polite and
technically astute interaction on the web.

Cheers TT
You would need excellent bullshit filters for sure.

Patrick Turner.

= Terry Tencer of Pelican Point WA

= the most evil kind of scumbag imaginable.

** This example demonstrates EXACTLY why I posted:

" Anonymous scumbags posting criminal crap and threats on usenet are not

A *nameless, psychotic poster* carrying on a campaign of criminal threats
and malicious libel is not "people".

In this thread, the *nameless, psychotic poster* published the home address
in St Albans of the young bouncer responsible for the accidental death of
cricketer David Hookes - so that his young wife and child would be
criminally harassed by an angry, drunken mob.

Here was my terse reaction to that:


He'd be very much at home at Ruth St St Albans.

** Why dont you post the full address and phone number - like others on
usenet have ??

Add a direction to hunt down and kill the person too while you are at

That would be consistent with your usual approach.


......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

There was no "incident".

** But here is an INCIDENT of a criminal nature the

Rutmaniac Arse Bandit cannot even begin to explain:

This exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia "
from October 11, 1997.


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

Thailand used to be a nice place to visit. Friendly people, interesting
cultures, magnificent sceneery. But now it seems to be seedier than
ever even in the out of the way places like the beautiful island of
Koh Samui. I recently returned from there a couple of months ago to find
myself the victim of a very elabourate con.

Two bad experiences with Thais has left me a bit cold on the country and
considering the smog problem, rumour of raised airport taxes etc. I would
find it hard to find anything attractive about visiting there in the near
future. Everywhere you go in the world there is always the possibility
of being ripped off but some of the locals are really capitalizing on it.

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
after he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

And why ???

Did young " Phouc Yu " really fuck you over?

...... Phil
Phil. True to form. 2 + 2 = 7

As has been mentioned before by others. Phil takes small snippets of
information which have absolutely no correlation with each other, and from
them fabricates a fantasy world that only he can understand. Sad, if not
pathetic really.

Oh, and by the way Phil, who's "Phouc Yu"? The name of your blow up doll
which lives under your bed with the plastic urinal and the mucky magazines?
"paul packer" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 2 May 2006 15:06:57 +0800, "TT"> wrote:

Terry, where are Jute's posts? Apart from the one quoted
by Patrick
(which doesn't read like Jute anyway) I can't find them. I
smell a rat
The thread "Scum that make me ashamed to be an Australian"
by Andre Jute. He attacks several of the good guys ;-) It
is so Monty Pythonesque it is funny actually and I have been
accused of a *Taunting*. A passing acquaintance of Python's
Holy Grail is must here :)

Cheers TT

<see below>

Andre Jute wrote to Philip Allison:

"> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more
of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable
audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is
necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the
possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the
sort of
people they are."
I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel,
after I saw
TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
(don' and the rest of that
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then
complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on
hard enough to
wipe them. They're bullying scum.

Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark
( would have been deported to father
more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

"Alan Rutlidge" <don'> wrote
in message
...... Phil

Phil. True to form. 2 + 2 = 7

Speaking of what doesn't add up could you please tell me
what is an Andre Jute? And why does it claim to be an
Aussie? I'm at a loss to figure out what exactly is it and
why when we pick on it's play mate it gets all huffy?

It actually reminds me a lot like a constipated Roddles on
crack ;-)

Cheers TT
"Alan Rutlidge"
** But here is an INCIDENT of a criminal nature the

Rutmaniac Arse Bandit cannot even begin to explain:

This exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia "
from October 11, 1997.


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

Thailand used to be a nice place to visit. Friendly people, interesting
cultures, magnificent sceneery. But now it seems to be seedier than
ever even in the out of the way places like the beautiful island of
Koh Samui. I recently returned from there a couple of months ago to find
myself the victim of a very elabourate con.

Two bad experiences with Thais has left me a bit cold on the country and
considering the smog problem, rumour of raised airport taxes etc. I would
find it hard to find anything attractive about visiting there in the near
future. Everywhere you go in the world there is always the possibility
of being ripped off but some of the locals are really capitalizing on it.

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
after he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

And why ???

Did young " Phouc Yu " really fuck you over?

Phil takes small snippets of information which have absolutely no
correlation with each other,


YOU were openly robbed by a young gay Thai person you sponsored into

He was using YOUR cerdit card & accessed YOUR bank account.

YOU did not go the police over it to recover your money.

He damn well knew you would not dare go to the police.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

** It's simple - Mr Grease Monkey Arsewipe.

Whenever your brain dead criminal cunt pals publish
malicious lies.

I post the simple truth about them.

Not an even handed deal, but I do not need to make
anything up.

So let's look at the lies then?

Tencer is a completely pathological LIAR.

15) You regularly abuse people and suggest tragic events
should happen to them - True

** Never - you lying prick.
....... Phil
From Google Groups:-

Posted by Phil Allison to aus.hi-fi on Tuesday, Dec 28, 2004 at 9:10AM

"Phil Allison"
"Alan Rutlidge = congenital, stinking liar and insane HT freak.

No good telling a BRAIN DEAD TURD like the Rutmaniac anything.

Shame he was not in Phuket this Christmas.

Then God would have dealt out his judgement on the pig.

Phil, by anybody's stretch of the imagination your post above is in
extremely bad taste if not truly transgressing the bounds of human decency
in light of the tragic events of 27 December, 2004 in the Bay of Bengal
and the Andaman Sea.

** The comment was to the effect that YOU deserved to drown - not anyone

A just God could have organised that had you been there.

Shame he gets it wrong so often.

................... Phil

Need anyone post any further proof of this sick puppy's lies.

Now go roll in you own crap Phil. You're a liar and you've been caught out.
Patrick Turner wrote:
delete a lot about a court case....

When we were asked to return, the CTTT member had made out a "Tribunal
Order" that Campsie Hi-Fi ( aka Campsie T V Services Pty Ltd) refund me the
full purchase price within 7 days - all $3500.

He also warned Harry that his published "no refund" policy was contrary to
the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act and the NSW Fair Trading Act.

Harry did not look impressed by this.

( His illegal policy was never changed.)

Just after Christmas 2003, I received a full refund cheque from Campsie
Hi-Fi - three months after returning the ESL 63 speakers.

See the formal summary of the judgement:

....... Phil

Damn right too, Phil, you performed a public service by exposing a
crooked hi-fi dealer. And I must say you did it in a civilized and
socialized manner. I personally would not have been so polite and so
patient. Vlotis (and his son Jordan -- I don't like flunkies lying to
me either) would have been in traction for a good long time if they
didn't give my money back immediately I asked for it.

Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful member
of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of
people they are.

Andre Jute
Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables.

I am left wondering whether you mean negative FB in the societal and law making
or in the electronic sense.
Sure thing. The Tribunal telling Harry Vlotis that he would go to jail
if he ignored their order to repay Phil in full is negative feedback:
it reinforces good behaviour in society!

I'd find a society difficult to live in if i was
jailed for making
negative comments about anything any time.
People tried to kill me for what I thought, never mind said. But it's a
small price: free speech is the indivisible bedrock of any decent
society and every democracy.

Various snips.

subsidies for positive feedback.
That's a brillaint idea, Patrick. First a subsidy for positive
feedback, then make it compulsory and rid the world of transistors!

Patrick Turner.
We seem to be the only ones having fun. Another reason that scum at
aus.hi-fi is so despicable is that they have no sense of humour.

Andre Jute
"Andre Jute" <> said:

subsidies for positive feedback.

That's a brillaint idea, Patrick. First a subsidy for positive
feedback, then make it compulsory and rid the world of transistors!

Thus creating a world full of oscillators..........

Isn't there enough noise on this planet already? ;-)


- Never argue with idiots, they drag you down their level and beat you with experience. -
Phil Allison wrote:
However, AEM do sell GOSS transformer cores and bobbins - this one may be
very suitable for OTs as it is a replacement for a C core.

........ Phil
If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner He'd have told you
of it's unique problems for audio use and advised you
not to buy one.
To get away from the abuse and non-audio content, take a look at
"Mark Harriss"
Phil Allison wrote:

However, AEM do sell GOSS transformer cores and bobbins - this one may
be very suitable for OTs as it is a replacement for a C core.

If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner ..


Turneroid is a retarded, completely crazy, know nothing, lying criminal.

And those are his good points.

......... Phil
"bruce varley" <> wrote in message
Steve Andrew <> wrote in message

Can anyone reccomend an Australian supplier of transformer parts
(laminations, bobbins, frames, end bells etc) suitable for valve output
stages ?

Many thanks in advance

Steve Andrew

Just a cautionary note. Creating good quality transformers yourself is no
mean feat. The construction has to be very precise, in terms of gaps and
compactness of windings, selection of wire gauges and in the case of
core design and material (many suppliers cater only for the mains market
50 Hz). And you don't find out how well you've done until the job's
finished, if there are problems it's a matter of more or less starting
Years ago (decades actually :( ), I had a very nice set of nomographs,
published as I recall by the then Wireless World. A great number of the
nomographs covered various aspects of transformer design which I used with
good results. I made the error of lending them to somebody who managed to
lose them. I guess it's a case of getting the older books out, along with my
trusy old guessing stick (slide rule) and starting from scratch.

The other aspect you might want to consider with valve audio is safety.
the primary running at several hundred volts DC with a fair size capacitor
behind it, any failure in the interwinding insulation could result in a
serious hazard. At very least, it would be worth finding out what you can
about insulation techniques and standards.
Point taken. I made many HT transformers in the early 70's and learned the
hard way, with a home-made choke just what happens when poor quality
insulation breaks down.

Good luck and you'll certainly learn a lot, but getting a premade item is
likely to save you a lot of time and trouble, even if it costs somewhat
If I could get something like Hammond transformers in Oz, at a similar price
to those charged in the USA and Canada I would not hesitate to do so. I may
well go that route. I'm curious at this stage to see just how much cheaper a
good quiality audio transformer can be 'hand rolled', as opposed to paying
the grossly inflated prices for an imported item. I have time on my hands so
I'm not worried about the time taken to wind them.

Thanks again for your input.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"bruce varley"

Just a cautionary note. Creating good quality transformers yourself is no
mean feat. The construction has to be very precise, in terms of gaps and
compactness of windings, selection of wire gauges and in the case of
core design and material (many suppliers cater only for the mains market
50 Hz). And you don't find out how well you've done until the job's
finished, if there are problems it's a matter of more or less starting

The other aspect you might want to consider with valve audio is safety.
the primary running at several hundred volts DC with a fair size
behind it, any failure in the interwinding insulation could result in a
serious hazard. At very least, it would be worth finding out what you can
about insulation techniques and standards.

Good luck and you'll certainly learn a lot, but getting a premade item is
likely to save you a lot of time and trouble, even if it costs somewhat

** Like these nice Canadian made "Hammond" ones from EVATCO:
Nice maybe, but I object to paying nearly twice the US$ price :(

Type 1645 in USA (according to Hammond catalogue) retails for around US$65,
the part here retails for around AU$161, the US price is around AU$89. I'm
sure there is *some* justification for this byt nearly *twice* the price ?

Anyway Phil, thanks for the link. If all else fails (it usually does :) )
I'll have to grit my teeth and shell out the extra.

....... Phil
"Steve Andrew"
** Like these nice Canadian made "Hammond" ones from EVATCO:

Nice maybe, but I object to paying nearly twice the US$ price :(

** Then you are a foolish tight wad.

Type 1645 in USA (according to Hammond catalogue) retails for around

** A fantastically cheap price to begin with.

You have no idea.

the part here retails for around AU$161, the US price is around AU$89. I'm
sure there is *some* justification for this byt nearly *twice* the price ?

** The reasons are simple:

Freight, insurance, import & handling costs, storage, low sales volume, dead

The $ price ratio is only 1.8 times - lower than for most *US made*
products sold in Australia.

Anyway Phil, thanks for the link. If all else fails (it usually does :) )
I'll have to grit my teeth and shell out the extra.

** EVATCO has some cheaper valve output transformers ( made in Asia I
expect) so why not call Arthur and see what the situation is.

........ Phil
"Steve Andrew" <> wrote in news:8rW4g.19356$vy1.5957


Can anyone reccomend an Australian supplier of transformer parts
(laminations, bobbins, frames, end bells etc) suitable for valve output
stages ?

Many thanks in advance

Steve Andrew
In Melbourne (dandenong) you can probably get most of this stuff from
Southern Electronic Services. They do manufacture O/P trannies. They will
probably supply parts if you ask Scott nicely. Their designs are
conservative and will last a lifetime.
"Ayn Marx" <> wrote in message
: To get away from the abuse and non-audio content, take a
look at

Ayn you forgot to mention it is a PA free zone ;-) Oh and I
doubt this thing called Jute will get a look in either ;-)

Cheers TT
Phil Allison wrote:
"Mark Harriss"

Phil Allison wrote:

However, AEM do sell GOSS transformer cores and bobbins - this one may
be very suitable for OTs as it is a replacement for a C core.

If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner ..


Turneroid is a retarded, completely crazy, know nothing, lying criminal.

And those are his good points.

........ Phil

If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner He'd have told you
of it's unique problems for audio use and advised you
not to buy one.
If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner.....

** ROTFL !!!!!!!!!!

Turneroid is a retarded, completely crazy, know nothing, lying criminal.

And those are his good points.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
: > If you'd bothered to ask Pat Turner.....
: ** ROTFL !!!!!!!!!!
: Turneroid is a retarded, completely crazy, know nothing,
lying criminal.
: And those are his good points.
: ........ Philthy the proven liar:

Oh dear here we go again Pot - Kettle - Toaster - Black


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