Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Peter Hucker" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:25:05 -0000, flipper <> wrote:

DOS simply loads TSRs, it doesn't 'manage' them.

Then what gives each program time on the CPU?
They hook interrupts, and after the interrupt handler in the TSR is finished
it passes control back to whatever had the interrupt before, which could be
another TSR that loaded first.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
ian field wrote:
"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message

"Eeyore" <> wrote in message

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

I had a grumble at a manager at the local supermarket as to why they
never seem
to have 1/2 size baguettes any more. Apparently there's a shortage of
! So he says. I guess school taught them all to be environmentalists,
and safety workers, estate agents (realtors), rock stars and so on.


My local Co-op store sells half baguettes from the "French Cuisine" (or
some such - can't quite remember now ...) range. My wife also sells many
half baguettes every day in the cafe she owns. Readily available from both
one of her suppliers, and the cash and carry warehouse she uses. None of
those sources seem to have any trouble supplying, so presumably, aren't
short of bakers !


PHucker is better at cooking up fantasies.

What else would you expect from someone who lives in a fantasy world?

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !
We don't use out of date DOS crap.


Confuscious say: "Man who sit on tack get point!"
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.
I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?


Paper clips are the larval stage of coat hangers.
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
Peter Hucker <> wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?
Because it's usually quicker & easier than a GUI. Firefox, for
example, annoys me greatly with its helper application dialog. It
requires you to browse for the helper program, starting in my $HOME
directory. By the time I've clicked and paged and generally screwed
around with the stupid GUI, I could have easily typed in, say
/bin/vim. Or even done a find ... in another window and copied and
pasted the path in.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?
What is the alternative?


There was an old professor who started every class with a vulgar joke. After one particularly nasty example, the women in the class decided to walk out the next time he started.
The professor got wind of this plot, so the next morning he walked in and said, "Good morning, class. Did you hear the one about the shortage of whores in India?"
With that, all the women stood up and headed for the door.
"Wait ladies!" cried the professor. "The boat doesn't leave until tomorrow!"
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:08:36 -0000, Jerry Peters <jerry@example.invalid> wrote:

Peter Hucker <> wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Because it's usually quicker & easier than a GUI. Firefox, for
example, annoys me greatly with its helper application dialog. It
requires you to browse for the helper program, starting in my $HOME
directory. By the time I've clicked and paged and generally screwed
around with the stupid GUI, I could have easily typed in, say
/bin/vim. Or even done a find ... in another window and copied and
pasted the path in.
Depends on how fast you are at typing, and how fast at clicking.


Scots are tightwads who are saving up to become Jewish.
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

What is the alternative?

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:57:10 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <>

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:25:05 -0000, flipper <> wrote:

On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 18:47:00 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <

On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 07:48:42 -0000, flipper <> wrote:

On Mon, 8 Dec 2008 19:34:45 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"> wrote:

"flipper" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:02:25 +0000, Eeyore> wrote:

Well..... I never recall DOS crashing !

There's a good reason for that. DOS doesn't 'do' much of anything.

Oh, I remember it crashing and freezing, but it was always because of the
app, not the OS.

As you just said, you remember the *app* crashing and freezing.

DOS was (is) basically a program loader and control of the machine
goes to the app so unless, in it's brain dead stupor as it crashes, it
hands control back to the CLI then that's all she wrote.

What about managing TSRs?

DOS simply loads TSRs, it doesn't 'manage' them.

Then what gives each program time on the CPU?
Not DOS. It's basically a program loader... plus some rudimentary
drivers and file system handling.

In original form there's only 'one program' so the job of giving "each
program time" is trivial. The one program gets it... all of it...
minus driver interrupt handing

The ability to have "more than one program" was, in fact, the purpose
of some TSRs and *they* did the 'handling' because DOS had none. But
you couldn't run just 'anything' with them. They allowed you to
'popup' some of their utilities (programs) without having to exit the
'main' program you were using with one example being "sidekick," which
had it's own notepad, calculator, calendar, and dialer 'programs'
built in. Only one was 'running' at any time, though,

The other approach was program 'suites' (MS Works being an example)
and, in that case, the 'suite' handled it's own resources. But as far
as DOS was concerned it was one program.

TSR's could be problematic because there was no 'standard', per see,
so they could, and sometimes did, interfere with each other.

Windows (1, 2, 3) 3.1 was a sort of 'big TSR' and you got 'windows'
by executing win.exe. Or you could put it in autoexec.bat to start it
up automatically.

The screen shot is of someone with a super duper system for it to be
equipped with a gargantuan 500Meg hard drive. Maybe even a 66Mhz
486DX2 and a Meg of RAM. WOW!

'Exit" windows and you went back to the DOS prompt.
*Maassamme ydinalalla on tuskin mitään niin tarkoin TABU:na pirettyä
systeemiä, kuin mahdollisuus neutraloida edes osin maailman vaarallisimpia
ihmiskunnan ydinjätemoskiaan ydinvoimalasaasteista. Päivän selvää on, että
tämä olisi mahdollista, koska sotilassektorilla systeemiä on pyöritetty
vuosikymmenet. Mutta siviilisektorilla ydinmoskiinsa hukkuva ydintehtailumme
ei suin surmin halua tutustua realiteetteihin, koska periaate "likaaja
maksakoon pahuutensa" panisi ydinteollisuuden vastaamaan ihan OIKEASTI
ydinrikoksistaan ihmiskuntaamme vastaan! Siksi ydinhallintomme ei edes
maksata TVO/Posiva,Fortumeiltamme rahaa asiallisempaan
ydinjätevarastointitekniikan kehittelyyn. Vaikka syytä enemmän kuin olisi!
Kyse on siis siitä, että täysin toimimaton "suolapintasuolammikkoviskonta on
olevinaan halvempaa!" ja todellisuudessa kaikki ydinjäte muutaman sentin
näennäissäästämiseksi pannaan suolavesiallikkoihinsa höyrystymään surutta
lastenlapsiemme tuhoamiseksi!

* Mitään edes alkeismoraalia ei tässä ydinröyhkeydessä voi sivistyskansa
nähdä toki. Yhtä kaikki asiasta on toki pidetty myös tutkimuksia. Mutta
koska transmutaatio ON realistinen maailmanlaajuinen mahdollisuus jo nyt
saati tulevaisuudessa, mutta pikkasen maksaa. Ennenkaikkea, koska
ydinhallinnostamme miljoonien hengenvaaraan asettaminen on..niin "hauskaa"?
Mitä ilmeisemmin vallankäytön, valtiydinterrorin työväline painetaan KAIKKI
myös tämän aiheen esittelykanavat hiljaiseksi. Siksi päätin, että nimenoman
minun tehtävänäni on ydinalanalan huippuosaajana maamme ensimmäisenä raottaa
tämän realiteetin muotoja vuosikymmenten 100% valtiotiedotuspimennostaan.
Tulevaisuuden ydirikoksen Nyyrbergin oikeudenkäynnissä nämä artikkelien
esilläolot tulevat toki lisäämään rajusti syyllistämisnäytöllään
vastuulliset ydinökymme ydinvaltiorikostemme tekijöiden paineita! Pidemmittä
puheitta valtion huippusalattua aiheeseen liittyvää materiaalia siis vihdoin
ja viimein myös TIETOISUUTEEN ja PALJON!:
Transmutaatiolaitteisto on eräs tärkeimmistä tulevaisuuden käytetyn
ydinpolttoaineen jälleenkäsittelyosasista! Laitteella saadaan tuntien
säteilyttämiskäsittelyllä pudotettua hengenvaarallisten käytettyjen
polttoainetankojen säteilytasoa 1000 osaan. Aiheesta löytyy loistava
artikkeli. Jokin aika sitten esim. Tieteen Kuvalehti käsitteli tätä pitkälle
kehitettyä innovaatiota ansiokkaasti.

Idean alkutaipaleet sijoittuvat Cernin hiukkaskiihdytinkokeiluissa
saatuihin tuloksiin. Tarkoitukseen tarvitaan järeä hiukkaskiihdytinyksikkö.
Perusajatuksena on hiukkaspommittaa, (ydinvoimapiireissä niin pidetty teema
tuo viimeinen), mutta asiaan. Testeissä on voitu havaita, että
kiihdyttimestä tulevat partikkelihiukkaset poistivat fissioprosesseissa
virittyneiden atomiytimien viritystiloja tramaattisesti. Ehkä yksi hyvä
vertaus tilanteelle olisi seuraava: Ydinreaktorissa oleva polttoaine on
"ikään kuin" kaupunki joka joutuu sotapommituksissa rauniotilaan. Tällöin
osittain sortunut talokanta sisältää runsaasti potentiaalista satunnaisesti
purkautuvaa "gravitaatioenergiaa" joka romahtaessaan ohikulkijoiden päälle
säteilee satunnaista gravitaatioenergiaansa vaarallisen paljon
ympäristöönsä. Nyt siis hiukkaskiihdyttimellä "murskataan" lisäpommittamalla
muodostuneet romahtamisvaaralliset rauniot. Tällöin siis rauniot jyrätään
"turvalliseksi ihmisille" alueella liikkumiseen.

No, miksi sitten ei voitaisi kuljettaa polttoainetankoja jo
olemassaoloevien hiukkaskiihdyttimien luo saamaan käsittelyä? Kimurantiksi
tilanteen tekee, kun muistetaan Euroopan laajuinen massiivinen vastustus
tämän käytetyn uraanin edustamaa supermyrkyn kuljettamisesta
surullisenkuuluisaan eurooppalaiseen hyötöreaktoriin. Tämän opettamana se
vaihtoehto onkin koettu riskialttiiksi. Ehkei näillä turvattomilla aineilla
kannata vaarantaa kokonaisten valtioiden olemassaoloa. Muuten, kuin
ydinvoimaloita tehtailemalla tietenkin.

Jos jo aineen kuljetus koetaan ongelmalliseksi, on nostettu esille ajatus
että halvempi vaihtoehto olisi kehittää liikuteltava laitteisto. On
laskettu, että jopa yksi eurooppalainen yksikkö voisi käsitellä koko
maanosassa muodostuneen ydinpolttoainekertymän. Näin laitehankinta tulisi
maakohtaisesti täysin realistiselle tasolle, jotenka hintakaan ei ole
ydinvoimapiireille ylittämätön. Jonkinverran ongelmia on tuottanut tämän
pienehkön laitteen tehon saaminen riittäväksi. Mutta suuremmissa kiinteissä
hiukkaskiihdyttimissä on jo nyt saatu riittäviä tehoja. Tämä ei ole ongelman

Miksi sitten suomalaisessa ydinvoimakeskustelussa järjestelmällisesti tämä
toimiva tulevaisuuden tekniikka halutaan jääräpäisesti torjua? Miksi TVO/
Posiva konsortio, piittaamatta kiistattomista laitteen tuomista eduista,
haluaakin pikaisesti haudata jätteensä tulevan laitteiston
saavuttamattomiin. Toisihan ydinjätelakiin aiheesta lisätty
transmutaatiokäsittely kiistatta lisähintaa konsortion ennestäänkin kalliin
omakustanteisen ydinsähkön hinnan päälle. Julkisuuteen tulisi ihmisille
selvemmin esille, että kuinka vaarallista ja epävakaata peliä yhtiö pelaa
torjuessaan tämänkin loistavan idean.

Sitten vielä, TVO/Posiva konsortion tarkoituksena oli jo
loppusijoitusluolaston paikkaa kartoittaessaan seuraava. Aikoinaan geologit
ilmoittivat Olkiluodon kallioperän niin huonoksi luolaston sijoituspaikaksi,
ettei sitä rankattu edes 100 parhaimman suomalaisen loppusijoituspaikan
joukkoon. Koskapa se sijaitsee oseaanisen laattatektoniikan
törmäyspisteessä. Jossa Atlantin selänne luo kasvavaa puristusta yhä. Koska
tämä valtamerellinen sedimenttimurskevyöhyke luo loppusijoituspaikalle
kenties suomen huonoimmat ja epävakaimmat säilytysolosuhteet.

Miksi sitten TVO/Posiva konsortion kovassa painostuksessa Olkiluoto otettiin
väkisin 101 vaihtoehtona mukaan? Koska alueella oleva luonnonmerisatama luo
loistavat mahdollisuudet tuoda maailmalta huomaamatta ainokaiseen
ydinjätevarastoon vaivatta kovalla valuutalla käytettyä ydinmateriaalia.
(Asiaa muuten TVO on varkain , tarkoin piilossa julkisuudesta aktiivisesti
kysellyt jo 5 vuoden ajan mm. Ruotsin kautta maailmalta Suomeen
kuljetettavista ydinjätteistä mm. Olkiluodon satamaa hyödyntäen! Sain
ennakkotietooni vahvistuksen "sisäpiireistä" mm. 2008!) Tämän
transmutaatiolaitteen mukanaan tuoman helpotuksen takia saattaisikin tämän
loistavan ydinmonopolibisneksen perusteet murtua. Koska vähemmin säteilevää
polttoainetta voisi jokin "kilpaileva" taho myös varastoida muualle ja vielä
Posivalaista vaihtoehtoa turvallisemminkin. Silloinhan selviäisi myös, että
kuinka kehnosti Posivalainen loppusijoitusluolahahmotelma on suunniteltu,
verrattuna "oikeampaan" vaihtoehtoon. Silloin loppusijoitusbisneksen
hintataso luonnollisesti laskisi ja TVO/Posiva konsortio ei saisi kaikkia
haikailemiaan rahoja.
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:53:20 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

What is the alternative?

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.
You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown to be wrong.


Which sexual position produces the ugliest children?
Ask your mum.
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:53:20 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

What is the alternative?

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown to be wrong.

In that case you would be drooling and smashing your computer,
wouldn't you? Once again, you've proved yourself to be an idiot.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 23:27:48 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:53:20 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

What is the alternative?

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown to be wrong.

In that case you would be drooling and smashing your computer,
wouldn't you?
Cut the "I know you are" bullshit. You sound like a 6 year old, or Ian Field, whichever is closest to hand.

Once again, you've proved yourself to be an idiot.
No such thing has been proved.


15 Easy Steps to Poo like a Man:
1. Select reading material (can be anything except a porn-mag; tried by every man once, but never repeated -  see step 4).
2. Tell everyone along the way, "Just going for a dump, okay?" Always tell girlfriend/wife, especially when she has visitors.
3. Pull pants and trousers around ankles, then sit down.
4 Adjust penis and testicles to hang comfortably without touching the toilet rim.
5. Open reading material and relax.
6. Whilst waiting, it is traditional to audibly fart.
7. Sigh loudly as the first one bullets out. It is quite normal to experience a cold jet of water rocket up your anus as a result of the first bomb. This is to be endured if you want to be a real man.
8. Remain sitting and reading until pins-and-needles set in to your legs and buttocks.
9. Rise and look at the poo. Make mental notes of any irregularities to report to friends and girlfriend/wife, e.g. colour, consistency, any visible traces of peanuts, etc. You must tell people about it.
10. Take long length of paper and wipe anus. You must  look at the paper before throwing it into the pan.
11. Repeat step 10 until there is no longer any evidence of faeces on the paper.
12. Flush. If there is any residue left on the pan, under no circumstances attempt to clean it off. In due course, it will come away by itself. Or, when your girlfriend/wife next uses the loo.
13. Leave the seat up. Leave the reading material on the floor (you can use it again later).
14. Wash your hands once.
15. Vacate the bathroom, leaving the door open. It is important to a man's self-esteem that other people smell his produce.
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 23:27:48 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:53:20 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:33:57 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:09:25 -0000, Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.

I guess that a CLI is to complicated for you to use.

I use it on occasion as required. But why use it when you don't have to?

Why post to usenet when you don't have to?

What is the alternative?

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown to be wrong.

In that case you would be drooling and smashing your computer,
wouldn't you?

Cut the "I know you are" bullshit. You sound like a 6 year old, or Ian Field, whichever is closest to hand.

Once again, you've proved yourself to be an idiot.

No such thing has been proved.

Nothing can be proved to a mule, or an idiot.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 18:14:15 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <>

On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 01:31:38 -0000, flipper <> wrote:

On Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:07:18 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <

On Sun, 07 Dec 2008 01:55:11 -0000, flipper <> wrote:

On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:18:59 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:53:15 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

Peter Hucker wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
Meee wrote:

I was wondering why vertical mounting electrolytics have like an
indented cross on them.

To release the pressure and gunk under fault conditions (or bad

The reason I ask is because there's 4 largeish
one around my CPU on the motherboard and they have all split open,
along the indentations.

Oh dear.

A: How old is it ? (from date of manufacture)

B: Can you read what brands they are ?

C: Has your PC sharted behaving strangely yet ?

D: What brand mobo is it ?

E: Replace ASAP with well-known brand, low ESR (switching) types.


You will find a lot of info here.

Nice quip from the above

" From so many users, ranging from large corporate networks all the way
to the home user, the number one reason people give for wanting to
repair their hardware is they want to avoid a new system and the
disaster known as Windows Vista!

On a humorous note regarding Vista, I spoke to an IT guy who manages a
small business network for an insurance company (maintains a 100
terminal network), and had a bunch of failing Dell SX280's, which I
repaired. One branch had the brilliant idea to "upgrade" to Vista
systems, and his job was to make them all play nice with each other.
This gentleman was probably the most professional, polite, and courteous
clients I've ever spoken with on the phone, until we got onto the
subject of Vista....then the four-letter words started flowing
freely... In the end, he wiped all the Vista machines, and upgraded
them back to XP Pro."

Maybe he is ioncompetant. I have zero problems with Vista.

Aside from the fact it runs slower than XP on the same hardware

You're not supposed to put newer software on old equipment. Memory is cheap, just add some.

That might have some validity if there was anything useful added.

But needing twice the memory to run the same thing as before isn't any
'better' than needing twice the processor for the same performance.

It's not the same thing at all.
I was being generous but you're right. It's slower even with twice the

So much for Microsoft's marketing strategy of selling upgrade
versions, eh?

I didn't write that clearly. It's fine to put a new OS on old equipment, just upgrade it a little. Memory is cheap and is the main factor preventing a newer OS from functioning well.

Under your theory, what is the point of buying faster hardware to run
slower software so you end up where you started?

You don't end up where you started, you get more features

You mean 'features' like having to tell it twice over that, yes, you
really do want to run the program you already asked it to run?

I switched that off. Yes it was a silly idea, presumably intended to cover up some security problems.
You have to guess/presume?

Or the
'productivity feature' of being able to make a video your background
instead of suffering with it in a window?

Never tried it.
Good choice. No reason to make it slower than it already is.

And of course, the biggie: transparent window borders. That one is so
useful I now print documents on special paper with cellophane around
the edges.

That is very useful. I don't have to peak under things to see stuff underneath.
What a joke.

Besides not being able to read anything through the 'transparent blur'
even if you could the odds that something 'useful' would, by
happenstance, be in just the right spot under the border makes it

and less bugs.


How can you tell with half your software gone because it's

I lost zero software. Including some dodgy stuff I though M$ would prevent operating like CloneDVD.
Glad to hear it but unless you imagine they made Vista for just you
then your fortunate luck doesn't mean anything.
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 19:27:25 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <>

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:16:36 -0000, Eeyore <> wrote:

ian field wrote:

PHucker claims to be the tech support in a computer firm yet doesn't know
about something as simple and basic as a TSR!

You just can't get the staff these days !

We don't use out of date DOS crap.
You probably do. You just don't know it.

"Peter Hucker" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:53:20 -0000, Michael A. Terrell> wrote:

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown
to be wrong.
Actually the sigs are stupid. I hadn't read them until he mentioned it, but
they are very, very stupid.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
Tom Del Rosso wrote:

"Peter Hucker" <> wrote
Michael A. Terrell <> wrote:

Keeping your ignorance, and stupid sig files to yourself.

You seem a little upset. People only get upset when they are shown
to be wrong.

Actually the sigs are stupid. I hadn't read them until he mentioned it, but
they are very, very stupid.
Really, I rather like them.


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