Transformer parts

Mark Harriss <> wrote in news:4456a5d9$0$516$61c65585

That's actually a new variation on an old tactic Phil:
Instead of posting some made up crap about me, you've
obviously cut and pasted made up crap about someone else
this time. Do try and get your attacks correct.

P.S. have you ever been in contact with AEM about buying
transformer components such as E and I lams or were you
just doing a Google and presenting that as personal knowledge?
Am I missing something here, seems to me AEM's site says they no longer
make these?

Stopped dealing with them years ago when they being able To supply us with
200mm C-cores.
Geoff C wrote:
P.S. have you ever been in contact with AEM about buying
transformer components such as E and I lams or were you
just doing a Google and presenting that as personal knowledge?

Am I missing something here, seems to me AEM's site says they no longer
make these?

Stopped dealing with them years ago when they being able To supply us with
200mm C-cores.

Precisely, but in Phil's world of Google bum steers they still do.
"Mark Harriss"
That's actually a new variation on an old tactic Phil:
Instead of posting some made up crap about me, you've
obviously cut and pasted made up crap about someone else
this time.

** The exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia " from October
11, 1997.

Rutlidge has long ago agreed it is indeed his post and all the events
happened - he simply will not explain their obviously self incriminating

P.S. have you ever been in contact with AEM about buying
transformer components such as E and I lams or were you
just doing a Google and presenting that as personal knowledge?

** Neither the OP's query nor my reply mentioned E-I lams at all - in fact
I supplied the URL without comment.

However, AEM do sell GOSS transformer cores and bobbins - this one may be
very suitable for OTs as it is a replacement for a C core.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message


** Is a silly fake name for a very silly little man.
Made up by my son.

The arsewipe hiding behind it is Laurie Dare, 62, of Jeffrey Drive,
Ringwood in Melbourne.
A lot nicer than your lousy abode; 3/19 Prospect Road, Summerhill in Sydney.

Once an honoured member and treasurer for the Australian Communist Party.

Wall to wall ratbags there.
Rubbish. A few of Australia's Ministers of the Crown, including a Treasurer
& Deputy Prime Minister were members of the same organisation.
All ratbags, eh Philthy?

The lying cretin's one and only claim to fame was pelting rotten eggs at
Bob Menzies in the 1960s when he was chancellor of Melbourne Uni. They
turfed poor little Laurie ( he is only a runt) out of Melbourne Uni for
that gutless act of criminal stupidity.
You're the only 'lying cretin' on this newsgroup Philthy. The only place
that chucking eggs is a criminal act is in your sick mind.
What were you sucked (sorrry, chucked) out of uni for Philthy?
And when did you last make a statement, political or otherwise, that took
any guts at all? Let me guess; NEVER.
And as for being a runt, I've offered you the opportunity to say that to my
face on many occassions, and all you could do was threaten me with the

Telling outrageous lies and gutless acts are all the cretinous, ASD fucked
Laurie is good for.
You're confusing me with that sad, pathetic liar in your mirror. You've been
caught lying on this & other newsgroups so many times it's obvious your
lying is compulsive.
Let's see whose got the guts & who hasn't Philthy? I'll be driving through
Sydney on my way to the Gold Coast in a couple of weeks time, and am happy
to meet you to 'discuss' our differences.
So just say the word & I'll call in, and the outcome will be posted on this
newsgroup so that everyone can judge for themselves who is the ASD f****d
liar & who isn't. Fair enough?

Oh, and talking endless, completely asinine BULLSHIT about himself.
No Philthy; you're the one who talks endless, completely asinine BS about
everyone else on this newsgroup. By your own admission, anything you don't
know you make up. 'Educated guesses' you call them, don't you?
Everyone else just calls them bullshit, and you a bloody liar.

That's precisely the effect that a slimy, foulmouthed, gutless liar like
yourself has on every decent person on aus.hi-fi, and why so many of them
now post on Oz Hi-fi & HT, a Phil Allison-free zone.
Ill see you in a fortnight if you're game, but I won't hold my breath.

Sander deWaal

Dealers who act like this should be trialed and convicted.

You're showing signs of having watched too much American
television there son. You don't get 'trials' or 'convictions'
in the SCT.

** That is quite false.

Hearings in the NSW CTTT ( and similar tribunals ) are quite formal and
have much the same rules as any court.

Misbehaviour in a hearing, failing to appear on summons, giving false
evidence or wilfully failing to comply with an order of the tribunal are
criminal offences carrying large fines and jail terms.

........ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:

"Patrick Turner"

AEM cores in Sth Aust don't make E&I lams or Ccores anymore.
The do have unicores but they are not suitable for tube amps either in the
power or output transformers. I have tried them.

** Proves nothing.

Turner is a demented, criminal imbecile.

........ Phil
Nobody will believe you Phil.

The full text you should have quoted but didn't was :-

Phil Allison wrote:

"Steve Andrew"

Can anyone reccomend an Australian supplier of transformer parts
(laminations, bobbins, frames, end bells etc) suitable for valve output
stages ?

** Here is one in SA.

....... Phil
Now Phil, let me make the point again, and more firmly, and that it is that you
directed someone interested in tube amp parts to AEM, but they would be unable
to be of much help.

They were of help until about 5 years ago when one could
order C-cores made to order, but not any more. They have not made E&I lams for
many years.
Although AEM's Unicores are a great idea there are problems using them to gain a
that looks as good as the E&I lams with bell ends. Then there is the problem of
mechanical clamping of them; they rely more vanishing, and are more difficult to
clamp than C-cores or E&I,
so waxing them like many DIYers do with OPT would not be good practice.

The Unicores are however available in various forms with regard to gaps which
can be stepped
or partially formed and a clever designer would perhaps be able to use them to
advantage, but I have never seen any
Unicored OPT yet.
When fully and maximally intermeshed the unicores have virtually the same
permeability as a toroidal wound with GOSS and are thus prone to dc saturation
at low levels due to net dc imbalance in PP output stages.
One advantage is that the unlike wasteless pattern E&I lams, the window size can
be made larger
in respect to the Afe, ie, the area of the build up and strip width going
through the coil, so the Acu can be a lot higher to make the OPT have very low
copper losses, a useful thing in an OPT.
Of course the same rules apply with the Afe and saturation and you still have to
design the unicored OPT
able to have B= 1.6T at 14 Hz. Good OPTs with wide bandwidth are always going to
be heavy
with respect to the VA rating.

I am a not a demented criminal imbecile for offering the public the wealth of my
technical experience.

But we all know who the demented imbecile really is, and he's never wound an OPT

Patrick Turner.
delete a lot about a court case....

When we were asked to return, the CTTT member had made out a "Tribunal
Order" that Campsie Hi-Fi ( aka Campsie T V Services Pty Ltd) refund me the
full purchase price within 7 days - all $3500.

He also warned Harry that his published "no refund" policy was contrary to
the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act and the NSW Fair Trading Act.

Harry did not look impressed by this.

( His illegal policy was never changed.)

Just after Christmas 2003, I received a full refund cheque from Campsie
Hi-Fi - three months after returning the ESL 63 speakers.

See the formal summary of the judgement:

....... Phil

Damn right too, Phil, you performed a public service by exposing a
crooked hi-fi dealer. And I must say you did it in a civilized and
socialized manner. I personally would not have been so polite and so
patient. Vlotis (and his son Jordan -- I don't like flunkies lying to
me either) would have been in traction for a good long time if they
didn't give my money back immediately I asked for it.

Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful member
of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of
people they are.

Andre Jute
Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables.
I am left wondering whether you mean negative FB in the societal and law making
or in the electronic sense. I'd find a society difficult to live in if i was
jailed for making
negative comments about anything any time.

But when i am negative about something Phil says, he is quick to call me a crazy
even without having been tried.

Anyway, Phil probably agrees that electronic NFB is a good idea and he wouldn't
welcome the
NFB police when they come around to inspect equipment to see if NFB has been
applied or not.

John Bloward, Australia's Primiserator and his Treasuradda, Peeta Cost-Hello are
about to legistate
against NFB in June just after the budget in May because something must be done
to recoup the costs of the tax cuts promised in the budget, and offset the costs
of losing
dead soldier's bodies who commit suicide in Iraq.

Expect to see plenty of amplifiers left along the curbs on Council clean up day.
There will be a $500 fine for the first 2dB of NFB applied, and $400 for each dB
thereafter with
no exemptions for local NFB or tax rebates or subsidies for positive feedback.

Patrick Turner.
"Patrick Turner" <> wrote in message
: Phil Allison wrote:
: >
: > Turner is a demented, criminal imbecile.
: >
: > ........ Phil
: Nobody will believe you Phil.
: Patrick Turner.
Sorry to correct you Pat but apparently something called an
Andre Jute does and he believes everything Philthy posts.
From AJ's posts today I gather Philthy and he are betrothed

Cheers TT
On Mon, 1 May 2006 21:51:06 +0800, "TT" <>

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"Mark Harrarses"

Ahh yes the Quad ESL63, an oldie but a such goodie!.
An audiophile tale of derring do, action and adventure.
Such technological detective work, such resolve, such
determination to see a harmless hifi retailer receive
his comeuppance and just desserts.

** This story ??

The REAL story:

In August 2003,

I was thinking more along the linse of 'Sucker'!!!.

Only an idiot would pay that much for snake oil..oopps, this is
TT wrote:

"Patrick Turner" <> wrote in message
: Phil Allison wrote:
: > Turner is a demented, criminal imbecile.
: > ........ Phil
: Nobody will believe you Phil.
: Patrick Turner.
Sorry to correct you Pat but apparently something called an
Andre Jute does and he believes everything Philthy posts.
From AJ's posts today I gather Philthy and he are betrothed

Cheers TT
Andre Jute does NOT always agree with Phil's position and nor does he
believe in everything Phil says.

Andre points out the attacks made against Phil which have Phil being
verbally violent
as a response. Unfortunately Phil has some kind of bi-polar disorder
and chucks a hissy fit at the sightest povocation, something so many at
aus-hi-fi fail to ignore appropriately.

Why don't I bother to discuss much at aus.hi-fi?

Ask yourselves, if you are able.

But one reason is that If I stand up and say anything, the shit buckets
start a flying, and frankly
I have not much new to offer anyone at news groups because i have said
it all before over the past 5 years
and I hate repeating myself.
I am revising my website to the benefit of all rather than spending so
muchtime in news groups.
TT, I am wondering what you are doing apart from nit-picking on a news

Phil knows more correct techno stuff than what he might know which may
be incorrect, and what he does know
that is correct is far more than all of the rest of aus.hi-fi
participants all put together.

It is tragically unfortunate that Phil sees fit to be such a completely
bad mannered nutzoid professor that
everyone prefers would just fuck off, and stay fucked off. And anyhow,
any answers anyone may want about
technicals could be had elsewhere from someone else, and given politely,
should anyone wish to seek
such knowledge.

There is nobody who is indispensible to the progress of human
including you, me, and of course Phil.

Patrick Turner.
"roughplanet" <> wrote in
Rubbish. A few of Australia's Ministers of the Crown, including a
Treasurer & Deputy Prime Minister were members of the same
organisation. All ratbags, eh Philthy?
Pretty much so by definition, I'd have said.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
entrails of the last priest." (Diderot, paraphrasing Meslier)
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in
Sander deWaal
Dealers who act like this should be trialed and convicted.
You're showing signs of having watched too much American television
there son. You don't get 'trials' or 'convictions' in the SCT.
** That is quite false.
Hearings in the NSW CTTT ( and similar tribunals ) are quite formal
and have much the same rules as any court.
Misbehaviour in a hearing, failing to appear on summons, giving false
evidence or wilfully failing to comply with an order of the tribunal
are criminal offences carrying large fines and jail terms.
Yes, that's all correct, but they're not courts, they're tribunals.
Pretty much by definition, tribunals operate with relaxed rules
of evidence and relatively relaxed procedures. They don't conduct
'trials' nor 'convict' per-se, they conduct "enquiries", make
"findings" and "orders".

My assertion re "too much American TV" comes from the OP's use
of "trial" and "convict" in context of the tribunal. Those things
don't happen in tribunals, they happen in courts after the
"dealers who act like this" decide that they're above the law
(or get it in their little minds that because the tribunal said
"please" and "reccomend" that tribunals somehow aren't 'law').
*Anyone* who acts like *this* (demonstrates contempt for the
tribunal) deserves to be trialled and convicted... in a court!

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
entrails of the last priest." (Diderot, paraphrasing Meslier)
"Patrick Turner" <> wrote in message
: TT, I am wondering what you are doing apart from
nit-picking on a news
: group?
: Patrick Turner.
Thankyou for asking. I have been helping to establish a
vibrant and healthy forum at to
eliminate all the bad stuff that happens here. I am
actually trying to do something about promoting polite and
technically astute interaction on the web.

Cheers TT
** That is quite false.

Hearings in the NSW CTTT ( and similar tribunals ) are quite formal
and have much the same rules as any court.

Misbehaviour in a hearing, failing to appear on summons, giving false
evidence or wilfully failing to comply with an order of the tribunal
are criminal offences carrying large fines and jail terms.

Yes, that's all correct, but they're not courts, they're tribunals.

** They ARE just like courts.

The only thing ( generally) absent is lawyers.

Pretty much by definition,

** Drivel.

tribunals operate with relaxed rules
of evidence and relatively relaxed procedures.

** You are off the subject and using the logical fallacy of arguing from the
general to the particular.

The CTTT is not like other "tribunals".

Local courts doing "small claims" are not like tribunals at all.

They don't conduct
'trials' nor 'convict' per-se, they conduct "enquiries", make
"findings" and "orders".


The CTTT and local courts do NOT conduct enquiries.

The case is initiated by the applicant who MUST present in a courtroom
situation sufficient evidence to justify the order they want made in their
favour. Then the respondent gets to defend the matter and challenge the
evidence and present evidence of their own. All document or audio/video
evidence to be used in a hearing MUST be supplied to the other party prior
to the day.

Either party can have summons issued (at no cost) for relevant witnesses to
attend and documents to be produced to them prior to the day as well.

Witnesses are required to wait outside the hearing room until needed.

Tampering with a witness would be taken as contempt.

It is all serious stuff which many folk find very intimidating.

My assertion re "too much American TV" comes from the OP's use
of "trial" and "convict" in context of the tribunal.

** A trader in the CTTT or local court is very much on trial, he has to
defend his actions or face the consequences. An order against a trader is
the same as a conviction for breaching the Trade Practices or Fair Trading

Those things
don't happen in tribunals, they happen in courts after the
"dealers who act like this" decide that they're above the law
(or get it in their little minds that because the tribunal said
"please" and "recommend" that tribunals somehow aren't 'law').

** There is no "please"' or " recommend"' about the CTTT or local courts.

YOU are talking straight through your arse.

*Anyone* who acts like *this* (demonstrates contempt for the
tribunal) deserves to be trialled and convicted... in a court!

** And they would be, with the CTTT member giving evidence him or herself
and an audio tape of every word presented.

Local courts can act on contempt matters even faster.

........ Phil
On Tue, 2 May 2006 15:06:57 +0800, "TT"
<> wrote:

"Patrick Turner" <> wrote in message
: Phil Allison wrote:
: > Turner is a demented, criminal imbecile.
: > ........ Phil
: Nobody will believe you Phil.
: Patrick Turner.
Sorry to correct you Pat but apparently something called an
Andre Jute does and he believes everything Philthy posts.
From AJ's posts today I gather Philthy and he are betrothed

Cheers TT
Terry, where are Jute's posts? Apart from the one quoted by Patrick
(which doesn't read like Jute anyway) I can't find them. I smell a rat
GB <> said:

My assertion re "too much American TV" comes from the OP's use
of "trial" and "convict" in context of the tribunal. Those things
don't happen in tribunals, they happen in courts after the
"dealers who act like this" decide that they're above the law
(or get it in their little minds that because the tribunal said
"please" and "reccomend" that tribunals somehow aren't 'law').
*Anyone* who acts like *this* (demonstrates contempt for the
tribunal) deserves to be trialled and convicted... in a court!

Please note that English isn't my first language so I might have used
the wrong terms.

Other than that, I think you understood my point very well.


- Never argue with idiots, they drag you down their level and beat you with experience. -
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

** It's simple - Mr Grease Monkey Arsewipe.

Whenever your brain dead criminal cunt pals publish
malicious lies.

I post the simple truth about them.
Oh gawd here we go again. Can't possibly still be a full moon - can it?

Not an even handed deal, but I do not need to make
anything up.
Err, don't you mean and under handed deal?

So let's look at the lies then?

1) You are from Tasmania - True

** FALSE - you stupid, lying prick.

2) You bought some dodgy ESLs - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

Sold as being " in perfect condition" with a full warranty.
If so, why didn't you claim on the warranty dip shit?
It was you who said they were "dodgy" in the first place.

3) Your spelling and grammar fails when you get mad - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

I get very precise and very pithy.
Hmmm..... now that claim is piss easy to disprove. Google Groups is MY
friend. :p

4) You failed to finish Uni - True

** I simply left.
Doesn't change the fact that you squandered away a scholarship opportunity
and never completed your studies there.

5) There is a cloud over the official reason - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

I have supplied the reasons several times.
Yeah you sure did. You cited "personal reasons", but failed to elaborate on
those when challenged about it.

6) You have something to hide about the incident - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

There was no "incident".
So prove it.

7) Through snippets of information received an educated
guess has been made - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

No "information" has been supplied by any others.
Actually the autistic toaster tech admitted to gathering "information
snippets" from a number of sources.
Pity the silly prick has taken 99% of it out of contect, added 2 and 2 and
come up with 7. :-(
But hey it's a major feat all of its own for Phil.

8) You will not divulge the exact reason - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

Been supplied already.
Yeahm yeah, yeah Phil. Piss on my leg and tell me it's raining......

9) Therefore it must be highly embarrassing to you - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.
However it is a point of contention with you Phil, so TT's conclusion isn't
that far of the mark. :p

10) You have little or no social life - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

I run a home business and deal with scores of different people.
Yeah I could say the same too, but I don't have to add old grannies getting
their toasters and jugs repaired to boost my social circle.

I have many friends of long acquaintance too.
Care to name a few?

11) You are very good at Goggling - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

Just average at the silly thing.
Hmmm..... that's a quote worthy of noting. Mr Perfect actually admits to
mediocraty. :)

12) You feign knowledge quite well - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.

I am very smart.
Err don't you mean smartarse?

Something a brain dead, criminal cunt like YOU can never see.

13) You are a real loser - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.
Hmmm...... let's recap -

1) No friends.
2) In your 50's and still renting a dump of a flat - that's a worry.
3) Failed to finish uni when the opportunity was handed to you on a
silver platter - not only sad but you wasted the opportunity to the
exclusion fo some poor other bugger who would probably made the best of it.
4) Dog in a manger - see 3 above.
5) Bet you have no superannuation either, or if you do it's worthless.
6) Your most expensive asset is junk hi-fi
7) Your whole pathetic life revolves around trolling Usenet looking for
an opportunity vent your anger and frustration.
8) Other than your alleged uni indiscretion, you're a confirmed virgin?

I do not have to tell lies about anyone or anything - like YOU do !!
Oh - pot, kettle, toaster black.....

I am my own person with no-one holding anything over me.
Well Phil, I'll have to hand it to you - you are unique. :p

Puts me WAY ahead of a incorrigible scumbag & liar like YOU.
What, way ahead in the queue for evening the score Phil?
I bet there's a few here who would like to see you face to face.
On the other hand, I'm a bit adverse to pig ugliness.

14) You suffer from mental illness - True

** FALSE - you lying prick.
The problem is Phil, your condition effectively prevents you from you seeing
the real you.

Tencer is a completely pathological LIAR.
Well if TT is a complete pathological liar, what does that make you Phil?

15) You regularly abuse people and suggest tragic events
should happen to them - True

** Never - you lying prick.
How a short and selective memory you have Phil.
Oh yeah, Google Groups you are my friend. :)

Anonymous scumbags posting criminal crap and threats on usenet are not

Tencer has posted many such CRIMINAL THREATS.
Pot kettle toaster black....

Tencer is a lying, criminal psychopath.

A completely evil cunt.

....... Phil
Sander deWaal <> wrote in
Please note that English isn't my first language so I might have used
the wrong terms.
No worries, sorry 'bout that.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
entrails of the last priest." (Diderot, paraphrasing Meslier)
"Alan Rutlidge"
There was no "incident".

** But here is an INCIDENT of a criminal nature the

Rutmaniac Arse Bandit cannot even begin to explain:

This exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia "
from October 11, 1997.


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

Thailand used to be a nice place to visit. Friendly people, interesting
cultures, magnificent sceneery. But now it seems to be seedier than
ever even in the out of the way places like the beautiful island of
Koh Samui. I recently returned from there a couple of months ago to find
myself the victim of a very elabourate con.

Two bad experiences with Thais has left me a bit cold on the country and
considering the smog problem, rumour of raised airport taxes etc. I would
find it hard to find anything attractive about visiting there in the near
future. Everywhere you go in the world there is always the possibility
of being ripped off but some of the locals are really capitalizing on it.

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
after he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

And why ???

Did young " Phouc Yu " really fuck you over?

....... Phil
"Alan Rutlidge" <don'> wrote
in message

Just thought I would pick on this easy one ;-)

15) You regularly abuse people and suggest tragic
should happen to them - True

** Never - you lying prick.

How a short and selective memory you have Phil.
Oh yeah, Google Groups you are my friend. :)

Does this Qualify as proving my point? Phil telling someone
to "get cancer and die". So this must be never eh?

So proving Philthy is a liar (again) is just not sport
anymore :-(

Cheers TT

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